Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh interactivity, authenticity, emotional attachment, brand trust, customer engagement, dan involvement terhadap brand loyalty pada food influencer sebagai human brand. Pendekatan kuantitatif diterapkan, menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEMPLS) untuk menganalisis data dari 215 pengikut Tanboy Kun di Indonesia. Teknik SEM-PLS memungkinkan untuk penilaian hubungan langsung dan tidak langsung di antara variabel yang mempengaruhi loyalitas terhadap human brand. Temuan utama menunjukkan bahwa brand loyalty dipengaruhi oleh interactivity, brand trust, customer engagement, dan involvement. Interactivity mempengaruhi authenticity, emotional attachment, brand trust, dan customer engagement. Authenticity mempengaruhi customer engagement dan emotional attachment. Emotional attachment mempengaruhi brand trust, sementara customer engagement mempengaruhi involvement. Implikasi dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa influencer perlu mendengarkan saran dan komentar dari pengikut untuk meningkatkan loyalitas, serta menciptakan konten yang relevan dan menarik.
This research aims to determine the influence of interactivity, authenticity, emotional affection, brand trust, customer engagement, and participation on brand loyalty of food influencer as human brand. A quantitative approach was adopted, utilizing Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) to analyze data from 215 followers in Indonesia. The SEM-PLS technique allowed for an assessment of both the direct and indirect relationships among the variables impacting loyalty to a human brand. The main findings indicate that brand loyalty is influenced by interactivity, brand trust, customer engagement, and involvement. Interactivity influences authenticity, emotional attachment, brand trust, and customer engagement. Authenticity influences customer engagement and emotional attachment. Emotional attachment affects brand trust, while customer engagement influences involvement with the brand. The implications of this research suggest that influencers need to listen to suggestions and comments from their followers to enhance loyalty, as well as create relevant and engaging content.