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Siti Hawa Deniati
"Ruang Iingkup dan cara penelitian: Beberapa penelitian membuktikan bahwa buah dan sayur berperan panting dalam mencegah berbagai penyakit degeneratif dan penuaan dini. Di dalam bahan slam pangan ini banyak terkandung senyawa fitokimia yang berperan sebagai somber antioksidan. Beberapa antioksidan terdapat di dalam bahan alam pangan, seperti vitamin C, vitamin E, karotenoid dan polifenol. Telah banyak dilaporkan bahwa kontribusi senyawa fenol terhadap aktivitas antioksidan lebih besar dibandingkan vitamin C, E dan karotenoid. Setiap bahan slam pangan memiliki jenis dan aktivitas antioksidan yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan aktivitas antioksidan dan kandungan fenol total yang terkandung dalam ekstrak bahan alam pangan, yaitu jahe, mengkudu, pisang, tomat, bawang merah, bawang putih dan minyak buah merah (MBM), serta menganalisis kontribusi senyawa fenol terhadap aktivitas antioksidan total ekstrak tersebut. Aktivitas antioksidan total ditentukan dengan metode penghambatan radikal bebas sintetik 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH'), sedangkan kandungan fend total diukur dengan metode Singleton dan Rossi menggunakan pereaksi Folln Ciocalteu. Analisis kontribusi senyawa fenol terhadap aktivitas antioksidan total ekstrak dilakukan dengan metode statistik analisis regresi. Pengujian diawali dengan mencelupkan bahan ke dalam alkohol mendidih kemudian bahan tersebut dilumatkan, ekstraksi dilakukan dengan aseton 80% atau metanol 70%, sedangkan MBM diekstraksi dengan campuran air dan heksan. Larutan ekstrak kerudian dikeringkan dan residu dilarutkan dengan metanol 50% seterusnya dilakukan pengukuran kandungan fenol total dan aktivitas antioksidan total. Kandungan fenol total dinyatakan sebagai mg ekivalen asam galat/l00 g bahan segar, sedangkan aktivitas antioksidan total dinyatakan sebagai pmo! ekivalen - TROLOX, butil hidroksi toluen (BHT), dan vitamin C/100 g bahan segar. Hasil dan kesimpulan: Kandungan fenol total dan aktivitas antioksidan total untuk semua bahan (kecuali MBM) yang diekstraksi dengan aseton 80% dibandingkan dengan metanol 70% tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna. Jahe mempunyai kandungan fenol total yang paling tinggi, diikuti mengkudu, bawang merah, bawang putih, pisang, tomat dengan pembanding asam galat. Sedangkan kandungan fenol total MBM hampir tidak terdeteksi. Antioksidan sintetik TROLOX mempunyai kekuatan antioksidan yang lebih besar dibandingkan vitamin C dan BHT dalam menangkal radikal bebas DPPH. Jahe mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan yang paling tinggi, diikuti mengkudu, pisang, bawang merah, bawang putih dan MBM bail( dengan pembanding TROLOX, BHT maupun vitamin C. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi dinyatakan korelasi antara kandungan fenol total dan aktivitas antioksidan total cukup kuat dengan koefisien korelasi, R2 = 0.81, terutama untuk jahe, mengkudu, pisang dan MBM. Dad hasii ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa senyawa fenol pada bahan alam tersebut memberikan kontribusi kuat terhadap aktivitas antioksidan, karena 81% kapasitas antioksidan dari bahan alam pangan tersebut berasal dari senyawa-senyawa fenol. Sedangkan senyawa fenol pada bawang merah, bawang putih dan tomat memberi kontribusi yang kurang kuat, yang mungkin disebabkan adanya kandungan antioksidan lain di dalam bahan alam tersebut yang lebih dominan seperti: karotenoid, vitamin C dan vitamin E.

Several studies have demonstrated that fruits and vegetables play an essential role in preventing degenerative diseases and aging process. Plant foods contain many phytochemicals which have an antioxidant effect, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids and polyphenols. There were several reports that the contribution of phenol compounds to antioxidant activity was much greater than those of vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids. Plant foods contain many different classes and activity of antioxidant. The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity and total phenols content in several plant food extracts, i.e. ginger, noni, tomato, banana, shallot, garlic and red fruit oil (RFC)), as well as to analyze the contribution of phenol compounds to total antioxidant activity of these extracts. The total antioxidant activity was determined using 1-diphenyl-2 pycrilhydrazyl (DPPH') free radical scavenging method, whereas the total phenols content was measured using Fofin Ciocalteu reagent based on Singleton & Rossi method. The contribution of phenol compounds was statistically analyzed using regression analysis method. The experiment was started by plunging the materials into boiling alcohol then blend and extracted the materials with 80% acetone and 70% methanol respectively, whereas RFO was extracted using H2O : hexane (1:1). Extract solution was evaporated until dryness then dissolved with methanol 50%. The total phenols content were expressed as galic acid equivalent/100 g fresh weight and the total antioxidant activity as TROLOX, Butyl hydroxy toluene (BHT) and vitamin C equivalent/100 g fresh weight. The total phenols content and total antioxidant activity of almost every plant foods (except RFO) extracted using 80% of acetone compared to 70% of methanol statistically showed no significant difference. Ginger extract has the highest total phenols content, followed by noni, shallot, garlic, banana and tomato. Surprisingly, the total phenol content of RFO extract was almost undetected. In scavenging the free radical of DPPH', TROLOX, an synthetic antioxidant, has an antioxidant capacity higher than other synthetic antioxidant, such as Vitamin C and BHT. The total antioxidant activity of ginger was the highest one, followed by noni, banana, shallot, garlic and RFO extracts, using either TROLOX, BHT or Vitamin C as a standard. The result of statistical regression analysis showed the good correlation between total phenols content and total antioxidant activity with a coefficient of R2 = 0.81, especially in ginger, noni, banana and RFO extracts. Therefore, we could conclude that the phenol compounds of these plant food extracts give a strong contribution to antioxidant activity, since 81% of antioxidant capacity of these extracts come from the phenol compounds. However, the contribution of phenol compounds in shallot, garlic or tomato extracts to total antioxidant activity was not dominant due to the presence of other essential natural antioxidants, such as carotenoids, vitamin C and vitamin E."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Eka Putra
"Latar belakang : Meningkatnya faktor-faktor penyebab dan kasus penyakit degeneratif dan kardiovaskular dari hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala selama 3 tahun (2009-2011) dan kurangnya respon pekerja terhadap program promosi kesehatan yang dilakukan sebelumnya di suatu perusahaan kimia di Cilegon mendorong dilakukannya suatu program wellness melibatkan keluarga selama 6 bulan yang diharapkan dapat menurunkan dan mengendalikan gula darah puasa, kolesterol total dan tekanan darah pada pekerja dengan obesitas sentral.Metode Penelitian : Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional (potong lintang) komparatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder untuk membandingkan nilai beberapa parameter sindroma metabolik yaitu gula darah puasa, tekanan darah serta kolesterol total pada sebelum dan sesudah program wellness melibatkan keluarga selama 6 bulan terhadap pekerja dengan obesitas sentral.Hasil penelitian : Empat puluh pekerja dengan obesitas sentral mengikuti program wellness melibatkan keluarga selama 6 bulan. Terdapat perubahan signifikan gula darah puasa dan kolesterol total antara sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti program. Hal tersebut sudah dapat ditunjukkan setelah satu bulan mengikuti program.Sementara tekanan darah tetap berkisar normal.Kesimpulan : Ada perubahan bermakna gula darah puasa dan kolesterol total sebelum dan sesudah program wellness melibatkan keluarga selama 6 bulan terhadap pekerja dengan obesitas sentral. Kata Kunci : Obesitas Sentral, gula darah puasa, kolesterol total, tekanan darah ,Program Wellness melibatkan keluarga, 6 bulan.

Background : Numbers of degenerative and cardiovascular causal factors and cases from 3 years periodic medical examination (2009-2011) increased and workers showed lack of interest to site health promotion programs which have been done previously at a chemical manufacture in Cilegon. This leads to initiate a 6 month wellness program plus family interactions with the intention to decrease and control fasting blood sugar level, total cholesterol and blood pressure to workers with central obesity.Methods : The research design is a comparative cross sectional to determine whether the changes of several metabolic syndrome parameter values prior to and after 6 months wellness program plus family interactions to workers with central obesity. It used secondary data.Result : Forty workers with central obesity participated in the six months wellness program plus family interactions. There were significant changes of fasting blood sugar and total cholesterol, even after one month participation in the program. However, blood pressure did not significantly changed.Conclusion : There were changes on fasting blood sugar and total cholesterol significantly by partcipatin on pre and post 6 months wellness program plus family interactions to workers with central Key Word : Central obesity, fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol, blood pressure , wellness program with family interactions and 6 months"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jelita Inayah Sari
"ABSTRAKNon-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) merupakan penyakit degeneratif yang berkaitan dengan kondisi kurang kalori dan diet tinggi lemak. NAFLD menyebabkan disfungsi mitokondria dan menurunkan aktivitas MnSOD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan respon hepatosit pada pemberian diet tinggi lemak (DTL) pada tikus dengan intake kalori berbeda selama masa pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini menggunakan organ hati Spraque Dawley usia 6 minggu yang telah diberi intake kalori berbeda selama 8 minggu, dilanjutkan dengan diet tinggi lemak selama 20 minggu. Terdiri atas kelompok kurang kalori+diet tinggi lemak (KK+TL), cukup kalori+diet tinggi lemak (CK+TL), tinggi kalori+diet tinggi lemak (TK+DL) dan kontrol (diet standar). Parameter yang diperiksa adalah berat organ, histopatologi (HE dan Masson trichrom) serta aktivitas MnSOD (ELISA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan berat organ dan aktifitas MnSOD pada semua kelompok. Steatosis ditemukan pada kelompok perlakuan dengan prosentase steatosis kelompok KK+TL lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok CK+TL, TK+TL dan kontrol (p<0,05). Kesimpulan: pemberian DTL selama 20 minggu pada tikus dewasa dengan riwayat intake kalori yang berbeda semasa pertumbuhan dapat menyebabkan steatosis, namun belum diikuti dengan gangguan aktivitas MnSOD. Oleh karena itu pemberian diet tinggi lemak pada kasus kurang kalori protein masih perlu dipertimbangkan dan diteliti lebih lanjut terkait faktor keamanan dan manfaatnya pada usia dewasa.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a degenerative disease associated with less of calorie and high-fat diet (HFD). NAFLD causes mitochondrial dysfunction and decreasing of MnSOD activity. This study aimed to compare the response of hepatocytes to the provision of HFD in rat with different caloric intake during infancy. This study uses the liver of 6 weeks Spraque Dawley rats which have been given a different caloric intake for 8 weeks, followed by HFD for 20 weeks. The groups were divided into less calorie + HFD (KK+TL), enough calories + HFD (CK+TL), high-calorie + HFD (TK+TL), and control. The parameters examined were liver weights, histopathology (HE and Masson Trichrome) and MnSOD activity (ELISA). The result showed no differences in liver weights and MnSOD activity in all groups. Steatosis was found in research groups, with higher percentage in KK+TL compared to CK+TL, TK+TL, and control (p<0,05). We conclude that giving of HFD for 20 weeks in adult rat with a history of different calorie intake during growth may cause steatosis, but there is no MnSOD activity disorder. Therefore, the provision of HFD in the case of less calorie still need to be considered and investigated especially for its safety and efficiency.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunistia Moura Zakhrifah
"Litsea adalah klan terbesar di suku Lauraceae. Beberapa ekstrak tanaman dari genus Litsea menunjukkan aktivitas farmakologis, seperti antioksidan. Laporan ilmiah menunjukkan bahwa klan adalah sumber antioksidan alami yang kaya. Litsea oppositifolia Gibbs adalah salah satu spesies yang ditemukan di Indonesia dan belum pernah diteliti sebelumnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak daun dan kulit pohon Litsea oppositifolia Gibbs, identifikasi kelompok senyawa yang terkandung dalam ekstrak, dan menentukan total kandungan fenol dari ekstrak yang paling aktif. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi menggunakan n-heksana, etil asetat, dan etanol. Tes aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan secara in vitro oleh radikal DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-picrylhydrazyl) metode reduksi radikal dan FRAP (Ferric reduction-antioksidan power) menggunakan microplate reader. Ekstrak yang paling aktif dengan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi adalah ekstrak etanol kulit kayu, dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 8,310 ± 0,04 μg/mL, kemudian nilai FeEAC sebesar 613,803 μmol/g. Ekstrak etanol kulit kayu menunjukkan kadar fenol 352,744 mgGAE/g ekstrak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ekstrak etanol kulit pohon Litsea oppositifolia Gibbs berpotensi menjadi sumber antioksidan alami.itsea is the largest clan in the Lauraceae tribe. Some plant extracts from the Litsea genus show pharmacological activity, such as antioxidants. Scientific reports indicate that the Litsea clan.

Litsea oppositifolia Gibbs is one of the species found in Indonesia and has never been studied before. This research was conducted to determine the antioxidant activity of leaf extracts and bark of Litsea oppositifolia Gibbs, identification of groups of compounds contained in the extract, and determine the total phenol content of the most active extracts. Extraction was carried out by maceration method using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol. Antioxidant activity tests were carried out in vitro by the radical DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical reduction method and FRAP (Ferric reducing-antioxidant power) using a microplate reader. The most active extract with the highest antioxidant activity is ethanol extract of bark, with IC50 value of 8.310 ± 0.04 μg/mL, then FeEAC value of 613.803 μmol/g. Ethanol extract of bark showed phenol levels of 352.744 mgGAE/g extract. Based on the results of the study, the ethanol extract of Litsea oppositifolia Gibbs bark has the potential to be a source of natural antioxidants."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ashri Nadhira Farizal
"Pada kulit buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) telah diketahui mengandung senyawa aktif berupa xanthone. Pada penelitian ini kandungan total fenolik, total flavonoid, aktivitas antioksidan dan uji sitotoksisitas dari fraksi etil asetat, n-butanol dan air dibandingkan dengan produk komersial obat ekstrak yang ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri.
Kandungan total fenolik di dalam hasil fraksinasi berkisar 1,69 – 15,87 mg ekivalen asam galat/g sampel fraksi, dinyatakan setara asam galat. Konsentrasi total flavonoid bervariasi 8,98 – 165,17 mg/ g ekstrak, dinyatakan setara quercetin. Aktivitas antioksidan dan uji sitotoksisitas fraksi etil asetat menunjukkan nilai sebesar 55.75 μg/mL dan 0.0029 μg/mL sebagai nilai IC50 dan LC50.
Hasil analisis total fenolik dan total flavonoid menunjukkan nilai tertinggi pada sampel yang berasal dari fraksi etil asetat. Nilai IC50 dan LC50 menunjukkan bahwa sample dari fraksi etil asetat memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan sitotoksisitas tertinggi dan terkuat.
Hasil uji bioaktivitas maupun analisis fitokimia pada fraksi- fraksi yang mengandung xanthone ini dapat digunakan untuk menyeleksi sampel yang akan digunakan dalam pembuatan sistem pelepasan obat yang terkendali (controlled drug release).

Pericarp of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana Linn) has been known one of the active compounds contained is Xanthone. In this study, total phenolic content, total flavonoid, antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity assay of fraction ethyl acetat, n-butanol and water compared to commercial product extracts in pericarp of mangosteen was determined using the spectrophotometric method.
The total phenolic content ranged from 1,69 - 15,87 mg/g extract, expressed as gallic acid equivalents. The total flavonoid concentrations varied from 8,98 - 165,17 mg/g extract, expressed as quercetin equivalents. Antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity assay ethyl acetat fraction showed a value of 55.75 μg/mL dan 0.0029 μg/mL were expressed as IC50 and LC50.
From the analysis it was found that ethyl acetate fraction showed the highest total phenolic content and flavonoid concentration also antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity assay ethyl acetate fraction a strong.
The test results on the bioactivity and phytochemical analysis of fractions containing xanthones can be used to select a sample that will be used in the manufacture of a controlled drug release.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfi Ramadhanty
"Genus Litsea dikenal memiliki berbagai efek farmakologis termasuk antioksidan. Litsea glutinosa diketahui mengandung senyawa fenolik yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya diketahui bahwa ekstrak metanol daun dan kulit batang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi aktivitas antioksidan daun dan ekstrak kulit batang Litsea glutinosa. Daun dan kulit batang Litsea glutinosa diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi terus menerus menggunakan n-heksana, etil asetat, dan etanol 70%. Ekstrak diuji aktivitas antioksidan dengan menggunakan metode pembersihan radikal DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) dan metode FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioksidan Power), skrining fitokimia, dan penentuan total konten fenolik pada ekstrak paling aktif dari daun dan kulit. Aktivitas antioksidan terkuat dalam metode pembersihan radikal DPPH pada ekstrak kulit batang dan daun ditunjukkan oleh ekstrak etanol dengan nilai IC50 35,78 μg / mL; dan 115,46 μg / mL. Hasil uji FRAP juga menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol kulit batang dan ekstrak etanol daun memiliki aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi dengan nilai FeEAC 203,98 μmol / g; dan 76,88 μmol / g. Hasil total kandungan fenolik dalam ekstrak etanol kulit batang dan ekstrak etanol daun memiliki kandungan fenolik 151,73 mgGAE / g sampel; dan sampel 58,38 mgGAE / g. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol kulit batang Litsea glutinosa memiliki potensi untuk digunakan sebagai antioksidan alami.

The Litsea genus is known to have a variety of pharmacological effects including antioxidants. Litsea glutinosa is known to contain phenolic compounds which have antioxidant activity. In a previous study it was found that the methanol extract of leaves and bark had antioxidant activity. This study aims to evaluate the antioxidant activity of leaves and Litsea glutinosa bark extract. Litsea glutinosa leaves and bark are extracted by continuous maceration method using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and 70% ethanol. The extract was tested for antioxidant activity using the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical cleansing method and FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) method, phytochemical screening, and determination of the total phenolic content in the most active extracts from leaves and bark. The strongest antioxidant activity in the DPPH radical cleaning method in bark and leaf bark extracts was demonstrated by ethanol extract with IC50 value of 35.78 μg / mL; and 115.46 μg / mL. The FRAP test results also showed that the ethanol extract of the bark and the ethanol extract of the leaves had the highest antioxidant activity with a FeEAC value of 203.98 μmol / g; and 76.88 μmol / g. The total phenolic content in the bark ethanol extract and leaf ethanol extract had a phenolic content of 151.73 mgGAE / g sample; and samples 58.38 mgGAE / g. These results indicate that the ethanolic extract of Litsea glutinosa bark has the potential to be used as a natural antioxidant."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anak Agung Ngurah Ronny Kesuma
"Background : Laminoplasty was developed to widen the spinal canal dimensions without permanently removing the dorsal elements of the cervical spine. The retained dorsal elements should aid in the prevention of muscle scarring to the dura and potentially reduce the incidence of postoperative instability.
Cervical laminoplasty has been advocated as an alternative procedure to laminectomy for the decompression of the cervical spine. It provides favourable cord decompression and stabilisation of the cervical spine and is a simpler and safer alternative to anterior fusion and laminectomy for myelopathy and myeloradiculopathy, due to degenerative cervical stenosis. Most authors report outcome based on the Japanese Orthopedic Association (JOA) scoring system. Reported results include mean preoperative and postoperative scores for all patients, and a calculated rate of recovery is provided. The mean recovery rate after the Hirabayashi expansive laminoplasty is approximately 60%. To know the outcome, we evaluated 9 patients with degenerative cervical spinal stenosis that had been treated with laminopalsty using JOA score and Oswestry disability index questioner also the correlation between them.
Methods : We performed pre and post interventional study on patients with degenerative cervical spinal stenosis with moderate until severe stenosis that had failed non operative treatment from January 2007 -June 2008 at Cipto mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. With JOA score as clinicall approach and Oswestri Disability Index (001) questioner by patient approach, we identify the cervical spine function of the patients before and after laminoplasty (1 month, & 6 month post operative)
Results: There were significant difference of JOA and 001 score before and after decompression by laminoplasty with p<0.05. The improvement of cervical spine function also significantly increase until 6 months after surgery compare to the 1$ month post operative JOA and 001 score (p=0.028, p=0.035 respectically). There is strong correlation between them (r=0.804).
Conclusion : Laminoplasty decompression technique can improve the cervical spine clinically (increase the JOA score) and quality of life (decrease the 001 score) of patient with degenerative cevical spinal stenosis."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tanaman Ayapana triplinervis Vahl. atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Prasman, merupakan tanaman yang dapat menghilangkan radikal bebas karena memiliki efek antioksidan. Belum banyak dilakukan penelitian mengenai aktivitas antioksidan dari Ayapana triplinervis Vahl. Berdasarkan uji DPPH 2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis ekstrak n-heksana, etil asetat, dan metanol pada konsentrasi akhir 25 g/mL berturut-turut memiliki nilai inhibisi 38,91, 51,03 dan 54,06. Setelah mendapat inhibisi didapatkan IC50 ekstrak etil asetat, dan metanol berturut-turut 28,71 g/mL dan 23,472 g/mL.
Berdasarkan uji FRAP Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power menggunakan microplate reader ekstrak etil asetat, dan metanol memiliki nilai FeEAC 460 mol/g, 828,99 mol/g dan 940,22 mol/g. Ekstrak metanol menunjukan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi, dengan nilai IC50 23,47 g/mL dan nilai FeEAC 940,22 mol/g. Ekstrak etil asetat dan metanol pada konsentrasi awal memiliki kadar fenol total 12,06, dan 42,11 mg GAE/gram ekstrak, serta kadar flavonoid total 3,24 dam 3,41 mg QE/gram ekstrak. Berdasarkan uji penetapan kadar fenol dan flavonoid, ekstrak metanol menunjukkan nilai tertinggi.

Ayapana triplinervis Vahl. or Prasman is a plant that can eliminate free radicals due its antioxidant effects. There are slightly research have been conducted to explore the antioxidant activity of Ayapana triplinervis Vahl. Based on DPPH assay using UV Vis spectrophotometer, n hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extract with a final concentration of 25 g mL have an inhibitory value of 38.91, 51.03 and 54.06 respectively. Using inhibition IC50 is obtained ethyl acetate extract and methanol are 28,71 g mL and 23,472 g mL.
Based on FRAP test using microplate reader of ethyl acetate and methanol extract have FeEAC 460 mol g, 828,99 mol g and 940,22 mol g. The methanol extract shows the highest antioxidant activity, with IC50 value is 940,22 g mL. The extracts of ethyl acetate and methanol at initial concentrations contained total phenol levels of 12.06, and 42.11 mg GAE gram extract respectively, as well as total flavonoid levels of 3.24 and 3.41 mg QE gram extract. Based on the test of the determination of phenol and flavonoid levels, methanol extract showed the highest value.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yvonne Juslim
"Tumbuhan bajakah tampala (Spatholobus littoralis Hassk.), yang berasal dari famili Fabaceae, digunakan secara turun temurun oleh masyarakat dayak untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar fenol, flavonoid total, dan aktivitas antioksidan terhadap ekstrak etanol 70% daun bajakah tampala yang diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi dan UAE. Rendemen ekstrak yang diperoleh dari metode maserasi dan UAE adalah 13,41% dan 16,16%. Kadar fenol total metode maserasi dan UAE sebesar 98,3 ± 0,34 dan 101,260 ± 0,75 mg EAG/g ekstrak. Kadar flavonoid total metode maserasi dan UAE sebesar 15,73 ± 0,09 dan 15,86 ± 0,15 mg EK/g ekstrak. Hasil uji aktivitas antioksidan DPPH dengan metode maserasi dan UAE menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan yang sangat kuat dengan nilai IC50 = 42,83 μg/mL dan IC50 = 34,2 μg/mL, sedangkan hasil pengujian aktivitas antioksidan FRAP metode maserasi dan UAE sebesar 18,828 ± 0,15 dan 19,087 ± 0,28 g FeSO4 ekuivalen/100 g ekstrak. Hasil penapisan fitokimia menunjukkan daun bajakah tampala mengandung alkaloid, tanin, saponin, fenol, flavonoid, terpenoid, dan glikosida. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak daun bajakah tampala (Spatholobus littoralis Hassk.) memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang sangat kuat.

Bajakah tampala (Spatholobus littoralis Hassk.), which comes from the Fabaceae family, is used for generations by the Dayak community to treat various diseases. This study aims to determine the content of phenol, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity of the 70% ethanol extract of bajakah tampala extracted by maceration and UAE methods. The yield of the extract obtained from the maceration method and UAE was 13,41% and 16,16%. The total phenolic content from the maceration and UAE method was 98,3 ± 0,34 and 101,260 ± 0,75 mg GAE/g extract. Total flavonoid content from the maceration and UAE methods were 15,73 ± 0,09 and 15,86 ± 0,15 mg EQ/g extract. The results of the DPPH antioxidant activity test with the maceration and UAE methods showed very strong antioxidant activity with IC50 = 42,83 μg/mL and IC50 = 34,2 μg/mL, while the results of the FRAP antioxidant activity test with maceration and UAE methods were 18,828 ± 0,15 and 19,087 ± 0.28 g FeSO4 equivalent/100 g extract. The results of the phytochemical screening also showed that the bajakah tampala leaves contain alkaloids, tannins, saponins, phenols, flavonoids, terpenoids, and glycosides. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the extract of the leaves of the bajakah tampala (Spatholobus littoralis Hassk.) has very strong antioxidant activity."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Wulandari
"Pengawetan dengan iradiasi sinar gamma diketahui dapat membuat kandungan produk tetap terjaga dan juga terbebas dari kontaminasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi efek iradiasi gamma terhadap aktivitas antioksidan, kadar fenol total dan kadar flavonoida total serbuk herba Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth. Uji aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan menggunakan metode peredaman radikal DPPH, uji kadar fenol total menggunakan metode kolorimetri dengan reagen Folin-Ciocalteu dan uji kadar flavonoida total menggunakan metode kolorimetri AlCl3 dan natrium asetat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis iradiasi 5 kGy dan 7,5 kGy tidak menyebabkan perubahan secara signifikan (p>0,05) pada kadar fenol total, kadar flavonoida total dan aktivitas antioksidan. Sedangkan dosis iradiasi 2,5 kGy dan10 kGy menyebabkan perubahan secara signifikan (p<0,05) pada kadar fenol total dan kadar flavonoida total. Akan tetapi pada dosis iradiasi 2,5 kGy, aktivitas antioksidan tidak mengalami perubahan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa iradiasi sinar gamma pada dosis 5 dan 7,5 kGy dapat digunakan untuk serbuk herba Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth karena tidak mempengaruhi aktivitas antioksidan, kadar fenol total dan kadar flavonoida total secara signifikan (p>0,05). Aktivitas antioksidan memiliki korelasi dengan kadar fenol total tetapi aktivitas antioksidan tidak berkorelasi dengan kadar flavonoida total.

Preservation using gamma ray irradiation is known to preserve the content of the products and saving the products from contamination. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of gamma ray irradiation of Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth herb powder on its antioxidant activity, total phenolic content and total flavonoid content. The evaluation of antioxidant activity have been done by DPPH radical scavenging methode, evaluation of total phenolic content with colorimetry methode using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, and evaluation of total flavonoid content with colorymetry methode using AlCl3 and sodium acetate. The result shows that, at irradiation dose 5 and 7,5 kGy, there is no significant change (p<0,05) for total phenolic content, total flavanoid content and antioxidant activity. But at irradiation dose of 2,5 and 10 kGy, there were significant change (p<0,05) in total phenolic content and total flavonoid content compared to control (non-irradiated). Meanwhile antioxidant activity doesn’t change significantly at dose 2,5 kGy. It can be concluded that gamma ray irradiation at dose 5 and 7,5 kGy can be use for Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth herb because it shows no significant effect (p>0,05) on antioxidant activity, total phenolic content and also total flavonoid content. There is a correlation between antioxidant activity with total phenolic content but there is no correlation between antioxidant activity with total flavonoid content."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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