Sikap terhadap aktivitas seksual online dan perceived peer norms memiliki beberapa dampak dalam kehidupan seksual, seperti keterlibatan seseorang dalam perilaku seksual berisiko. Sikap seseorang terhadap aktivitas seksual online ditemukan memiliki hubungan dengan aktivitas seksual online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh perceived peer norms sebagai moderator terhadap hubungan sikap terhadap OSA dengan aktivitas seksual online pada emerging adulthood di Indonesia. Partisipan penelitian ini berjumlah 462 dengan karakteristik berusia 18-25 tahun dan aktif menggunakan internet dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah The Attitude Towards Online Sexual Activity Scale untuk mengukur sikap terhadap OSA, Online Sexual Activities Questions untuk mengukur Online Sexual Activity (OSA) dan perceived peer norms scale untuk mengukur perceived peer norms. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Hayes Macro Process. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sikap terhadap OSA memiliki hubungan positif yang signifikan dengan OSA (β=.1884, t(462)=4.5161, p<.05). Selain itu, variabel lain yang memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan OSA adalah jenis kelamin dan orientasi seksual. Meskipun demikian, perceived peer norms tidak memoderatori hubungan sikap terhadap OSA dengan OSA (β=-.0023, t(462)=-1.5836, p>.05). Terdapat beberapa kemungkinan yang dapat menyebabkan penelitian ini gagal menolak hipotesis null, seperti keterlibatan OSA partisipan yang kurang merata serta persentase jenis kelamin dan orientasi seksual yang cukup berbeda, serta terdapat kemungkinan perceived peer norms sebagai independen variabel.
Attitudes towards online sexual activity and perceived peer norms has several impacts on sexual life, such as involvement in OSA and risky sexual behavior. A person's attitude towards online sexual activity was found to have a correlation with online sexual activity.This study aims to examine the effect of perceived peer norms as a moderator on the relationship between Attitude Towards OSA and online sexual activity in Indonesian emerging adults. This study was conducted on 462 participants with individual characteristics in the period 18-25 years and actively using the internet from various regions in Indonesia. The measurement tools used for this study were The Attitude Towards Online Sexual Activity Scale to measure the variable of Attitude Towards OSA, Online Sexual Activities Questions to measure the variable Online Sexual Activity and perceived peer norms scale to measure the variable of perceived peer norms. Data is analyzed using Hayes Macro Process. Results showed there was a significant positive correlation between Attitude Towards OSA and OSA (β=.1884, t(462)=4.5161, p<.05). In addition, other variables that have a significant relationship with OSA are gender and sexual orientation. Perceived peer norms did not significantly moderate the relationship between Attitude Towards OSA and OSA (β=-.0023, t(462)=-1.5836, p>.05). There were several reasons which could cause this study failed to reject the null hypothesis, such as the uneven involvement of the participant OSA and the quite different percentages of the participants' gender and sexual orientation, as well as there is a possibility of perceived peer norms as independent variables.