ABSTRAKKomparasi Implementasi Kebijakan Pengendalian Kanker Serviks Pada Program
Skrining Rutin Dan Pilot Project Bulan Cegah Kanker Serviks Di Suku Dinas
Kesehatan Jakarta Selatan Tahun 2011- 2012
Latar Belakang : jumlah cakupan skrining kanker serviks merupakan indikator
terhadap keberhasilan program skrining kanker serviks di Puskesmas sebagai
bentuk dari implementasi kebijakan pengendalian kanker serviks. Peningkatan
jumlah cakupan yang cukup tinggi pada program skrining Pilot Project Bulan
Cegah Kanker Serviks dan penurunan jumlah cakupan skrining pasca Pilot
Project menunjukkan adanya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penurunan
cakupan tersebut.
Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan pelaksanaan program
rutin skrining kanker serviks dengan program skrining Pilot Project Bucekas yang
diidentifikasi dari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan yaitu
Kondisi Lingkungan, Hubungan Antar Organisasi, Sumber Daya Organisasi, dan
Karakteristik Kapabilitas Instansi serta upaya terhadap program keberlangsungan
Metode : penelitian kualitatif dengan disain retrospektif kebijakan terhadap 6
informan kunci.
Hasil : terdapat perbedaan di dalam implementasi kebijakan program skrining
rutin kanker serviks dengan program Pilot Project Bucekas dilihat dari keempat
faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan pengendalian kanker serviks
di Sudinkes Jaksel.
Kesimpulan : penguatan terhadap komitmen birokrasi, peran stakeholder,
kerjasama lintas program dan sektoral, fungsi manajemen, promosi kesehatan,
jejaring dan ketersediaan dana menjadikan Pilot Project Bucekas lebih berhasil
dibandingkan dengan program skrining rutin dalam meningkatkan cakupan
skrining kanker serviks dan belum adanya program sustainability yang matang
terhadap program skrining rutin kanker serviks. Pembelajaran dari program Pilot
Project Bucekas dapat menjadi landasan kebijakan yang akan diambil oleh policy
maker di Sudinkes Jakarta Selatan dan Dinkes Propinsi DKI Jakarta
ABSTRACTComparison of Cervical Cancer Control Policy Implementation in Routine
Screening Program and ?Pilot Project Prevent Cervical Cancer Month? in South
Jakarta Health Office of Year 2011 - 2012
Background : The number of cervical cancer screening coverage is an indicator
of the success of cervical cancer screening program in the Community Health
Center as a form of cervical cancer control policy implementation. Increasing the
amount of coverage is high enough in screening programs ?Pilot Project Prevent
Cervical Cancer Month? ( Bucekas) and decrease the amount of coverage after
the Pilot Project showed that factors influencing the decline in coverage.
Purpose : this study aimed to compare the implementation of routine cervical
cancer screening program with a screening program identified Bucekas Pilot
Project of the factors that influence the implementation of the policy are
environment conditions, the Inter-Organization Relationship, Organizational
Resources and Capabilities Agency Characteristics and efforts toward program
Methods : qualitative research design with retrospective policy to 6 key
Results: there are differences in policy implementation routine cervical cancer
screening program with Pilot Project Bucekas program views of the four factors
that influence the implementation of cervical cancer control policy at South
Jakarta Health Office.
Conclusions : The strengthening of the commitment of the bureaucracy, the role
of stakeholders, cooperation and cross-sectoral program, the function of
management, health promotion, networking and the availability of funds makes
the Pilot Project Bucekas more successful than the routine screening program in
improving the coverage of cervical cancer screening and the absence of a mature
sustainability programs against routine screening program for cervical cancer.
Learning from the Pilot Project Bucekas program can be the base policy to be
taken by policy makers in South Jakarta Sudinkes and health office of DKI