Tujuan dari Penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah pertama mengetahui nilai perusahaan terutama dalam sektor minyak dan gas bumi menggunakan metode analisa financial. Dan untuk menganalisa strategy investasi termasuk "hidden agenda' apabila ada, untuk mengakusisi blok/lapangan tua seperti BP West java/ONWJ Block , dan yang ketiga untuk membandingkan kinerja perusahaan sebelum dan sesudah akusisi dilakukan
Analisa Valuasi menggunakan DCF for equity, Free Cash flow Valuation to Firm(relative valuation and contigent claim valuation if possible) with calculation of cost of equity , cost of debt (if any) and WACC
The Objective of ths research which tried to be achieved in ths thesis are, first to understand the valuation of the company especially oil and gas sector before acquisition using proper financial analysis methods. And to analyze investment spending strategy including hidden agenda if any, to acquire mature block like BP West java/ONWJ block and third , is to compare the copany performance before and after acquisition.Analysis valuation by using discounted cash flow for equity, cash flow valuation to the firm, with calculation of cost of equity, cost of debt(if any) and WACC