Fitria Cahyaningrum
"This research aims to improve learning process quality of writing argumentationtext and argumentation writing skills through the Think Pair Share model with audiovisualmedia of students X-10 grade SMA Negeri Kebakkramat. This research was a ClassroomAction Research (CAR) with two cycles. Data sources include events, informants, anddocuments. Data collection through interviews, observation, and document analysis. Datavalidity by triangulation method technique, triangulation of data source and informant review.Data analysis technique using comparative descriptive analysis technique. Think Pair Sharemodel with audiovisual is able to improve the quality of learning process of argumentationwriting skill indicated by teacher and student performance. In pre-cycles, the teacher andstudent performance values were still below the achievement indicator. In cycle I, thevalue of teacher performance increased to 69.29 and the percentage of student performanceof 47.22%. Meanwhile, in cycle II the teacher performance value became 80.71 and thepercentage of student performance became 78.95%. After the action done on the firstcycle, there were only 21 students who achieved the value of KKM (minimum completenesscriteria) which means it did not meet the achievement indicators. Implementation of ThinkPair Share with audiovisual media in cycle II showed a significant improvement inargumentation writing skill, that is, score of 31 students exceeded KKM. In conclusion, theapplication of Think Pair Share model with audiovisual media is able to improve learningprocess quality and argumentation writing skill for the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri Kebakkramat."
Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, 2018
370 JPK 3:1 (2018)
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