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Medi Iskandar Zulkarnaen
"Kebijakan legislatif tentang kriminalisasi dalam Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 1997 tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, dilakukan berdasarkan alasan/pertimbangan bahwa perbuatan pencemaran/perusakan lingkungan hidup bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai keagamaan, bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai pancasila dan UUD 1945 dan sebagai alat kebijakan pemerintah yang khususnya bertujuan untuk mengamankan dan mempertahankan kebijakan pembangunan berkelanjutan yang berwawasan lingkungan hidup. Kepentingan hukum yang dilindungi dalam kriminalisasi ini adalah kepentingan pelestarian lingkungan hidup, perlindungan terhadap kesehatan umum dan nyawa manusia. Melalui kriminalisasi di bidang lingkungan hidup ini, semua perbuatan yang menyebabkan atau dapat menyebabkan pencemaran/ lingkungan hidup diancam dengan sanksi pidana. Namun berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa hukum lingkungan sebagian besar merupakan ketentuan hukum administrasi, hukum pidana/sanksi pidana dijadikan sebagai penunjang hukum administrasi dalam arti hukum pidana hendaknya didayagunakan apabila sanksi bidang hukum lain, seperti sanksi administrasi dan sanksi perdata, dan alternatif penyelesaian sengketa lingkungan hidup tidak efektif dan/atau tingkat kesalahan pelaku relatif berat dan/atau akibat perbuatannya relatif besar dan/atau perbuatannya menimbulkan keresahan masyarakat. Kurangnya penjelasan mengenai bagaimana penerapan asas subsidiaritas dalam konteks penegakan hukum lingkungan, menyebabkan timbulnya berbagai silang pendapat tentang sanksi yang mana yang seharusnya diterapkan terlebih dahulu dalam hal terjadi pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan pidana dalam Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 1997.

The legislative policy about criminalization in Law Statue No 23/1997 about environment conservation, applied based a reason every activity that could pollution and destroy environment is not suitable with religion, Pancasila and UUD 1945 values and as media for government policy, especially for saving and defending development policy based on life environment orientation. Law tendencies that covered in this criminalization is for existence of environmental, protecting public health and human being. Trough criminalization in environmental, every activity that caused or potentially caused pollution of environmental could be punishing by crime law. But according to perspective that almost of environment law is administration law, crime law could give contribution toward administration law, in a meaning that crime law must be enforcement in another legal subject. Such as administration sanction and reconciliation of environment conflict is ineffectively and level of crime activity and it could cause a horror of public. Less explanation about applied sub siderite aspect in legal enforcement context caused many miss understanding about sanction that should be applied firstly, in facing many criminalities as mentioned in Law Statue No 23/1997."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salman Luthan
"Kebijakan legislatif tentang kriminalisasi dalam peraturan perundang-undangan meliputi tiga unsur, yaitu dasar pembenaran kriminalisasi, kepentingan hukum yang dilindungi dalam kriminalisasi, dan gradasi keseriusan tindak pidana. Untuk mengetahui fenomena ketiga unsur kriminalisasi tersebut diteliti 17 macam undang-undang, khususnya aspek tindak pidananya. Kepentingan hukum yang dilindungi dalam kriminalisasi adalah kepentingan pembangunan yang terdiri dari kepentingan pembangunan politik, ekonomi, kesejahteraan sosial dan SDM, lingkungan hidup, dan kepentingan pembangunan tata nilai sosial. Kepentingan hukum yang dilindungi tersebut lebih mencerminkan perlindungan kepentingan pemerintah daripada kepentingan masyarakat.
Dasar pembenaran kriminalisasi memiliki lima pola dasar pembenaran, yaitu peranan dan arti penting suatu hal bagi kehidupan manusia dan penyalahgunaan hal itu dapat mendatangkan kerugian kepada masyarakat, bangsa dan negara, merugikan kepentingan masyarakat dan/atau negara, bertentangan dengan norma agama, moral atau kesusilaan, kepatutan dan budaya bangsa, bertentangan dengan ideologi negara Pancasila dan UUD 1945, dan bertentangan dengan kebijakan pemerintah dalam bidang ekonomi, politik, keamanan, dan sosial budaya. Dasar pembenaran kriminalisasi tersebut mencermin tiga pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan kebijakan, pendekatan nilai, dan pendekatan ilmu pengetahuan.
Kebijakan legislatif menetapkan dua kriteria umum dan tujuh kriteria khusus gradasi keseriusan tindak pidana. Kedua kriteria umum tersebut adalah pembedaan tindak pidana dalam kejahatan dan pelanggaran dan perbedaan substantif perbuatan, sedangkan ketujuh kriteria khusus itu adalah pembedaan tindak pidana dalam kesengajaan dan kealpaan, perbedaan kualitas karya cipta, perbedaan kualitas zat bahan terlarang, perbedaan modus operandi pelaksanaan tindak pidana, perbedaan akibat hukum, perbedaan subjek hukum tindak pidana, dan perbedaan status kelembagaan. Kebijakan legislatif tentang kriminalisasi menunjukkan adanya tiga kelemahan, yaitu perbedaan gradasi keseriusan tindak pidana yang cukup tajam dalam satu rumpun delik, perumusan perbuatan yang berbeda kualitasnya dalam satu delik, dan perlindungan hukum yang berlebihan terhadap aparatur pemerintah."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : PPSML UI, [date of publication not identified]
342.346 UNI h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farkhatul Muyassaroh
"Skripsi ini membahas materi muatan kebijakan hak dan kewajiban pasien yang terdapat dalam Undang-Undang No. 29 tahun 2004 tentang Praktik kedokteran, Undang-Undang No. 38 tahun 2014 tentang Keperawatan dan Undang-Undang No. 44 tahun 2009 tentang Rumah Sakit dengan melihat adakah materi muatan yang sama antara peraturan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kepustakaan dengan metode pengambilan data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif kemudian dianalisis menggunakan segitiga kebijakan. Data yang didapatkan menggunakan jenis data sekunder berupa undang-undang, risalah, rancangan undang-undang dan naskah akademik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa adanya pengulangan hal yang sama dengan makna yang sedikit berbeda pada materi muatan kebijakan hak dan kewajiban pasien dalam tiga undang-undang tersebut. Diperlukan adanya tataurutan perundangan yang seharusnya dilakukan sesuai pedoman pembentukan perundang-undangan sehingga tercipta konsistensi dan sinkronisasi antar peraturan. Selain itu, untuk meminimalkan pengulangan hal yang sama maka dalam proses pembuatan perundang-undangan diperlukan analisis kemiripan.

This thesis discusses about patient's rights and obligations in regulation of law No. 29 in 2004 about Medical Practice, law No. 38 in 2014 about Nursing, and law No. 44 in 2009 about Hospital by looking overlapping material between regulations. This study uses library research, using qualitative on data collection method descriptive base with triangle policy. Use secondary data types. The results of the study is that there are overlap in the material content of the patient's rights and obligations in the law. Required rules of legislation that should be carried out using guidelines for establishing legislation so as to create consistency and synchronization between regulations. to minimize repetition of the same thing, in the process of making legislation analysis of similarities is needed."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bandung: Litera, 1983
344.046 MOE h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deni Daniel
"Memetakan akibat hukum perijinan dalam undang-undang lingkungan implikasi bagi penyelesaian sengketa lingkungan hidup di Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara Upaya negara karena mempengaruhi penilaian kepentingan Penggugat dalam mengajukan gugatan. Perubahan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang Lingkungan juga mengubah akibat hukum perijinan dalam hukum di Indonesia bidang lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan akibat hukum dari izin lingkungan, izin perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dan izin usaha dan/atau kegiatan berdasarkan berbagai undang-undang; konsep dan teori hukum tentang akibat hukum perizinan di bidang lingkungan hidup; perubahan konsekuen undang-undang izin lingkungan, izin perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dan izin usaha dan/atau kegiatan diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan; dan keputusan pengadilan. Akibat hukum dari izin lingkungan, izin perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup, dan izin usaha dan/atau kegiatan dalam undang-undang dan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang lingkungan hidup dapat dikelompokkan menjadi: hak untuk membuang zat atau limbah ke dalam media lingkungan yang dilarang oleh peraturan perundang-undangan; Baik untuk melakukan kegiatan yang berdampak pada lingkungan dilarang oleh peraturan perundang-undangan; kewajiban untuk memenuhi persyaratan yang diatur dalam izin terkait dengan perlindungan lingkungan, dan; hak dan/atau kewajiban lain yang belum dilaksanakan; benar dalam putusan pengadilan.

Mapping the legal consequences of licensing in environmental laws implications for the settlement of environmental disputes in the State Administrative Court State efforts because it affects the assessment of the Plaintiff's interests in filing a lawsuit. Changes in various laws and regulations in the environmental sector also change the legal consequences of licensing in Indonesian law in the environmental field. This study aims to explain the legal consequences from environmental permits, environmental protection and management permits and business and/or activity permits based on various laws; legal concepts and theories regarding the legal consequences of licensing in the environmental field; consequent changes to environmental permit laws, environmental protection and management permits and business and/or activity licenses are regulated in laws and regulations; and court decisions. The legal consequences of environmental permits, environmental protection and management permits, and business and/or activity permits in the laws and regulations in the environmental field can be grouped into: the right to dispose of substances or wastes into environmental media which are prohibited by law. legislation; Whether to carry out activities that have an impact on the environment is prohibited by laws and regulations; the obligation to fulfill the requirements stipulated in the permit related to environmental protection, and; other rights and/or obligations that have not been implemented; correct in court decision putusan."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tesis ini membahas kebijakan Aparatur Negara dalam dugaan tindak
pidana korupsi. Dengan mengkaji konsep dan kewenangan kebijakan Aparatur Negara dalam Hukum Administrasi dan Hukum pidana. Kebijakan tersebut dinilai dari kedua pendekatan ilmu hukum tersebut untuk menilai kebijakan Aparatur yang bagaimana dapat dikriminalisasikan sebagai tindak pidana korupsi. Dalam tesis ini yang ingin didapatkan oleh penulis adalah (1) Apakah suatu kebijakan
Aparatur Negara yang melanggar ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan dapat dimungkinkan untuk dikenakan sanksi pidana; (2) Bagaimana terhadap suatu kebijakan Aparatur Negara yang di dalamnya mengandung unsur perbuatan melawan hukum atau unsur penyalahgunaan wewenang dalam tindak pidana korupsi; (3) Apakah terhadap kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh Aparatur Negara yang memberikan keuntungan kepada orang lain atau korporasi dan menimbulkan kerugian negara dapat dikenakan tindak pidana korupsi sedangkan dia tidak ada menikmati hasil tindakannya. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode penelitian dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif dengan mengunakan data sekunder seperti dari buku-buku dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang terkait dengan tindak pidana korupsi, kerugian negara, penyalahgunaan wewenag dan literatur-literatur terkait lainnya. Kebijakan Aparatur Negara harus berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan. Seorang pejabat dilarang melakukan penyalahgunaan wewenang yang melanggar ketentuan perundang-undangan. Namun disisi lain pejabat juga diberikan hak kebebasan dalam mengambil kebijakan untuk kepentingan orang banyak bahkan kalaupun undang-undang tidak mengaturnya dapat diterapkan berdasarkan AAUPB. Namun apabila kebijakan tersebut ada unsur mens rea (niat jahat) dan dilakukan dengan sengaja maka kebijakan
Aparatur Negara tersebut dapat diminta pertanggungjawab pribadi bukan jabatan atas perbuatannya tersebut. Kalau perbuatan itu tidak ada unsur mens rea maka masuk kedalam ranah hukum administrasi atau hukum perdata. Pada saat ini kebijakan Aparatur Negara telah masuk dalam kategori kriminalisasi. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya kesalahan dalam pemahaman dimana kerugian negara ditempat sebagai bukti utama telah terjadi korupsi atas perbuatannya yang
melawan hukum atau menyalahgunakan wewenang tanpa diikuti adanya unsur koruptif. Padahal dalam banyak kasus kerugian negara ini terjadi karena adanya kesalahan administratif atau kecurangan dari pihak pemenang tender yang memanipulasi barang dan data sehingga tidak sesuai spesifikasi yang mana dokumen tersebut dipalsukan dan dibuat seolah-olah sah dan legal. Oleh karenanya, dengan lahirnya Undang-Undang No. 30 Tahun 2014 tentang Administrasi Negara diharapkan dapat memberikan perlindungan akan kriminalisasi terhadap putusan dan/atau tindakan Aparatur Negara yang di
dalamnya tidak ada unsur koruptifnya.

This thesis examines the policy of the State Apparatus in alleged corruption. To examines the concept and authority policy of the State Apparatus in Administrative Law and Criminal Law. The such policy is assessed from two approach the science of law to assessing how policies Apparatus which can be
criminalized as an act of corruption. In this thesis that want achieved by the author are (1) Does a State Apparatus policies that violate the provisions of the legislation can be subject to criminal sanctions; (2) When is a policy of the State Apparatus can be regarded fulfill the elements of tort or elements of abuse of power in corruption; (3) A State Apparatus policies that provide benefits to another person or corporation and causing state losses while he did not get to enjoy the results of his conduct, whether such conduct may be subject to
corruption. This research uses research methods with normative juridical approach by using secondary data as the basis for this research as from books and legislation relating to corruption, state losses, abuse of power and other related literature and also supported by directly interviews to some of prosecutor in corruption. State Apparatus policy should be based law and legislation. A government official is prohibited do abuse of power that violate the statutory
provisions. On the other hand the government official also granted the right of freedom in making decisions for the public good even if the law does not yet set such, the government official can make policy based on the Good Governance Principles. However, if the such policy has element of mens rea (malice) and there is deliberate and realized then the policies of the State Apparatus may be subject to responsibility in corruption. If the conduct did not have element mens rea then
his conduct entered into the administrative law or civil law. At this time the policy of the State Apparatus has been included in the category of criminalization in corruption. This occurs because of an error in understanding where state losses in place as the primary evidence of corruption has occurred for his conduct against the law or abuse of power while his conduct without being followed by the corrupt elements. Therefore, there are cases of state losses caused to
administrative error or fraud, or because of defective juridical. To publication of Law No. 30 Year 2014 on the State Administration as a form protection to the criminalization of the decision and / or conduct of State Apparatus in which there is no element of corruptive;This thesis examines the policy of the State Apparatus in alleged corruption. To
examines the concept and authority policy of the State Apparatus in
Administrative Law and Criminal Law. The such policy is assessed from two
approach the science of law to assessing how policies Apparatus which can be
criminalized as an act of corruption. In this thesis that want achieved by the author
are (1) Does a State Apparatus policies that violate the provisions of the
legislation can be subject to criminal sanctions; (2) When is a policy of the State
Apparatus can be regarded fulfill the elements of tort or elements of abuse of
power in corruption; (3) A State Apparatus policies that provide benefits to
another person or corporation and causing state losses while he did not get to
enjoy the results of his conduct, whether such conduct may be subject to
corruption. This research uses research methods with normative juridical approach
by using secondary data as the basis for this research as from books and
legislation relating to corruption, state losses, abuse of power and other related
literature and also supported by directly interviews to some of prosecutor in
corruption. State Apparatus policy should be based law and legislation. A
government official is prohibited do abuse of power that violate the statutory
provisions. On the other hand the government official also granted the right of
freedom in making decisions for the public good even if the law does not yet set
such, the government official can make policy based on the Good Governance
Principles. However, if the such policy has element of mens rea (malice) and there
is deliberate and realized then the policies of the State Apparatus may be subject
to responsibility in corruption. If the conduct did not have element mens rea then
his conduct entered into the administrative law or civil law. At this time the policy
of the State Apparatus has been included in the category of criminalization in
corruption. This occurs because of an error in understanding where state losses in
place as the primary evidence of corruption has occurred for his conduct against
the law or abuse of power while his conduct without being followed by the
corrupt elements. Therefore, there are cases of state losses caused to
administrative error or fraud, or because of defective juridical. To publication of
Law No. 30 Year 2014 on the State Administration as a form protection to the
criminalization of the decision and / or conduct of State Apparatus in which there
is no element of corruptive;This thesis examines the policy of the State Apparatus in alleged corruption. To
examines the concept and authority policy of the State Apparatus in
Administrative Law and Criminal Law. The such policy is assessed from two
approach the science of law to assessing how policies Apparatus which can be
criminalized as an act of corruption. In this thesis that want achieved by the author
are (1) Does a State Apparatus policies that violate the provisions of the
legislation can be subject to criminal sanctions; (2) When is a policy of the State
Apparatus can be regarded fulfill the elements of tort or elements of abuse of
power in corruption; (3) A State Apparatus policies that provide benefits to
another person or corporation and causing state losses while he did not get to
enjoy the results of his conduct, whether such conduct may be subject to
corruption. This research uses research methods with normative juridical approach
by using secondary data as the basis for this research as from books and
legislation relating to corruption, state losses, abuse of power and other related
literature and also supported by directly interviews to some of prosecutor in
corruption. State Apparatus policy should be based law and legislation. A
government official is prohibited do abuse of power that violate the statutory
provisions. On the other hand the government official also granted the right of
freedom in making decisions for the public good even if the law does not yet set
such, the government official can make policy based on the Good Governance
Principles. However, if the such policy has element of mens rea (malice) and there
is deliberate and realized then the policies of the State Apparatus may be subject
to responsibility in corruption. If the conduct did not have element mens rea then
his conduct entered into the administrative law or civil law. At this time the policy
of the State Apparatus has been included in the category of criminalization in
corruption. This occurs because of an error in understanding where state losses in
place as the primary evidence of corruption has occurred for his conduct against
the law or abuse of power while his conduct without being followed by the
corrupt elements. Therefore, there are cases of state losses caused to
administrative error or fraud, or because of defective juridical. To publication of
Law No. 30 Year 2014 on the State Administration as a form protection to the
criminalization of the decision and / or conduct of State Apparatus in which there
is no element of corruptive, This thesis examines the policy of the State Apparatus in alleged corruption. To
examines the concept and authority policy of the State Apparatus in
Administrative Law and Criminal Law. The such policy is assessed from two
approach the science of law to assessing how policies Apparatus which can be
criminalized as an act of corruption. In this thesis that want achieved by the author
are (1) Does a State Apparatus policies that violate the provisions of the
legislation can be subject to criminal sanctions; (2) When is a policy of the State
Apparatus can be regarded fulfill the elements of tort or elements of abuse of
power in corruption; (3) A State Apparatus policies that provide benefits to
another person or corporation and causing state losses while he did not get to
enjoy the results of his conduct, whether such conduct may be subject to
corruption. This research uses research methods with normative juridical approach
by using secondary data as the basis for this research as from books and
legislation relating to corruption, state losses, abuse of power and other related
literature and also supported by directly interviews to some of prosecutor in
corruption. State Apparatus policy should be based law and legislation. A
government official is prohibited do abuse of power that violate the statutory
provisions. On the other hand the government official also granted the right of
freedom in making decisions for the public good even if the law does not yet set
such, the government official can make policy based on the Good Governance
Principles. However, if the such policy has element of mens rea (malice) and there
is deliberate and realized then the policies of the State Apparatus may be subject
to responsibility in corruption. If the conduct did not have element mens rea then
his conduct entered into the administrative law or civil law. At this time the policy
of the State Apparatus has been included in the category of criminalization in
corruption. This occurs because of an error in understanding where state losses in
place as the primary evidence of corruption has occurred for his conduct against
the law or abuse of power while his conduct without being followed by the
corrupt elements. Therefore, there are cases of state losses caused to
administrative error or fraud, or because of defective juridical. To publication of
Law No. 30 Year 2014 on the State Administration as a form protection to the
criminalization of the decision and / or conduct of State Apparatus in which there
is no element of corruptive]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sabikhism Noorfajr
"Penulisan ini berupaya untuk menganalisis bagaimana pemerintah menanggapi permasalahan mengenai isu lingkungan hidup yang sudah hadir pada tahun 1960-an. Sejak meningkatnya kebutuhan infrastruktur serta teknologi di Indonesia menyebabkan perkembangan yang meningkat begitu pesat. Infrastruktur yang dibangun diantaranya seperti industri, gedung-gedung perkantoran, hingga pemukiman warga. Akan tetapi, dengan adanya pembangunan-pembangunan tersebut memberikan dampak terhadap lingkungan. Pemerintah pada masa Orde Baru menanggapi permasalahan tersebut dengan menerapkan berbagai kebijakan, seperti dibentuknya Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup serta memberikan mandat kepada Emil Salim sebagai Menterinya guna mengatasi masalah lingkungan Hidup yang semakin mengakar. Salah satu langkah awal yang dilakukan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup adalah dengan menetapkan Undang-Undang No. 4 Tahun 1982 Tentang Ketentuan-Ketentuan Pokok Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Selain itu, Pemerintah juga membuat kebijakan Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) dalam upaya mengontrol dan mengawasi industri-industri yang berpotensi besar dapat merusak lingkungan hidup. Karya penulisan ini berbeda dengan karya- karya sebelumnya karena dari hasil yang didapat dalam penelitian-penelitian mengenai permasalahan lingkungan hanya ditulis secara umum dalam aspek lingkungan ataupun hukum tanpa menggunakan penulisan sejarah, sedangkan penulisan ini ditulis dengan pendekatan penulisan sejarah lingkungan. Dari hasil penulisan ini dapat dijelaskan bahwa penerapan kebijakan AMDAL pada masa ini terbukti belum dapat diimplementasikan dengan sesuai karena sejak kebijakan tersebut diterapkan masih banyak penyelewengan-penyelewengan yang terjadi.

This study aims to define how the government responds to problems regarding environmental issues that present in the early 1960s. Since the increase of infrastructure development as well as technology in Indonesia, the country’s development is increasing rapidly. Several infrastructures that were built are such as industry, office buildings, to residential areas. However, with those infrastructures being built, it gave bad impacts to the environment. In the new order era, the government responded to that problem by applying a series of policies, such as the formation of the Ministry of Environment and giving Emil Salim a mandate as the minister to resolve problems regarding the living environment which was getting bigger. One of the initial steps done by the Ministry of Environment was establishing Law No. 4 of 1982 regarding basic provisions of environmental management. Besides that, the government also established Analysis Regarding Environmental Impact (AMDAL) in an attempt to control and to supervise industries which have big potential to harm the environment. This study is different from the previous studies because the results of the previous ones regarding environmental problems were only written generally in the aspects of environment and law but not in the aspect of history, while this study is written with an approach of environmental history. From this study, it can be explained that the practice of AMDAL policy in this era is proven cannot be implemented yet accordingly, because since the establishment of that policy there are still many frauds and deceptions that happen."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hoesna Noer Zaki
Penelitian ini membahas masalah hukum perburuhan di bidang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, dan perlingdungan tenaga kerja.
Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui apakah pemerintah sudah melakukan perlindungan terhadap buruh atau belum."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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