Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan karakteristik dokter, pelatihan
dokter, ketersediaan obat-obatan, ketersediaan fasilitas alat kesehatan, pemahaman dokter
dalam menangani 155 diagnosis non spesialitik, hubungan pemahaman dokter mengenai
reward dan punishment terhadap angka rujukan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa
Puskesmas Johar Baru memiliki angka rujukan di atas standar BPJS Kesehatan 15%
sedangkan di Puskesmas Kelurahan Petojo Selatan di bawah 15%. Hasil dari penelitian ini
menunjukan karakteristik dokter, pelatihan dokter, ketersediaan obatan-obatan,
pemahaman dokter dalam menangani 155 diagnosis non spesialitik, memiliki hubungan
dengan angka rujukan.
This study aims to analyze the correlation of the physician’s characteristics, the
training they receive, availability of drugs, health facilities, the understanding of
physicians about how to handle 155 non specialist diagnosis, the understanding of
reward and punishment towards the referral number. The study revealed that Johar
Baru health center had high referral numbers and Petojo Selatan health center had
less than 15% referral ratio according to the standard that BPJS Kesehatan had
assign. The study concludes that the physician’s characteristics, the training they
receive, availability of drugs, the understanding of physicians about how to handle
155 non specialist diagnosis influence referral ratio.