Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap khamir Trichosporon sporotrichoides UICC Y-286 yang menunjukkan aktivitas CMCase tertinggi paJa pengujian menggunakan metode Teaiher dan Wood. Kurva produksi CMCase menghasilkan enzim optimum pada jam ke 12 setelah inokulasi. Penggunaan carboxymethyl cellulose sebagai sumber karbon, enzim CMCase dihasilkan optium pada konsentrasi 0, 2 dan 0,4%. Sumber nitrogen berupa ammonium sulfal enzim dihasilkan optimum pada 0,3% dan sumber fosfat berupa kalium dihidrogen fosfal 0,1% memberikan hasil enzim optimum. Optimum pH dan suhu aktivitas CMCase adalah 3,5 dan 45°C dan pH 7pada37°C.
Yeast Trichosporon sporotrichoides UICC Y-286 has the highest CMCase activity after being screened using Teather & Wood method. The optimum yield of CMCase was reached at 12 hours after cultivation. The production of CMCase was optimum at 0-2 % and 0.4 % (w/v) concentration using carboxymeihyl cellulose as carbon source. The optimum production of CMCase at 0.3 % (w/v) concentration using ammonium sulfate as a nitrogen source, and at 0.1 % (w/v) concentration using kalium dihydrogen phosphate as a phosphorus source. The optimum pH and temperature for CMCase activity were 3.5 at 45"; and pH 7.0 at 37° C.