Produksi makanan ringan telah menjadi bagian kebutuhan masyarakat modern sebagai pendamping makanan pokok dalam peradaban manusia untuk mempertahankan kehidupannya. Pada saat sekarang peningkatan produksi makanan tersebut seperti produk Garudafood (Merek Kacang Garing, Snack Pilus, Pellet Snack, Keripik, Biskuit, Keju Cheddar Olahan & Salad Dressing, Susu, Cokelat, Confectionery dan Skippy) meningkat signifikan permintaan pasar nasional dan internasional secara keseluruhan menunjukan pertumbuhan positif di atas target Year To Date (YTD) Q1 2023 (+2,7%) yang dikarenakan pertumbuhan double digit. Akibat respon pemasaran dan visibilitas yang lebih baik portofolio yang terus meningkat serta in-stroke execution. Meningkatkan langkah distribusi dengan memperluas kemampuan pasar yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Perkembangan yang sangat cepat tersebut merupakan akibat innovation product dan new product untuk persaingan yang dinamis terhadap competitor. Garudafood dan groupnya menerapkan pemasaran dan visibilitas sangat cepat pada supply chain secara berkelanjutan yang sistematis. Sehingga dibutuhkannya penunjang bisnis tersebut dengan support facility pengembangan gudang untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan kapasitas penampungan product finish good yang berstandar Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Berdasarkan kebutuhan tersebut Central Procurement Building memproses pengadaan pembangunan lanjutan gudang Distribution Center (DC) Garudafood plant Bandung untuk pemenuhan daya tampung produk jadi/finish good akibat gudang yang ada sudah tidak dapat menampung. Oleh karena itu, praktik keinsinyuran ini bertujuan untuk mensupport secara proses pengadaan (procurement) bangunan gudang tambahan di daerah Bandung Jawa Barat, yang bertujuan mendukung produktifitas peningkatan kapasitas produksi yang meningkat akibat permintaan konsumen meningkat secara nasional dan internasional.
The increasing of snacks production has become part of the necessities of modern society as a companion to the staple food in human civilization in order to sustain its livelihood. At the present time Garudafood, increased production of food such as Garudafood products (Crunchy Nut, Pilus Snack, Pellet Snack, Chips, Biscuits, Processed Cheddar Cheese & Salad Dressing, Milk, Chocolate, Confectionery and Skippy peanut butter) therefore it significantly fulfilled the demand of the national and international markets as a whole, where it showed positive growth above the target YTD in Q1 2023 (+2.7%) due to double digit growth. As a result of marketing response and improved visibility the portfolio is constantly increasing as well as in-stroke execution. Improve distribution steps by expanding market capabilities are more effective and efficient. Such rapid development is the result of product innovation and new products for dynamic competition against competitors. Garudafood and its group apply marketing and visibility very quickly to the supply chain in a systematic, sustainable manner. Therefore, it is necessary to support the business with the support of the development of the warehouse to fulfill the requirements of the product finish good. shelter capacity, which is GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice). Based on this need, Central Procurement Building processes the procurement of the advanced construction of Garudafood plant Distribution Center Bandung warehouse to fulfill the capacity of finished product/finish good due to the fact that the existing warehouse is no longer able to accommodate. Therefore, this engineering practice aims to support the procurement process of the building A warehouse of materials in the Bandung area of West Java, which is aimed at supporting pen-productivity to increase production capacity as a result of more consumer demand nationally and internationally.