Apoteker merupakan profesional kesehatan lulusan sarjana farmasi yang telah lulus ujian kompetensi apoteker dan mengucap sumpah jabatan apoteker. Seorang calon apoteker harus mempunyai keahlian dalam melakukan praktik kefarmasian di fasilitas pelayanan kefarmasian. Oleh karena itu, calon apoteker diharuskan melakukan praktik profesi sebagai bentuk memperoleh pengalaman dan kompetensi untuk melakukan praktik kefarmasian sebagai apoteker profesional. Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia selama periode bulan Maret – April 2022 dan Apotek Kimia Farma 352 Margonda selama periode bulan Mei 2022. Calon apoteker diharapkan memperoleh pengalaman, ilmu, dan keterampilan yang dapat bermanfaat dikemudian hari dalam menjadi profesi apoteker.
Pharmacists are health professionals who have graduated from pharmacy degrees who have passed the pharmacist competency exam and take the pharmacist's oath of office. A prospective pharmacist must have expertise in practicing pharmacy in pharmacy service facilities. Therefore, prospective pharmacists are required to practice professionally as a form of gaining experience and competence to practice pharmacy as a professional pharmacist. The Pharmacist Professional Work Practice is held at the University of Indonesia Hospital during the period March – April 2022 and Kimia Farma 352 Margonda Pharmacy during the May 2022 period. Prospective pharmacists are expected to gain experience, knowledge, and skills that can be useful in the future in becoming a pharmacist profession.