Pada sistem pembayaran Kapitasi Berbasis Kinerja (KBK), akan dilakukan perhitungan pencapaian kinerja Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama (FKTP) berdasarkan indikator Angka Kontak, Rasio Rujukan Non Spesialistik, danĀ Rasio Peserta Prolanis Terkendali sebagai dasar pembayaran kapitasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non eksperimental melalui pendekatan kuantitatif, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan status pemberlakuan KBK konsekuensi, rasio dokter banding peserta, kelengkapan sarana prasanaran, lingkup pelayanan dan pola pengelolaan keuangan Puskesmas dengan nilai capaian KBK pada Puskesmas di wilayah Provinsi Sumatera Utara Tahun 2023. Dari hasil penelitian ini, nilai capaian KBK Puskesmas di Provinsi Sumatera Utara bulan Desember 2023 sebesar 2,8 atau belum bisa mencapai target nilai capaian KBK maksimal. Rasio dokter banding peserta dan kelengkapan sarana prasarana mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap nilai capaian KBK. Pemenuhan tenaga medis dokter berdasarkan jumlah peserta terdaftarnya, pemenuhan kebutuhan sarana prasarana sesuai kebutuhan tata laksana jenis penyakit yang dapat dilakukan di FKTP dan pengaturan distribusi peserta terdaftar perlu menjadi perhatian untuk meningkatkan kinerja sesuai ketentuan Kapitasi Berbasis Kinerja.
In the Performance Based Capitation (KBK) payment system, the performance achievement of First Level Health Facilities (FKTP) will be calculated based on the indicators of Contact Rate, Non-Specialist Referral Ratio, and Controlled Prolanis Participant Ratio as the basis for capitation payments. This research is a non-experimental research using a quantitative approach, which aims to determine the relationship between the status of implementation of KBK consequences, the ratio of doctors to participants, fulfillment of infrastructure, scope of services and financial management patterns of Community Health Centers with the value of KBK achievements at Puskesmas in the North Sumatra Province region in 2023. From the results of this research, the KBK achievement value for Puskesmas in North Sumatra Province in December 2023 is 2.8 or has not yet reached the target maximum. The ratio of doctors to participants and fulfillment of infrastructure have a significant relationship to the KBK achievement score. Fulfillment of doctors based on the number of registered participants, fulfillment of infrastructure and arrangements for the distribution of registered participants need to be paid attention to in order to improve performance in accordance with the provisions of Performance Based Capitation.