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Hendra Cahya Mustafa
"Spektrum frekuensi radio merupakan sumber daya alam yang jumlahnya terbatas. Diperlukan penataan alokasi spektrum secara baik dalam mengoptimalkan penggunaannya, salah satunya adalah frekuensi sharing. Kepdirjen no.119/DIRJEN/2000 Indonesia mengijinkan adanya penggunaan bersama frekuensi 3.5 GHz antara dinas tetap satelit (Fixed Satellite Service) dan layanan akses pita lebar berbasis nirkabel (Broadband Wireless Access).
Kurangnya pertimbangan teknis dan ketidaksiapan badan regulasi menyebabkan timbulnya permasalahan interferensi sehingga terjadi kerusakan data dan putusnya layanan FSS. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan revisi terhadap kepdirjen sebelumnya dengan Rancangan Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi Dan Informatika Nomor: /PER/M.KOMINFO/.../2007 yang isi diantaranya, pada pasal 16 ayat 3 menyebutkan bahwa penyelenggara BWA eksisting pada pita frekuensi radio 3.5 GHz wajib migrasi ke pita frekuensi radio 3.3 GHz selambat-lambatnya 2 tahun sejak ditetapkan.
Disimulasikan frekuensi sharing 3.5 GHz antara FSS dan BWA dengan software SPECTRAemc untuk daerah Jakarta. Selanjutnya diusulkan teknik mitigasi interferensi yang dapat digunakan agar kedua layanan tersebut tetap beroperasi dengan baik hingga batas dilakukannya migrasi yaitu 2 tahun mendatang.

Radio frequency spectrum is a limited natural resources which needed good management to optimalize its use, one of the way is sharing frequency. No.119/Dirjen/2000 Indonesian kepdirjen permit the co-existence of frequency usage in 3.5 GHz between Fixed Satellite Service and Broadband Wireless Access.
Lack of technical consideration and awareness of national regulator causes interference problems that disrupt FSS services. Therefore, revision has been done to the previous kepdirjen with Number: /PER/M.KOMINFO/.../2007 which one of the content is, section 16 article 3, mention that eksisting BWA organizer at frequency band 3.5 GHz must be migrated to the frequency band 3.3 GHz at the latest 2 year since specified.
Simulated sharing frequency at 3.5 GHz between BWA and FSS with SPECTRAemc software for Jakarta area. Hereinafter proposed the interference mitigation technique that able to be used to ensure both of the services remain to operate well until the next 2 years.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Ismoyo
"Dalam rangka mewujudkan masyarakat Indonesia yang modern dan berbasis informasi, pemerintah bekerja sama dengan beberapa perusahaan telekomunikasi swasta menggelar mega-proyek pembangunan jaringan infrastruktur telekomunikasi berupa jaringan 'backbone' serat optik berkecepatan tinggi yang dinamakan Palapa Ring. Tujuan Palapa Ring antara lain untuk mengurangi kesenjangan digital antara Indonesia Bagian Barat dengan Indonesia Bagian Timur serta menyediakan akses telekomunikasi bagi masyarakat dengan tujuan meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan mengurangi kemiskinan. Pulau Papua, sebagai salah satu wilayah di IBT yang mengalami ketertinggalan teknologi informasi, menjadi salah satu sasaran utama dalam pembangunan jaringan tahap pertama.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang analisis dan perencanaan titik-titik labuh jaringan 'backbone' serat optik di Pulau Papua serta lebih lanjut interkoneksi jaringan backbone ke setiap kabupaten melalui jaringan ekstensi. Parameter-parameter yang menjadi pertimbangan dalam penentuan titik labuh antara lain lokasi, keadaan alam dan pantai, jumlah dan kepadatan penduduk, teledensitas masyarakat setempat, dan lain-lain. Dalam perancangan jaringan ekstensi, parameter diatas ditambah lagi dengan proyeksi kapasitas jaringan yang dibutuhkan untuk beberapa tahun ke depan. Perancangan ini merekomendasikan konfigurasi titik labuh pada 13 kota pantai beserta analisa penempatannya yang tidak semuanya sama dengan rekomendasi KMI. Untuk proyeksi kebutuhan kapasitas, didapatkan angka kebutuhan kapasitas untuk masing-masing titik labuh sampai tahun 2020.

In order to establish a modern, information based society of Indonesia, the government, supported by several private telecommunication companies, is launching a mega-project of telecommunication infrastructure network construction in the form of high-speed optical fibre backbone network, named the Palapa Ring Project. It is aimed to eliminate ?digital divide? between Western and Eastern part of Indonesia through providing telecommunication access for the people. Such a community empowerment effort is expected to increase the people?s welfare and therefore to reduce poverty level. Papua island, as the largest island in western part of Indonesia with the most underdeveloped information technology will be primary selected for the first stage of construction.
This thesis discusses about the analysis and design of the fiber optic backbone network landing points in Papua Island, as well as the interconnection of the backbone to each regencies through the extension networks. In determining the landing points, parameters to be put in consideration in are location, nature, population and density, teledensity, etc. In designing the extension networks the above mentioned parameters should be added with the projection of required capacity for several years to come. The design recommends landing point configuration on 13 cities, along with placement analysis which have several deviation compared to KMI recommendation.The required capacity projection recommends the number of required capacity for each landing point until the year 2020.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boangmanalu, Lolo Ardy
"Komunikasi satelit merupakan salah satu platform bisnis PT Telkom dalam memberikan layanan komunikasi bagi seluruh wilayah di Indonesia. Mengingat Indonesia adalah negara Maritim yang terdiri dari pulau-pulau sehingga membutuhkan suatu sistem komunikasi yang dapat menghubungkan seluruh wilayah di Indonesia hingga ke daerah-daerah terpencil. Namun dengan perkembangan beragam alternatif teknologi komunikasi lainnya dan persaingan antar operator satelit baik dalam maupun luar negri membuat pangsa pasar bisnis satelit menjadi berkurang. Untuk mengembangkan bisnis di bidang satelit PT Telkom memutuskan untuk membeli satelit baru. Namun dengan kondisi industri satelit tersebut perlu dilakukan analisis untuk melihat kelayakan ekonomi feasibility investasi dari implementasi satelit tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode tekno ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai NPV yang diperoleh sebesar 38,666.000, IRR sebesar 14.75 dan payback period selama 6.17 tahun. Berdasarkan parameter tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa investasi tersebut masih tergolong layak untuk dilanjutkan.

Satellite communication is one of the business platform of PT Telkom in providing communications services to all regions in Indonesia. As Indonesia is a maritime country that comprising many islands thus requiring a communication system that connects all regions in Indonesia, even to the remote areas. However, with the development of various alternative communication technologies makes the market share of the satellite business will be reduced. To develop the satellite bussiness, PT Telkom decided to procure a new satellite. But with the satellite industry condition, an economic analysis need to be done to see whether the investment is feasible. This research is using techno economic method. The research result shows that NPV value is 38,666.000, IRR is 14.75 , and payback period duration is 6.17 years. Based on those parameters can be seen that the investment is relatively feasible to proceed."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinari Nikken Sulastrie Sirin
"Pemantauan perubahan cuaca dan iklim sebagai upaya untuk menanggulangi dan mengurangi dampak bencana, dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan data satelit penginderaan jauh meteorologi. Antena mikrostrip yang memiliki karakteristik low profile, banyak diaplikasikan untuk komunikasi nirkabel, tidak terkecuali untuk penerimaan data satelit. Penelitian ini mengusulkan antena mikrostrip sederhana dengan metode truncated corner sebagai antena pencatu reflektor parabola untuk aplikasi satelit meteorologi Geo-Kompsat-2A pada frekuensi X-band. Simulasi dan parameterisasi desain antena dilakukan dengan menggunakan software CST Studio Suite. Desain single patch yang diusulkan selanjutnya dimodifikasi menjadi array 2x2, dan array 4x4. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa nilai parameter S11 dari ketiga desain secara berurutan yaitu -13,86 dB, -14,53 dB, dan -45,93 dB. Bandwidth desain single patch adalah 396 MHz dan lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan bandwidth pada desain array. Beamwidth terbesar yaitu 93,7° dihasilkan oleh desain single patch, sedangkan gain terbesar dihasilkan oleh antena array 2x2, yaitu 8,6 dB. Ketiga desain antena yang dibuat tidak ada yang memenuhi polarisasi sirkular, dengan AR secara berurutan sebesar 38,67 dB, 40 dB, dan 16,54 dB.

Monitoring of changes in weather and climate as an effort to overcome and reduce the impact of disasters, can be done by utilizing remote sensing satellite data from meteorology. Microstrip antenna which has a low profile characteristic, is widely applied for wireless communication, including satellite data reception. This study proposes a simple microstrip antenna with the truncated corner method as a parabolic reflector feed antenna for the application of the Geo-Kompsat-2A meteorological satellite at the X-band frequency. The simulation and parameterization of the antenna design was carried out using the CST Studio Suite software. The proposed single patch design then converts into a 2x2 array, and a 4x4 array. The simulation results show that the S11 parameter values ​​of the three designs sequentially are -13.86 dB, -14.53 dB, and -45.93 dB. The bandwidth of the single patch design is 396 MHz and is larger than the bandwidth of the array designs. The largest beamwidth is 93.7° generated by the single patch design, while the largest gain is generated by the 2x2 antenna array, which is 8.6 dB. There is no antenna design that fulfills circular polarization, with AR of 38.67 dB, 40 dB, and 16.54 dB respectively"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhi Mahendra
"Salah satu tantangan utama dalam dunia telekomunikasi adalah menyediakan jasa Iayanan data berkecepatan tinggi. Kondisi keadaan pada saat ini, dengan teknologi broadband wireless yang ada dapat memberikan suatu cakupan area yang luas serta mampu dalam layanan data berkecepatan tinggi yang mengaplikaslkan multimedia.
Salah salu upaya untuk menyediakan jasa layanan data berkecepatan tinggi adalah dengan melakukan teknik diversitas Dimana dalam hal ini adalah teknik diversitas yang dilakukan adalah teknik divertisitas ruang (Space diversity technique).
Dalam tesis ini dilakukan simulasl teknik Space Time Block Coding (STBC) dan Space Frequency Block Coding (SFBC). Simulasi yang dilakukan adalah dengan memakai teknik pemancar tunggal clan pemancar ganda serta teknik penerima tunggal dan ganda.
Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa teknik space time coding dan space frequency block coding dengan memakai teknik pemancar dan penerima ganda memiliki perfomansi yang balk dibandinkan memakai teknik pemancar tunggal penerima ganda atau sebaliknya.

One of the main challenge in telecommunication is to provide high speed data services. ln this recent condition, the broadband wireless technology could provide high scope coverage area and able to provide high speed data services using multimedia applications.
One of the efforts to proved high speed data services is to diversity technique, which means that we use space diversity technique.
ln this theses, we would use technique simulation space time block coding (STBC) and space frequency block coding (SFBC). ln this simulation we use single transmitter technique and multiple transmitter technique; we also use single receiver and multiple receiver technique.
This test result showed that using double transmitter and receiver technique in space time block coding technique and space frequency block coding will have a better performance compare to using single transmitter technique multiple receiver or on the contrary."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunawan Wibisono
"The simplest model that is frequently used for a transmission channel is the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel model. In this model the received signal is the sum of the transmitted signal and Gaussian noise. The simple channel model has great theoretical and practical importance and is an accurate model for many communication channels, such as satellite and deep space communication channels. In many communication systems, however, the channels are subject to various impairments in addition to the additive noise. For these channels the simple model of AWGN is no longer valid and one must consider more practical and complex channel models. One of the such channel types which frequently occur in radio communication is the fading channel.
In mobile radio communication system, the propagation between a base and a mobile station is not only by a direct line-of-sight path, but via many paths. These propagation paths depend largely on the. scattered reflection from many obstacles near the base and mobile stations. The received signal, at any place, consist of a large number of waves arriving from many directions. These multipath waves interfere and produce a varying field strength. The base station receiver experience similar fading as the mobile transmitter moves. The signal fluctuation rate is proportional to the vehicle speed. In many fading channels, in addition to the diffused multipath fading, there exists a dominant line-of-sight (direct) signal component. Denoting the direct component by Acos(2πfct), the received signal then can be written as r(t)= (A + a1 (t)) cos(2πfct) + aQ sin(2πfct)"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunawan Wibisono
"Trellis coded modulation (TCM) formats with their excellent bandwidth and power efficiency have been widely employed in various communication systems. For mobile satellite communications, trellis coded (TC) M-ary phase shift keying (MPSK) is the primary candidate modulation technique. In the first generation mobile satellite systems, co-channel interference (CCI) does not pose a serious problem. However, second generation systems are expected to reuse frequency to increase the orbit slot spectral efficiency. Then the CCI from adjacent beams and adjacent satellite will be dominant factor determining the system performance and overall capacity. Mobile satellite communication is also suffered from strong variations of the received signal power due to the multipath fading. Typically, mobile satellite channels are modeled as Rician or Nakagami fading; that is the received signal consists of a constant line of sight signal component and a Rayleigh distributed diffuse signal component. Therefore, the performance of system on mobile satellite channels is subject to both fading and CCI.
TCM and antenna diversity are two attractive methods to combat fading and CC1 effects in the mobile satellite communication systems. The research focuses on the using of TCM and antenna diversity to combat the fading and CCI effects on mobile satellite system, and analyze their performance characterized by bit error rate (BER). Because of multipath propagation , the mobile satellite communication channel is modeled as a Rician or Nakagami fading channel. This report, the BER performance of TC asymmetric MPSK with CCI and TC asymmetric MPSK with diversity on mobile satellite communication systems will be investigated and analyzed.
First, the BER performance of TC- asymmetric MPSK in the presence of undesired CCI with multiple interferers and fading channel is investigated. The fading statistic for desired signal is Nakagami fading and the undesired interference signals are Rayleigh fading. We assume that all the interferers are unmodulated because most of errors are produced by Rayleigh fading itself rather than the modulating sequence. This model assumes that all interfering signals have aligned symbol timing and no cross channel interference symbol interfering (ISi) effects. The desired signal is assumed to have Nakagami distribution implying that a dominant multipath exists in transmission. The desired and the interfering carrier have no phase coherence. We derive the BER performance of TC asymmetric MPSK in the presence CCI and fading channels by using the first error event method. It is shown that the BER performance of TC asymmetric MPSK in the presence of CCI is better than that of system with asymmetric MPSK. The BER performance of TC asymmetric MPSK is improved as increasing either the Nakagami fading parameter or the value of signal-to-interference ratio (SIR). As the Nakagami fading parameter is increased the phase signal of MPSK is also increased.
Second, the BER performance of TC MPSK with 2 branch selection combining (SC) and maximal ratio combining (MRC) diversities on independent and spatially correlated Nakagami fading channel are investigated. The upper bound bounds using the transfer function bounding technique are derived and several numerical results are shown. Is shown that the BER performance of TC 8PSK with MRC diversity is better than that of system with SC diversity. Although the correlation between branches causes the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) loss (relative to independent fading case) for SC and MRC diversities, the diversity can lead to achieve the diversity gain compared to the system without diversity.
Third, the BER performance of TC 8PSK in the presence of undesired CCI with multiple interferers and fading channel is investigated by using computer simulation. The fading statistic for desired signal is Nakagami fading and the undesired interference signals are characterized by Rayleigh fading. The I3ER performance of TC 8PSK in the presence CC1 and fading channels is simulated by using the first error event method. It is shown from the result that the simulation result of the performance of TC 8PSK in the presence CCI and fading channels is closed to the analytical result."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Nashirudin
"Sistem Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC) adalah suatu teknologi masa depan untuk sistem komunikasi pada pesawat yang akan menggantikan sistem komunikasi kabel menjadi sistem komunikasi nirkabel (wireless). Sistem WAIC tidak menyediakan komunikasi antara udara dengan darat, udara dengan udara, dan udara dengan satelit. Kandidat pita frekuensi kerja yang paling kompatibel dengan sistem WAIC adalah 4200-4400 MHz dan 22-23 GHz. Skripsi ini telah memodelkan dan mensimulasikan interferensi antara sistem WAIC dengan fixed service pada pita frekuensi 22-23 GHz. Parameter yang disimulasikan pada skripsi ini adalah frekuensi, daya transmitter, gain, bandwidth, feeder loss, atenuasi oleh gas, dan batas kriteria interferensi.
Simulasi yang telah dilakukan pada skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui jarak proteksi agar sistem WAIC dan fixed service tidak terganggu. Batas wilayah interferensi antara sistem WAIC denga fixed service belum pernah dilakukan simulasi atau analisis di berbagai penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil simulasi pada skripsi diperoleh bahwa agar sistem WAIC terhindar dari interferensi sistem fixed service, maka pesawat tidak boleh lebih dekat 1,45 km dari main-lobe dan 230 meter dari side-lobe yang pertama fixed service, sedangkan ketinggian maksimum pesawat ketika sistem WAIC terjadi interferensi adalah 30 meter relatif terhadap antena fixed service. Batas wilayah interferensi dilakukan penelitian untuk memudahkan pilot pesawat penerbangan sipil untuk tidak melewati batas wilayah interferensi tersebut.

Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication (WAIC) is the standard of future avionics communications systems, which will substitute wired-communication in a single aircraft. The WAIC systems do not provide any communication between air-to-ground, air-to-air, and air-to-satellite. The WAIC systems are designed for enhancing the efficiency and reliability communications systems of the aircraft. The purposes of the systems are monitoring, controlling, and communicating the parts of the aircraft, such as landing gear, wings, nacelles, vertical stabilizer, engine, etc.
This paper simulate and analyze the interference between WAIC and Fixed Service systems at 22-23 GHz. There are two scenarios interference between these systems. Each scenarios are found the protection distance. The first is maximum protection distance between aircraft and Fixed Service is 1.45 km to protect the WAIC from the interference of the Fixed Service systems. The second is to protect the Fixed Service systems, the separation distance and the airport do not be able to less than 45 km. This paper have analyzed that the 22-23 GHz band is suitable to support the development standard to WAIC systems. Also the WAIC systems is compatible with the Fixed Service systems in that frequency band.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Reza Fauzan Hafizh
"Persaingan usaha yang sehat ditandai dengan adanya kesempatan yang sama antar Pelaku Usaha dalam menawarkan barang atau jasa kepada konsumen. Dalam merealisasikan iklim persaingan usaha yang sehat harus terdapat aturan hukum yang menjadi dasar bagi setiap pelaku usaha untuk bersaing secara adil dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya. Maka untuk menjamin penegakan persaingan usaha yang sehat di Indonesia lahirlah Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat. Tentunya dengan aturan hukum tersebut akan menjamin pasar kompetitif secara sehat yang terbebas dari segala kecurangan dan konspirasi  yang menutup esensi dari adanya persaingan di dunia usaha. Namun perwujudan dari persaingan usaha yang sehat di Indonesia belum terealisasi secara sempurna oleh karena masih banyaknya pelaku usaha yang memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk mencapai tujuan kegiatan usaha dengan hal-hal yang dilarang dalam Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1999. Salah satu kasus dimana para pelaku usaha diduga melakukan kegiatan yang dilarang adalah kasus dugaan persekongkolan tender dalam program penyediaan kapasitas satelit telekomunikasi berbasis High Throughput Satellite (HTS) di Badan Aksesibilitas Telekomunikasi dan Informasi Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (BAKTI KOMINFO). Di dalam kasus ini, pengadaan tender bertujuan untuk menyediakan akses internet dan layanan seluler kepada masyarakat di daerah 3T( Terdepan, Tertinggal dan Terluar).
Fair business competition is characterized by equal opportunities between Business Actors in offering goods or services to consumers. In realizing a fair business competition climate, there must be a legal rule that is the basis for every business actor to compete fairly in carrying out his business activities. So to ensure the enforcement of fair business competition in Indonesia, Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition is born. Of course, the rule of law will guarantee a healthy competitive market that is free from all fraud and conspiracy that closes the essence of competition in the business world. However, the manifestation of fair business competition in Indonesia has not been realized perfectly because there are still many business actors who take advantage of the opportunity to achieve the objectives of business activities with the things that are prohibited in Law No. 5 of 1999. One of the cases where business actors were suspected of carrying out prohibited activities was a case of alleged tender conspiracy in the program of providing capacity for telecommunications satellites based on High Throughput Satellite (HTS) in the Telecommunications and Information Accessibility Agency of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (BAKTI KOMINFO). In this case, the procurement of tenders aims to provide internet access and cellular services to the public in 3T areas (Frontier, Disadvantaged and Outermost)."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Flournoy, Don M.
"This book focuses on future markets for broadband products and services, as well as the infrastructure under development that is intended to make those markets more readily attainable and manageable. But it also takes on a more ambitious agenda. Its analysis shows how advanced technologies are facilitating the transition to a new world information and economic order in which much larger percentages of end users have a greater chance of getting what they want.
Contents :
- Preface
- Chapter 1 Broadband Agenda
- Chapter 2 Broadband Telephony
- Chapter 3 Broadband Cable
- Chapter 4 Broadband Wireless
- Chapter 5 Broadband Satellite
- Chapter 6 Broadband Broadcasting
- Chapter 7 Broadband Internet
- Chapter 8 Broadband Home/Office
- Perspectives on the Future
- Glossary
- Index "
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2004
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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