Apotek merupakan sarana pelayanan kefarmasian tempat dilakukannya praktik kefarmasian oleh Apoteker (Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2016). WHO menentukan sebuah standar bagi apoteker untuk dapat meningkatkan, menunjang akses, dan mendukung pelayanan di apotek yaitu Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP). PT. Kimia Farma Apotek melaksanakan penerapan GPP melalui penyediaan dan penerapan Standar Operating Procedure (SOP) yang di dalamnya telah diatur standar pelayanan kefarmasian yang perlu diterapkan oleh setiap apotek jaringan. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penilaian terhadap penerapan GPP di apotek Kimia Farma Menteng Huis berdasarkan SOP yang telah tersedia. Pelaksanaan tugas khusus Self-assesment GPP dilaksanakan berdasarkan formulir penilaian yang memuat sembilan kategori penilaian, yaitu legalitas apotek, penampilan apotek dan petugas, layanan obat dengan resep, layanan obat tanpa resep, SOP protokol new normal, morning briefing dan serah terima shift, delivery, homecare, telefarma, dan PRB community, penyimpanan obat. Penilaian dilakukan dengan pemberian poin 1 (Aspek tidak terlaksana), 2 (Aspek terlaksana Sebagian), atau 3 (aspek terlaksana sepenuhnya). Dari 9 kategori tersebur terdapat 50 aspek penilaian, sebanyak 30 aspek memperoleh poin 3, sebanyak 13 aspek memperoleh poin 2, dan sebanyak 7 aspek memperoleh poin 1.
A pharmacy store is where the pharmacy practices were performed by the pharmacist. WHO had determined a standard for pharmacists to improve and support pharmacy practices and services in stores, which was Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP). PT. Kimia Farma Apotek implemented GPP through the provision and application of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), which regulate the standards of pharmaceutical service and must be implemented by each Kimia Farma store. Therefore, an assessment of the implementation of GPP was carried out at the Kimia Farma Menteng Huis based on the available SOP. Implementation of this self-assessment was carried out based on an assessment form that contains nine assessment categories, namely pharmacy legality, pharmacy and staff appearance, prescription drug services, non-prescription drug services, new normal protocol SOP, morning briefing and shift handover, delivery, homecare, tele pharma, and PRB community, and medicines storage. The assessment is carried out by rate 1 point if the aspect was not implemented, 2 point if the aspect ix Universitas Indonesia was implemented partially, or 3 points if the aspect was fully implemented. From all the 9 categories there are 50 assessment aspects, Kimia Farma Menteng Huis got 30 aspects with 3 points, 13 aspects with 2 points, and 7 aspects with 1 point.