Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas) adalah unit pelaksana teknis dinas Kesehatan kabupaten/kota yang bertanggung jawab menyelenggarakan pembangunan kesehatan di suatu wilayah kerja. Puskesmas memiliki berbagai poli, salah satunya poli Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM). Penyakit tidak menular (PTM) merupakan penyakit kronis yang tidak dapat ditularkan ke orang lain tetapi umumnya di alami dalam waktu yang cukup lama dan lambat perkembangannya. Contoh tipe utama penyakit tidak menular adalah penyakit seperti kolesterol, serangan jantung, dan diabetes melitus. Pada fase lansia, umumnya memiliki komorbid sehingga tidak dapat mengkonsumsi satu jenis obat saja. Oleh karena itu, Puskesmas Kecamatan Kalideres melakukan analisa interaksi obat pada resep di poli Penyakit Tidak Menular. Pengambilan data pemakaian obat dari resep dilakukan secara retrospektif. Dari hasil pola peresepan, sebanyak 1066 resep diperoleh jumlah resep kategori interaksi sebanyak 600 resep menghasilkan persentase 56%, sedangkan jumlah resep kategori tidak interaksi sebanyak 466 resep menghasilkan persentase 44%. Pengkajian interaksi obat ini dilakukan berdasarkan hasil informasi drug interaction checker pada aplikasi Lexicomp dan Drugbank. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, terjadinya interaksi obat pada pola peresepan pasien rawat jalan terhitung cukup besar karena interaksi terjadi sebanyak ≥ 50%. Berdasarkan hasil pengkajian resep, terdapat interaksi pada resep dengan tingkat keparahan minor, moderate, hingga mayor. Dimana kejadian minor sebanyak 45%, moderate 19%, dan mayor 36%.
The Community Health Center is the technical implementation unit of the district or city Health Service which is responsible for carrying out health development in a work area. The Community Health Center has various polyclinics, one of which is the Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) polyclinic. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are chronic diseases that cannot be transmitted to other people but are generally experienced over a long period of time and progress slowly. Examples of the main types of non communicable diseases are diseases such as cholesterol, heart attacks and diabetes mellitus. In the elderly phase, people generally have comorbidities so they cannot take just one type of medication. Therefore, the Kalideres District Health Center conducted an analysis of drug interactions on prescriptions at the Non-Communicable Diseases clinic. Data on drug use from prescriptions was collected retrospectively. From the results of the prescribing pattern, of 1066 recipes, the number of recipes in the interaction category was 600, resulting in a percentage of 56%, while the number of recipes in the non-interaction category was 466 recipes, resulting in a percentage of 44%. This drug interaction assessment was carried out based on the results of the drug interaction checker information on the Lexicomp and Drugbank applications. Based on the data obtained, the occurrence of drug interactions in outpatient prescribing patterns is quite large because interactions occur as much as ≥ 50%. Based on the results of the prescription review, there were interactions between prescriptions with minor, moderate and major severity levels. Where minor incidents were 45%, moderate 19%, and major 36%.