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"The background of the research is based on the empirical and theoretical phenomena that in the General Directorate of Common Law Administration there is an indication of low level of job satisfaction among the employee. This condition is caused by the environment of organization and leadership which have not fulfilled the expectation of the employees in the office.
The location of this research is in the General Directorate of Common Law Administration in the Department of Law and Human Rights. The problems in the research are 1) is there any influence of environment of organization on job satisfaction, 2) is there any influence of leadership on job satisfaction, 3) is there any influence of environment of organization and leadership concurrently on job satisfaction in the directorate. To find the answers on those research questions, data analysis is using descriptive statistic (cross-tabulation and distribution of frequency) by evaluate data of perception and analyse it in finding solution based on theoretical approach suitable with the variables.
According Milkovich and Boudrem (1997, 222) training is a process that systernaticalyachange the attitude, knowledge, official motivation to fulfill characteristics of employee's need and their demand. On the other hand according to Arep (2003.116), training is mean to : 1) Enchancing the motivation of working, 2) Developing knowledge, capability and skill in performing daily activities, 3) Creating self confidence and eliminating the inferior, 4) implementing duty smoothly, 5) Positive manner to the company, 6) in creasing the working spirit. 7) increasing awarness to the company, 8) Developing respect between employee, 9) Encouraging employee to give the best result, 10) Encouraging employee to serve the best service.
According Hamel and Prahalan (1995 : 535) competencies is a set of skill capability and technology which is independent Micko (202: 22) saying that the urgency of individual role in organization need a strategy of competencies development to enhance and motivation and working productivity . Motivation, according to Stephen Robbins (2001 :166) is the agreement to give the high effort for organization objectives, which is accompanied by an effort to fulfill individual need.
The result of the research shows that majority of the respondents do not satisfied because the role of education and training in the system of promotion is not the criteria to be promoted; it have not increased motivation of work; they do not have full trust from their supervisor even they have increased their knowledge through education and training; they have less opportunity to perform well and if they do that there will be no appreciation; and they have no opportunity to have more responsibility after being educated and trained.
Related to employee's competency, the result shows that the majority of respondents feel that they do not have ability to hear, understand, give respond to other thinking, point of view and personality; cannot expand their confident and self control; cannot work systematically; cannot make quick and accurate action; cannot understand and implement good governance; cannot develop innovation, creation, and motivation; cannot give or implement monitoring system; and cannot push others to make a team work.
The employees who have high and very high motivation are 19 employees and the rest of 107 can be categorized in very low and fair motivation. The distribution of them is in the echelon IV and staff. The variable of motivation has positive and strong relation and also significant with the variable of training.
That condition can be interpreted that the relation between motivation and training is consistent, in term of if the programme of training is increased or improved the motivation of the employees will also increase. Then, the variable of motivation has positively strong and significant with the variable of competency.
Base on the result that shows that competency and motivation of employees in the echelon IV and staff are low in a specific field such as research, it is suggested that the functionaries try to give priority on specific training and supervision for them."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Rudianto
"The existence of human resources in management is very strategic; even it becomes a crucial factor to success in implementing any activities and achieving its goals. It can be comprehended because even other resources are available; they are beneficial if other resources are empowered by good quality human resources. It means that human who has ability and willingness, and meets the need of organizational activities will accomplish expected productivity of work.
This research aims to analyze the main problem in this thesis which is, is there any relation between human resource empowemlent with employee's productivity of work in that institution and what are the factors which relate to human resource empowerment" The aim of the research is to analyze, the relation between human resource empowerment and employee's productivity of work and factors which are significant in the human resource empowerment process.
The method of survey is used in this research which is carried out in the National Law Education Institution. It is applied to analyze the population (universe), big and small population, then select and analyze the sample which is chosen from the population, to find incident, distribution, and relative inter-relation of the sociology and psychology variables.
The result of the analysis show that respondents characteristics influence the productivity except age of respondent. Meanwhile, correlation between empowerment of human resource and empIoyee's productivity of work is significantly strong, The factors which intiuence the empowerment of human resource are ability, employee?s work placement, obvious authority, responsibility, trust, support, leadership and motivation."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Priyanto
"Base of observation in the Academy of Social Rehabilitation, I found the phenomena such as unequal job's distribution, diversity of level of education, different financial compensation, and different work satisfaction. All of them have influenced the performance of the academy. Related to that situation, writer is concern to explore the relation between motivation and performance. As stated by Gibson that employee?s behaviour (B) is a function of individual (I), organization (O), and psychology (P).
Gibson pointed out that performance and individual's behavior are influenced by three variables which are individual, organization, and psychology variable. Individual variable consists of capacity and skill, family background, social class and demographic factor. Capacity and skill are important factors to detemiine someone's performance. Organizational variable consists of resource, leadership, compensation, job's design and structure. Psychology variable consists of perception, attitude, personality, leam and motivation. Motivation is strongly influence to determine someone's performance.
Guided by Gibson's argument, that motivation is strongly influential to determine someones perfomiance, writer formulate a postulate that factors which are influence motivation of work of an employee are distribution of work, level of education, financial compensation, and working satisfaction.
The population of the research is the employee in the Academy of Social Rehabilitation in the Center for Officer's Education and Training, Department of Law and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia. The research uses census method that all of the 33 employees in the academy turn into respondent. From the 33 distributed questions, all of them are fully collected. List of questions which are provided consist of close question asserted by definite answers and open question where respondent free to answer their opinion. The questionnaire also uses scale of Likert.
Process and analysis of collected data use SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 11. Cross-tabulation analysis is done to identify the degree of relation between independent variable and dependent variable, which is relation between motivation (consists of indicators of job's distribution, level of education, financial compensation, and working satisfaction) and the performance of the Academy.
Hence, after analysis using SPSS version 11 is done with Spearman correlation method, it can be identified that the relation between job's distribution and performance of the academy is 0.421 in the signincance of 0.01. The relation between levels of formal education with the performance is 0.467 in the significance of 0.01. The relation of financial compensation and the performance is 0.440 in the significance of 0.01. The relation between working satisfaction and the performance is 0.456 in the significance of 0.00.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiweko Ismono
"Salah satu komponen terpenting organisasi untuk merespon perubahan Iingkungan yang terjadi, adalah komponen sumber daya manusia. Dibandingkan dengan komponen organisasi yang lain, keunggulan sumber daya manusia terletak pada tingkat intelektualitas, sifat, keterampilan, karakter personal, serta proses intelektual dan kognitif yang masing-masing tidak akan dapat dengan mudah ditiru oleh organisasi lain (Susanto, 2004:1). Dalam hal ini keberadaan sumber daya manusia adalah merupakan nilai tambah (added value) yang dapat menjadi tolak ukur keberhasilan suatu organisasi.
Hal tersebut sejalan dengan pendapat dari Steers (dalam Kasim, 1993:25) yang menyatakan bahwa sumber daya manusia memiliki peranan yang penting karena berfungsi sebagai penggerak didalam organisasi dan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dalam jangka panjang. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, menurut Dalziel (2003:9), terdapat ada 3 (tiga) peran manusia dalam usaha penyesuaian organisasi terhadap perubahan yaitu untuk menentukan kejelasan arah yang tengah dituju, mewujudkan komitmen untuk mencapai tujuan dan mengaplikasikan keterampilan-keterampilan yang dibutuhkan.
Sebagai suatu organisasi publik yang memberikan pelayanan hukum kepada masyarakat, maka usaha peningkatan motivasi kerja bagi pegawai Direktorat Perdata Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum Departemen Hukurn dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia adalah mempakan hal yang penting. Hal ini karena usaha peningkatan motivasi kerja tersebut akan berkaitan dengan kinerja pegawai Direktorat Perdata dalam memberikan pelayanan bagi masyarakat yang membutuhkan.
Sesuai dengan pemikiran tersebut di atas, maka dilakukan suatu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi motivasi kerja pegawai pada Direktorat Perdata Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dengan meggunakan desain penelitian survei eksplanatori.
Dari hasil analisis faktor terdapat komponen variabel-variabel berjumlah 21 (dua puluh satu) variabel yang memberikan kontribusi dalam penelitian ini, terdiri dari 20 (dua puluh) variabel bebas dan 1 (satu) variabel terikat.
Melalui analisis regresi ganda, terdapat 7 (tujuh) variabel bebas yaitu penilaian prestasi kerja, iklim organisasi dalam bekerja, pengawasan dalam bekerja, lingkungan kerja yang kompetitlf, kepemimpinan yang mengarahkan, pemberian penghargaan dan kompetensi pegawai herpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap motivasi kerja pegawai. Sementara 13 (tiga belas) variabel bebas lainnya yaitu kompensasi berdasarkan prestasi kerja, kedisiplinan dalam bekerja, peningkatan pengetahuan dalam pelaksanaan tugas, pemahaman dalam bekerja, kepuasan dalam bekerja, pengambilan keputusan, imbalan berupa insentif, peraturan dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan, saling menghargai, sarana kerja untuk menyelesaikan tugas, sikap dalam bekerja, pelatihan untuk peningkatan prestasi, dan penghasilan pegawai belum berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap motivasi kerja pegawai.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dengan indikasi 13 (tiga belas) variabel bebas yang belum berpengaruh secara signifikan, kiranya menjadi masukan bagi para pengambil kebiiakan di Direktorat Perdata untuk melakukan tindakan yang nyata dalam rangka meningkatkan motivasi kerja pegawai yang pada akhirnya akan berdampak terhadap eksistensi suatu organisasi.

One of the important components to respond a changing enviromnent is human resources. Compare to other components, the advantage of human resource is on its degree of intellectual, personal character, skill, and intellectual and cognitive process which are difficult to be adopted by other organizations (Susanto: 2004:1). In this context, the existence of human resources is that it is an added value that can be the basis of the success of an organization.
It is equal with what Steers said (Kasim, 1993:25) that human resources have significant role because it encourages organization?s objective and long term productivity. Relate to that statement, Dalziel (2003:9) categorized three human roles in order to deal with any changing, which are determine clear direction, implement commitment to achieve goals, and apply needed skill.
As one of the public organizations which give law services to the public, any efforts to raise the motivation of work in the office are important. It is because that the efforts relate to the employee?s performance in the office in giving public services.
Appropriate with those philosophies, a research is done to identify influential variables to the motivation of work by using explanatory research.
From the factorial analysis there are 21 variables which give contribution to the research. They are 20 independent variables and one dependent variable. Through double regression analysis, there are 7 dependent variables, which are performance, working environment, monitoring, competitive working environment, directive leadership, appreciation and competency. Those variables are significantly influence the motivation of work variable. Meanwhile, other 13 dependent variables which are performance, understanding, satisfaction, decision making, incentive, regulation, training, and income have not significantly influenced.
Base on the result, it will be an input for decision maker in the office to take real action in order to increase employee?s motivation of work relate to the existence of the organization.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahendro Jati
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan hubungan antara variabel kepemimpinan dan komunikasi interpersonal sebagai variabel bebas dengan motivasl kerja pustakawan di Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional sebagai variabel terikat.
Dalam penelltian ini, variabel kepemimpinan menggunakan indikator orientasi kepada tugas, orientasi kepada hubungan. lndikator dalam komunikasi interpersonal adalah kepercayaan, dukungan, dan keterbukaan. Sedangkan indikator dalam variabel motivasi kerja terdiri kebutuhan berprestasi, kebutuhan berhubungan dengan pihak lain, dan kebutuhan untuk berkuasa. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pustakawan di Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional yang seluruhnya berjumlah 21 (duapuluh satu) orang.
Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang kuat secara signillkan antara kepemimpinan dan motivasi kerja pustakawan di Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional. Hasil yang sama juga ditunjukkan dalam hubungan antara komunikasi interpersonal dengan motivasi kerja. Demiklan juga terhadap hubungan antara kepemimpinan dan komunikasi interpersonal secara bersama-sama dengan motivasi kerja, menunjukkan adany hubungan. Arah hubungan yang ditunjukkan antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat adalah hubungan yang positif. Dengan demikian untuk meningkatkan motivasi kerja pustakawan, maka diperlukan adanya peningkatan proses kepemimpinan dan komunikasi interpersonal di Iingkungan Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional.

This research is aimed at explaining the relationship between variables of leadership and interpersonal communication as the independent variables with working motivation of librarian in the National Law Development Agency as dependent variable. In this research, leadership variable uses indicator which is oriented towards jobs, and oriented towards relationship. The indicator in interpersonal communication is trust, support and openness, while indicator in working motives variable consist of need of achievement, need of afnliation, and need of power. The respondents in this research is all librarians in the National Law Development Agency which are 21 (twenty one) persons.
The result of correlation analysis showed the strong and significant relation between leadership and working motivations of librarian in the National Law Development Agency. The same result is also depicted in the relation between interpersonal communications with working motivation. Besides, the relation between leadership and interpersonal communication together show the medium relationship toward working motivation. The direction of the relation which is depicted between dependent and independent variable is positif relation.
Therefore, to enhance the working motivation of librarians, it needs the strengthening of leadership process and interpersonal communication in the National Law Development Agency.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sukidarfi Ismail
"Kemampuan dan Motivasi peranannya sangat penting dalam melaksanakan suatu penelitian, karena untuk melaksanakan suatu penelitian disamping harus memiliki mental dan fisik yang memadai, harus juga memiliki kemampuan teknis atau metodologi penelitian, kemampuan manajerial, kemampuan berperilaku atau berkomunikasi, kemampuan konseptual atau kemampuan menvisualisasikan hari depan dan visi organisasi, sehingga dapat menciptakan ketekunan bekerja [application ] dan efektivitas [effectiveness] dalam bekerja atau dengan memiliki kemampuan dan motivasi yang diciptakan maka pegawai akan berusaha dan bekerja sekeras-sekerasnya untuk memenuhi tercapainya sasaran dan tujuan organisasi yang telah ditetapkan.
Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkapkan korelasi antara kemampuan dan motivasi dengan kinerja pegawai Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Departemen Kehakiman Rl, dengan menggunakan metode diskriptis analisis dan mengambil populasi sebagai sampel atau non probalita sampling dengan sampling jenuh/sensus. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah pernyataan menurut skala Liked dengan skor 4,3, 2, 1.
Untuk mempermudah pembahasan, maka pengolahan data menggunakan rumus Spearman rho dan bantuan program SPSS 11.00 for Windows, sehingga penghitungan matematis dalam narasi statistik yang general.
Adapun hasil korelasi yang didapat dalam penelitian ini adalah :
- Hubungan antara variabel kemampuan dengan kinerja terdapat arah hubungn positif [tidak berlawanan arah], dengan tingkat hubungan sangat rendah yaitu 0,087 jauh dibawah angka 0,5%, sedangkan hubungan tersebut tidak signifikan karena probalitas adalah 0,870 [Sig.2 -tailed ] yang di atas angka 005. Oleh karena itu, hubungan tersebut tidak menolak Ho.
- Hubungan antara variabel motivasi dengan kinerja terdapat arah hubungan positif, dengan tingkat hubungan sangat rendah yaitu 0,087 jauh dibawah angka 0,5%, sedangkan hubungan tersebut tidak signifikan karena probalitas adalah 0,870 [Sig. 2-tailed ] yang diatas angka 0,05. Oleh karena itu, hubungan tersebut tidak menolak Ho.
- Hubungan antara variabel Kemampuan dengan Motivasi terdapat arah hubungan positif, dengan tingkat hubungan sangat tinggi yaitu 0,834 jauh diatas angka 0,5%, sedangkan hubungan tersebut signifikan karena probalitas adalah 0,000 [Sig. 2 -tailed ] yang jauh dibawah angka 0,05. 0,003 [Sig. 2-tailed j, sehingga hubungan tersebut menolak Ho.
- Hubungan antara Kemampuan dan Motivasi dengan kinerja pegawai terdapat arah hubungn positif, dengan tingkat hubungan sangat rendah yaitu 0, 118 yang jauh dibawah 0,5% [ 0,000 -0,1999 ], sedangkan hubungan tersebut tidak signifikan, karena probalitas [ sig, 2 tailed] adalah 0,824 yang berada diatas 0,05, sehingga hubungan tersebut tidak dapat menolak Ho. [ tidak terdapat hubungan antara kemampuan dan motivasi dengan kinerja]
Dan jawaban responden dan data sekunder diketahui tingkat kemampuan dan motivasi pegawai sedang dan menghasilkan kinerja yang sedang, Namun, jumlah pegawai harus ditambah dengan kualifikasi pendidikan [ bukan dari lulusan Fakultas Hukum ] yang sesuai dengan bentuk pekerjaan penelitian yang dilakukan dan perlu pengklasifikasian jabatan fungsional peneliti sesuai dengan bidang yang diteliti atau melakukan promosi terhadap pegawai yang selesai mengikuti pendidikan S2, terutama tulusan S2 [ FISIP-Ul - Depkeh dan HAM RI ] pada jabatan yang ada di Puslitbang, terutama jabatan Fungsionaris untuk mendukung pelaksanaan tugas penelitian."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar belakang pemilihan judul tersebut di atas didasarkan pada fenomena empiris dan teoritis, di mana pada Ditjen Perlindungan HAM diindikasikan pegawainya bermotivasi rendah dan sebagi prediktor penyebab rendahnya motivasi adalah proses kepemimpinan dan iklim organisasi yang kurang kondusif. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan pada kantor Ditjen Perlindungan HAM. Metoda penelitian adalah penelitian populasilpenelitian senses dengan menyebar 150 kuesioner, namun yang kembali hanya 134. Beranjak dari latar belakang tersebut di atas rumusan masalah yang mengemuka adalah : (1) Bagaimana Kepemimpinan dapat meningkatkan motivasi kerja pegawai, (2) Bagaimana Iklim Organisasi dapat meningkatkan motivasi kerja pegawai, (3) Sejauhmana kekuatan hubungan kepemimpinan dengan motivasi kerja pegawai, (4) Sejauhmana kekuatan hubungan Iklim Organisasi dengan motivasi kerja pegawai, (5) Sejauh mana Kepemimpinan dan Iklim Organisasi secara bersamasama mempengaruhi motivasi kerja pegawai. Untuk mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan penelitian pada rumusan masalah tersebut di atas, metoda pengolahan data yang dilakukan mengarah pada metode Diskribtif Statistik, Statistik Non Parametris (korelasi Spearman Rank) dan statistik parametris (analisa regresi).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 7 butir indikator motivasi yang tingkat persetujuan populasinya rendah dan perlu mendapat perhatian untuk segera dicarikan jalan keluarnya untuk diatasi, yaitu : (1) Situasi dan kondisi kerja yang terkait dengan kepemimpinan dan manajemen organisasi kurang memenuhi harapan bawahan, (2) Kepuasan kerja ditinjau dari kebijakan organisasi, (3) Kepuasan kerja ditinjau dari sisi penghasilan, (4) Pendistribusian pekerjaan yang kuran adil, (5) Sistem promosi yang belum adil, (6) Kepuasan kerja ditinjau dari sisi konflik, (7) Kepuasan kerja ditinjau dari sisi merasa tenteram dalam bekerja. Untuk indikator kepemimpinan juga terdapat 7 butir indikator yang tingkat persetujuan populasinya rendah dan periu mendapat perhatian untuk segera dicarikan jalan keluarnya untuk diatasi, yaitu : (1) Perhatian pimpinan terhadap kesejahteraan bawahan kurang seimbang bila dibandingkan dengan tugas tugas yang dicarikan, (2) Dalam menghadapi masalah pimpinan lebih banyak bicara dari pada mendengar, (3) Upaya Pimpinan merealisasikan strategi dalam menciptakan Inovasi, (4) Upaya Pimpinan memiiih taktik dan strategi dalam menciptakan inovasi, (5) Upaya pimpinan menyelaraskan keharmonisan antara keinginan individu bawahan dengan tujuan organisasi, (6) Upaya Pimpinan mengajak ke arah impian bersama (visi organisasi) dengan selalu memberi petunjuk dan Cara untuk mencapainya, (7) Penerapan gaya kepemimpinan paternalistik konsep kepemimpinan Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Hasil indikator Iklim Organisasi terdapat 11 butir indikator yang tingkat persetujuan populasinya rendah dan perlu mendapat perhatian untuk segera dicarikan jalan keluarnya untuk diatasi, yaitu: (1) Intensitas terjadinya konflik, (2) Prosedur Kerja dan garis kewenangan yang kurang jelas, (3) Sistem Kompensasi yang tidak menunjukan rasa keadilan, (4) Sistem penghargaan dan hukuman, (5) Koordinasi Intern Ditjen Perlindungan HAM, (6) Penyelesaian Konflik, (7) Partisipasi bawahan dalam pengambilan keputusan, (8) Semangat kerjasama, (9) Efektifitas Kerjasama, (10) Keberadaan struktur dan Tupoksi, (11) Pemahaman Visi dan Misi Organisasi.
Tingkat Hubungan Antar Variabel Penelitian didapat hasil sebagai berikut : (1) Variabel motivasi mempunyai hubungan yang positif kuat dan signifikan dengan variabel Kepemimpinan. Artinya hubungan keduanya konsisten, apabila proses kepemimpinan ditingkatkan akan berdampak meningkatkan motivasi kerja pegawai, (2) Variabel Motivasi mempunyai hubungan yang positif kuat dan signifikan dengan variabel Iklim Organisasi. Artinya hubungan keduanya konsisten, apabila proses Iklim Organisasi diperbaiki, maka akan berdampak meningkatkan motivasi kerja pegawai, (3) Variabel Kepemimpinan dan Iklim Organisasi secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel motivasi. Artinya kontribusi kepemimpinan dan iklim organisasi secara bersama-sama dalam mempengaruhi motivasi adalah cukup besar. Atas dasar hasil penelitian tersebut di atas, maka disarankan untuk meningkatkan atau memperbaiki Motivasi, Kepemimpinan dan Iklim Organisasi, terutama pada indikator yang bermasalah (tingkat persetujuan populasinya rendah). Untuk itu dengan meningkatkan/memperbaiki Kepemimpinan dan Iklim organisasi (secara bersama-sama maupun secara parsial) akan cukup besar pengaruhnya dalam meningkatkan motivasi kerja pegawai.

The title above is chosen based on empirical and theoretical phenomenon in Directorate General of Human Rights Protection, which is indicated that some of the employee has a low motivation in work. And the predictor cause of this low motivation is the leadership qualities process and the organization Sphere which are not conducive. This research had done in Diretorate General of Human Rights Protection. The research method is population research/census research by distributing 150 questioners that returned only 134. Based on the background above the problem are: (1) How leadership can advance the officials working motivation, (2) How organization sphere can advance the officials working motivation, (3) How far the influence of leadership on the officials work motivation, (4) How far the influence of organization sphere on the officials working motivation, (5) How far the leadership qualities in accordance with the organization sphere influence the officials working motivation. To answer those questions above, the data tabulation method that is using descriptive statistics method, non-parametric statistics (Spearman Rank correlation) and parametric statistics (regression analysis).
The finding shows that there are seven indicators of motivation which have a low population agreement level and need attention to be solved immediately, those are: (I) The work situation and work condition that is related to leadership and management of the organization is not fulfilling the officials hope, (2) Work satisfaction that is observed from organization policy, (3) Work satisfaction that is observed from income earnings side, (4) Work distribution that is not equitable, (5) Promotion system that is not equitable, (6) Work satisfaction that is observed from conflict side, (7) Work satisfaction that is observed from tranquility on work. For the leadership indicator, there are seven indicators too, which have a low population agreement level and need attention to be solved immediately, those are: (1) Leader's attention toward employees' prosperity is not equal if it is compared with their given duties, (2) In facing problem, the leader speaks more than noted, (3) The leader's efforts to realize strategy in making innovation, (4) The leader's efforts to choose tactics and strategy in making innovation, (5) The leader's efforts to adjust harmony between employees' longing with organization's objective, (6) The leader's efforts in urging aim to (organization vision) by always giving instruction and method to achieve, (7) Application of paternalistic leadership form in Ki Hajar Dewantara leadership qualities concept. From the results of organization sphere, there are eleven indicators, which have a low population agreement level and need attention to be solved immediately, those are: (1) The intensity of conflict occurred, (2) Work procedure and authority border which are not enough clear, (3) Compensation system which doesn't show justness, (4) Appreciation system and punishment, (5) Intern coordination of Directorate General of Human Rights Protection, (6) Conflict Completion, (7) Employees' participation in making decision, (8) Cooperation enthusiasm, (9) Cooperation Effectiveness, (10) The Existence of Structure and Tupoction, (11) Comprehension of Vision and Mission from organization.
The correlations between research variable degree are: (1) Variable of motivation has a positive strong & significant relation with leadership variable. It means the correlation is consistent, if the leadership process is improved, it will increase the motivation of officials performance. (2)The Motivation variable has a strong, positive and significant relation with organizational sphere variable. It means the correlation is consistent, if the organizational sphere process is improved, it will increase the motivation of officials performance. (3) Leadership variable & organizational sphere will jointly has a positive & significant impact to motivation variable. It means the leadership contribution and organizational sphere will jointly give a great impact on motivation. Based on the finding above, it is suggested to increase or to improve motivation, leadership qualities, and organization sphere, especially on the complicated indicator (low population agreement level). Therefore, by increasing/improving leadership qualities and organization sphere (jointly or partial), it will influence big enough (68,8%) to increase officials working motivation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Kepemimpinan dan Pelatihan dengan Motivasi kerja pegawai didalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas pembinaan bagi Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas IIA Bogor. Didasarkan pada pengalaman empiris dapat diindikasikan bahwa pegawai yang dimiliki Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II A Bogor mempunyai motivasi kerja yang rendah. Hal ini disebabkan 1). sebagian pegawai mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan yang berbeda dari tingkat sekolah dasar sampai tingkat sarjana dengan jurusan dan keterampilan yang berbeda, .sedangkan pemasyarakatan mempunyai jalur pendidikan khusus untuk mempersiapkan sumber daya manusianya yaitu AKIP ( Akademi Ilmu Pemasyarakatan ), sehingga kemampuan dan keterampilan dalam bidang pembinaan pemasyarakatan yang dimiliki pegawai sangat terbatas, 2). Pegawai yang ada sebagian berasal dari Departemen Penerangan dan Depertemen Sosial dengan Budaya kerja yang berbeda 3). kurang meratanya Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Teknis Pemasyarakatan. 4) kurangnya tingkat kesejahteraan pegawai .
Kenyataan lain yang dapat dilihat yaitu masih adanya gangguan keamanan dan ketertiban seperti terjadinya perkelahian antara sesama tahanan / narapidana yang bahkan dapat menyebabkan kematian, adanya tahanan 1 narapidana yang melarikan diri dari lembaga pada siang hari tanpa melakukan bobol genteng atau peralatan lain, adanya bekas narapidana yang berulang kali masuk lembaga, sedangkan rendahnya motivasi pegawai dapat dilihat dari tingkat kehadiran yaitu : tidak masuk kerja tanpa alasan yang jelas, datang terlambat / tidak ikut apel pagi, datang absen pagi keluar kantor tanpa alasan yang jelas dan datang kembali waktu absen pulang serta datang pagi akan tetapi tidak menggunakan waktu sebagaimana mestinya.
Dengan dasar latar belakang tersebut diatas dapat dikemukakan beberapa rumusan masalah dalam penelitian seperti :
1. Adakah hubungan antara Kepemimpinan dengan motivasi pegawai Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II A Bogor.
2. Adakah hubungan antara Pelatihan dengan Motivasi Pegawai Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas IIA Bogor.
3. Adakah hubungan antara Kepemimpinan dan Pelatihan Secara bersama-sama dengan Motivasi Pegawai Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II A Bogor.
Sebagai faktor motivasional seorang pimpinan mutlak perlu menyusun program yang sistematik untuk mengembangkan bawahan baik jalur formal maupun informal, karena pentingnya pengembangan sebagai bagian integral dari usaha memberikan motivasi, maka jalur formal harus ditempuh melalui program pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi pegawai. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan konsep atau teori kepemimpinan yang efektif dengan lima landasan manajerial yang kokoh dari Chapman yang dikutip Dale Timpe dalam Hasibuan, konsep Pelatihan menggunakan teori Arep dan Mangunegara, den konsep motivasi menggunakan teori dua faktor dari Herzberg.
Untuk mencari jawab atas pertanyaan penelitian diatas, maka pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Survey yaitu dengan teknik menyebarkan kuesioner. Teknik pengambilan sample dengan menggunakan Teknik insidental sampling, sedangkan penentuan jumlah sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rumus Al-Rasyid. Dari 61 sampel yang ditetapkan untuk mewakili populasi sejumlah 155 orang, telah disebarkan sebanyak 66 eksemplar angket dan semuanya kembali.
Dari data yang telah diuji validitas dan reiiabilitasnya maka dilakukan analisis korelasi Spearman Rank, Analisis korelasi Banda dan uji Signifikansi F hitung. dengan hasil :
1. Adanya hubungan yang positif, positif dan signifikan antara Kepemimpinan dengan motivasi kerja pegawai di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas IIA Bogor.
2. Adanya hubungan yang positif, kuat dan signifikan antara Pelatihan dengan Motivasi kerja pegawai Lembaga pemasyarakatan Klas II A Bogor.
3. Adanya hubungan yang positif, kuat dan signifikan antara Kepemimpinan dan Pelatihan secara bersama-sama dengan motivasi kerja pegawai Lembaga pemasyarakatan Klas IIA Bogor.
Dari hasil penelitian, disarankan untuk dapat meningkatkan dan memperbaiki motivasi pegawai dengan cara memperbaiki kualitas kepemimpinan, Pelatihan dan motivasi terutama indikator-indikator yang masih menjadi masalah dengan Cara bersama-sama atau parsial.

This research is done with an objective of exploring the relation between leadership and training with work motivation of officers in doing their rehabilitation duties for the inmates at the Class 2A Correctional Institution of Bogor. According to empiric experience, it indicates that almost all of the officers have minimum work motivation. This caused by: 1) some of the officers have different education background, from the elementary school until university with different kind of specialization, and also there is a special education program, that is AKIP (Akademi Ilmu Pemasyarakatan/Academy of Sociology Science), so the ability on rehabilitation program for the officers is limited; 2) Some of the officers transferred from the Department of Information and Social Works, which have different job description; 3) The training and education about Socialization system is not spread enough; 4) Incomplete salary for officers.
Another reality shows that there still have security obstruction, for example fight between inmates that can cause death, inmates run away from prison without open the ceiling in the afternoon, recidivist that come back again to the jail. Minimum work motivation can be shown from the level of absence officer not come to the office without any permission, officers come too late, go home before the time, and also come to the office but not using the work time properly.
Base on these realities, it can be formulated some problems in the research, such as
1. Is there any relationship between leadership with work motivation of officers at Class 2A Correctional Institutions of Bogor?
2. Is there any relationship between training with work motivation of officers at Class 2A Correctional Institutions of Bogor?
3. Is there any relationship between leadership and training together with work motivation of officers at Class 2A Correctional Institutions of Bogor?
As the motivational factor, a leader should draw a systematical program to develop the employee from formal or informal lines. But it's better if a leader takes the formal line by education and training. In this analysis, we use Chapman's Effective Leadership Concept with 5 managerial bases, taken from Dale Timpe by Hasibuan, Training Concept using Mangunegara and Arep's theory, and Motivation Concept using two factor theory of Herzberg.
To have the answers from the questions, we collect the data using survey method that is by spread questioners. The technique to collect the data is using Incidental Technique sampling, and to decide the number of samples, we using Al-Rasyid's formula. From 61 samples which represent the population of 155 employees, it has been distributed 66 sheets of questioners, and all of them are back.
From the data that the validity and the reliability already tested, we make analysis Spearman Rank correlation, double correlation analysis, and F Significant test. And the results are:
1. There is a positive and significant relationship between leadership with work motivation of officers at Class 2A Correctional Institutions of Bogor.
2. There is positive, strong, and significant relationship between training with work motivation of officers at Class 2A Correctional Institutions of Bogor.
3. There is positive, strong, and significant relationship between leadership and training together with work motivation of officers at Class 2A Correctional Institutions of Bogor.
From this analysis, we suggest to improve and correct the officers' motivation by improving the quality leadership, training and motivation, especially on the indicators that still become dilemma, done together or partial.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research based on environment condition in Directorate General of Human Rights Protection that was formed in last 3 years. The employee comes from many institution with different experiences, culture of organization, different level of education, meanwhile most of the employee have lack of knowledge in human rights. On the other side, the future challenges become harder since this Directorate has task and function to promote, protect, enhance and fulfill human rights need. Therefore this research has purpose to know the correlation of training and competencies with the motivation of official working performance in Directorate General of Human Protection. To perform its task and function, this institution needs to be supported by a qualified human resources who has competencies or capability, to enhance its motivation in performing its activities.
According Milkovich and Boudreau (1997;222) training is a process that systematically change the attitude, knowledge, official motivation to fulfill all characteristics of employee's need and their demand. On the other hand, according to Arep (2003:116), training is a mean to; 1) Enhancing the motivation of working; 2) developing knowledge, capability and skill in performing daily activities; 3) Creating self confidence and eliminating the inferior 4) Implementing duty smoothly; 5) positive manner to the company; 6) Increasing the working spirit; 7) increasing awareness to the company; 6) Developing respect between employee; 9) Encouraging employee to give the best result; 10) Encouraging employee to serve the best service.
According Hamel and Prahalad, (1995;235) competencies is a set of skill, capability and technology which is independent. Mieke (2002;22) saying that the urgency of individual role in organization need a strategy of competencies development to enhance motivation, satisfaction and working productivity. Motivation, according to Stephen Robbins (2001;166) is the agreement to give the high effort for organization objectives, which is accompanied by an effort to fulfill individual need.
Research population is all staffs from Directorate General of Human Rights Protection, more less 149 persons. Sampling collected by using Stratified random sampling, which is classified based on echelon structural. Based on 95% validity, sampling collected 108 peoples, consist of 5 echelons Ii, 15 echelons Ill, 45 echelons IV and 43 staffs. Data is collected through questioner and interview. Data analyses include skorsing technique, and statistic analyses using correlation Spearman Rho. Data is arranged by using of computer program SPSS 11.0 for Windows.
Based on data analyses and operating outcomes shows that training variable has positive connection and significant to motivation with coefficient correlation r = 0,482. Then, competencies variable also has positive and significant relation to motivation with coefficient correlation r = 0542. Training and competencies variable together has a positive relations with motivation, with determination coefficient R2 = 0,292, it means that training and competencies affecting employees working motivation 29,2 percent and 70,8 percent affected by other variables, such as leadership, organization sphere, compensation and others."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pohan, Susi Andriany
"Latar belakang pemilihan judul diatas didasarkan pada fenomena empiris dan teoritis, dimana pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II A Bogor diindikasikan bahwa pegawainya bermotivasi rendah dan sebagai penyebab rendahnya motivasi kerja adalah proses kepemimpinan dan kondisi budaya organisasi yang kurang kondusif, lokasi penelitian dilakukan pada kantor Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II A Bogor.
Beranjak dari latar belakang tersebut diatas rumusan masalah yang dikemukakan adalah :
(1) Bagaimanakah karakteristik dan gaya kepemimpinan yang ada di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II A Bogor,
(2) Bagaimanakah kondisi budaya organisasi yang ada di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II A Bogor,
(3) Bagaimanakah hubungan antara kepemimpinan dengan motivasi kerja pegawai,
(4) Bagaiamanakah hubungan antara budaya organisasi dengan motivasi kerja pegawai, (5) Bagaimanakah hubungan antara kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi dengan motivasi kerja pegawai.
Secara Teoritik, untuk mencari jawaban pada rumusan masalah tersebut maka dibuat kerangka berfikir yang melandasi pemikiran yaitu teori kepemimpinan (Wirawan), konsep budaya organisasi (Hofstede) dan teori motivasi (Siagian). Teori Kepemimpinan, konsep budaya organisasi dan teori motivasi tersebut bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pemahaman mengenai variabel penelitian, merumuskan indikator-indikator variabel penelitian dan merumuskan kerangka berfikir hubungan antara kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi dengan motivasi kerja.
Secara Empiris, untuk mendapatkan jawaban atas rumusan masalah dibuktikan melalui penelitian dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yang mengarah pada metode Deskriptif dan Stalistik Non Parametris (Korelasi Spearman Rank). Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner dengan tehnik sampling yaitu Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling, dengan penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan kriteria yang diberikan pada tabel Krejcie dan Morgan.
Indikator yang bermasalah hingga berpotensi menurunkan motivasi kerja pegawai Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II A Bogor, yaitu : (1) Gaya kepemimpinan dalam hal penekanan kreatifitas bawahan, (2) Gaya kepemimpinan untuk selalu mengajak bawahan kearah impian bersama (visi) organisasi dan selalu memberikan petunjuk bagaimana caranya visi tersebut dapat dicapai, (3) Gaya kepemimpinan untuk menerapkan kepatuhan kepada bawahan dalam pekerjaan tertentu dan harus segera diselesaikan, (4) Gaya kepemimpinan untuk memberikan motivasi dan membantu bawahannya mengidentifikasikan tujuan secara jelas, (5) Rencana strategis dalam rangka menciptakan inovasi yang dilakukan pimpinan.
Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat nilai persetujuan indikator budaya organisasi yang dikategorikan rendah dan pernyataan tersebut merupakan indikator yang bermasalah hingga berpotensi menurunkan motivasi kerja pegawai Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas I I A Bogor, yaitu : (1) Nilai pekerjaan yang menantang serta dapat memberikan kebanggaan dan kepuasan bagi pegawai dalam melaksanakan tugas, (2) Nilai pekerjaan yang menggunakan ketrampilan sepenuhnya dalam melakukan pekerjaan, (3) Pemberian kesempatan untuk maju dan mendapat kedudukan yang lebih tinggi, (4) Nilai budaya organisasi dalam hubungan yang akrab dengan pimpinan, (5) Pendapatan yang tinggi berdasarkan hasil kerja.
Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat nilai persetujuan indikator motivasi yang dikategorikan rendah dan pemyataan tersebut merupakan indikator yang bermasalah hingga berpotensi menurunkan motivasi kerja pegawai Lembaga Pemasayarakatan Klas II A Bogor dan perlu mendapat perhatian, yaitu : (1) Kepuasan ditinjau dari kebijakan/policy management organisasi, (2) Kepuasan ditinjau dari sarana dan prasarana kerja yang nyaman dan mendukung pelaksanaan tugas, (3) Kepuasan ditinjau dari penghasilan, (4) Kepuasan kerja ditinjau dari kesempatan tumbuh dan berkembang melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan-pelatihan, (5) Situasi dan kondisi kerja berkaitan dengan kepemimpinan dan management organisasi.
Tingkat hubungan antar variabel penelitian didapat basil sebagai berikut :
(1) Variabel kepemimpinan mempunyai hubungan yang positif dan signifikan dengan motivasi kerja pegawai, artinya hubungan keduanya konsisten, apabila proses kepemimpinan ditingkatkan akan berdampak meningkatkan motivasi kerja pegawai,
(2) Variabel budaya organisasi mempunyai hubungan positif dan signifikan dengan motivasi kerja pegawai, artinya hubungan keduanya konsisten, apabila kondisi budaya organisasi diperbaiki maka akan berdampak meningkatkan motivasi kerja pegawai, (3) Variabel kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel motivasi kerja pegawai, artinya kontribusi kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi dalam mempengaruhi motivasi adalah cukup besar.
Atas dasar hasil penelitian tersebut diatas, maka disarankan untuk meningkatkan atau memperbaiki kepemimpinan, budaya organisasi dan motivasi kerja pegawai terutama pada indikator yang bermasalah. Untuk itu dengan meningkatkan /memperbaiki kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi akan cukup besar pengaruhnya dalam meningkatkan motivasi kerja pegawai.

The background of the research is based on the empirical and theoretical phenomena that in the 11A Class Correctional Institutional Institution Bogor, there is an indication of low level of job satisfaction among the employee. This condition is caused by the culture of organization and leadership which is not conducive.
Base on that background, research questions in this research are: 1) how is the characteristic and style of leadership in the institution; 2) how is the condition of culture of organization in the institution; 3) how is the relation of leadership and employee's motivation of work; 4) how is the relation of culture of organization and motivation of work; and 5) how is the relation of leadership and motivation of work concurrently with employee's motivation of work.
As a Theoritical, to find out the answer in these problem, it should be a way of thing to make a good thinking there are : Theory of leadership (Wirawan), Organizational culture consep (Hofstede) dan the theory of motivation (Siagian). Theory of leadership, organizational culture consep and the theory of motivation have a good reason to descripe the understanding about variabels of research, to abbreviation the variabels of research indicators, and to abbreviation the way of think relationship between leadership and organizational culture with the motivation of work.
As a Empirical, to get the answer for these problem, it's need a research avidence with the methode of research which direct to descriptive methode with the analysis data tehnique as a descriptive and Non Parametric Statistic(Spearman Rank corelation). This research do it by collecting data and use a quisioner with Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling, and use a act of determining sampling with Krejcie and Morgans table of work. They are 1) value of work that is challenging and give satisfaction and for employee to do their job; 2) value of work which needs special skill; 3) opportunity to advance and be promoted to higher position; 4) culture of organization in term of personal relation with supervisor, 5) high income equal with the outcome.
The result shows that there is value of indicator on motivation that is indicated low and it can be forceful indicators to decrease motivation. They are 1) satisfaction in term of policy of management; 2) satisfaction in term of facilities to support the job; 3) satisfaction in term of income; 4) satisfaction in term of opportunity to step forward through education and training; 5) situation and condition of work relate to leadership and management of organization.
Degree of relation between variables is measured as 1) variable of leadership has positive and significant relation with motivation of work, it means that their relation is consistent and if it is improved the motivation of work will also improve; 2) variable of culture of organization has positive and significant relation with motivation of work, it means that their relation is consistent and if the culture of organization is improved the motivation of work will also improve; 3) variables of leadership and culture of organization concurrently have positive and significant relation with motivation of work, it means that contribution of both variables on motivation of work is fairly large.
Base on that result, it is suggested to improve leadership, culture of organization and motivation of work especially on problematic indicators. By improving leadership and culture of organization, motivation of work will be influenced.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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