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M. Ridho Ficardo
"The present study set out from the condition that Indonesia has many counter-terror units each of which executes order from different institutions. Therefore, there are many questions about effectiveness and efficiency of the current counter terrorism management system. In the operational level, it creates some problems on response, and also problem on ruling, preventing, and problem on policy coordination.
In terms of research methodology, the present study is planned to pattern the case-study research strategy and collects data from interview, observation, and document searching. On the other hand, research is conducted in three stages: planning, actuating, and reporting.
Using modeling approach, the present study analyzes current Indonesian Counter-Terrorism System whether it uses convergence and divergence approach in order to improve counter-terror system in Indonesia. Convergence approach consists of clustering model and integration model. Meanwhile divergence approach consists of coordination model and networking model.
The organizational structure of counter-terror system, which is formed pooled interdependence model. is marked by internal dynamics which, among others, are reflected both in fractionalization and disappointed expectations and which manifest themselves in differences of the traditional war /whims as well as differences of perception and evaluation among military leadership. This present study proposes alternative by using Convergence Model in the organizational structure of Counter-Terror Management System. Building preventive culture is also recommended."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Banyak pihak memuji keberhasilan pemerintah Indonesia dalam menjalankan strategi kontra-terorismenya. Keberhasilan ini antara lain ditunjukkan dengan kemampuan densus 88 menangkap para pelaku, anggota serta pendukungnya. Keberhasilan ini didukung pula dengan kemampuan intelejen nasional dalam mengumpulkan informasi. Walaupun begitu pemerintah harus melakukan strategi yang lebih komprehensif, tidak hanya menggunakan pendekatan secara 'hard' namun juga 'soft'. Strategi ini harus dibuat secara terpadu dan menyeluruh, mulai dari upaya preventif, penangkapan, rehabilitasi sampai pada program pengawasan."
JPUPI 2:2 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book places Indonesia at the forefront of the global debate about the impact of "disruptive" digital technologies. Digital technology is fast becoming the core of life, work, culture and identity. Yet, while the number of Indonesians using the Internet has followed the upward global trend, some groups - the poor, the elderly, women, the less well-educated, people living in remote communities - are disadvantaged. This interdisciplinary collection of essays by leading researchers and scholars, as well as e-governance and e-commerce insiders, examines the impact of digitalisation on the media industry, governance, commerce, informal sector employment, education, cybercrime, terrorism, religion, artistic and cultural expression, and much more. It presents groundbreaking analysis of the impact of digitalisation in one of the world's most diverse, geographically vast nations. In weighing arguments about the opportunities and challenges presented by digitalisation, it puts the very idea of a technological "revolution" into critical perspective."
Singapore: ISEAS, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Terrorism law is as international as it is regionally distinct and as difficult to define as it is essential to address. Given recent pressures to harmonize terrorism laws from international organizations like the United Nations Security Council, the Financial Action Task Force, and the Council of Europe, this book presents readers with an up-to-date assessment of terrorism law across the globe. Covering twenty-two jurisdictions across six continents, the common framework used for each chapter facilitates national comparisons of a range of laws including relevant criminal, administrative, financial, secrecy, and military laws. Recognizing that similar laws may yield different outcomes when transplanted into new contexts, priority of place is given to examples of real-world application. Including a thematic introduction and conclusion, this book will help to establish comparative counter-terrorism law as an emerging discipline crossing the boundaries of domestic and international law."
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudi Zulfahri
"Terorisme di sepanjang abad ke-21 ini telah menjadi perhatian utama di seluruh dunia. Hal ini merupakan sesuatu yang wajar, karena frekuensi kekerasan yang dihasilkan dari aksi-aksi terorisme sangatlah besar, sehingga banyak para peneliti yang berusaha untuk meneliti aktivitas kekerasan yang bernama terorisme ini. Terorisme adalah suatu kejahatan yang berbasiskan pada ideologi, dimana pada saat ini ideologi terorisme kebanyakan bersadarkan pada ajaran keagamaan. Di Indonesia, para pelaku aksi terorisme keagamaan mayoritas berasal dari kalangan umat Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji genealogi dan membuat pemetaan ideologi para pelaku terorisme keagamaan di Indonesia, dimana hasil dari penelitian ini nantinya digunakan sebagai bahan rujukan dalam menyusun strategi penanggulangan terorisme di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data yang diambil berdasarkan pada wawancara mendalam dan kajian literatur.
Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah terorisme keagamaan di Indonesia merupakan cerita bersambung yang pertumbuhannya bermula dari zaman sebelum kemerdekaan Indonesia sampai dengan saat sekarang, dimana para pelakunya saling memiliki keterkaitan. Mulai dari kemunculan gerakan Darul Islam DI yang kemudian memproklamirkan Negara Islam Indonesia NII , dilanjutkan dengan kelompok Al-Jamaah Al-Islamiyah JI , dilanjutkan lagi oleh kelompok Al-Qaeda Indonesia, dan hari ini dilanjutkan oleh kelompok ISIS Indonesia. Alasan yang menyebabkan berbagai kelompok ini melakukan aksi terorisme adalah karena karena tersumbatnya aspirasi politik untuk mewujudkan penerapan Syariat Islam secara formal di Indonesia.
Dari hasil pemetaan ideologi pelaku terorisme keagamaan di Indonesia, disimpulkan bahwa kelompok ISIS Indonesia memiliki tingkat ideologi radikal paling tinggi, dilanjutkan secara berurutan oleh kelompok Al-Qaeda Indonesia, JI, dan DI. Tingkatan ideologi radikal ini dijadikan tolok ukur untuk menilai keberhasilan program penanggulangan terorisme di Indonesia, khususnya dalam memoderasi ideologi radikal pelaku terorisme keagamaan. Akan tetapi hal ini hanya untuk strategi penanggulangan terorisme dalam jangka pendek dan menengah. Adapun untuk menuntaskan permasalahan terorisme keagamaan di Indonesia maka harus kembali kepada penyebabnya, yaitu dengan mengakomodir aspirasi politik umat Islam untuk mewujudkan penerapan Syariat Islam sesuai dengan amanah konstitusi.

Terrorism throughout the 21st century has become a major concern throughout the world. This is a natural thing, since the frequency of violence resulting from acts of terrorism is so great that many researchers are attempting to investigate this violence activity called terrorism. Terrorism is a crime based on ideology, where at present the ideology of terrorism is mostly based on religious teachings. In Indonesia, most of the perpetrators of religious terrorism are Muslim. This study aims to examine the genealogy and make mapping the ideology of the perpetrators of religious terrorism in Indonesia, where the results of this research will be used as a reference in formulating the strategy of countering terrorism in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method. The data are based on in depth interviews and literature review.
The result of the research is that religious terrorism in Indonesia is a serialized story whose growth dates back to the Indonesian independence era up to the present time, where the perpetrators have interconnectedness. Starting from the emergence of Darul Islam DI movement which then proclaimed the Islamic State of Indonesia NII, followed by Al Jamaah Al Islamiyah JI group, followed by Al Qaeda Indonesia group, and continued by ISIS Indonesia. Alasan yang menyebabkan berbagai kelompok ini melakukan aksi terorisme adalah karena karena tersumbatnya aspirasi politik untuk mewujudkan penerapan Syariat Islam secara formal di Indonesia.
From the result of mapping the ideology of the perpetrators of religious terrorism in Indonesia, it is concluded that ISIS Indonesia group has the highest level of radical ideology, followed sequentially by Al Qaeda group Indonesia, JI, and DI. The level of radical ideology is used as a benchmark to assess the success of counter terrorism programs in Indonesia, especially in moderating the radical ideology of perpetrators of religious terrorism. However, this is only for counterterrorism strategies in the short and medium term. As for to solve the problem of religious terrorism in Indonesia it must return to the cause, that is by accommodating the political aspirations of Muslims to realize the implementation of Islamic Sharia in accordance with the mandate of the constitution."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanny Purnama Sari
"Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengungkapkan isu seputar keterlibatan juru bahasa dalam upaya penanggulangan terorisme di Indonesia. Penelitian bersifat lintas-disiplin melibatkan ilmu penerjemahan, penjurubahasaan, ilmu hukum dan kajian terorisme. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif melalui wawancara dan tinjauan pustaka. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap sembilan belas informan mewakili Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT), Detasemen Khusus (Densus) 88, Badan Intelijen Keamanan (Baintelkam) Polri, satuan Perlawanan Teror (Wanteror) Gegana, Kejaksaan, Badan Antiteror AS, Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (HPI), Perkumpulan Juru Bahasa Konferensi Indonesia (AICI), juru bahasa dan lembaga penyedia juru bahasa. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa keterlibatan juru bahasa telah diidentifikasi oleh penegak hukum sebagai kebutuhan dalam upaya penanggulangan terorisme. Mekanisme merekrut juru bahasa dalam konteks terorisme memiliki sifat yang unik dengan penekanan pada ideologi dan latar belakang yang bersih. Khusus terkait program deradikalisasi, kesamaan jenis kelamin antara juru bahasa dan napiter menjadi pertimbangan utama. Kendala utama terkait ketiadaan juru bahasa yang berdampak pada penyelidikan atau penanggulangan terorisme sementara sudah dapat diatasi. Temuan-temuan ini mengindikasikan perlunya komunikasi dan kerja sama antara penegak hukum dengan asosiasi profesi penerjemah dan juru bahasa Indonesia serta penyusunan pedoman teknis bagi penegak hukum dan pemangku kepentingan terkait untuk melibatkan juru bahasa dalam konteks terorisme secara tepat guna.

This research was conducted with the aim of elaborating the issues around the involvement of interpreters in counter-terrorism measures in Indonesia. It is cross-disciplinary, involving translation, interpretation, legal and terrorism studies. This research is descriptive qualitative, carried out through interviews and literature review. Interviews were conducted with nineteen informants from the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), Special Detachment 88 (Densus) 88, Bureau of Intelligence and Security (Baintelkam), the Counter Terrorism Unit (Wanteror), the Attorney General's Office, the US Anti-Terror Agency, the Association of Indonesian Translators (HPI), Association of Indonesian Conference Interpreters (AICI), interpreters and agencies that provide interpreters. The study has found that the involvement of interpreters has been identified by law enforcement as a necessity in the efforts of counter-terrorism. The recruitment mechanism of interpreters in the context of terrorism is unique in that it emphasizes on clean ideology and background. With regards to the deradicalization program, the same sex between interpreters and convicts is a major consideration. The main obstacle regarding the absence of an interpreter that may have impacts on the investigation or countermeasures of terrorism has been dealt with temporarily. These findings indicate there is a need for communication and cooperation between the law enforcement agencies and associations of Indonesian translators and interpreters as well as the formulation of technical guidelines for law enforcement and relevant stakeholders to involve interpreters in the context of terrorism effectively."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teddy Indra Wijaya
"Kebijakan kontra-terorisme adalah salah satu pilar utama Indonesia melawan terorisme serta upaya mencegah adanya serangan serangan teror di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Penelitian ini berusaha memberikan penilaian obyektif terhadap efektivitas kebijakan kontra-terorisme Indonesia. Aksi-aksi serangan teror yang masih terjadi di Indonesia, terutama selama periode 2009 – 2018 adalah salah satu indikator ketidakefektivan kebijakan kontra-terorisme Indonesia. Pertanyaan utama yang ingin dijawab dalam penelitian ini adalah mengapa kebijakan kontra-terorisme Indonesia masih kurang efektif. Banyak pendapat menyatakan bahwa salah satu sebab ketidakefektivan kebijakan kontra-terorisme di Indonesia adalah ketidakmampuan regulasi tentang pemberantasan tindak pidana terorisme memberikan landasan hukum untuk mencegah serangan teror sebelum kejadian. Tesis ini mengajukan alternatif jawaban terhadap pertanyaan mengapa kebijakan kontra-terorisme Indonesia dinilai kurang efektif. Pertama, berdasarkan tipologi Zelinsky dan Shubik, terjadi evolusi perubahan organisasi teroris di Indonesia. Kedua, berdasarkan kerangka pemikiran Ranya Ahmed, terjadi perubahan target sasaran serangan teror di Indonesia. Ketiga, menurut Leo Suryadinata dan Kirsten Schulze terjadi perubahan taktik operasional dari kelompok teroris di Indonesia. Ketiga kerangka pemikiran tersebut memberikan hipotesa penelitian bahwa evolusi perubahan kelompok teror di Indonesia tidak dapat diakomodasi oleh kebijakan kontra-terorisme yang ada. Kebijakan yang kurang beradaptasi terhadap evolusi kelompok teroris di Indonesia menjadikan kebijakan kontra-terorisme kurang efektif mencegah serangan aksi teror di Indonesia.

Counter-terrorism policy is a main pilar on Indonesia’s attempt to eradicate terrorism and also an effort to prevent terrorists’ attacks within the territory. This study aims to objectively measures the effectivity of Indonesian counter-terrorism policy. Terrorists’ attacks which still happened within the period of 2009-2018 were a clear indication that the counter-terrorism policy remains ineffective. Hence, the main question in this study is why the policy is still ineffective. Previous studies suggest that Indonesian laws and regulations do not accommodate appropriate measures to prevent terrorists attacks from happening. This study would like to add an alternative answer to the question. It is important to acknowledge in this study that terrorists’ networks do evolve. A study made by Zelinsky and Shubik recognised terrorists organisation and structure might evolve based on command and financial structures. Another study made by Ranya Ahmed concluded that terrorist networks have different targets in their actions. Another study also assumed that terrorist networks might change their operational tactics due to modification in technology. Based on those assumptions, a working hypothesis of this study is Indonesian counter-terrorism policy is not flexible enough and not able to accommodate different evolutions of Indonesian terrorist networks."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Disertasi yang berjudul Model Pencegahan Terorisme di Indonesia oleh Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT) ini berupaya untuk mengkaji bagaimana konsep kerja Multi Lembaga dan kemitraan dalam organisasi pemerintahan yang bertujuan untuk pencegahan terorisme di Indonesia, melalui BNPT dapat terealisasi dengan baik. Perbedaan struktur dan budaya antar organisasi yang bermitra tentunya tidak secara otomatis berjalan efektif hanya karena ada peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengharuskan mereka bergabung menjadi satu dalam badan baru.
Dalam penelitian ini, penulis melakukan langkah-langkah pengumpulan data yaitu: pertama, mengidentifikasi dan menspesifikasi masalah yang berkembang di lingkungan penelitian. Kedua, penulis merancang pedoman wawancara dengan menyusun butir-butir pertanyaan berdasarkan variabel yang diamati atau masalah yang akan diselesaikan melalui wawancara mendalam kepada informan terpilih yang telah diidentifikasi. Ketiga, hasil dari wawancara mendalam ini kemudian diolah dan dikategorisasikan untuk mengidentifikasi temuan dalam penelitian lapangan. Keempat, hasil dari identifikasi ini kemudian disusun menjadi pedoman untuk Focused Group Disscussion (FGD).
Kesimpulan disertasi ini antara lain: (1) Dalam berperan sebagai badan koordinasi Multi Lembaga, BNPT masih banyak mengalami hambatan; (2) Dalam internal organisasinya, hambatan-hambatan dikelompokkan ke dalam Aspek Instrumental, Struktural dan Kultural; (3) Secara eksternal, dalam berhubungan dengan berbagai Kementerian/Lembaga terkait, BNPT cenderung menganggap dirinya sebagai Badan Nasional bentukan baru yang ?mengambil alih? tugas dan fungsi Kementerian/Lembaga yang sudah ada sebelumnya; (4) Sesungguhnya pencegahan akar penyebab dan pemicu terorisme sangat beragam, sehingga implementasinyapun tersebar di berbagai urusan yang menempel di dalam berbagai Kementerian/Lembaga yang dalam khasanah kriminologi dikenal dengan tipologi pencegahan primer, sekunder dan tersier. Dalam disertasi ini, penulis juga menghasilkan Model Alternatif Pencegahan Terorisme Berpendekatan Multi Kausa-Multi Lembaga.

The dissertation entitles Terrorism Prevention Model in Indonesia by The National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) tries to assess how the work concept Multi Agency and partners within the governmental organization that aims to prevent terrorism in Indonesia, by BNPT, can be well realized. The difference of structure and culture between the partnership organizations certainly not automatically running effectively just because there are laws and regulations those require them to merge into a new entity.
In this dissertation, the author performs the data retrieval steps within: first, to identify and specify the problems occur at the research environment. Second, the author designs the interview guidance by arranging the questions based on the observed variable or the problem which is going to be solved through in depth interview towards the chosen informant who has identified. Third, the result of the in depth interview then processed and categorized to identify research findings in the field. Fourth, the identified result then compiled into guidance for Focused Group Discussion (FGD).
The conclusion of this dissertation among others: (1) In capability as a Multi Agency coordinating body, BNPT still faces many obstacles; (2) In its internal organization, the obstacles classified within Instrumental, Structural, and Cultural aspect; (3) Externally, in relationship with various Ministry and related Institution, BNPT tends to consider itself as a new National Agency who ?takes over? the duty and authority of the existing Ministry and Institution; (4) Indeed the prevention of the root causes and trigger of terrorism are very diverse, thus the implementation are spreading in various following business towards various Ministry and Institution which in criminological term are known as primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention typology. In this dissertation, the author also obtains the Alternative Model of Terrorism Prevention Multi Causes-Multi Agency Approach
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riezaldo Aulia
"Pendanaan merupakan salah satu jenis aktivitas yang integral dan juga sentral dalam aktivitas terorisme secara umum. Hal ini membuat upaya intervensi dan pencegahan terhadap aktivitas pendanaan teror menjadi suatu hal yang krusial diperlukan agar dapat secara menyeluruh dan efektif “menang” melawan kejahatan terorisme. Dewasa ini, sebagian besar kebijakan kontra pendanaan terorisme dijalankan menggunakan model kerjasama/kemitraan multi-agensi. Model kerjasama ini memungkinkan adanya pengefisiensian kerja dan penggunaan sumber daya yang kolaboratif antar agensi terkait. Namun, di dalam implementasinya kebijakan jenis ini seringkali dihadapkan oleh berbagai macam kendala dan tantangan, baik dari internal maupun eksternal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang berusaha menjabarkan proses implementasi dan memetakan kendala – kendala yang dihadapi oleh Satgas CTF BNPT sebagai salah satu aktualisasi implementasi operasional kebijakan CTF yang berbasis kerjasama multi-agensi, dalam hal ini melibatkan BNPT, Densus 88, PPATK. Dalam analisisnya, penelitian ini menggunakan teori Multi-Agency Anti-Crime Partnership (Rosenbaum, 2002) dan Political Model of Policy Implementation (Khan & Khandaker, 2016).

Funding is one type of activity that is integral and also central to terrorism in general. This makes the intervention and prevention efforts on terrorism financing activities is a crucial thing needed in order to be able to "win" against the crime of terrorism. Nowadays, most counter terrorism financing policies are implemented using a multi-agency partnership model. This cooperative model allows for efficient work and collaborative use of resources between related agencies. However, in its implementation this type of policy is often faced by various kinds of obstacles and challenges, both internal and external. This research is a qualitative study that seeks to describe the implementation process and map the constraints faced by the BNPT CTF Task Force as one of the Indonesia’s operational implementations of CTF policy based on multi-agency collaboration, in this case it involves BNPT, Detachment 88, and PPATK. In its analysis, this study uses the theory of Multi-Agency Anti-Crime Partnership (Rosenbaum, 2002) and Political Model of Policy Implementation (Khan & Khandaker, 2016).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grawas Sugiharto
Tesis ini membahas mengenai faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang menjadi pendukung keputusan pemerintah Australia dalam mwnyetujui kerjasama kontra terror yang dengan pemerintah Indonesia. Analisis dalam tesis ini menggunakan dasar pemikiran konsep strategi dan kebijakan keamanan. Kajian literatur dalam penelitian ini menemukan sejumlah faktor-faktor pendorong dan penarik dalam perumusan kebijakan keamanan pemerintah Australia yang mempengaruhi pendirian JCLECdi Indonesia pada tahun 2004.

This thesis discusses the internal and external factors to the Australian government decision support in counter-terror cooperation with the Indonesian government. The analysis in this thesis uses the concept premise security strategy and policy. Review of the literature in this study found a number of factors push and pull in security policy of the Australian government that affect the establishment JCLEC in Indonesia on 2004."
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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