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Maria Anindita Nareswari
"Pemanasan global adalah masalah dunia, sudah banyak negara membuat kebijakan untuk mengurangi penyebab pemanasan global. Pembuangan gas dari hasil pembakaran bahan bakar fosil yang digunakan kendaraan bermotor adalah salah satu penyebab pemanasan global. Saat ini telah ditemukan mobil yang berteknologi hibrida, mobil yang ramah lingkungan dan hemat bahan bakar. Para pengusaha mengeluhkan pengenaan tarif pajak yang tinggi, PPnBM dan Bea Masuk, menyebabkan harga mobil hibrida menjadi lebih mahal.Penelitian ini menjelaskan perlunya insentif pajak diberikan untuk mobil berteknologi hibrida, kebijakan negara lain terhadap mobil hibrida dan manfaat-manfaat yang akan dirasakan jika mobil ini sudah banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif eksploratif. Tipe penelitian adalah deep interview. Mobil hibrida adalah salah satu solusi untuk mengurangi polusi udara. Pemerintah seharusnya mempertimbangkan untuk memberikan insentif pajak untuk mobil hybrid. Mobil hibrida dapat mengurangi produksi emisi dan juga hemat dalam pemakaian bahan bakar. Jika pemerintah, memberikan insentif pajak untuk mobil hibrida, pembeli mobil hibrida akan meningkat. Jadi, akan mengurangi polusi udara dan hemat dalam pemakaian bahan bakar.

Global warming is become the world?s problem, therefore many countries make policies to reduce the cause of global warming. Gas uptake from the ignition of fossil fuel that been used for vehicle is one of the caused global warming. In this days, already invented car with hybrid technology, car that have less air pollution and thrifty fuel. The industrialists complain about the high tax rate, luxury tax and customs, which caused the price of hybrid car, become expensive. This research aim is to explain how important tax incentive that have to give for the car with hybrid technology, about the policies in other countries with the hybrid car, and benefits if this car is use by many people.
This research uses the explorative qualitative method. Type of this research is deep interview. Hybrid car is one of the solutions to reduce air pollution. Government should consider giving incentive tax for hybrid car. If government give tax incentive for hybrid car, people that want to buy hybrid car will increase. So it will reduce air pollution and thrift consumption fuel."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lusi Khairani Putri
"Penelitian ini membahas disain kebijakan insentif pajak atas industri Low Cost & Green Car (LCGC) di Indonesia. Penelitian ini mengangkat dua permasalahan, yaitu bentuk insentif yang dibutuhkan oleh industri LCGC dan manfaat yang akan diperoleh dengan diberikannya insentif pajak atas industri LCGC dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Insentif pajak yang dibutuhkan untuk mendorong industri LCGC berupa pembebasan PPnBM atas penyerahan LCGC di dalam negeri, serta pembebasan Bea Masuk dan PPN atas impor Incompletely Knocked Down komponen LCGC. Pemberian insentif pajak ini akan mengurangi konsumsi BBM dan emisi Gas Rumah Kaca sektor transportasi, serta memajukan industri komponen kendaraan bermotor dalam negeri.

This study discusses tax incentive policy design of Low Cost & Green Car (LCGC) Industry in Indonesia. This research raises two issues, namely tax incentive which is required by LCGC industry and the benefits to be derived by the tax incentives being given to LCGC industry, using qualitative approach. Tax incentives require to stimulate LCGC industry are Luxury Sales Tax exemption on transfer LCGC in the country, as well as exemption from Import Duty and VAT on imported Incompletely Knocked Down of components of LCGC. These tax incentives will reduce fuel consumption and emission of transportation sector, as well as advancing domestic automotive component industry."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raysa Prima Annisa
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan efektifitas, pemerataan, dan ketepatan insentif pajak yang diterapkan Indonesia atas industri bahan bakar nabati. Dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dan metode pengumpulan data kualitatif, peneliti menemukan bahwa insentif Pajak Penghasilan yang diterapkan atas industri Bahan Bakar Nabati secara umum di Indonesia tidak efektif bagi perkembangan industri tersebut karena minimnya industri yang memanfaatkan insentif yang disediakan oleh pemerintah. Upaya yang perlu dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan sosialisasi yang ditujukan spesifik pada cakupan produk dan wilayah tertentu, sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan insentif Pajak Penghasilan.
Peneliti menemukan bahwa selain peningkatan kualitas sosialisasi insentif Pajak Penghasilan, kebijakan pajak lain yang tepat adalah insentif pajak untuk mendorong konsumsi, karena realisasi penanaman modal oleh industri pada umumnya mempertimbangkan adanya penawaran atau peluang pasar Bahan Bakar Nabati di Indonesia.

This research’s purpose is to describe the effectiveness, distribution, and accuracy of tax incentive for biofuel industries development in Indonesia. With qualitative research approach and qualitative data collection methods, researcher found that income tax incentive is ineffective for the development of biofuel industries, because of the lack of it's utilization by biofuel industries. Indonesia’s government have to do more focus and spesific socialization on certain industrial estate, criteria and type of product to optimize utilization of tax incentive.
Researcher found that in addition to the improvement of tax incentive socialization in Indonesia, the alternative tax policy is to encourage consumption on biofuel because, prior reason of realization on investment of biofuel industries is market or demand of biofuel in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arum Malinda
"Dalam melaksanakan amanat UU PPh nomor 36 tahun 2008 tentang pemberian keringanan pajak penghasilan. Pemerintah membuat perarturan pelaksana yang tercantum pada PP nomor 52 tahun 2011. Salah satu industri yang mendapatkan insentif pajak penghasilan adalah Industri Panas Bumi. Namun sejak disahkannya peraturan ini belum ada industri panas bumi yang mengajukan fasilitas ini.
Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, peneliti ingin menganalisis dasar dan perkembangan pemberian insentif pajak penghasilan di Indonesia, menganalisis peran insentif pajak penghasilan atas industri panas bumi. Selain itu, menganalisis substansi kebijakan insentif pajak penghasilan dengan menggunakan teori evaluasi knoepfel terdiri dari extent of target group, effectiveness, dan relevance. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif, tujuan penelitian deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan studi literatur.
Peneliti menemukan bahwa pemerintah tidak konsisten dalam pemberian insentif karena masih terdapat insentif pajak yang tidak ada peraturan pelaksananya, Insentif pajak penghasilan bukan menjadi satu-satunya faktor pertimbangan investasi panas bumi. Selain itu, insentif pajak penghasilan tidak dapat menarik investor karena tidak sesuai dengan karateristik industri panas bumi.

Government have made some regulation on Government Regulation about income tax incentive for investment in Indonesia. It was mandated by law of income tax. One of industries who get incentive is Geothermal Industries. But, about more than 5 years this regulation was implemented, no one geothermal industries proposed to get this incentive.
Based on this problem, researcher whats to analize about substantion policy of income tax incentive. Beside that, researcher whats to know what a based of geothermal regulation. The last aim for researching is evaluate the policy of income tax incentive with knoepfel's theory such as extent of target group, effectiveness, and relevance. With qualitative research approach, descriptive research purposes and interview and Library Research data collection methods.
Reacherher found that government unconsistent in make regulation of incentive. Because there was regulation didn’t have excecution regulation. Tax income incentive was not one of factor of investor consideration will investation or not. And than, tax incme incentive couldn’t make investor interest because geothermal industries have different characteristic with other.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This quantitative research relates tax-incentive policy with investment-climate for foreign-invested ompanies in textile industry by using the method of survey analysis. This research took samples by using simple random sampling method. The result shows that the tax-incentive policy is not significantly related to investment-climate of foreign-invested companies in textile industry in Indonesia. There are a lot of factors that influence investment-climate, among others, the availability of cheap, professional experts, political stability, the condition of market and its potential, macro-economic stability, the condition of infrastructure, legal certainty, and the condition of bureaucracy, as well as the rate of corruption in Indonesia. Based on the analysis on the research result, however, market access appears to be the significant factor that generates foreign investors in textile industry in Indonesia
Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi, 16 (1) Jan-Apr 2009: 8-12, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Amalia Putri
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ivan Rakhmat
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang Implementasi Kebijakan Insentif Pajak Atas Transaksi Jual Beli lahan Khusus Untuk Proyek Infrastruktur Umum. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan studi literatur dan wawancara mendalam serta menggunakan desain deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: insentif yang diberikan oleh pemerintah dalam pelaksanaannya berupa pengecualian dari aspek pemotongan pajak yang terkait, seperti Pajak Penghasilan, Pajak Pertambahan Niali dan Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan sehingga dapat memperbesar pengahasilan yang diperoleh masyarakat dan tersedianya lahan untuk pembangunan infrastruktur.

This thesis discusses the implementation of Policy Tax Incentives for Sale Trades Special Land for Public Infrastructure Projects. This study is a qualitative research study of literature and in-depth interviews and using descriptive design. The results of this study are: incentives given by the government in its implementation in the form of exemption from withholding tax related aspects, such as Income Tax, Value Added Tax and the Tax on Acquisition of Land and Building so as to increase the income derived by the community and the availability of land for infrastructure development.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ranti Kusuma Arini
"In order to increased voluntary disclosure from the tax payer, the Indonesian government trough Directorate General of Tax making a tax reforms and the policy that the government choose is by using tax amnesty policy. At the year 1984 the government has been issued a tax amnesty policy, but this policy failed in implementation and the government never evaluated the failure. At 2008 the government issuing the same tax amnesty policy and it called sunset policy.
This research will explain about government comparison when issuing tax amnesty policy at the year 1984 and the year 2008, what exactly becomes the major obstacle on the implementation of the tax amnesty policy at the year 1984, and what are the differences between tax amnesties that were used at 1984 with tax amnesty that used in 2008. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach. The goal is to find an understanding about tax amnesty policy that implemented in Indonesia since 1984 until 2008. The research type is descriptive because the researcher tries to give a detailed description about tax amnesty policy that implemented in Indonesia since 1984 until 2008. Data collected in this research is by trough in depth interview with Directorate General of Tax, academic, tax payer, and tax expert. Beside that the data was also collected trough study literature, books, magazine, journals, and the tax regulation which are related to tax amnesty at the year 1984 and 2008.
The result from this research found that the government rationale issuing tax amnesty policy at the year 1984 because of the change of tax system in Indonesia from official assessment system to self assessment system. The change of tax system needs honesty and voluntary disclosure from every tax payer. Based on that reason, the government issuing tax amnesty policy. At the year 2008 the government tries to collect taxation data from Indonesian citizen who already registered as tax payer and the citizen who are not registered as tax payer. In order to make the tax payer willing to declare the taxation data that they have, government issuing tax amnesty policy. The obstacle on the implementation of tax amnesty at the year 1984 are because the limitation of taxation data, information technology, tax authorities who are not ready with this policy, and public perception of unfairness in tax amnesty. The main differences between tax amnesty at the year 1984 and 2008 is what the government forgiven. At the year 1984 the government forgives all the tax liabilities including interest, penalties, and other prosecution, whereas tax amnesty at the year 2008 only forgive the interest.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linda Amanda
"Newspapers have important function like information, education, entertainment, economic and other function. Because those functions, associate of newspaper ask tax exemption to Government. Beside that, in Indonesia, newspapers penetration is still low and tax incentives expected can increase this penetration. Until this time, Indonesia Government sets newspaper as VAT object. Study about effectively exemption tax on newspaper must be done in order to get incentive tax usefull. Exemption tax is revenue cost by government. The observer calculated tax exemption on newspaper to know how it can influence cost of structure in Penerbit X and cost of production in Penerbit Y.
This research used qualitative approach, by means of literature study, which emphasize books as an object and field study with collecting data by interviewing and also using secondary data. The field study is being executed by interviewing finance and tax accounting at daily newspapers publisher company. The research object limited only on sources data in two newspapers publisher company in DKI Jakarta region.
The objective of this research is to describe policy of VAT on newspaper in past time and the implementation policy of VAT on newspaper today. This research is also to suggest about policy on taxation for seen as contribution for Directorate General of Taxation (Direktorat Jenderal Pajak).
The result of this research show that between 1986 until 1990 newspapers got tax incentives, VAT Accounted on Government (PPN Ditanggung Pemerintah). Regulation are used President?s Decision (Keputusan Presiden). Because of that time Taxation Act of Value Added Tax did?nt regulated about tax incentives. That policy had no influence with selling price of newspaper and on March 1990 this policy stopped with consideration more and more stable of live press publisher commonly. Implementation of VAT appropriate with regulation.The final conclusion of this research is tax exemption on newspapers have no significant influence on cost production of newspapers."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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