Sebagian besar kasus kecelakaan besar yang terjadi di sektor minyak dan gas disebabkan oleh kurangnya/ketidaktahuan akan pengelolaan asset integrity. Pada tahun 2021-2022 terdapat lima kasus kecelakaan terkait aset integrity di PT X. Untuk menjawab hal ini, PT X membuat Asset Integrity Management System (AIMS). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis AIMS di PT X berdasarkan konsep safety resilience. Manfaat penelitian yaitu memberikan perspektif implementasi safety resilience untuk menghadapi kejadian yang dapat diperkirakan atau tidak terduga seperti kegagalan pada aset di PT X. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian semi kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain studi analisis deskriptif, dan panduan analisis berdasarkan Resilience Analysis Grid. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini mengambil dokumen terkait AIMS di PT X dan wawancara dengan stakeholder terkait AIMS di PT X. Hasil dari analisis empat faktor resilience pada AIMS di PT X adalah kemampuan respon (73,75%), kemampuan monitor (81,23%), kemampuan belajar (77,22%), dan kemampuan antisipasi (75,62%). Dari hasil tersebut, tingkat safety resilience pada AIMS sudah menuju level proactive dengan rata-rata sebesar 77%. Keterlibatan beberapa pihak, pembagian tanggung jawab yang jelas, dan penambahan indikator efektifitas AIMS, menjadi hal yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan resilience pada AIMS di PT X.
Most of the major accident cases that occur in the oil and gas sector are caused by the lack of/ignorance of asset integrity management. In 2021-2022 there were five cases of accidents related to asset integrity at PT X. To answer this, PT X created an Asset Integrity Management System (AIMS). The purpose of this research is to analyze AIMS at PT X based on the concept of safety resilience. The benefit of the research is to provide a perspective on the implementation of safety resilience to deal with predictable or unexpected events such as failures in assets at PT X. This research is semi-quantitative research using a descriptive analysis study design, and an analysis guide based on the Resilience Analysis Grid. The unit of analysis in this study took documents related to AIMS at PT X and interviews with stakeholders related to AIMS at PT X. The results of the analysis of the four resilience factors in AIMS at PT X are response capability (73.75%), monitoring capability (81.23%), learning capability (77.22%), and anticipation capability (75.62%). From these results, the level of safety resilience at AIMS has reached the proactive level with an average of 77%. The involvement of several parties, a clear division of responsibilities, and the addition of AIMS effectiveness indicators, are things that are needed to improve the resilience capabilities of AIMS at PT X.