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Ditemukan 162347 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Subandono Rachmadi
"The submission of recording products which include video and/or audio recording is regarded as submission of Tax Payable Goods that are imposed or payable of Value Added Tax. That provision is implicitly regulated in The Law No.8/1983 regarding Value Added Tax, as was last changed by Law No. 18/2000. Even though the alteration of the provision was regulated within different chapter, substantially the provision of Value Added Tax imposition on the submission of Video and/or audio recording products remains unchanged.
Further guidance toward the implementation of the Law was issued by The Minister of Finance and The Director General of Tax for its realization. The guidance of implementation is periodically modified to meet with particular condition. Up to this time, the guidance that has become the support for the implementation of VAT collection on video and/or audio recording products is The Decision of The Minister of Finance No.KMK-251/KMK.04/2002 dated May 31,2002 regarding the Alteration of the Decision of the Minister of Finance No.567/KMK.04/2000 concerning Other Value as Tax Assessment Base; The Decision of the Finance Minister No.KMK-86/KMK.03/2002 dated March 8,2002 concerning The System of Sticker Application in collecting and paying of VAT on the Submission of Video Recording products; The Decision of The Minister of Finance No.KMK-174/KMK.03/2004 dated April 2,2004 regarding Value Added Tax on the Submission of Audio Recording Products; The Decision of Director General of Tax No.KEP-81/PJ./2004 dated April 24,2004 and July 20,2004 concerning the determination of shape, size, color, contents, value text of VAT-PAID sticker and Assessment Base to calculate VAT on the Submission of Video Recording Products and the Pointing-out of Association that gives recommendation to the payment settlement of VAT-PAID sticker and system of settlement and its report; The Circular of The Director General of Tax No. SE-08/PJ.51/2003 dated April 2,2003 concerning the Value Added Tax on the Submission of Audio Recording products or Video Recording Products by distributor or agency or such; and the Circular ofthe Director General of Tax No. SE-05/PJ.51/2004 dated July 20, 2004, Issuance of Correction of the Decision by The Director General of Tax No.KEP-81/PJ./2004 regarding Value Added Tax on the submission of Audio Recording Products.
The mechanism of Value Added Tax collection on recording products as regulated in the above-said provisions has many controversial factors, for example, the collection of Value Added Tax that are imposed only to manufacturer level. Compared to the mechanism of Value Added Tax collection commonly applied, the so many controversial factors resulting will create problems to the neutrality of Value Added Tax as tax on consumption and also to the calculation of payable tax.
Problems over the imposition of Value Added Tax on the submission of video and/or audio recording products are analysed using descriptive-research analysis method. Justifying the Law of Value Added Tax 1984 and footing on the theory about Value Added Tax, there are some findings that the provisions regulating the mechanism of Value Added Tax collection on the submission of these recording products have given negative impacts to the Nation?s income in its implementation. Value Added Tax collection applied only to the producers' level and the Tax Assesment based on the given average Selling Price changes Value Added Tax to become single stage tax that potentially causes the loss of value added objects appearing within the distributors level and multiple-tax imposition. Viewed from the side of the yuridical formal and material justification, the said provisions not only deform the neutrality of Value Added Tax as tax on consumption, but also are in defiance ofthe Law of Value Added Tax of 1984.
The conclusion of the analysis over the problems is that the mechanism of VAT imposition on the submission of recording products has not achieved the targeted goal as mentioned in the VAT Law and the philosophy of VAT imposition as tax on consumption. The neglected neutrality in this tax imposition shall give influence toward the Tax Payers in calculating their payable tax that can also affect to the Nation?s Income. It is therefore proposed that improvement efforts be made by changing current implementation guidance with a new one that yuridical formal cmd material are not against VAT Law and in conformance with the philosophy of VAT as tax on consumption, but the improvement of the system shall be endeavored not to cause signiticant loss to the Nation."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Ronny Johannes
"The imposition of VAT on the transfer of ownership of recording products is by the redemption of VAT paid-stamp. VAT is imposed at the recording product producer stage, before those products being sold. The distribution channel of the recording product is started from the distributor, agents, the distributor is no longer charged with VAT. In the VAT regulations the principle of the imposition is a multi stage tax. Which means VAT is collected at every stage of production chain and distribution. Under this VAT levy policy, the tax payer is obliged to redeem the indebted VAT to acquire the VAT paid-stamp of the recording products. The tax imposition bases used to calculate the VAT is the average selling price of the recording products.
The important point in this thesis is the grounds and laws on which the government to base the VAT levy policy on the recording products. In relation to the policy implementation is also questioned the level to which it influences the produce of recording products.
The research method used in this thesis is quantitative description with: frequency percentage. The respondents of this research stem from the representative: of recording products producer?s associations trough questionnaires and interviews. The above-mentioned associations consist of 4 (four) associations appointed to recommend the VAT paid-stamp redemption. As comparison, the research also involved some interviews with several Senior Official at The Directorate General of Tax.
The result of the research reveals that most of the recording product producers have no objection to the VAT imposition policy on the recording products. Nevertheless the service to provide the VAT paid-stamp must be improved. The conclusion of this research shows that there is no adequate laws on which the VAT is based to regulate the VAT levy on the voice recording products. The basic consideration to charge VAT on the voice recording products is merely in order to increase revenue from VAT, the simplicity of Administration and the supervision of the voice recording products tax payer.
Based on the result of the research it is suggested that the government should provide laws as foundation for the VAT regulation regarding to VAT levy on the voice recording products. The service provided for the redemption of the VAT paid-stamp needs to be improved. To improve supervision on the price of voice recording products in the market. Procedures on the excessive unused VAT paid-stamps management. The handling and control on the selling of counterfeited VAT paid-stamp.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Setyowati
"Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya uji materi PP No. 31 Tahun 2007 yang diajukan oleh Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia (KADIN) tahun 2014 kepada Mahkamah Agung (MA) atas barang hasil pertanian karena bertentangan dengan UU PPN Pasal 4A, dimana pada UU PPN barang hasil pertanian tidak termasuk barang yang dikecualikan dari pengenaan PPN (terutang PPN). Pada akhirnya uji materil ini dikabulkan oleh MA melalui putusan MA nomor 70p/hum/2014 mengenai pajak pertambahan nilai atas barang hasil pertanian yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan usaha di bidang pertanian, perkebunan, dan kehutanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak dari pengenaan PPN tersebut pada kapasitas lahan perkebunan kopi Indonesia, nilai ekspor biji kopi dan kopi olahan (hilirisasi) serta dampak hilirisasi kopi terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dilihat dari penciptaan output, tenaga kerja dan pendapatan.
Dengan menggunakan metode Ordinary Least Square dan Analisis Input Output, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengenaan PPN berdampak negatif pada luasan lahan perkebunan kopi Indonesia. Pada saat terjadi pengenaan PPN, lahan perkebunan kopi Indonesia berkurang, dan semakin bertambah ketika terjadi pembebasan PPN. Sedangkan dampak pengenaan PPN terhadap nilai ekspor biji kopi adalah negatif namun tidak signifikan, tetapi berdampak negatif dan signifikan terhadap kegiatan hilirisasi yang dilihat dari pengurangan nilai ekspor kopi olahan. Adapun penurunan nilai ekspor biji olahan tersebut akan berpotensi mengurangi output perekonomian dalam negeri, mengurangi tingkat pendapatan rumah tangga dan penyerapan lapangan kerja di sektor yang terkait dengan industri hulu dan hilir tanaman kopi.

This research bases on the matter PP no. 31 in 2007 submitted by Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) 2014 to the Supreme Court (MA) of the agricultural products as opposed to the (VAT) Law, Article 4a, where law VAT of the agricultural products, not including goods, that is excluded from the imposition of the owed VAT. In the end the materil granted by Supreme Court through the award of Supreme Court Number 70p/hum/2014 on taxes increase in value over the agricultural products which resulting from agriculture, plantation, and forestry. The purpose of this research is to find the impact of the imposition of VAT the land on the capacity of coffee plantations, export of coffee and the export of coffee processed (downstream process) and the impacts of downstream process of coffee on the economy Indonesia seen from the creation of output, labor and income.
By Using Ordinary Least Square and Input Output methods, the result of this research concluded the VAT has a negative impact on the capacity of coffee land in Indonesia. In the event of the imposition of VAT, Indonesian coffee are reduced, and has been increased when the VAT exemption. While the impact the imposition of VAT on the export value of coffee beans is negative but insignificant, but have a negative impact and significant of the downstream process viewed from reduction value the export of coffee processed. As for reduction in the value of export of processed is to be potential to decrease output domestic economy, reduce the household income and absorption of employment opportunities in sectors related with the the upstream and downstream industries coffee plant.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Timotius Jositrianto
"Dalam kebijakan makro, pajak merupakan sumber penerimaan pemerintah yang potensial, yang jika digarap secara intens, akan memberi hasil yang memadai untuk rnenutup pembiayaan pembangunan. Untuk menyusun suatu kebijakan pajak yang ideal perlu diperhatikan dan dipertimbangkan asas-asas pemungutan pajak serta legal character dari pajak tersebut.
Kebijakan pengenaan PPN atas penyerahan BKP antar cabang, merupakan akibat dari prinsip ketentuan pengukuhan PKP, dimana baik kantor pusat maupun kantor cabang harus dikukuhkan sebagai PKP oleh KPP setempat. Karena masing-rnasing berstatus sebagai PKP, maka penyerahan BKP antar mereka dikenakan PPN.
Dalam tesis ini dilakukan analisa, apakah ketentuan ini telah sesuai dengan asas pemungutan pajak dan legal character PPN. Asas pernungutan pajak yang dipergunakan sebagai alat analisis. adalah Asas Equity dan Equality, Asas Certainiy, Asas Convenience of Payment, serta Asas Economic of Collection. Sedangkan legal character yang dijadikan sebagai acuan analisis adalah General Indirect Tax, dan On Consumption. Tujuan penulisan tesis ini adalah sebagai wacana pengkajian kebijakan perpajakan lebih lanjut. Tipe penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah deskriptif analitis, dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa Studi kepustakaan dan Studi lapangan melalui wawancara dengan pihak Wajib Pajak.
Dari hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa ternyata ketentuan ini tidak sesuai dengan asas-asas pernungutan pajak seperti disebutkan di atas.
- Ketentuan ini tidak sesuaj dengan Asas Equity dan Equality karena ternyata jika pada saat pemeriksaan yang dilakukan oleh pihak fiskus diterpukan bahwa Wajib pajak tidak melaksanakan ketentuan ini, maka Wajib Pajak yang menanggung beban pajak yang relatif besar. Sementara di Iain pihak, negara tidak mengalami kerugian.
- Ketentuan ini tidak sesuai dengan Asas Certainty karena, dalam peraturan pelaksanaannya, memuat penafsiran analogis yang memperluas objek ketentuan ini. Hal ini mengakibatkan adanya penafsiran yang menjadi tidak pasti.
- Ketentuan ini tidak sesuai dengam Asas Convenience of Paymem karena, Wajib Pajak diharuskan membayar pajak ataupun berkurang kekuatan cash flow-nya pada saat Wajib Pajak tersebut belum menerima penghasilan
- Ketentuan ini tidak sesuai dengan Asas Economic of Collection karena pada dasarnya negara tidak memperoleh penerimaan dari pelaksanaan ketentuan ini. Sementara itu, dari hasil penelitian ternyata bahwa carl of taxation berupa compliance cost yang harus ditanggung Wajib pajak dan administrative cost yang harus ditanggung oleh Pemerintah jumlahnya relatif besar.
Dalam pembahasan diperoleh hasil bahwa ketentuan ini tidak memenuhi prinsip PPN yang dikenakan atas dasar ?value added? yang dihasilkan, karena dalam kegiatan penyerahan/ pemindahan BKP yang dilakukan tidak terjadi value added. Dari hasil analisis juga diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa ternyata kebijakan ketentuan ini juga tidak memenuhi legal character PPN.
- Ketentuan ini tidak sesuai dengan karakter General PPN karena dalam Undang-Undang maupun dalam peraturan pelaksanaannya tidak secara jelas diatur dan disebutkan bahwa objek ketentuan ini adalah atas barang dan jasa.
- Ketentuan ini tidak sesuai dengan karakter Indirect Tax PPN karena ternyata penanggung jawab pajak, penanggung pajak, dan pemikul beban pajak berada pada satu orang atau satu badan
- Ketentuan ini juga tidak memenuhi karakter On Consumption PPN karena penyerahan/ ?pemindahan" Barang Kena Pajak yang dilakukan WP, belum merupakan pemindahan hak kepemilikan atas barang tersebut dan masih berada dalam penguasaan orang atau badan yang sama.
Oleh karena ketentuan kebijakan ini menyalahi asas pemungutan pajak dan legal character PPN, maka sebaiknya Pemerintah mengadakan penyempurnaan atas peraturan ini. Pilihan penyempumaan tersebut antara lain dapat berupa:
- Meniadakan peraturan ini;
- Tetap sebagai penyerahan yang terutang PPN dengan tarif 0%.
- Tetap sebagai penyerahan tentang PPN dengan tarif 10% dan ijin pemusatan tempat terutang PPN tanpa diberikan batasan waktu.

In macro policy, tax is a potential source of govemment revenue, while if managed intensively, it will give adequate result to funding development. To designing an ideal taxation policy, it must be taken attention and considered both the principles of taxation system and the legal character of that tax.
The VAT?s taxing policy of goods delivery between branch, is effecting from the regulation of registration, where both head office and branch must be registrated as a taxable enterpreneur. Because each have status as taxable enterpreneur, hence goods delivery between them imposed VAT.
This thesis analyzed if this regulation have as according to the principles taxation system and legal character of VAT character. The principles of taxtation system that taken as analyse tools are Equity and of Equality, Certainly, Convenience of Payment, and Economic of Collection. The legal character of VAT are General, Indirect Tax, and On Consumption. Further, this thesis target is as study discourse in taxation policy. Research type of this thesis is analytical descriptive, with data collecting technique in the form of bibliography study and by interviewing Taxpayer.
From analysis result obtained conclusion that in the reality policy of this regulation disagree with the principles of taxtation.
- This regulation disagree with Equity and of Equality Principle because when iiscuss audit the tax payer and found that they were not executing this regulation, taxpayer have to paid a big tax burden- On the other hand, basically, govemment was not lossing in revenue.) effect of [done/conducted] {by] negligence [is] Waji lease
- This regulation does not Certain because, in the further regulation, has analogical interpretation ofthe taxable object. It will be uncertainty for Taxpayer
- This regulation disagree with Convenience of Payment Principle because taxpayers obliged to pay tax when they do not yet accepted any revenue.
- This regulation does not economiest on collection because basically state does not get any revenue fiom thir regulation. Meanwhile, from research result, the taxation cost take in a big ammount (compliance cost which must be accounted on Taxpayer and administrative cost which must be accounted by Government).
Under consideration, obtained result that this regulation does not fulfill the principle of VAT that imposed on the basis of " added value" yielded. In a fact, the goods delivery activity between branches is not happenning an added value. In the result of analysis, also obtained conclusion, that this regulation is not disagrre with the legal character of VAT.
- This regulation disagree with ?General? caharacter because the regulation does not clearly arranged and mentioned that the taxabler object is of services and goods
- This regulation disagree with ?Indirect Tax? character because, the underwriter, the taker of tax, and the tax payer reside at one people or one firm.
- This regulation nor fulfill ?On Consumption" character because there does not take a transfer right of goods that delivery to each other. Because of the disagree of this regulation with taxation system principles and VAT legal character, there is some alternatives for govemment to get better perform of this regulation. The altematives of perfection are 1) negating this regulation, 2) make the intemal tax able delivery with tariff 0%, 3) when it sill as taxable activity, clauses conceming permission concentration of place VAT oweed shall be watered down.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melani Lestari
Perencanaan pajak merupakan penerapan kegiatan-kegiatan perusahaan terhadap peraturan dan perundang-undangan perpajakan yang berlaku untuk mengecilkan beban pajak perusahaan. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis perencanaan pajak PPN yang dilakukan oleh PT. Merdeka Pangan dalam upaya mencapai efisiensi. Menjelaskan perencanaan pajak PPN yang dilakukan oleh PT. Merdeka Pangan sudah efektif dan efisien. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tujuan penelitian deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data studi literature dan studi lapangan berupa wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai PPN yang dilakukan oleh PT. Merdeka Pangan dalam mencapai efisiensi dinilai sudah sesuai. Dengan memperhatikan batas-batasan yang ada, Perusahaan dinilai berhasil melakukan perencanaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai secara efektif dan efisien.

Tax planning is the application of corporate activities to tax laws and regulations that apply to shrink corporate tax burden. The purpose of this research is to conduct a tax planning VAT analysis conducted by PT. Merdeka Food in an effort to achieve efficiency. Explains the VAT tax planning conducted by PT. Merdeka Food has been effective and efficient. This study used a qualitative approach with the aim of descriptive research and data collection techniques of literature study and field study in the form of in depth interviews. The results showed that the planning of Value Added Tax VAT conducted by PT. Merdeka Food in achieving efficiency is considered appropriate. By taking into account the existing limits, the Company is considered successful in planning the Value Added Tax effectively and efficiently."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Awalia Rizky
"Penelitian skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis praktik pengenaan PPN kegiatan membangun sendiri pada peraturan pelaksana yakni PMK-163/PMK.03/2012 di KPP Pratama Bekasi Selatan dan Bekasi Utara. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi kepustakaan dan wawancara mendalam. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah asas kemudahan administrasi dan netralitas masih belum diterapkan dalam beberapa aspek pada peraturan PPN atas kebijakan membangun sendiri. PMK-163/PMK.03/2012 tidak berefek pada penambahan jumlah obyek pajak PPN atas kegiatan membangun sendiri namun berdampak pada jumlah penerimaan PPN kegiatan membangun sendiri.

The aim of this research is to analyze practice of tax imposition on self constructing activity as regulated in PMK-163/PMK.03/2012 at KPP Pratama South Bekasi and North Bekasi. This research applies qualitative approach, and occupies literature study as well as in depth interview for data collection. The research concludes that the principles of good tax administration and neutrality have not been implemented in several aspects of the regulation. The application of PMK-163/PMK.03/2012 does not give effect to adding object of VAT on self constructing activity, yet has quite significant result on VAT on self constructing activity revenue amount."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lita Hanifa Renata
"Penelitian ini membahas analisis putusan gugatan PT A terkait penentuan saat terutang dan pelaporan PPN atas kegiatan ekspor BKP Berwujud serta membandingkan ketentuan yang berlaku di Indonesia dan Singapura.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dasar pertimbangan Majelis Hakim dalam memutus kasus gugatan PT A apakah sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di Indonesia terkait saat terutang dan pelaporan PPN atas kegiatan ekspor BKP Berwujud serta dengan mempertimbangkan teori serta asas ease of administration dan membandingkan kebijakan terkait saat terutang dan pelaporan PPN atas kegiatan ekspor BKP Berwujud di Indonesia dengan Singapura. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustkaan. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dasar hasil pertimbangan Majelis Hakim dalam memutus sengketa gugatan PT A tidak sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia serta tidak memenuhi asas ease of administration. Dengan dilakukannya perbandingan kebijakan kegiatan ekspor BKP Berwujud antara Indonesia dan Singapura, dapat disimpulkan bahwa baik Indonesia dan Singapura dalam menentukan saat terutang PPN menggunakan pendekatan proxy expenditure tax dan terkait kewajiban pelaporan dapat disimpulkan bahwa peraturan Indonesia dianggap lebih fleksibel bagi Wajib Pajak dan Pemerintah dibandingkan dengan Negara Singapura karena pelaporan yang dilakukan berdasarkan tanggal persetujuan PEB bukan berdasarkan periode pembukuan akuntansi Wajib Pajak.

This research discuss about the PT A’s lawsuit decision analysis of the taxable event and VAT filing related to the export of tangible taxable goods and to compared the applicable regulation in Indonesia and Singapore. The purpose of this research is to analyze the suitability of judges’ considerations with the applicable regulation in Indonesia in deciding PT A’s lawsuit dispute matters related to the taxable event and VAT filing on export of tangible taxable goods considering the ease of administration principle and also to compared the Indonesia’s regulation with Singapore’s regulation. This research used a qualitative approach with indepth interview and literature study as a data collection. The results of this research concluded that the consideration of judges in deciding the lawsuit matter does not in accordance with the applicable regulation in Indonesia, theory, and ease of administration principle. The comparison of the Indonesia’s regulations related to export activities with Singapore’s regulation can be concluded that regarding the determination of the expenditure tax proxy to determine the taxable event on the export of tangible taxable goods activities and regarding the filing obligations, it can be concluded that Indonesia’s regulation is more flexible for the Taxpayer and Government rather than the Singapore’s regulation because the basis tax filing in Indonesia is based on the date of approval declaration not from the Taxpayer’s accounting period."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roma Mery Sara Angelina
"barang modal dalam Kawasan Berikat antara importasi dan penyerahan dalam negeri dalam Kawasan Berikat pada PT. XYZ. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Skripsi ini menganalisis implementasi perlakuan PPN atas barang modal yang diimpor dan yang berasal dari lokal pada PT. XYZ dan menganalisis fasilitas atas barang modal yang berasal dari impor dan yang berasal dari dalam negeri.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah kebijakan perlakuan PPN atas barang modal yang diimpor dan berasal dari dalam negeri tidak sesuai dengan konsep netralitas PPN karena atas impor barang modal dikenakan fasilitas PPN tidak dipungut, sedangkan atas penyerahan barang modal dari dalam negeri tidak. Implementasi fasilitas PPN atas PT. XYZ sudah berjalan dengan baik. Fasilitas yang relevan atas impor barang modal adalah pembebasan PPN sedangkan atas penyerahan barang modal dari dalam negeri adalah tidak dipungut PPN.

This paper discusses policy analysis imposition of VAT on raw materials and capital goods in the bonded zone between importation and domestic delivery at PT. XYZ. This study is a qualitative research with descriptive design. This thesis analyzes the implementation of the VAT treatment facilities over domestic capital goods with imported goods and analyzes the ideal VAT treatment facilities over domestic capital goods with imported goods.
Results of this study is the policy of VAT treatment on capital goods in the bonded zone between importation and domestic delivery is incompatible with the concept of VAT neutrality because imported capital goods is free of VAT, meanwhile domestic capital goods isn?t. Implementation of VAT facility in PT. XYZ has been running well. Relevant facilities for the importation of foreign capital goods is a VAT exemption, while on the transfer of domestic capital goods is free of VAT.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Batrisyia Izzati Ardhie
"Laporan magang ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi prosedur audit substantif yang dilaksanakan KAP PLEDIS atas akun utang pajak PPh pasal 23, PPh pasal 4 ayat (2), dan PPN pada PT SVT. Pembahasan mencakup evaluasi kesesuaian implementasi prosedur substantif pengujian rinci akun utang pajak tersebut dengan teori, peraturan perpajakan, dan standar audit. Dari hasil pembahasan tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa prosedur substantif pengujian rinci atas akun utang pajak PPh Pasal 23, PPh Pasal 4 ayat (2), dan PPN yang dijalani KAP PLEDIS terhadap PT SVT sudah sesuai dengan teori, standar audit, serta peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku.

This internship report aims to evaluate the substantive audit procedures carried out by KAP PLEDIS on the taxes payable accounts of Income Tax article 23, Income Tax article 4 paragraph (2), and VAT at PT SVT. The analysis includes evaluating the implementation of substantive procedure test of detail for the taxes payable account with audit theory, taxation, and audit standard. From the discussion, it is concluded that the substantive procedure test of detail for taxes payable accounts of Article 23 Income Tax, Article 4 Income Tax paragraph (2), and VAT PT SVT are in accordance with theory, audit standards, and applicable tax regulations."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hansto Ruben Gusti Oscar
"Pajak merupakan kontribusi wajib kepada negara oleh orang atau badan yang dipungut berdasarkan Undang-Undang dan digunakan untuk menjalankan kegiatan negara untuk mencapai tujuan negara. Terdapat salah satu jenis pajak yang dikenakan atas konsumsi dalam masyarakat, yaitu Pajak Pertambahan Nilai. Pajak Pertambahan Nilai dikenakan atas penyerahan barang kena pajak dan/atau jasa kena pajak yang dilakukan oleh Pengusaha Kena Pajak. di dalam Pajak Pertambahan Nilai pajak yang diterima menjadi pajak masukan yang kemudian dikreditkan dengan pajak keluaran untuk suatu masa yang sama. Pajak Pertambahan Nilai dapat dipungut dalam transaksi online marketplace. oleh karena itu, setiap pengusaha dalam transaksi online marketplace yang telah memiliki peredaran bruto dan/atau penerimaan bruto sesuai dengan batasan minimal yang ditetapkan undang-undang wajib mengukuhkan diri sebagai PKP. Selama Pengusaha tersebut masih belum memenuhi batasan minimal untuk dikukuhkan sebagai PKP maka ia disebut sebagai pengusaha kecil. Untuk membuktikan bahwa PKP telah memungut Pajak Pertambahan Nilai, PKP diwajibkan untuk membuat Faktur Pajak dan diberikan kepada pembeli. dalam pembuatan faktur pajak, PKP wajib untuk mengikuti tata cara dan bentuk faktur pajak yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Namun dalam prakteknya, masih banyak PKP yang belum melaksanakan kewajibannya untuk membuat faktur pajak yang sesuai dengan ketentuan undang- undang. Apabila dilihat dari faktur penjualan yang diberikan oleh situs online marketplace, faktur tersebut masih belum memenuhi ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dalam pihak yang memberikan faktur pajak dan bentuk faktur penjualan yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.

Tax is a compulsory contribution to the state by a person or body collected under the Act and used to carry out state activities to achieve state goals. There is one type of tax imposed on consumption in society, namely Value Added Tax. Value Added Tax is imposed on the delivery of taxable goods and/or taxable services carried out by Taxable Entrepreneurs. in Value Added Tax the tax received becomes input tax which is then credited with the output tax for the same period. Value Added Tax can be collected in online marketplace transactions. Therefore, every entrepreneur in an online marketplace transaction that has gross circulation and/or gross receipts in accordance with the minimum limit stipulated by the law must establish itself as a PKP. As long as the Entrepreneur still does not meet the minimum limit to be confirmed as PKP, he is referred to as a small businessman. To prove that the PKP has collected Value Added Tax, PKP is required to make a Tax Invoice and is given to the buyer. in making tax invoices, PKP is obliged to follow the procedures and forms of tax invoices regulated in legislation. But in practice, there are still many PKPs that have not carried out their obligations to make tax invoices in accordance with the provisions of the law. When viewed from the sales invoice provided by the online marketplace site, the invoice still does not meet the statutory provisions. This can be seen in those who provide tax invoices and sales invoices that are not in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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