"The main purpose of research is to measure and describe an objective condition, characteristic and effort of raising professionalism level of civil servant. The research are held in central institution, namely National Civil Service Agency, National Administration Board, Departement of Home Affair and Departement of National Education, by total of sample as many more 114 persons. The withdrawal of sample is by using random sampling technical with the main instrument by using a questionnaire. This research data analyze are focused to be autonomous variable (univariat) that is level of professionalism of civil servant, with statistic instument of descriptive modus and median.
The result of research indicate that from six factors which have been used to value level of professionalism of civil servant, just only two factors namely level science of work and level skill of work of employee that good enough, or at least they?ve got good appraisal from respondents. Whereas another four factors, that is ethic of civil servant work, responsibility of civil servant's work, sivil servant's commitment and level of civil servant's service is low or not so good. Another result indicates that level of science of work of civil servant as factor the most dominant to influence level of professionalism of civil servant. The whole indicate that level of professionalism of civil servant can be measured with sixth factors above.
Based on the result of the research in above is suggested as soon as take good measurement of that sixth factors. One of media in which can be used to develop level of professionalism through education lane and training. In scope of management of human resources it preferable to be formed/made policy system which support indeed for raising professionalism of civil servant."