Konstipasi merupakan gangguan sistem gastrointestinal, ditandai defekasi tidak tuntas, pola defekasi berubah, dan frekuensi defekasi berkurang. Faktor resiko penyebab konstipasi diruang rawat inap adalah usia, kondisi medis, kebiasaan defekasi, faktor psikologis, penggunaan medikasi, aktivitas fisik, asupan serat dan cairan. Dampak konstipasi dapat menjadi serius sehingga menurunkan kualitas hidup pasien. Intervensi yang diterapkan dalam mengatasi konstipasi dengan melakukan masase abdomen dan konsumsi air putih hangat. Laporan menggunakan studi kasus dengan pendekatan proses asuhan keperawatan yang meliputi pengkajian, analisis data dan diagnosis, intervensi, implementasi dan evaluasi keperawatan. Masase abdomen dan konsumsi air putih hangat dilakukan 1 kali sehari selama 3 hari berturut-turut dengan waktu 10-15 menit secara kontinu. Hasil intervensi terbukti menurunkan tanda dan gejala konstipasi, serta skor Constipation Assessment Scale (CAS) dan pasien defekasi dihari ke 3 setelah implementasi. Kesimpulannya masase abdomen dan konsumsi air hangat mengoptimalkan intervensi dan terbukti efektif diterapkan pada pasien konstipasi diruang rawat inap.
Constipation is a disorder of the gastrointestinal system, characterized by incomplete defecation, altered defecation patterns, and reduced defecation frequency. Risk factors that cause constipation in the inpatient room are age, medical conditions, defecation habits, psychological factors, use of medication, physical activity, fiber and fluid intake. The impact of constipation can be serious, reducing the patient's quality of life. Interventions applied to treat constipation include abdominal massage and drinking warm water. The report uses a case study with a nursing care process approach which includes assessment, data analysis and diagnosis, intervention, implementation and nursing evaluation. Abdominal massage and consumption of warm water is carried out once a day for 3 consecutive days for 10-15 minutes continuously. The results of the intervention were proven to reduce signs and symptoms of constipation, as well as Constipation Assessment Scale (CAS) scores and patient defecation on the 3rd day after implementation. In conclusion, abdominal massage and consumption of warm water optimizes the intervention and is proven to be effective for constipated patients in the inpatient room.