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Dry washing dengan metode adsorpsi kontinu digunakan untuk membersihkan kontaminan berupa gliserol menggunakan adsorben berupa silika dan resin anion untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi adsorpsi dari adsorben. Faktor yang mempengaruhi adsorbansi seperti komposisi adsorben telah diuji pada kondisi kontinu dari adsorpsi, suhu dan tekanan ruang, serta rasio antara adsorben dan minyak sebesar 1:3. Hasil pengurangan kadar gliserol terbesar terjadi pada adsorben silika dan rasio 2 : 1 (silika : anion), di mana ke-enam titik sampel berada di bawah batas maksimal kadar gliserol dalam biodiesel, yaitu >0.25%. Selanjutnya adsorben dengan rasio terbaik diregenerasi menggunakan regeneran berupa heksana, KOH-Metanol, dan aseton menghasilkan pengembalian kemampuan dari adsorben sebesar 30%. Kondisi yang mempengaruhi hasil ini adalah perbedaan titik awal dari kadar gliserol dalam biodiesel, kebasaan dari anion, dan juga konfigurasi dari adsorben.
In this study, dry washing with the continuous adsorption method was used to clean the contaminants-glycerol using adsorbents in silica and anion resins to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the adsorption of the adsorbents. Factors affecting adsorption, such as the composition of the adsorbent, have been tested under continuous adsorption method, room temperature, and pressure, as well as the ratio between adsorbent and oil of 1:3. The most significant reduction in glycerol content occurred in the silica adsorbent with a ratio of 2: 1 (silica: anion), where the six sample points were below the maximum limit for glycerol content in biodiesel, namely > 0.25%. Furthermore, the adsorbent with the best ratio was regenerated using regenerants in the form of hexane, KOH-Methanol, and acetone resulting in a 30% return on the ability of the adsorbent. The conditions that affect these results are the difference in the starting point of the biodiesel’s glycerol content, the anions’ basicity, and the adsorbent’s configuration.