ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas tentang efektivitas proses implementasi program
community development untuk rehabilitasi hutan dan perlindungan mata air
di desa hutan Kabupaten Grobogan. Metode penelitian adalah evaluasi
process (formative) untuk melakukan asesmen secara kualitatif terhadap
proses implementasi. Hasil penelitian menyarankan agar CBO (LMDH &
Komite Air) direvitalisasi kepengurusannya melalui proses yang partisipatif
untuk menjamin sustainability, memperbanyak kegiatan kampanye aksi
sosial (strategi mobilisasi komunitas), capacity building kepada kelompok
anak dan youth untuk mendorong regenerasi local champion dalam isu-isu
lingkungan, advokasi pelaksanaan PHBM kepada Perhutani tingkat provinsi
dan advokasi anggaran kepada pemerintah desa, serta mengidentifikasi
potensi usaha alternatif bagi komunitas yang berdampak minimal terhadap
kerusakan hutan
ABSTRACTThis research explains the effectiveness of implementation process of
community development program on forest rehabilitation for sustainable
spring water resources in villages located in the border of state land forest in
Grobogan District. The method is to evaluate process (formative) through
qualitative assesment towards implementation process. Results have
suggested that CBOs (LMDH & Village Water Committee) should be
revitalized through participative process to ensure the sustainbaility, to add
more activities on social action campaign (community mobilization
strategy), capacity building to children group and youth in order to
encourage the re-generation of local champions on environment issues, to
advocate Perhutani (state forestry enterprise) at provincial level on PHBM
performance and advocate village government for self-budgeting, and
identify alternatives of potential business or farming activities with
minimum impact to forest destruction."