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"Cultured mud crabs (Scylla spp.) are commonly fed with 'trash' fosh has lead to a need to develop cost-effective and environmentally friendly formulated diets. This study was conducted to determine quality of selected feed ingredients as protein soures in mud crab diets based on their nutrient composition and digestibility coefficients for ADMD ranged from 82.46% to 89.20%. Animal-based feedstuffs such as shrimp head, tiny shrimp and squid liver meal had higher ADMD values than fish meal."
Jakarta: Centre Research Institute for Aquaculture,
500 IAJ
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rika Fauziah
Peranan budidaya air payau sangat penting bagi negara kepulauan seperti
Indonesia. Sayangnya, masih banyak petani budidaya air payau, khususnya di
Kabupaten Karawang, Provinsi Jawa Barat di Indonesia yang masih menerapkan
metode budidaya tradisional. Akibatnya, keuntungan yang diperoleh dari kegiatan
ini sangat rendah. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada dampak pelatihan terhadap
pembudidaya air payau, di mana produktivitas diukur dengan pendapatan yang
diperoleh dari kegiatan budidaya air payau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
pelatihan memiliki efek positif pada pendapatan petani, di mana pelatihan
dikaitkan dengan peningkatan pendapatan mereka sebesar 22,93%. Permasalahan
endogenitas yang muncul sebagai efek dari metode penelitian yang digunakan
juga dibahas dalam penelitian ini.

The role of brackish water aquaculture is crucial for big achipelago countries such
as Indonesia. Unfortunately, many aquaculture farmers, particulary in Karawang
Regency, West Jave Province in Indonesiastillapply traditional aquaculture
method, thus, suffer from a lack of skill. As a result, the income gain from this
activity is very low.This study focuses on the impact of training on the brackish
water aquaculture farmers’productivity, where the productivity is measured by the
income earned from the aquaculture activity. The result shows that training has a
positive effect on farmers’ income, where training is associated with an increase
in their income of 22.93%. There is an endogeneity concern, which is also
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"information on he total catch composition provides one of the basic aspects needed for the assessment of fish resource dynamic in relation to the management of the resource to obtain the optimum sustainable yield. fish net data analysed were obtained from 114 catcher boats that transhipped to the fish carries from one fishing company based in Tual. these 2000 catch data were collected in 2002 through Observer Programme. mean catch per unit of effort (CPUE) of fish net during the period of 2000 was about 111.2 tonnes/catcher/year. by multiplying the total number of boat operating in the area with this CPUE, estimation of the total catch from this fishery can be calculated. about 52% of the catch were pelagis group and 41% were demersal group and gthe remaining 7% were chapalopod, sharrk, and rays, shrimp, and other crustaceans. the main demersal group is belonging to 24 families, which were dominated by the threadfin (Nemipteridae) and lizard fish (Synodonitdae) with the reprective amount of the 19,3% and 18,4% form the total catch rate of 47,49 tonnes. the pelagic group was dominated by the chub mackerel reaching to about 91% of the total catch rate. the group of chepalopod cinsisted of 46,6% squids and 45,3% cuttle fish. the group of elesmobrach was dominated by sharks while the shrimp group consisted mainly of small size shrimp"
Jakarta: Research Centre for Aquaculture,
593 IFRJ
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chichester, West Sussex ; Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2017
572.330 BIO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riko Naldi
"Penelitian di negara berkembang yang menghubungkan produksi perikanan budidaya dengan pengentasan kemiskinan. Namun, hanya sedikit dari penelitian tersebut menyelidiki hubungan antara perikanan budidaya dengan tiga indikator kemiskinan yaitu; persentasi penduduk miskin, indeks kedalaman kemiskinan dan indeks keparahan kemiskinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang hubungan produksi perikanan budidaya dengan pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia.
Secara khusus, penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisa seberapa besar dampak produksi perikanan budidaya dalam pengurangan kemiskinan lewat tiga indikator kemiskinan tersebut di atas. Berkaitan dengan metodologi, penelitian ini menggunakan fixed effect dan random effect model untuk mengestimasi hubungan antara produksi perikanan budidaya dengan ketiga indikator kemiskinan tersebut.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi perikanan budidaya memiliki dampak positif dalam pengurangan kemiskinan berdasarkan tiga indikator kemiskinan yang digunakan tersebut. Namun, kekuatan sector ini dalam menekan angka kemiskinan berdasarkan ketiga indikator tersebut terlihat lemah. Dengan membandingkan hasil estimasi tingkat provinsi dan tingkat kabupaten/kota, dampak peningkatan produksi perikanan budidaya dalam mengentaskan kemiskinan hanaya kuat di tingkat provinsi. Dengan mengambil koefisien produksi pada masing-masing indikator kemiskinan, sector ini memberikan pengaruh yang positif dalam mengurangi persentase orang miskin dan indeks kedalaman kemiskinan pada tingkat provinsi. Sementara pada tingkat kabupaten/kota, peningkatan hasil produksi perikanan budidaya hanya membengaruhi persentase orang miskin.

There are number of studies in developing countries which are connecting aquaculture production and poverty reduction. However, only few of them have been conducted to investigate the relationship between aquaculture and poverty though three indicators namely, percentage of poor people, poverty gap and poverty severity.
This paper aims to answer a question regarding relationship between aquaculture production and poverty reduction in Indonesia. Specifically, the paper is intended to analyze how big the impact of aquaculture production to reduce poverty in Indonesia through three indicators of poverty, namely, percentage of poor people, poverty gap and poverty severity. In term of methodology, the research applies fixed effect and random effect model to estimate the relationship between of them. Results show that aquaculture production has positive impact in reducing poverty based on three indicators of poverty namely, percentage of poor people, poverty gap and poverty severity. However, power of this sector seems to be weak.
By comparing provincial level results and districts and municipalities results, increasing in aquaculture production is only stronger in level of provinces. Taking the coefficient of the production to each poverty indicators, this sector affects reducing poverty in percentage of poor people and poverty gap in provincial level. Meanwhile, the production only affects poverty at percentage of poor people in districts and municipalities level.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aria Gita Indira
Kasus kematian ikan massal di Haranggaol, Danau Toba, Indonesia pada Mei 2016 telah menimbulkan kekuatiran dalam komunitas penambak ikan di daerah tersebut. Kematian ikan massal di Haranggaol terjadi karena rendahnya kadar oksigen di air akibat kegiatan akuakultur yang tidak berkelanjutan, hal ini berefek negatif terhadap kondisi ekonomi dan lingkungan di daerah tersebut. Makalah ini mengkaji kasus-kasus kematian ikan massal yang terjadi di teluk Haranggaol, Danau Maninjau, dan waduk Jatiluhur, serta mengkomparasi tindakan mitigasi dan preventif yang diambil sebagai respons masing-masing daerah.

The unprecedented case of mass fish death in Haranggaol, Lake Toba, Indonesia in May 2016 has caused alarm within the community of local fish farmers. The mass fish deaths has been attributed to asphyxiation due to unsustainable aquaculture practices, endangering the economic and environmental wellbeing of the area. This paper assesses cases of mass fish deaths Haranggaol Bay, Lake Maninjau, and Jatiluhur reservoir, and compares mitigation and prevention efforts taken in each respective areas."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Blakely, David R.
"Buku yang berjudul "Inland aquaculture development handbook" ini ditulis oleh David R. Blakely dan Christopher T. Hrusa. Buku ini merupakan sebuah buku panduan mengenai pengembangan industri perikanan. "
[Place of publication not identified]: Fishing News Books, 1989
R 630.916 9 BLA i
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andre Nurrohman
"Potensi akuakultur di Indonesia termasuk tinggi. Penggunaan teknologi pada bidang ini relatif baru dan menghadapi perkembangan yang menantang. Salah satunya tercermin pada penggunaan platform eFisheryKu yang belum mencapai target banyaknya pengguna bulanan dan repeat order. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi niat terus menggunakan platform akuakultur elektronis, studi kasus pada aplikasi eFisheryKu. Model penelitian dibangun menggunakan kerangka kerja Multi-Motive Information Systems Continuance Model (MISC). Kerangka teoretis dibangun dengan 16 hipotesis yang dibentuk dari hubungan antar konstruk. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah explanatory sequential design, yaitu metode penelitian yang diawali dengan fase kuantitatif dan dilanjutkan untuk menindaklanjuti hasil tertentu dengan tujuan untuk membantu menjelaskan hasil kuantitatif dengan terintegrasi. Analisis data kuantitatif dilakukan pada 100 data kuesioner dengan teknik analisis PLS-SEM dengan hasil sembilan hipotesis diterima dan tujuh hipotesis ditolak, lalu dilanjutkan dengan fase kualitatif terhadap tujuh responden untuk menemukan penjelasan yang konsisten, dengan menggunakan metode analisis data kualitatif thematic analysis. Penelitian ini memberi kesimpulan bahwa intention to continue dipengaruhi oleh functional needst2, lalu functional needst2 dipengaruhi oleh design-expectations fit dan functional needs disconfirmation, di mana functional needs disconfirmation dipengaruhi oleh functional needst1 dan ease of use. Penelitian ini memberi implikasi teoretis dan memperkuat functional needs sebagai faktor utama serta memberikan rekomendasi praktikal untuk mengoptimalkan fitur kebutuhan dasar budidaya dengan proses bisnis yang matang di lapangan.

The potential for aquaculture in Indonesia is high. The use of technology in this fields is relatively new and faces challenging developments. One of them is reflected in the use of the eFisheryKu platform which has not reached the target number of monthly users and repeat orders. This study aims to determine the factors influencing the intention to continue using the electronic aquaculture platform, a case study on the eFisheryKu application. The research model was built using the Multi-Motive Information Systems Continuance Model (MISC) framework forming 16 hypotheses. The research method used is an explanatory sequential design, which is a research method that begins with a quantitative phase and continues to follow up certain results with a qualitative phase to help explain integrated quantitative results. Quantitative data analysis was carried out on 100 questionnaire data using the PLS-SEM analysis technique. The results showed that nine hypotheses were accepted and seven hypotheses were rejected. Then, it continued with the qualitative phase with seven respondents, applying thematic analysis method for analyzing qualitative data analysis. This study concludes that intention to continue is influenced by functional needst2, then functional needst2 is influenced by design-expectations fit and functional needs disconfirmation, where functional needs disconfirmation is influenced by functional needst1 and ease of use. This research provides theoretical implications and strengthens functional needs as the main factor as well as provides practical recommendations for optimizing the basic needs of cultivation with mature business processes in the field.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Blackwell Science, 1996
639.8 AQU
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rismutia Hayu Deswati
Pada sistem budidaya keramba jaring apung terdiri dari beberapa subsistem salah satunya adalah subsistem proses produksi yang didalamnya terdapat aktivitas pemberian pakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari eksternalitas pemberian pakan terhadap produktivitas KJA. Penelitian dilakukan di Waduk Jatiluhur pada bulan Agustus-Oktober 2018. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara primer dengan responden berjumlah 502 pembudidaya. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan persamaan regresi dan kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis persepsi.
Hasil dari estimasi menunjukkan eksternalitas pakan berupa limpahan sisa pakan yang tidak termakan memberikan dampak positif bagi produktivitas budidaya KJA secara langsung. Selanjutnya dari analisis persepsi responden setuju jika diadakan penertiban dengan cara pembatasan jumlah kepemilikan KJA tiap orang tetapi bukan dengan penertiban KJA hingga habis agar tidak timbul eksternalitas negatif secara langsung dari pemberian pakan. Rekomendasi yang bisa disarankan tetap dilakukan penertiban dan pembatasan jumlah KJA disertai dengan peningkatan pengawasan aktif agar tidak terjadi pembangunan KJA secara illegal dan juga dilakukan pelatihan pemberian pakan yang baik agar tidak terjadi kondisi overfeeding.

In the floating net cage cultivation system consists of several subsystems one of which is the production process subsystem in which there are feeding activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of feeding externalities on the productivity of KJA. The study was conducted in Jatiluhur Reservoir in August-October 2018. Data collection was conducted primarily with respondents totaling 502 farmers. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively using regression and qualitative equations using perception analysis.
The results of the estimation show that the feed externalities in the form of inedible feed spillage have a positive impact on KJA cultivation productivity directly. Furthermore, from the perceptual analysis, respondents agreed that if the control was held by limiting the number of KJA ownership for each person, but not by controlling the KJA until it was exhausted so as not to arise negative externalities directly from feeding. Recommendations that can be recommended are to keep controlling and limiting the number of KJA accompanied by an increase in active supervision so as not to develop KJA illegally and also provide good feeding training to avoid overfeeding conditions.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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