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Allen, Colin
Cambridge, UK: MIT Press , 1997
591.5 ALL s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor sosial demografi yang mempengaruhi pola permintaan pangan hewani (ikan, daging, unggas, telur dan susu) dan pengaruh perubahan harga dan pendapatan terhadap proporsi pengeluaran pangan hewani pada rumah tangga di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) tahun 2013 dengan melakukan analisis terhadap 13.018 sampel rumah tangga. Metode analisis adalah analisis deskriptif serta analisis ekonometrika menggunakan model Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) dengan penduga Iterated Linear Least Square (ILLS).
Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi pangan hewani dipengaruhi oleh harga sendiri, harga komoditas lain, jumlah anggota rumah tangga, golongan pendapatan, wilayah tempat tinggal (perdesaan/ perkotaan), dan tingkat pendidikan kepala rumah tangga. Nilai elastisitas harga sendiri menunjukkan permintaan komoditas bersifat inelastis untuk ikan dan susu, sementara daging, unggas dan telur bersifat elastis. Berdasarkan nilai elastisitas harga silang, semua komoditi pangan hewani merupakan barang substitusi kecuali komoditi daging merupakan barang komplementer bagi unggas. Komoditi ikan dan telur termasuk barang normal sedangkan komoditi daging, unggas dan susu termasuk barang mewah.

The study was conducted to determine the socio-demographic factors affecting animal-based food demand (fish, meat, poultry, eggs and dairy) and the effect of price fluctuation and household income to expenditure share of animal-based food in South Sulawesi Province. The primary data for the study was National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) data in 2013. The study performed descriptive analysis and econometric analysis on 13.018 household samples. Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) models with Iterated Linear Least Square (ILLS) estimator was applied for the econometric analysis.
The study showed demand pattern of animal-based household food was affected the price of animal-based food, the price of other commodities, number of household member, income class, residential area (urban/rural), and education level of the household head. The price elasticity of animal-based food showed inelastic for fish and dairy; whereas meat, poultry and egg were tended to be elastic. Based on the cross-price elasticity, all animal-based food commodities substituted each other except for meat which was complimentary to poultry. Fish and egg were categorized as necessity goods, as for meat, poultry and dairy are categorized as luxury goods."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Downer, John
New York: Sterling Pub. Co., 1999
R 591.5 DOW s
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yahner, Richard H.
"Begins with in-depth coverage of wildlife behavior concepts as they relate to conservation problems. Topics will focus principally on discussion, critique, and development of behavioral concepts, with particular attention given to published studies on various topics in wildlife behavioral concepts as related to conservation and natural history. "
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leondy Tristan
"Kemampuan orangutan untuk mengenali sumber pakan alaminya merupakan salah satu syarat yang perlu dipenuhi sebelum hewan tersebut dilepasliarkan kembali dari fasilitas rehabilitasi seperti Sintang Orangutan Center (SOC). Tujuan dari pengamatan terhadap kemampuan orangutan rehabilitan dalam mengenali pakan alaminya adalah untuk menilai kelayakan individu tersebut untuk dilepasliarkan. Pengamatan dilakukan dari pukul 08.30 sampai 15.30 WIB setiap hari Senin, Selasa, Kamis, dan Jumat pada bulan Januari – Maret 2024 menggunakan metode focal animal sampling dan ad libitum untuk mengamati kemampuan orangutan rehabilitan dalam mengenali sumber pakan alaminya. Individu yang diamati merupakan orangutan kandidat rilis dengan nama Awin, Kingkong, Tom, dan Oli. Aktivitas harian dan penggunaan tajuk juga digunakan sebagai data penunjang. Individu Awin mengenali 27 jenis pakan dengan preferensi berupa buah kempilik (Lithocarpus lucidus), buah bungkang (Syzygium polyanthum), dan buah kayu (Muntingia calabura). Individu Kingkong mengenali 38 jenis pakan dengan preferensi buah kempilik, buah bungkang, dan kubal (Willughbeia angustifolia). Individu Tom mengenali 39 jenis pakan dengan preferensi serit (Scleria sp.), buah leban (Vitex pinnata), dan kempilik serta semut dengan jumlah yang sama. Individu Oli mengenali 20 jenis pakan dengan preferensi daun muda entelang (Garcinia parvifolia), semut, dan rayap. Standar internasional yang digunakan sebagai syarat pelepasliaran orangutan adalah mengenali setidaknya 25 jenis makanan lokal, dan tiga dari empat individu orangutan kandidat rilis sudah memenuhi syarat tersebut. Individu Awin, Kingkong, dan Tom sudah memenuhi salah satu syarat untuk dilepasliarkan, sedangkan individu Oli masih butuh waktu lebih banyak untuk pembelajaran di sekolah hutan.

The ability of orangutans to recognize their natural food sources is one of the prerequisites for release into the wild from rehabilitation facilities like Sintang Orangutan Center (SOC). This study aims to observe the ability of rehabilitant orangutans to recognize their natural food sources and ultimately assess the suitability of said individual for release into the wild. Monitoring was conducted from 08.30 to 15.30 WIB four times a week on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays of January through March in the year 2024 using focal animal sampling and ad libitum method to observe the ability of rehabilitant orangutans to recognize their natural food sources. Individuals used as subjects are release candidates Awin, Kingkong, Tom, and Oli. Daily activities and canopy preference were recorded as supplementary data. Awin recognized 27 kinds of food with preference for Lithocarpus lucidus, Syzygium polyanthum, and Muntingia calabura. Kingkong recognized 38 kinds of food with preference for Lithocarpus lucidus, Syzygium polyanthum, and Willughbeia angustifolia. Tom recognized 39 kinds of food with preference for Scleria sp., Vitex pinnata, and Lithocarpus lucidus as well as ants with the same eating frequency. Oli recognized 20 kinds of food with preference for Garcinia parvifolia, ants, and termites. The standard prerequisite for release into the wild used internationally stated that at minimum, the orangutan should be able to recognize at least 25 kinds of food, with at least half available year-round. Three of the four release candidates have met the requirement, with only Oli needing more time in the forest school."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamilton, William J. (William John), 1931-
New York: McGraw-Hill Book, 1973
591.5 HAM l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bilqis Kusuma Wardhani Anugrah Putri
"Hubungan yang tercipta antara hewan dengan manusia pada saat ini cenderung bertujuan untuk menciptakan rasa saling memahami, perasaan senang, dan persahabatan. Meskipun demikian, rasa sayang tersebut belum tentu memberikan manfaat bagi hewan itu sendiri, seperti halnya ketika X memanfaatkan hewan eksotis yang dipeliharanya untuk tujuan komersial demi mendapatkan keuntungan, yakni dengan cara mengunggah video yang mengandung unsur kelucuan, keindahan, keunikan, dan kesenangan ke media sosial Youtube. Namun, pada kenyataannya tindakan X yang pada awalnya bertujuan untuk menyelamatkan hewan eksotis dari kepunahan karena rusaknya alam liar dan maraknya perburuan, malah menjadi paradoks kejahatan lingkungan. Tulisan ini berfokus pada konten visual yang diunggah oleh X di media sosial YouTube selama tahun 2021. Kerangka pemikiran dan analisis pada tulisan ini dipayungi oleh pemikiran Goyes (2019) mengenai Southern Green Criminology, kemudian dijelaskan lebih lanjut melalui animal welfare dalam beberapa hal, yakni 1) kontrol reproduksi; 2) sifat buatan manusia; 3) perasaan afektif; 4) fungsi biologis; dan 5) fungsi alami, kriminologi visual untuk melihat visualisasi yang ditawarkan dalam konten X, dan menggunakan metode content analysis. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya sentimen publik sehingga menciptakan paradoks kejahatan lingkungan, khususnya terkait pemeliharaan hewan eksotis. 

The relationship that was created between animals and humans at this time tends to aim to make sense of mutual understanding, feelings of pleasure, and friendship. However, this affection does not necessarily benefit the animals themselves, as is the case when X uses the exotic animals it keeps for commercial purposes for profit, namely by uploading videos that contain elements of cuteness, beauty, uniqueness, and fun to social media. YouTube. However, in reality, X's actions which initially aimed to save exotic animals from extinction due to the destruction of the wild and rampant hunting, have become a paradox of environmental crimes. This paper focuses on visual content uploaded by X on YouTube social media during 2021. The framework and analysis in this paper overshadowed by Goyes' (2019) thoughts on Southern Green Criminology, then explained further through animal welfare in several ways, namely 1 ) reproductive control; 2) human control; 3) affective feelings; 4) biological function; and 5) natural functions, as well as visual criminology to see the visualizations offered in X content, and using the content analysis method. The results of this study indicate the existence of public sentiment that creates a paradox of environmental crimes, especially related to the maintenance of exotic animal."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1974
636 ANI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Restu
"Diosphyros celebica Bakh., also known as Sulawesi ebony, is an endemic to central and northern Sulawesi. Information about pollen dispersal patterns of D. celebica have not been previously investigated. This study was aimed to determine pollination type, percentage of selfing and outcrossing, as well as distance of pollen dispersal of D. celebica. This study was conducted at experimental forest of Universitas Hasanuddin, Maros District, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. One hundred and sixty six individuals of D. celebica consisted of adult trees and seedlings were analyzed in this study. Ninety four adult trees were selected to become parent trees. The trees were mapped with GPS coordinates . All samples were genotyped using four SSR markers loci. Parental analysis and determination of pollen dispersal patterns were carried out using Cervus 3.0.3. Results indicated that the evaluated markers were effective for assigning candidate of male parents to all evaluated seedlings. Donated pollens could come from male parents in any directions relative to female parent positions. Pollen dispersal pattern showed outcrossing pollination among different male parents (pollen donated trees). The results indicated that seeds were produced predominatly by outcrossing. Pollen dispersal reached up to 166 m. Pollen related processes were linked through female parents, pollinators availability and ecological environment. Simultaneous use of progeny genotyping, spatially explicit analysis of environmental variables and outcomes of plant–animal interactions, were the key elements for an expanded approach to gene flow analysis considering dispersal via pollen and seeds. Research on pollen dispersal of D. celebica should be carried out in other forest types, such as mixed forest and highland forest."
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2017
634.6 BIO 24:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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