Banyaknya hewan terlantar menjadi masalah bagi manusia, lingkungan, dan hewan terlantar itu sendiri. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi jumlah hewan terlantar adalah dengan mengadopsi dan memeliharanya. Selain dapat mengurangi hewan terlantar, mengadopsi dan memelihara hewan memiliki dampak positif bagi kesehatan mental dan fisik manusia. Saat ini, proses adopsi hewan yang umum dilakukan masih menggunakan cara konvensional dengan langsung datang ke shelter atau mengadopsi dari kenalan. Adanya aplikasi adopsi hewan diharapkan dapat membantu mempermudah proses adopsi dan membuat adopsi hewan lebih dikenal oleh berbagai kalangan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rancangan desain aplikasi adopsi hewan yang memiliki fitur edukasi pemeliharaan hewan dan dirancang menggunakan pendekatan user-centered design. Dihasilkan 17 fitur pokok yang dirancang berdasarkan riset kebutuhan pengguna hasil analisis survei dan wawancara. Rancangan desain dievaluasi melalui usability testing, hasilnya mayoritas task mendapat success rate sebesar 100%, namun yang terkecil bernilai 33,3%. Sementara itu, rata-rata nilai System Usability Scale untuk semua partisipan adalah 78,3 atau grade B+. Dari hasil evaluasi, sebanyak 38 saran perbaikan diterima dan diterapkan pada desain.
Large number of abandoned pets is a problem for humans, environment, and the abandoned pets themselves. One way to decrease the number is to adopt and pet them. Aside from being able to decrease abandoned pets, adopting and having animal as a pet also has positive impacts on human’s mental and physical health. Nowadays, the usual process of adopting pets is still using conventional methods by directly coming to the shelter or adopting from acquaintances. The presence of pet adoption application is expected to help facilitate the adoption process and make pet adoption more known by various groups of people. This research resulted an application design for animal adoption with additional features for pet care education. Application is designed using user-centered design approach. There are 17 main features designed based on user needs research from survey and interviews. The resulting design is then evaluated through usability testing, which obtains a success rate of 100% for most tasks, although the lowest rate obtains 33.3%. Meanwhile, the average value of the System Usability Scale for all participants is 78.3, or a grade of B+. From the evaluation results, 38 suggestions for design improvement were accepted and applied to the design.