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UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Pemanfaatan Limbah Ampas Tahu Dalam Ransum Broiler Sebagai Upaya Minimisasi Limbah

Aldiasman; Piliang, Wiranda G., supervisor ([Publisher not identified] , 1996)


Limbah pabrik tahu yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah limbah padat ampas tahu. Sebagai upaya minimisasi limbah pabrik tahu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh limbah ampas tahu dapat dimanfaatkan dalam ransum broiler, dan pengaruhnya terhadap pertambahan berat badan, konsumsi ransum, konversi ransum, mortalitas, Income Over Feed and Chick Cost (IOFCC), dan efisiensi ekonomi ransum perlakuan. Limbah ampas tahu yang digunakan sebagai campuran pakan lain untuk menyusun ransum diperoleh dari salah satu pabrik tahu di Bogor.
Seratus duapuluh ekor DOC broiler strain Shaver Starbro produksi PT. Cargill Indonesia, digunakan sebagai materi penelitian. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan empat ransum perlakuan. Setiap perlakuan mendapat tiga ulangan masing-masing menggunakan sepuluh ekor.
Ransum perlakuan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu RO sebagai ransum kontrol, tanpa menggunakan limbah ampas tahu; R1 ransum dengan pemanfaatan 15 % limbah ampas tahu; R2 ransum dengan pemanfaatan 20 % limbah ampas tahu; dan R3 ransum dengan pemanfaatan 25 % limbah ampas tahu.
Parameter yang diamati adalah pertambahan berat badan, konsumsi ransum, konversi ransum, dan berat badan akhir broiler.'Pengamatan juga dilakukan terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya kelainan-kelainan pada broiler dan tingkat mortalitas serta upaya-upaya yang dilakukan oleh pengusaha pabrik tahu dalam pengelolaan limbah.
Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa taraf pemanfaatan limbah ampas tahu dalam ransum sampai 20 % (R2) tidak nyata mempengaruhi pertambahan berat badan, konsumsi ransum, dan konversi ransum. Ransum ini merupakan ransum yang paling efisien dibandingkan dengan ransum perlakuan lainnya. ICFCC tertinggi diperoleh dari ransum kontrol tetapi tidak efisien, karena harga ransum yang terlalu tinggi.
Dari pengamatan lapangan diketahui bahwa pengelolaan limbah ampas tahu tidak dilakukan dan ditangani sebagaimana mestinya. Sebagai industri kecil yang bersifat industri rumah tangga dengan modal relatif terbatas, pengetahuan mereka dalam pengelolaan limbah juga sangat terbatas.
oleh sebab itu, pemanfaatan limbah ampas tahu dalam ransum broiler merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk meminimisasi limbah dan dapat membantu peternak broiler dalam menekan biaya produksi, sehingga efisiensi produksi meningkat yang berarti meningkatkan pendapatan peternak. Akhirnya, limbah padat ampas tahu dapat dimanfaatkan secara keseluruhan oleh peternak, khususnya peternak broiler dan dengan demikian membantu upaya minimisasi limbah pabrik tahu.
Daftar Kepustakaan: 55 (1955 - 1994).

The Use of Soybean Curd by Product in Broilers' Diet to Minimize Waste Problems.The soybean cured by product used in this experiment was the solid soybean cured by product. In order to minimize the soybean curd industry wastes, a study was designed to obtain the optimum level of the soybean curd waste that could be utilized in broilers' diet, and its effect on the body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion, mortality, Income Over Feed and Chick Cost (IOFCC) , and the economical efficiency of the treatment diets. The soybean curd waste used in the diet was obtained; from one of the soybean curd factories in Bogor.
One hundred twenty day-old chicks, Shaver Starbro strain produced by PT. Cargill Indonesia, were used in this study. The experimental design was a Completely

study. The experimental design was a Completely Randomized Design with four treatment diets. Each treatment consisted of three replicates with ten chicks in each replicate.
The treatment diets used in this experiment were RO a control diet with no soybean curd waste; R1 a diet containing 15 % soybean curd waste; R2 a diet containing 20 % soybean curd waste; and R3 a diet containing 25 % soybean curd waste.
The parameters measured were body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion, and the final body weight of the broilers. Growth abnormalities, rate of mortality as well as the entrepreneurs' effort to overcome the soybean curd's wastes were also observed.
The results of this study showed that utilizing soybean curd waste in the diet up to 20 % (R2) did not significantly influence the body weight gain, feed consumption, as well as feed conversion. This diet was found to be the most efficient diet of all diets given in the treatment. The highest IOFCC was obtained from the control diet but this control diet was found to be inefficient, due to the high cost of the diet.
From the observations in the field it was found that the soybean curd wastes were not handled and treated scale-industries, mostly home industries with relatively small capitals, their knowledge in handling and treating the wastes were also limited.
It was therefore, the inclusion of soybean curd wastes in broilers' diet was apparently an alternative way to minimize the waste problem as this waste could help the broilers' farmers to lower the cost of production and therefore increase the production efficiency and eventually improve the farmers' income. Ultimately, the solid soybean cured by product could all be utilized by farmers particularly the broilers' farmers and therefore helped to minimize the wastes problems from the soybean cured home industries.
Total of References: 55 (1955 - 1994).

The Use of Soybean Curd by Product in Broilers' Diet to Minimize Waste Problems.The soybean cured by product used in this experiment was the solid soybean cured by product. In order to minimize the soybean curd industry wastes, a study was designed to obtain the optimum level of the soybean curd waste that could be utilized in broilers' diet, and its effect on the body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion, mortality, Income Over Feed and Chick Cost (IOFCC) , and the economical efficiency of the treatment diets. The soybean curd waste used in the diet was obtained; from one of the soybean curd factories in Bogor.
One hundred twenty day-old chicks, Shaver Starbro strain produced by PT. Cargill Indonesia, were used in this study. The experimental design was a Completely study. The experimental design was a Completely Randomized Design with four treatment diets. Each treatment consisted of three replicates with ten chicks in each replicate.
The treatment diets used in this experiment were RO a control diet with no soybean curd waste; R1 a diet containing 15 % soybean curd waste; R2 a diet containing 20 % soybean curd waste; and R3 a diet containing 25 % soybean curd waste.
The parameters measured were body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion, and the final body weight of the broilers. Growth abnormalities, rate of mortality as well as the entrepreneurs' effort to overcome the soybean curd's wastes were also observed.
The results of this study showed that utilizing soybean curd waste in the diet up to 20 % (R2) did not significantly influence the body weight gain, feed consumption, as well as feed conversion. This diet was found to be the most efficient diet of all diets given in the treatment. The highest IOFCC was obtained from the control diet but this control diet was found to be inefficient, due to the high cost of the diet.
From the observations in the field it was found that the soybean curd wastes were not handled and treated scale-industries, mostly home industries with relatively small capitals, their knowledge in handling and treating the wastes were also limited.
It was therefore, the inclusion of soybean curd wastes in broilers' diet was apparently an alternative way to minimize the waste problem as this waste could help the broilers' farmers to lower the cost of production and therefore increase the production efficiency and eventually improve the farmers' income. Ultimately, the solid soybean cured by product could all be utilized by farmers particularly the broilers' farmers and therefore helped to minimize the wastes problems from the soybean cured home industries.
Total of References: 55 (1955 - 1994).

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T-Pdf
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 1996
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xvii, 72 pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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T-Pdf 15-17-719346575 TERSEDIA
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