Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tantangan dan optimalisasi kapabilitas serta kinerja SDM Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri dalam menghadapi krisis Covid-19; Serta untuk menganalisis strategi optimalisasi kapabilitas dan kinerja SDM Direktorat Tindak Pidana Umum Bareskrim Polri pasca pandemi Covid-19 berdasarkan pembelajaran dari kendala yang teratasi.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian eksploratif dengan tipe penelitian ilmu kepolisian. Dalam penelitian ini triangulasi yang digunakan yaitu triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi teori.
Selama pandemi Covid-19, Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri menghadapi tantangan signifikan dalam mempertahankan kapabilitas dan kinerja SDM. Pandemi menimbulkan ketidakamanan kerja yang mempengaruhi kesehatan mental personel dan mengganggu operasional harian. Klaster Covid-19 di tahanan memperparah situasi dengan over-crowding, membuat penerapan protokol kesehatan semakin kompleks.
Untuk mengatasi hambatan kinerja dan Kapabilitas SDM selama pandemi, diterapkan protokol kesehatan ketat dan kebijakan WFH dengan dukungan teknologi. Meskipun ada hambatan, adaptasi efektif dan inovatif membantu menjaga kapabilitas operasional.
Pasca pandemi, strategi optimalisasi kapabilitas SDM Dittipidum melibatkan penerapan kepemimpinan transformasional dan transaksional serta Smart Policing untuk respons adaptif. Transformasi digital juga diupayakan melalui pembangunan budaya organisasi yang adaptif dan kolaborasi digital. Penyidikan online diperkenalkan untuk efisiensi, walau menghadapi tantangan hukum. Penerapan sistem E-Manajemen Penyidikan dioptimalkan dengan peningkatan kualitas SDM dan sistem reward-punishment, guna meningkatkan efisiensi dan kepercayaan publik terhadap institusi kepolisian.
The objective of this research is to analyze the challenges and optimization of the capabilities and performance of human resources in the Directorate of General Crime Investigation (Dittipidum) of Bareskrim Polri during the Covid-19 crisis; and to evaluate the strategies for optimizing these capabilities and performance in the post-pandemic era based on lessons learned from the challenges that were overcome.This research adopts an exploratory approach within the field of police science. Data and theoretical triangulation were employed for validation.During the Covid-19 pandemic, Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri faced significant challenges in maintaining its human resource capabilities and performance. The pandemic created job insecurity that affected the mental health of personnel and disrupted daily operations. Covid-19 clusters in detention facilities exacerbated the situation due to overcrowding, making the application of health protocols increasingly complex.To address these issues, strict health protocols and WFH policies supported by technology were implemented. Despite the hurdlfes, effective and innovative adaptations helped sustain operational capabilities.In the post-pandemic period, the strategy for optimizing Dittipidum's human resources involves the application of transformational and transactional leadership along with Smart Policing for adaptive response. Digital transformation is also pursued through fostering an adaptive organizational culture and promoting digital collaboration. Online investigations were introduced to enhance efficiency, despite legal challenges. The implementation of the E-Investigation Management System was optimized through quality improvement of human resources and the establishment of a reward-punishment system to enhance efficiency and public trust in the police institution.