Pandemi Covid-19 telah memukul berbagai sektor termasuk industri tekstil, di mana harga bahan baku mengalami lonjakan signifikan di tengah penurunan jumlah permintaan. Salah satu perusahaan terdampak adalah Malabis, sebuah konfeksi yang berdiri tahun 2015 di Tangerang Selatan. Model bisnis B2B perusahaan ini hanya dikenalkan dari mulut ke kuping dan bertumbuh secara organik sesuai konsep word of mouth. Ketika pandemi mulai reda, mereka kehilangan banyak pelanggan serta harus beradaptasi kembali dari awal karena brand identity yang relatif kurang baik. Penerapan pull strategy dan digital marketing melalui kanal media sosial seperti website, pembuatan company profile, dan pengurusan legalitas usaha akan menjadi rangkaian rebranding pada malabis sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan penjualan. Studi akan dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif menggunakan model pengumpulan data seperti wawancara mendalam atau in-depth interview, pengamatan atau observasi langsung serta tinjauan literatur berdasarkan data, fakta, dan temuan di lapangan. Hal lain akan dilakukan mulai dari mereview proses bisnis, business model canvas, SWOT, TOWS, Five Forces Model, kontribusi pareto dan lain sebagainya untuk mendapat solusi terbaik atas persoalan yang sedang dihadapi dan coba dipecahkan.
The Covid – 19 pandemic has changed various consumer behaviors amidst the rapid development of the internet. There is a significant shift in customer habits which causes a change in marketing strategy as well. In B2B business, a marketing strategy through digital channels such as social media, that usually considered less relevant back in the day, has begun to be regarded and well-developed. House of garment is an industry that generally has a B2B business model, but the marketing strategy needs to be improvised. Most companies can no longer rely on word of mouth. This is because the company's brand identity is complementary to income or sales. This paper discusses a house of garment called Malabiswhich the author will guide using a pull and digital marketing strategy as a way to optimize sales. The study will be carried out using a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis using data collection models such as in-depth interviews, observation or direct observation and being native as well as data-based literature review, facts, and findings in the field. Another thing that will certainly be carried out is starting from reviewing business processes, business model canvas, SWOT, TOWS, Five Forces Model, Pareto contributions and so on to get the best solution to the problems they are having and trying to solve. The researcher hopes that at the end of the study, the company as the research subject will be able to optimize all potentials including changing business models to get out of their difficulties and grow for the better.