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Leli Mulyani
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perhitungan pencadangan imbalan kerja berupa pesangon dan realisasi pembayarannya serta implikasi dari perbedaan perlakuan antara ketentuan akuntansi dan pajak terhadap laporan keuangan perusahaan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan wawancara secara mendalam.
Hasil dari penelitian adalah Aktuaris menggunakan asumsi-asumsi untuk memperhitungkan kewajiban berdasarkan ketentuan PSAK 24 (revisi 2004) sedangkan pada saat realisasi perusahaan membayar kewajiban sesuai peraturan perusahaan. Perusahaan mengganggap perbedaan ketentuan akuntansi dan pajak ke dalam perbedaan waktu yang menyebabkan perusahaan harus membuat perhitungan pajak tangguhan setiap tahunnya. Penulis menyarankan agar perusahaan merubah menjadi perbedaan tetap agar proses perhitungan dalam pembuatan laporan keuangan menjadi lebih sederhana dan mengurangi pengaruh koreksi fiskal terhadap jumlah laba kena pajak (erning after tax) perusahaan.

The purpose of this study is to analize the calculating process of both employee benefit obligation especially in retirement plan and realization of retirement payment. It also analize the implication of differentiation between accounting and tax treatment to company financial statement. This Research is qualitative descriptive. The data were collected by deep interview.
Actuarist used many assumption to calculate the obligation according to Accounting Standar Number 24 (2004 revision). In the other hand, the company used their own company rules to calculate the retirement expenses in the time of realization really happened. PT PGN (Persero) Tbk. Treated the differentiation as a temporary different as they have to make a deffered tax calculation. Based on the analizing, the researcher suggest PT PGN (Persero) Tbk. to treated the difference as the permanent different because the process of making financial statement will become more simple and won?t be influenced their earning after tax.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Darsono Arsoyo
"The Implementation of local autonomy in Indonesia means that the government has authority, rights and obligation to regulate their house hold themselves as well as their finance based on the regulation. Bekasi, as the Buffer city of Jakarta, which has also applied the local autonomy. One of The income?s resources for local government finance is local earnings, which is included local tax. In Bekasi the advertising tax has given contribution enough as the local earnings. By the end of 1999, The Pattern of the license of advertisement board wold be held by One-roof services, before that, it was held by the Board of Sanitation,Gardening and Funeral in Bekasi City. This research has analyzed and compared the tax compliance cost as an effect of the changes of the Administrative license which has been taken care by the Board of Sanitation,Gardening and Funeral in Bekasi City and The SPSA. The tax compliance would be analyzed by two Fiskuses, which were the representatives of government aparatures or The SPSA and The advertising of tax payer.
On this research, researcher has used qualitative approach on the comparative tax compliance cost analysis. This research has implemented the descriptive methods, to describe the condition of the object of research derived from the actual facts. The technique of primary data collection was done by in depth interview toward main informants that obviously involved in the administration of license for advertising, which were the staff of SPSA and also toward supporting informants (advertising tax payer). Whereas the secondary data was obtained through literature study by examining various literature to derive comprehensive description on the object of research. Data analysis was done in qualitative way, based on the result of the field findings as the primary and the secondary data.
From the analysis result, the changes of the administration?s license has given some effects to the tax compliance cost and advertising tax payer. The aspect of tax compliance cost from advertising tax payer?s point of view,which were the direct money cost, time cost and psychic cost became relatively lower than before. The factors which were affected the tax compliance cost and made it lower than before, were the strategic and reachable location, the efficient of the administration and also the comforts that was given by the clear procedures and the accuracy of the finishing license which was only 12 work days for maximum. On the other hand, the tax compliance cost which was connected by the fiskuses such as the administrative cost and the enforcement cost, has not been looked yet about the difference of the things that could be lower or higher, which was connected by the pattern of the advertisement administration's license. These things were caused by the SPSA itself, which has still been as the transition of the ideal pattern which will be held in the year of 2009. Because of that reason, the SPSA has not had the separable cost yet, which has been connected by the tax compliance cost that the changes could be analyzed."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuliana Nursyam
"Guna lebih melaksanakan ketertiban dalam tata administrasi perpajakan, pemerintah mengeluarkan sebuah peraturan baru yang mengatur mengenai tata cara pengembalian kelebihan pajak pajak pertambahan nilai. Peraturan ini diharapkan mampu mengatasi tunggakan restitusi yang ada sehingga dapat memperbaiki citra pemerintah dikalangan wajib pajak.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implikasi apasaja yang diterima PT Antam, Tbk berkaitan dengan diberlakukannya peraturan PER 122/PJ./2006 ini. Selain itu penelitian ini bermaksud mengetahui strategi apa yang dilakukan oleh PT Antam untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan peraturan terbaru tersebut serta mengetahui tingkat efektifitas strategi tersebut dalam membantu PT Antam meningkatkan persentase persetujuan restitusi terhadap permohonannya. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini melakukan sejumlah wawancara mendalam terhadap pihak-pihak terkait.Pada bagian kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa ada beberapa implikasi yang diterima PT Antam pasca pemberlakuan peraturan ini. Timbulnya biaya tambahan merupakan implikasi negatif yang dialami, sedangkan semakin cepatnya pengabulan restitusi yang diterima sehingga dapat membantu cash flow merupakan implikasi positifnya. Dari banyaknya strategi yang dilakukan dapat dikatakan strategi yang dilakukan cukup efektif dan perlu dilakukan optimalisasi.

In order to carried out an orderline of tax administration, government published new regulation concerning the mechanism of value added tax refund according to PER 122/PJ./2006. This regulation hopefully can overcome the debt of VAT refund so as to improve government image among taxpayer.
This reseach is purpose to know what kind of implication suffered by PT Antam, Tbk regarding the implementation of new regulation PER 122/PJ./2006. Beside that, this research is aimed to know what strategy that PT Antam, Tbk do to cope with that new regulation and to know the effectivity of that strategy in helping PT Antam to increase the percentage of agreed VAT refund proposal. Through qualitative approach, this research do some indepth interview to relevant parties. In the conclusion of this research, it revealed that some implication suffered by PT Antam. Some additional expenses is the negative one, but PT Antam can get their VAT refund faster than before this regulation implemented. This refund can surely can help company cash flow. In other words, this is an effecitve strategy done by company and should be optimized so as to reach perfection."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Periode 1997-1998 Indonesia mengalami krisis ekonomi yang hebat akibat turunnya nitai tukar mata uang rupiah secara drastis. Anjloknya rupiah menyebabkan pasar uang dan pasar modal rontok serta bank-bank nasional dalam kesulitan besar. Pemerintah terpaksa melakukan tindakan likuidasi beberapa bank tanpa memperhitungkan kepanikan nasabah, walaupun ada jaminan simpanan nasabah. Kepanikan nasabah menyebabkan rush, sumber cash bank menjadi kosong. BI menyuntikkan likuiditas berupa BLBI. Namun suku bunga BLBI yang tinggi menciptakan beban tambahan karena bank juga dalam keadaan negative spread. Pemilik bank juga tak berdaya, bangkrut karena telah menyalurkan kredit dalam jumlah besar yang disalurkan ke kelompok sendiri, sehingga terjerat kredit macet.
Penyimpangan BLBI dimulai ketika BI memberikan dispensasi kepada bank-bank untuk mengikuti kliring meskipun rekening gironya di BI bersaldo debet, tanpa melakukan pre-audit. Akibatnya banyak bank tidak mampu mengembalikan BLBI, diambil alih oteh pemerintah dan dimasukkan dalam program rekapitalisasi penyehatan perbankan (rescue program). Pemerintah terpaksa mengeluarkan ratusan triliun rupiah metatui suntikan dana BLBI, penerbitan obligasi Negara, SUN dan program penjaminan perbankan. Menurut data Pusat Manajemen Obligasi Negara Depkeu RI, selama periode 1998-2002 hutang DN Indonesia naik Rp 551,767 triliun akibat program ini. Tahun 2002 Pemerintah membayar bunga obligasi rekap Rp 59,5 triliun, atau setara dengan 17.3% pengetuaran APBN. Periode 2003-2006 pemerintah mengeluarkan rata-rata Rp 53 triliun/tahun. Kewajiban pelunasan pokok obligasi rekapitalisasi dan SUN tak kalah memusingkan. Periode 2004-2006 pemerintah rata-rata mengetuarkan Rp 34 triliun/tahun. Kemampuan pemerintah membayar obligasi jatuh tempo ini diragukan karena kondisi keuangan negara sendiri sangat terjepit. Sekedar ilustrasi, BPPN memperkirakan beban pembayaran obligasi rekap bisa membengkak hingga Rp 7.000 trityun, bahkan Rp 14.000 trilyun, jika pemerintah melakukan roll-over pembayaran satu termin saja. Karenanya APBN mungkin dapat menjadi unsustainable dalam satu atau dua dekade ke depan karena jebakan hutang ini.
Pendanaan pembayaran bunga dan pelunasan obligasi negara dapat diatasi antara lain melalui privatisasi dan penerimaan pajak. Namun kontribusi privatisasi tidak tertalu besar dalam APBN, dan tidak bersifat recurring. Sedangkan pajak adalah iuran dari warga negara untuk membiayai pengeluaran negara. Kontribusinya dalam APBN 2004 mencapai 78%. Namun hal ini berarti perilaku fraud segelintir pengusaha atau konglomerat dalam kasus BLBI menjadi tanggungan dan beban bersama jutaan warga negara pembayar pajak.
PT Bank Tbk, bank swasta terbesar di Indonesia, merupakan salah satu penerima BLBI sehingga bisa survive hingga kini. Bantuan yang diterima berupa pinjaman BLBI sebesar Rp 29,9 triliun yang kemudian dikonversi menjadi penyertaan modal pemerintah sebesar nominal Rp 1,365 triliun (dan laku dijual sekitar Rp 7,053 triliun). PT Bank Tbk juga menerima bantuan berupa obligasi negara Rp 52 trilyun yang cukup ditukar dengan asset bernilai pasar Rp 20 triliun saja (sesuai due diligence PT Hakim). Dalam perhitungan kasar, loss pemerintah pada kasus PT Bank Tbk mencapai lebih dari Rp 62 triliun belum termasuk kewajiban pembayaran bunga sedikitnya Rp 5 triliun per tahun. Jika penerimaan perpajakan nasional tahun 2004 berjumlah Rp 278 triliun, berarti loss pemerintah pada kasus PT Bank Tbk mencapai 25% dari total penerimaan pajak nasional tahun 2004.
Secara garis besar terdapat 4 transaksi besar dalam kasus PT Bank Tbk :
a. Pengucuran BLBI, kuasi reorganisasi sampai dengan divestasi saham.
b. Pembagian dividen setelah divestasi.
c. Penerbitan obligasi pemerintah, MSAA, recovery rate, dan bunga obligasi.
d. Pengambilalihan hak tagih non performing loan dengan nilai nihil oleh pemerintah.
Tujuan penulisan ini adalah membahas perbandingan antara loss pemerintah dalam kasus ini dengan jumlah PPh yang seharusnya terhutang oleh pihak-pihak yang menerima keuntungan terkait dengan penerimaan BLBI sesuai Pasal 4 UU Nomor 17 Tahun 2000, dan kontribusi pembayaran pajak para pihak tersebut. Kesimpulan tulisan dapat merupakan masukan bagi pemerintah untuk tidak membiarkan potensi pajak tersebut terabaikan, dan untuk membangun kesadaran masyarakat membayar pajak dan law enforcement. Ke depan nanti diharapkan tulisan ini memberikan sumbangan pemikiran dan secara tidak langsung membantu upaya pemerintah mewujukan masyarakat sadar dan peduli pajak."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asa Baitofa
Kondisi perekonomian saat ini yang kurang menguntungkan, sehingga banyak perusahaan yang menutup usahanya dan melakukan pemutusaii hubungan kerja. Untuk memberikan perlindungan bagi tenaga kerja dan keluarganya terhadap resiko yang berakibat berkurang atau terputusnya penghasilan, ditempuh melalui penerapan sistem jaminan sosial tenaga kerja (Jamsostek).
Penghasilan yang diperoleh dari Tabungan Hari Tua yang dibayarkan sekaligus oleh Badan Penyelenggara Jamsostek, merupakan tambahan kemampuan ekonomis yang dapat dikenakan pajak.
Pemungutan pajak hanis Adil dan bersifat Netral. Sedangkan pemungutan pajak dapat dikatakan Adil kalau ia memenuhi syarat Keadilan Horizontal, bahwa setiap Wajib Pajak diterapkan satu struktur tarif pajak yang sama, dan juga hams memenuhi syarat Keadilan Vertikal, bahwa setiap Wajib Pajak diterapkan satu struktur tarif pajak progresive yang
sama. Netralitas mengisytifatkan baiiwa dikenakaii pajak yang saina atas penghasilan taiipa melihal sumbeniya.
Adaiiya lani-tanl pajak yang bcrbuda ini iricniinbulkaii pokok permasaiahan, apakali pengenaan pajak atas Tabungan Hari Tua yang dibayaikan sekaUgus oleh Badan Penyelenggaran Jarasostek sudali sesuai dengan azas kcadilan dan azas netralitas. Kalau tidak sesuai apakali pengenaan pajak alas Tabungan I-Iari Tua dapat diupayakan lebih adil dan netral.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah metode diskriptif analisis. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan studi kcpustakaaii dan studi lapangan meliputi wawancara dengan pihak-piliak yang tcrkait secara sampling insidentil.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalali untuk mengetahui bagainiana peiierapan pajak atas Tabungan Ilaii Tua yang dibayarkan sekaligus oleh Badan Penyelenggara Jamsoslek memenulii prinsip-prinsip keadilaii dan bersifat netral.
Dari pembahasan diperoleh kesinipulan bahwa, pengenaan pajak penghasilan atas Tabungiui llari Tua tidak memenulii azas keadilaii dan beluiu bersifat nctral.
Agar peiigenaan pajak alas Tabungan Hari Tua dapat memenulii azas keadilaii, maka pengenaan pajakaya, diterapkaii dengan menggunakan struktur taiif uniuiu Pasal 17 Uiidang-Undang Pajak Pengliasilan yang telali diubali terakhir dengan Undang-undang No. 10 Tahun 1994.
Pemungutan Pajak atas Tabungan Haii Tua dapat bersifat lebili uetral, maka disarankan agar pengenaan pajaknya disamakan dengan pajak atas tabungan deposito atau tabungmi lain."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Faura Sari
"Lately, many industry used fuel has shifted to coal. Based on prediction, the production of oil estimated only last until 2040. Hence, there has been increased consumption of coal as one of the potential and cheaper alternative resources of energy. In 2002-2006, production of coal has been dominated by the contractor company that used Coal Contract of Work (CCoW). The mining industry has multiple effects directly or indirectly for economic. One of the influencing negative effect is activities of mining was damaging environment. In order to secure conservation of environment, mining company ought to reclamation print mining area. These reclamation emerging cost which bear by mining company allowed to be treated as deductible expense. Reclamation cost might be to reserve then for later adjust to realization cost. When the realization cost less than reserve, can be income but when realization cost more than reserve can be deductible expense. Under this condition, its importance to control the burden of reclamation cost because reclamation cost have high amount. However, reclamation cost is not mentioned at article 6 Income Tax Law (deductible expense) but in article 9 Income Tax Law (non-deductible expense). Problems of this research is why reclamation cost can be deducted from taxable income and how does the implementation of controlling has been done by government of Indonesia related to the burden of reclamation cost
The type of the research used qualitative approach. This research analyzed reclamation cost by circumstantial interview with professional coal mining, bibliography study through literatures, and data collecting which is relevant to this research, taxation rules, rules of reclamation, government regulations, other supporting regulations, and also various supporting materials which are related to fundamental problems in the form of cyber media.
Reclamation cost is the cost that allocated by mining company based on work plan of mining, which reclamation cost consists not only the rehabilitation cost itself but also consists of miscellaneous cost related with rehabilitation. Reclamation cost is treated as the deduction of taxable income because activity of reclamation have been realized and later adjusted with realization cost. In addition, the other reason are to increase investment and for stated interest. The form of controlling is done by Department of Energy and Mineral Resources by deciding reclamation guarantee, which consist of time deposit, guarantee of third party and accounting reserve. By using the guarantee, Department of Energy and Mineral Resources could control implementation of reclamation and also the burden of reclamation cost implemented by mining company. Guarantee of reclamation is fund provided by mining company as guarantee for implementing reclamation in public mining sector. Beside that, the burden of reclamation cost in company finance report will be audited by public accountant. Although, from Directorate General of Taxes there is no significant controlling, the controlling will be done only when there is tax audit for the company itself even it is not regularly done. When there is no tax audit, reclamation cost can be deductible expenses according to public accountant audit."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zidni Agni Apriya
"Penelitian ini menganalisis proyek implementasi Pajak Daerah melalui online system oleh PT. Bank DKI untuk proses pengambilan keputusan. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis discounted cash flow dengan Net Present Value menggunakan alternatif target implementasi seluruh wajib pajak, wajib pajak terkomputerisasi atau wajib pajak manual, sementara pilihan metode implementasi adalah metode tapping, software atau mobile.
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kombinasi target wajib pajak manual dan metode tapping membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk mencapai NPV positif dan kombinasi wajib pajak terkomputerisasi dan metode mobile memberikan nilai NPV paling besar, namun memberikan potensi manipulasi data oleh wajib pajak, sehingga metode software lebih baik dalam hal potensi tersebut.

This research analyses tax online system implementation project by PT. Bank DKI for decision making. Method being used is discounted cash flow analysis with net present value using target alternative all tax subject, computerized tax subject and manual tax subject, alternative implementation methods used are tapping, software and mobile methods.
This research concludes that combination of manual tax subject and tapping method takes longer time to reach positive NPV, while combination of computerized tax subject with mobile method gives higher NPV within less than 1 year implementation. Furthermore, mobile method has vunerable threat to be manipulated by tax subject, while software method give short time to positive NPV and able to secure the tax data from manipulation by tax subject.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yeni Rahmawati
"PT Nabisco Foods out for light food producer do increasing of sale of the product. For PT Nabisco Foods do promotion cooperation with a few retail company. This cooperation can be done by giving discount, giving of goods for free, year-end bonus if was abysmal of goals. Product placement in counter retail also one of form of promotion done by PT Nabisco Foods."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laurentius Widdi Wijayanto
"Everyone who has a debt has an obligation to pay. But the problem is debtor not always in the best financial condition and having fund to paid in. In that situation, debtor need to rescheduling the term of payment. If this rescheduling can be acceptable by creditor, the debtor can have an opportunity to pay. But if the creditor doesn?t want to rescheduling the term of payment so one way to solve this problem is by having a debt restructuring. One of the debt restructuring method is debt to asset method. In order to make this restructuring became efficient and effective, debitur need to have a tax management in debt restructuring.
Researcher choose this topic because he wish to know about the appropriate tax management that can be apply in debt restructuring by using debt to asset swap method. The research is use qualitative descriptive method and two ways of collecting data techniques. They are in depth interview and literature evaluation. The information get from the interview than compared with secondary data to have a validity data. In this writing of script problems to be lifted is: How is the tax implementation of debt restructuring by using debt to asset method? How is tax management can be applicable in debt restructuring by using debt to asset swap method? What is the constraint of tax management application in case of debt restructuring by using debt to asset swap?
Tax management in case of debt restructuring by using debt to asset swap method can be apply by having a good knowledge about tax regulation that regulate about the various asset that can be used for pay the debt. Every asset have each tax effect, therefore if you want to having a tax management in order to restructuring your debt with debt to asset swap, you must known well about the tax effect in each asset that you want to used to pay the obligations."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Debora Novayanti
"Salah satu sumber pendapatan negara yaitu pajak. Pajak merupakan iuran yang bersifat wajib bagi setiap warga negara kepada negara. Bagi Wajib Pajak, pajak merupakan beban. Wajib Pajak dapat meminimalkan beban pajak dengan melakukan perencanaan pajak. Perencanaan pajak adalah langkah awal dalam manajemen pajak. Manajemen pajak merupakan sarana memenuhi kewajiban perpajakan dengan benar sesuai dengan peraturan perpajakan, tetapi jumlah pajak yang dibayarkan dapat ditekan seminimal mungkin untuk memperoleh laba dan likuiditas yang diharapkan. Perencanaan pajak sangat berperan dalam meminimalkan pajak terutang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peranan perencanaan pajak pada PT. A yang dilakukan secara legal agar tidak merugikan negara dan perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan pajak sangat berperan dalam pajak penghasilan yang harus dibayar perusahaan.

One source of funding that the state taxes. Taxes is a compulsory fee for every citizen to the state. For tax payers, the tax is a burden. Tax payers can minimize the tax burden by making tax planning. Tax planning is first step in tax management. Tax Management is a means to satisfy tax obligations correctly and according to tax regulation, but the amount of tax paid can be kept to a minimum to obtain the expected profit and liquidity. Tax planning was instrumental in minimizing the tax payable. This research was conducted to determine the role of tax planning at PT.A is done legally so as not to harm the state and the company. The results showed that tax planning is very involved in the income tax to be paid company.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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