Seiring perkembangan pariwisata halal sebagai segmen baru yang terus mengalami pertumbuhan di dunia khususnya Indonesia. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengaruh informasi terhadap pemilihan destinasi wisata halal dan bauran pemasaran yaitu produk, harga, tempat, orang, proses, promosi dan bukti fisik terhadap kepuasan dan loyalitas wisatawan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data
consecutive sampling serta mengunakan kuesioner tertutup. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa jenis informasi mempengaruhi terhadap pemilihan destinasi wisata halal. Sedangkan bauran pemasaran orang dan bukti fisik serta destinasi wisata halal mempengaruhi kepuasan wisatawan. Alhasil diketahui kepuasan wisatawan mempengaruhi loyalitas wisatawan.
Along with development of halal tourism as a new segment Along with development of halal tourism as a new segment which have experienced growth continues in the world, especially Indonesia. This research discusses the influence of information on the selection of halal tourism destinations and marketing mix ie product, price, place, person, process, promotion and physical evidence to the satisfaction and loyalty of tourists. This research is a quantitative research with consecutive sampling data collection techniques and using a closed questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that the type of information affects the selection of halal tourist destinations. While the marketing mix of people and physical evidence as well as kosher tourist destinations affect the satisfaction of tourists. As a result of customer satisfaction affects the loyalty of moslem tourists.