ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pH minuman kemasan terhadap gaya
regang power chain. Digunakan 28 power chain merk ormco, tipe tertutup, bening, yang
diregangkan pada 2 titik berjarak 40 mm pada plat akrilik dan direndam dalam larutan teh
botol, buavita, coca cola dan aquades. Gaya regang (grf) power chain diukur menggunakan
force gauge dan dicatat gaya awal, setelah 1 jam, 24 jam, 48 jam, 72 jam, 168 jam dan 336
jam perendaman. Terjadi penurunan gaya regang power chain yang signifikan, namun tidak
terdapat perbedaan signifikan terhadap setiap waktu perendaman dalam perbedaan pH larutan
teh botol, buavita, coca cola dan aquades.
ABSTRACTThe aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of teh botol, Buavita, coca cola and distilled
water toward force decay of orthodontic power chain. Twenty eight power chains (Ormo,
closed type, tranparant) were fixed on acrylic framework (40 mm of distance) and immersed
in teh botol, buavita, coca cola and distilled water. Force decay were measured using tension
gauge (grf) and recorded at initial force, 1 hour, 24 hour, 42 hour, 72 hour, 168 hour and 336
hours of immersion. There was a decrease of force, however acidity did not influence force
degradation of power chain statistically."