Berdasarkan Advertising Value Model yang dicetuskan Ducoffe (1995), penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan konstruk tambahan (Credibility, Fantasy dan Visual Appeal) sebagai anteseden penting terhadap Advertising Value dari vlog yang dirasakan audiens. Penelitian ini juga mengkaji efek mediasi Place Attachment antara Advertising Value dan Destination Visit Intention. Sebanyak 219 kuesioner secara online dikumpulkan, dengan sampel valid yang terdiri dari responden yang berusia 17-44 tahun, pernah menonton travel vlogs mengenai destinasi wisata Jepang, dan belum pernah ke Jepang. Hasil empiris dengan menggunakan pendekatan Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) menunjukkan bahwa Informativeness, Entertainment dan Credibility berpengaruh positif dan signifikan, sedangkan Irritation berdampak negatif terhadap Advertising Value. Penelitian ini juga mendukung pengaruh positif Advertising Value dari travel vlogs terhadap Destination Visit Intention dan efek mediasi Place Attachment.
Based on the Advertising Value Model initiated by Ducoffe (1995), this study aims to integrate additional constructs (Credibility, Fantasy and Visual Appeal) as important antecedents of the Advertising Value of vlogs that are perceived by the audience. This study also examines the mediating effect of Place Attachment between Advertising Value and Destination Visit Intention. A total of 219 online questionnaires were collected, with a valid sample consisting of respondents aged 17-44 years, who had watched travel vlogs about Japanese tourist destinations, and had never been to Japan. Empirical results using the Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach show that Informativeness, Entertainment and Credibility have a positive and significant effect, while Irritation has a negative impact on Advertising Value. This study also supports the positive influence of Advertising Value from travel vlogs on Destination Visit Intention and the mediating effect of Place Attachment.