LATAR BELAKANG DAN TUJUAN : Potensial cetusan somatosensorik telah banyak digunakan dalam penelitian strok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan korelasi antara derajat kekuatan motorik dan potensial cetusan somatosensorik pada penderita dengan serangan pertama strok iskemik. METODOLOGI : Telah diteliti 44 penderita (usia rerata 52 tahun) strok iskemik. Evaluasi klinis mencakup penentuan derajat kekuatan motorik dan perekaman potensial cetusan somatosensorik dilakukan pada waktu bersamaan dalam kurun waktu 3-5 hari setelah saat serangan. Penentuan kekuatan motorik menggunakan skala Medical Research Council. HASIL : Kelainan potensial cetusan somatosensorik ditemukan pada 36,36% penderita strok iskemik. Analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya pemanjangan masa konduksi sentral yang bermakna pada sisi lesi(t=2,17; p=O,037). Korelasi yang bermakna ditemukan antara derajat kekuatan motorik dengan potensial cetusan somatosensorik(p=O,00157). KESIMPULAN : Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan cukup banyak kelainan potensial cetusan somatosensorik pada penderita strok iskemik. Ada korelasi yang bermakna antara derajat kekuatan motorik dengan potensial cetusan somatosensorik.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE; Somatosensory evoked potentials have been widely applied in the study of stroke. The aim of this study is to detennine the correlation between the severity of motor paresis and somatosensory evoked potentials in patients with first attack of ischemic stroke. METHODS; Forty four patients (average age 52 years) were evaluated within 3-5 days after symptom onset. In the clinical assessment a quantitative evaluation of motor paresis using the Medical Research Council scale was included. Somatosensory evoked potentials were recorded once at the same time. RESULTS ; Somatosensory evoked potential abnormalities were found in 36,36% of the patients. The statistical analysis indicated a significant prolongation of the central conduction time of the affected side compared with that of the unaffected side (t=2,17; p=O,037). There was a significant correlation between the severity of motor paresis and somatosensory evoked potentials (p=O.00157). CONCLUSIONS; Our study demonstrates that somatosensory evoked potential abnonnalities are common in patients with ischemic stroke and that somatosensory evoked potential abnormalities correlate with the severity of motor paresis.