Latar belakang: BPJS sejak berdiri tahun 2014 sampai saat ini berusaha menerapkan pelayanan yang setara. Kesenjangan pelayanan dalam segi fasilitas kesehatan di seluruh Rumah Sakit di Indonesa menjadi permasalahan yang tak kunjung usai sehingga terbitlah peraturan pemerintah No 47 tahun 2021 tentang KRIS-JKN. Hadir dengan 12 kriterianya untuk menjawab tantangan ketidaksetaraan pada fasilitas salah satunya RS Yarsi. Dilakukan uji coba penerapan tahun 2022 oleh DJSN didapati bahwa 79% RS membutuhkan perbaikan infrastruktur dalam skala kecil, 18% RS perlu perbaikan skala besar, dan 3% RS dinyatakan sudah siap. Peraturan Presiden No 59 tahun 2024 mewajibkan seluruh rumah sakit siap menerapkan KRIS-JKN paling lambat 30 Juni 2025.
Tujuan penelitian: Mengetahui kesiapan penerapan dan mengusulkan strategi penyiapan KRIS-JKN di RS Yarsi.
Metodologi penelitian: Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain action research menggunakan data primer temuan di lapangan dan data sekunder (file-file di rumah sakit) dan hasil wawancara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan April hingga Mei 2024.
Hasil penelitian: Didapatkan hasil bahwa RS Yarsi sudah 80 % siap untuk menerapkan KRIS-JKN. Beberapa hal yang menjadi faktor internal dan faktor eksternal setelah melewati diskusi dengan tim CDMG kemudian dimasukan ke matrix IE, penerapan KRIS-JKN di RS Yarsi berada di posisi sel 1, build and grow. Di matrix TOWS strategi yang diusulkan, yaitu Product Development dan Market Development. Pada tahapan penyusunan strategi pada matrix TOWS didapati prioritas pertama adalah pengembangan sarana dan prasarana, yaitu Pengganggaran revitalisasi sarana dan prasarana, optimalisasi SIMRS, penyesuaian kebutuhan sarana sesuai kriteria KRIS-JKN. Prioritas kedua pengembangan kompetensi SDM, yaitu dengan recruitement SDM yang kompeten dan kepala instalansi rawat inap, melakukan refreshement dan bounding antar pegawai. Prioritas ketiga pengembangan segmen pasar, yaitu melalui promosi layanan unggulan dan penguatan kerjasama lintas sektor, perbaikan manajemen tempat tidur RS, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), dan peningkatan enggangement dengan pelanggan dan mitra.
Kesimpulan: RS Yarsi 80 % siap dalam menerapkan KRIS-JKN dengan strategi penyiapan yang diusulkan adalah Product Development dan Market Development dengan prioritas strategi pertama yaiitu pengembangan saran dan prasarana, kedua pengembangan kompetensi SDM, dan ketiga pengembangan segmen pasar.
Background: BPJS since its establishment in 2014 until now has tried to implement equal services. The gap in services in terms of health facilities in all hospitals in Indonesia has become a never-ending problem so that government regulation No. 47 of 2021 concerning KRIS-JKN was issued. It comes with 12 criteria to answer the challenge of inequality in facilities, one of which is Yarsi Hospital. A trial implementation in 2022 by DJSN found that 79% of hospitals needed small-scale infrastructure improvements, 18% of hospitals needed large-scale repairs, and 3% of hospitals were declared ready. Presidential Regulation No. 59 of 2024 requires all hospitals to be ready to implement KRIS-JKN no later than June 30, 2025.Objective: Knowing the readiness of implementation and proposing a strategy for the preparation of KRIS-JKN at Yarsi Hospital.Methode: Using a qualitative approach with an action research design using primary data from findings in the field and secondary data (files in hospitals) and interview results. This research was carried out from April to May 2024.Results: The results were obtained that Yarsi Hospital is 80% ready to implement KRIS-JKN. Several things that became internal factors and external factors after going through discussions with the CDMG team were then included in the IE matrix, the implementation of KRIS-JKN at Yarsi Hospital was in the position of cell 1, build and grow. In the TOWS matrix, the proposed strategies are Product and Market Development. At the stage of strategy preparation in the TOWS matrix, it was found that the first priority was the development of facilities and infrastructure, namely the revitalization of facilities and infrastructure, optimization of SIMRS, adjustment of facility needs according to KRIS-JKN criteria. The second priority is the development of human resource competencies, namely by recruiting competent human resources and heads of inpatient installations, conducting refreshements and bounding between employees. The third priority for market segment development is through the promotion of superior services and strengthening cross-sector cooperation, improving hospital bed management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and improving engagement with customers and partners.Conclusion: RS Yarsi is 80% ready to implement KRIS-JKN with the proposed preparation strategy of Product Development and Market Development with the first strategic priority, namely the development of advice and infrastructure, the second is the development of human resource competencies, and the third is the development of market segments.