Human Immunodeficiency Virus merupakan virus yang merusak sistem kekebalan tubuh dengan menginfeksi dan menghancurkan sel CD4 menyebabkan daya tahan tubuh semakin melemah dan rentan diserang berbagai penyakit. Puskesmas Bogor Timur merupakan puskesmas tertinggi angka kasus HIV oleh kelompok LSL. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara di Puskesmas Bogor Timur, terdapat LSL yang tidak menggunakan kondom saat berhubungan seks, ditemukan LSL yang sudah positif HIV namun masih berganti-ganti pasangan, terdapat LSL yang berpendidikan Diploma III tidak menggunakan kondom saat berhubungan seks, terdapat LSL dengan pendidikan terakhir SMA sudah memiliki istri namun menggunakan kondom saat berhubungan seks dengan LSL.Tujuan:mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan HIV/AIDS dengan perilaku seksual berisiko.Sampel penelitian berjumlah 88 responden yang diambil dengan melalui teknik snowball, menggunakan analisis univariate dan bivariate.Hasil:Terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan HIV/AIDS dengan perilaku seksual berisiko pada kelompok LSL dengan nilai p=0,000 (a=0,05).
Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a virus that damages the immune system by infecting and destroying CD4 cells, causing the body's immune system to weaken and become susceptible to various diseases. East Bogor Community Health Center is the community health center with the highest number of HIV cases among MSM groups. Based on the results of interviews at the East Bogor Community Health Center, there were MSM who did not use condoms when having sex, there were MSM who were HIV positive but still changed partners, there were MSM with a Diploma III education who did not use condoms when having sex, there were MSM with a high school education.Already has a wife but uses condoms when having sex with MSM.Objective: to find out the relationship between HIV/AIDS knowledge and risky sexual behavior.The research sample consisted of 88 respondents taken using the snowball technique, using univariate and bivariate analysis.Results: There was a relationship between HIV knowledge /AIDS with risky sexual behavior in the MSM group with p value = 0.000 (a = 0.05)