Latar Belakang: Evaluasi insanity defense merupakan pemeriksaan yang kompleks dan membutuhkan ketelitian. Evaluasi insanity defense sering dilakukan pada terdakwa kekerasan fisik dengan gangguan psikotik. Namun, rekomendasi evaluasi insanity defense pada terdakwa kekerasan fisik dengan gangguan psikotik masih terbatas. Tujuan: mengulas rekomendasi evaluasi insanity defense pada terdakwa pidana kekerasan fisik yang mengalami gangguan psikotik Metode: penelitian mencari artikel penelitian tanpa batasan waktu dari lima pangkalan data menggunakan kata kunci mencakup insanity defense, psychotic, dan evaluation. Peneliti kemudian menyaring hasil studi berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi Hasil: Dari 992 literatur, sembilan studi dilibatkan dalam analisis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat berbagai tantangan dalam mengevaluasi insanity defense berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku serta alat maupun instrumen yang digunakan. Pemeriksaan yang tidak inadekuat akan memberikan dampak negatif bagi pemeriksa maupun terdakwa. Simpulan: beberapa aspek penting perlu diperhatikan dalam evaluasi insanity defense yang masih menjadi tantangan untuk menegakkan hukum dengan tepat.
Background: The evaluation of insanity defense is a complex examination that requires precision. Insanity defense evaluations are often performed on offenders with psychotic disorders who commit physical violence. However, recommendations for evaluating the insanity defense for offenders with psychotic disorders who commit physical violence remain limited Objective: To review recommendations for evaluating insanity defense for offenders with psychotic disorders who commit physical violence Methods: The study searched for research articles without time limits from five databases using keywords including insanity defense, psychotic, and evaluation. Researchers then filter the study results on the basis of the inclusion and exclusion criteria Results: Of 992 pieces of literature, nine studies were included in the analysis. The results of the analysis show that there are still various challenges in evaluating insanity defense based on applicable law and the tools and instruments used. Inadequate examination will have a negative impact on both the examiner and the defendant. Conclusions: Several important aspects need to be considered in evaluating insanity defense for offenders with psychotic disorders who commit physical violence, which is still a challenge to enforce the law appropriately.