Eutrofikasi di Teluk Jakarta sudah terjadi selama kurun waktu 20 tahun belakangan. Pencemaran ini berdampak pada dinamika produksi ikan di ZPI Nelayan Kecil Muara Angke yang diamati sejak tahun 2019—2023. Dari masalah tersebut, penelitian ini berusaha mengidentifikasi dinamika spatio-temporal eutrofikasi menggunakan metode penginderaan jauh, serta mengaitkannya dengan produksi ikan di ZPI Nelayan Kecil Muara Angke. Pola eutrofikasi di ZPI Nelayan Kecil Muara Angke secara konsisten diidentifikasi di kawasan PIK, Muara Angke, dan dermaga peti kemas Pelindo II, disertai dengan tingginya konsentrasi klorofil-a di pesisir hingga bagian tengah zona penangkapan ini. Hubungan antara eutrofikasi dan produksi ikan berdasarkan nilai koefisien r = -0,032 dan p-value = 0,856. Hasil interpretasi keduanya menunjukkan bahwa hubungan eutrofikasi dan produksi ikan berbanding terbalik, tergolong lemah, dan tidak memiliki hubungan.
Eutrophication in Jakarta Bay has been happening recently for 20 years. This water pollution has impacted to fish production dynamics in Muara Angke small-scale fishermen’s fishing ground which has been observed from 2019—2023. Based on this issue, this research attempted to identify dynamics spatio-temporal eutrophication utilized remote sensing method and correlate it with fish production in Muara Angke small scale fishermen’s fishing ground. Eutrophication pattern in this zone consistently identified from west to east, at PIK district, Muara Angke harbor, and Pelindo II container dock, respectively. And it also followed by the increased chlorophyll-a concentration nearby the coastline to the middle zone of fishing ground. Correlation or r coefficient between eutrophication and fish production is -0,032 and 0,856 for the p-value. Interpretation from both value shows that correlation between eutrophication and fish production inversely proportional and classified as a weak correlation. While, based on p-value, both variables are not related at all.