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Analisis Praktik Residensi Keperawatan Medikal Bedah Pada Pasien Gangguan Sistem Respirasi: Gagal Nafas Dengan Pendekatan Model Teori Adaptasi Roy Di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Persahabatan Jakarta Timur = Practical Analysis of Medical Surgical Nursing Residency on Respiratory Disorder: Respiratory Failure Using Roy’s Adaptation Model Approach in Persahabatan Hospital

Shanti Farida Rachmi; Agung Waluyo, supervisor; I Made Kariasa, supervisor; Sri Purwaningsih, examiner; Eni Mulyatsih, examiner (Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015)


Praktik Spesialis Keperawatan Medikal Bedah peminatan respirasi memiliki tujuan untuk mencapai kompetensi Ners Spesialis Respirasi. Pencapaian kompetensi dilakukan melalui 3 bentuk kegiatan, antara lain: pengelolaan 30 pasien gangguan sistem respirasi dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori model Adaptasi Roy, pengelolaan kasus kompleks dengan pendekatan teori model Adaptasi Roy, penerapan Tehnik Pernapasan Buteyko pada pasien asma sebagai suatu praktik keperawatan berbasis bukti (Evidence Based Practice Nursing), dan pelaksanaan inovasi keperawatan: pembuatan WSD Pionir dengan sistem 1 botol sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan dan keamanan pasien (patient safety). Praktik dilaksanakan selama 9 bulan di RSUP Persahabatan sebagai rumah sakit pusat rujukan nasional penyakit paru. Ners spesialis respirasi mencapai kompetensi sebagai expert practice, educator, innovator/agent of change, researcher, dan consultant selama praktik di rumah sakit. Hasil dari pencapaian kompetensi didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa teori model Adaptasi Roy dapat diterapkan dengan efektif pada kasus-kasus gangguan respirasi terutama kasus TB Paru, Kanker Paru, dan pasien Pneumonia. Penerapan teori Adaptasi Roy pada pasien dengan ventilator sulit diterapkan terutama pada mode pangkajian konsep diri, fungsi peran, dan interdependensi. Pelaksanaan EBNP tehnik pernapasan Buteyko selama 1 bulan memberikan pengaruh secara signifikan pada peningkatan kualitas hidup pasien asma, nilai Arus Puncak Respirasi (APE), dan nilai control pause (CP). Pembuktian keefektifan botol WSD Pionir terhadap kualitas dan kemananan pasien akan diuji secara ilmiah melalui proses penelitian.

The residency practicum of medical surgical nursing with a specialization in respiratory aimed to facilitate residents in achieving the competences as Respiratory Nurse Specialists. After the completion of the residency practicum, students would be able to achieve the competences as clinical experts, educators, innovators/ change agents, researchers, and consultants in respiratory care. Three major activities during the practicum were: 1) the application of Roy adaptation model- based nursing care and complex case management to 30 patients with respiratory disorders, 2) the application of Buteyko breathing method to asthmatic patients as an evidence- based nursing practice, and 3) the implementation of innovative project: the creation of water- seal drainage- pioneer with one- bottle system as an effort to improve patient safety and quality care. The practicum was completed in 9 months at Persahabatan Hospital as a top referral hospital for respiratory care. Results of the practicum activities revealed that Roy adaptation model was effective to improve patient safety as well as quality care to patients with respiratory disorders, particularly patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, lung cancer, and pneumonia. In addition, the results showed that the application of Buteyko breathing method for a month significantly enhanced the quality life of asthmatic patients, increased the respiratory peak flow and control pause values. Further studies, nonetheless, are required to examine the effectiveness of WSD pioneer to the improvement of patient safety and quality care.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tugas Akhir
No. Panggil : SP-pdf
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Program Studi :
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Penerbitan : Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xi, 103 pages : illustration + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI
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