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"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh pemaparan xylitol pada email yang telah terdemineralisasi terhadap remineralisasi ditinjau dari kekerasan email. Demineralisasi dilakukan dengan larutan asam asetat 0.01 Μ (pH 4.0) pada suhu 50°C selama 2 hari. Untuk remineralisasi, sampel kemudian direndam dalam larutan remineralisasi dengan konsentrasi xylitol 20% atau 50% pada suhu 37°C selama 2 minggu. Kekerasan email dari sampel dengan dan tanpa xylitol diuji menggunakan alat uji kekerasan Vickers. Hasil menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kekerasan email antara kelompok yang diberi aplikasi larutan remineralisasi berxylitol dengan kelompok kontrolnya (p<0.05). Kelompok yang direndam dalam larutan remineralisasi ber-xylitol menunjukkan nilai kekerasan yang lebih besar daripada kelompok kontrolnya. Kekerasan email berkisar antara 423 ± 45 VHN pada kelompok larutan remineralisasi ber-xylitol 20%, sedangkan kelompok kontrolnya menunjukkan nilai 302 ± 60 VHN. Kelompok yang direndam dalam larutan remineralisasi ber-xylitol 50% menunjukkan nilai kekerasan 367 ± 70 VHN, sedangkan kelompok kontrolnya menunjukkan nilai 252 ± 100 VHN. Ini dikarenakan kemampuan xylitol untuk membentuk kompleks dengan ion-ion kalsium, hal ini membantu remineralisasi, sehingga lebih lanjut meningkatkan kekerasan dari email yang terdemineralisasi. Fungsi utama kalsium adalah untuk kekerasan tulang dan gigi.

This study aimed to determine the effects of xylitol exposure of demineralized enamel on remineralization in terms of enamel microhardness. The demineralizing treatment was done with a 0.01 Μ acetate buffer solution (pH 4.0) at 50°C for 2 days. For remineralization, the enamel samples were then immersed in a solution with 20% or 50% xylitol at 37°C for 2 weeks. Hardness of the enamel samples with and without xylitol treatment was measured as Vickers microhardness. Results showed differences of enamel microhardness between the group that is immersed in remineralizing solutions with xylitol and the control group (p < 0.05). Groups that is immersed in remineralizing solutions with xylitol showed higher microhardness values than its control groups. The enamel microhardness ranged between 423 ± 45 VHN on samples that are immersed in remineralizing solution with 20% xylitol, while its control group showed 302 ± 60 VHN in microhardness test. Samples that were immersed in remineralizing solution with 50% xylitol showed 367 ± 70 VHN in microhardness test, while its control group result in 252 ± 100 VHN. This is caused by the xylitol?s capability to form complexes with calcium ions, which helps the remineralization process and further increase the microhardness of the demineralized enamel. The major function of calcium is to provide rigidity and strength to bones and teeth."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aryo Megantoro
"Karies gigi merupakan salah satu penyakit infeksi jaringan keras gigi yang sangat banyak menyerang penduduk Indonesia, dengan tingkat prevalensi lebih dari 90%. Karies terjadi sebagai akibat ketidakseimbangan proses demineralisasi dan remineralisasi yang terjadi pada permukaan gigi, yaitu pada saat tingkat demineralisasi terjadi lebih tinggi daripada remineralisasi. Untuk menanggulangi masalah karies, diperlukan usaha preventif yang terjangkau oleh masyarakat. Salah satu agen yang dipercaya dapat mencegah terjadinya karies adalah xylitol. Penelitian-penelitian terdahulu telah menyatakan bahwa xylitol dapat meningkatkan remineralisasi. Pada penelitian ini, diteliti pengaruh penambahan xylitol pada larutan remineralisasi pada permukaan email yang didemineralisasi ditinjau dari struktur permukaan email gigi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan 22 potong spesimen gigi yang dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok kontrol positif, kontrol negatif, dan perlakuan. Seluruh spesimen gigi, kecuali kelompok kontrol positif, direndam ke dalam larutan asam asetat dengan pH 4 selama 2x24 jam pada suhu 500C. Setelah itu, kelompok perlakuan dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok dan direndam kembali ke dalam larutan reminerlisasi, yang mengandung 20% dan 50% xylitol pada suhu 370C selama 2x7 hari. Seluruh sampel difoto dengan menggunakan SEM (Scaning Electron Micrograf) pada laboratorium CMPFA FTUI dan dilakukan analisis secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, dapat disimpulkan bahwa xylitol dapat memicu terjadinya proses remineralisasi pada permukaan gigi yang telah mengalami demineralisasi.

Dental caries is one of the infection diseases on the tooth. Its prevalence in Indonesia is more than 90%. Caries happened when there is unbalance condition between demineralization and remineralization process, which is higher in demineralization. To prevent the dental caries, there should be preventive programs that can be reached by all people. One agent believed to control and reduced dental caries is xylitol. This research observed the enamel surface?s structure related remineralization effects of xylitol on artificially demineralized enamel. The samples were demineralized in an acid solution with 4.0 pH level for two days. After that, they`re immersed in a remineralized solution containing 20% or 50% xylitol at 37oC for two weeks. Samples were analyzed using SEM to see the quality difference between the control samples and the other one on the enamel?s surface. SEM analyzing indicated that remineralization happened in enamel?s surfaces. The enamel?s surfaces remineralized with solution containing 50% xylitol had a better change after remineralization than the 20% did. These results mean that xylitol can avoid caries by inducing remineralization and inhibit demineralization."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fiona Verisqa
"Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh kimia dari xylitol terhadap remineralisasi enamel yang sebelumnya mengalami demineralisasi. Sampel email yang berasal dari gigi yang telah diekstraksi untuk kepentingan perawatan orthodonti didemineralisasi terlebih dahulu dan selanjutnya direndam dalam larutan remineralisasi yang mengandung 20% dan 50% xylitol pada suhu 37⁰C selama dua minggu. Sampel lalu dianalisis menggunakan metode Energy Dispersive Xray (EDX) dan X-ray Diffraction (XRD). Hasil berdasarkan EDX mengindikasikan terdapat peningkatan jumlah kalsium dan fosfor pada sampel yang direndam dalam larutan remineralisasi dengan xylitol 50% dibandingkan dengan sampel yang mengalami demineralisasi tanpa direndam dalam larutan remineralisasi dengan xylitol 50% (p < 0.05). Tidak terdapat peningkatan bermakna dari kalsium dan fosfor pada sampel yang direndam dalam larutan remineralisasi dengan xylitol 20% dibandingkan dengan sampel yang mengalami demineralisasi tanpa direndam dalam larutan remineralisasi dengan xylitol 20% (p > 0.05).
Identifikasi komposisi senyawa kristal dengan metode XRD menunjukkan berbagai macam kristal apatit pada sampel yang berbeda. Hidroksiapatit dan fluorapatit ditemukan ada sampel kontrol yang tidak didemineralisasi. Material amorphous ditemukan pada sampel yang didemineralisasi untuk kontrol perlakuan xylitol 50%. Fluorapatit ditemukan pada sampel yang didemineralisasi untuk kontrol perlakuan xylitol 20%. Fluorapatit juga ditemukan pada sampel yang direndam pada larutan remineralisasi dengan xylitol 20% dan 50%. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa xylitol dapat meningkatkan jumlah kalsium dan fosfor dengan menghambat presipitasi kalsium dan fosfat serta bertindak sebagai calcium carrier. Sifat xylitol tersebut dapat mempengaruhi reaksi kimia dari kalsium dan fosfor pada plak, saliva, dan lesi karies. Oleh karena itu, substansi amor phous dari email dapat berubah menjadi kristal apatit seperti fluorapatite. Dengan demikian, xylitol menunjukkan kemampuan untuk mencegah karies dan merestorasi lesi dini karies.

This study aimed to determine the effects of xylitol exposure on the remineralization of artificially demineralized enamel. Samples that were obtained from teeth extracted due to orthodontic treatment were demineralized and then immersed in a remineralizing solution with 20% or 50% xylitol at 37°C for 2 weeks. The samples were analyzed using Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) and Xray Diffraction (XRD) methods. The EDX results indicated that calcium and phosphorus contents were significantly higher in samples that had been immersed in 50% xylitol solution, compared to demineralized samples without such immersion treatment (p < 0.05). There was no significant increase in calcium and phosphorus content for samples that had been immersed in 20% xylitol solution compared to demineralized samples without this immerson treatment (p > 0.05).
Identification of crystal compounds by XRD showed the presence of hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite in untreated samples. Amorphous materials were found in demineralized control samples for 50% xylitol solution. Fluorapatite was identified in demineralized control samples for 20% xylitol solution. Fluorapatite was also identified in samples that had been immersed in 20% and 50% xylitol solution. The results indicate that exposure to xylitol c an increase calcium and phosphorus contents in enamel, probably by inhibiting Ca2+ and PO43- precipitation and acting as calcium carrier. Xylitol exposure may influence the chemical reactions of calcium and phosphorus in plaque, saliva and caries lesions. Through the influenced reactions, amorphous substance of enamel could change into apatite crystal such as fluorapatite. Thereby, xylitol demonstrate caries prevention and possible restoration of initial enamel caries lesions."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Topical fluoridation recently has become the method of choice in caries prevention. Flouride plays an important role not only in the formation of fluoroapatite, but also promoting enamel remineralization. Enamel remineralization occur when the enamel environtment supersaturated with calcium and phospate ions. When the pH level decrease, the rise of H ions, the hydroxyl of the apatite will be drawn out from the enamel, and substitute by fluoride ion, this condition will causes apatite breakdown and both calcium and phosphate will be released to the enamel environment. The release of those minerals, will cause supersaturation and promoting enamel remineralization. In the nature fluoride can be found in the sea fishes, such like teri (anchovy, Stolephorus sp) fishes. Teri fish has about 17-38 ppm of fluoride content. The high fluoride content of teri fish, lead this research to know the influence of it's application to the enamel surface on remineralization process, measured with enamel surface roughness and hardness tests. Seven enamel discs, 5 x 10 mm (W and L) obtained from 4 impacted third molars, were used in the research. One disc used as initial control, and 6 discs divided into 2 groups, used as experiment groups. All of the experimental discs demineralized using 50% phosphoric acid, then 3 of them were applied with teri substrate, wether other 3 discs applied with non ionic aquadest. All experimental discs, then immersed in the remineralization solution containing calcium phosphate stabilized with caseinphosphoptide. The cycle above repeated for 26 times. Analize of the specimens, were done using surfcom for enamel roughness and Buehler microhardness tester for surface hardness. Surface roughness of the teri group is 1,78 um compare to the initial group (215 um), and enamel surface microhardness of the teri group is (376 VHN), significantly differ from the control group, 358 VHN. Conclusion: Based on this research result, it can be concluded that : Teri fish substrate application on enamel surface causes the enhancement of enamel remineralization, as evaluated by surface roughness and micro hardness."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Streptococcus mutans serotype E is a major bacterium causing caries, and widely present in dental plaque. Dentifrices containing xylitol have been shown to inhibit the growth of these mutans streptococci. The aim of the study was to identify the influence of dentifrice containing xylitol on S. mutans serotype E (in vitro). The 1:1 solution of dentifrice containing xylitol was diluted to the test concentrations of 100%, 10%, 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, in addition to positive and negative control groups. These solutions were examined in S. mutans serotype E test cultures by the diffusion method. The resulting inhibition zone was 2.16 mm at a concentration of 10%, and 3.0 mm at a concentration of
100%. Zero zone size was found at all other test concentrations,
and a significant (Spearman) negative correlation was indicated
between the concentration of dentifrice and the growth of mutans
streptococci (p<0.05). The MIC was not been identified, but MBC was 10%. In conclusion, the dentifrice containing xylitol can significantly inhibit the growth of S. mutans serotype E at least at dentrifice concentrations of 5-10%."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The aim of this study was to assess the relation between the use of xylitol chewing gum and risk of dental caries. The sample was taken from a population of 800 (120 samples). Standard equipment was used in observing the dental plaque, salivary flow rate and pH of the saliva from patients using xylitol chewing gum or non-xylitol chewing gum. The results were analzed using the t-test (one tailed) with 95% confidence intervals (a < 0.05) The results show a significant effect of chewed xylitol gum with increased pH in saliva, increased salivary flow rate (SFR), and decreased plaque score."
[Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rina Mediana
"Xilitol merupakan gula poliol berkarbon lima yang dimanfatkan sebagai pemanis pengganti gula dalam industri makanan dan farmasi. Produksi xilitol secara kimiawi dilakukan dengan menggunakan tekanan dan temperatur yang tinggi serta memerlukan pemurnian berulang sehingga metode ini dianggap kurang ekonomis dalam biaya produksi. Maka dari itu, dilakukan produksi xilitol dengan cara fermentasi yang dianggap lebih ekonomis karena sumbernya dapat lebih murah dan tidak memerlukan pemurnian yang berulang. Fermentasi dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan hidrolisat limbah industri tandan kosong kelapa sawit sebagai substrat oleh khamir Debaryomyces hansenii UICC Y-276.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah, menghasilkan xilitol dengan fermentasi memamanfaatkan hidrolisat limbah industry tandan kosong kelapa sawit yang mengandung xilosa. Hemiselulosa tandan kosong kelapa sawit dihidrolisis dengan katalis asam oksalat dan dioptimasi mengunakan metode statistik response surface method.
Optimasi kondisi fermentasi produksi xilitol meliputi; konsentrasi metanol, jenis sumber nitrogen dan konsentrasi sumber nitrogen. Kondisi optimal hidrolisis berdasarkan response surface methode adalah 8 gram bobot tandan kosong kelapa sawit dalam 35 ml (1:5 b/v), 75 menit, dan konsentrasi asam oksalat 6%, serta didetoksifikasi selama 75 menit oleh arang aktif 2%. Xilosa yang dihasilkani sekitar 28 g/L. Yield value xilitol terbesar ditunjukan pada kondisi fermentasi dengan penambahan metanol 1,5% dan ammonium sulfat sebagai sumber N, yaitu 29,68%.

Xylitol is five-carbon polyol sugar which widely used as sweetener in food and pharmaceutical. Production xylitol by chemical procedures using high pressure and temperature and also needed extensive purification are less cost-effective in production. Fermentation which has more advantages with lower cost caused of cheaper substrate and the non-necessity of xylose purification. Fermentation for this research utilizing waste oil palm empty fruit bunch fiber hydrolysate by Debaryomyces hansenii UICC Y-276 yeast.
The purpose of this research is to produce xylitol with fermentation method, utilizing waste biomass hydrolysate from oil palm empty fruit bunches containing xylose. Hemicellulose from oil palm empty fruit bunches was hydrolized by oxalic acid and also optimized using RSM statistic methode. Optimization of fermentation conditions for xylitol production are optimization methanol concentration and nitrogen source.
Optimum conditions for hydrolysis of oil palm empty fruit bunches fiber obtained from response surface method were 8 gram in 35 ml (1:5 b/v), 75 minute, and dan 6% oxalic acid concentration with 75 minute detoxification by 2% carchoal adsorben give xilose concentration 28 g/L. The highest yield value of xylitol, 29,68 % given by fermerntation condition with the addition of 1,5% methanol and ammonium sulfate as nitrogen source.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Desiriani
"Xylitol is a sugar alcohol used as a sweetener in the food industry. Xylitol can be produced from D-xylose using a fermentation process, but it then needs to be separated from the other components of the fermentation broth (e.g., metabolic products, residual substances, biomass cells, and mineral salts), before being purified as xylitol crystals. Therefore, to obtain high purity xylitol, various separation processes are required. One very promising downstream processing method is membrane separation. This study evaluated membrane-based processes for the separation of biomass cells and other impurities, determined the concentration of xylitol produced from Debaryomyces hansenii yeast fermentation broth, and proposed a polysulfone ultrafiltration (UF) membrane for biomass-cell separation followed by polyamide nanofiltration (NF) to remove low-molecular-weight compounds (e.g., acetic acids) from sugars. The effects of operating pressure were examined using a fermentation broth model solution. The results showed that a higher pressure caused a higher permeate flux; however, the permeate flux’s rate flow decreased over time due to concentration polarization, and fouling in the UF and NF membranes. Nevertheless, at all pressures, UF achieved a 99% rejection of biomass cells. In addition, microscope analysis showed that no biomass cells were detected in the permeates of UF. The resulting NF concentrates revealed high xylitol retention and a beneficially lower concentration of acetic acids. The operating pressures of the UF test conditions were 1 barg and 1.5 barg, illustrating that, at a pressure of 5.5 barg, the experiments achieved reasonably high xylitol retention (above 90%) indicating negligible losses of sugar in the permeate port. Moreover, this was proven to be a feasible way to concentrate xylitol up to three times from the initial concentration of the model fermentation broth (MFB). Therefore, the results demonstrated that a two-stage combination of UF and NF is a promising system for the downstream processing of microbial xylitol production."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:8 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Streptococcus mutans serotype C is a major causative agent to caries and is found predominantly in dental plaque and saliva. Dentifrice containing xylitol has been shown to inhibit the growth of mutans streptococci. The aim of the study was to identify in vitro the influence of dentifrice containing xylitol on S. mutans serotype C. The solution of dentifrice containing xylitol was first diluted with sterile aquadest at 1:1, and then to concentrations of 100%, 10%, 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, also with positive and negative controls. These solutions were exposed to S. mutans Serotype C by diffusion and dilution method. The results of the study show that the inhibition zone formed at concentration of 10% and 100%. There was a significant positive correlation between the concentration of dentifrice and the growth of mutans streptococci (p<0.05), with MBC point at 10%. In conclusion, dentifrice containing xylitol has an antibacterial effect and can inhibit the growth of S. mutans serotype C. Increasing concentration of dentifrice containing xylitol increases the size of the inhibition zone."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Savendra Pratama
"Latar Belakang: Karies gigi merupakan penyakit yang dialami oleh masyarakat Indonesia, disebabkan oleh proses demineralisasi jaringan keras gigi. Saliva adalah faktor perlindungan alami terhadap karies yang dapat distimulasi oleh pengunyahan permen karet yang mengandung xylitol.
Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh pengunyahan permen karet yang mengandung xylitol terhadap laju aliran saliva.
Metode: Penelitian menggunakan metode cross-over. Total subyek 30 anak diberikan 3 macam perlakuan (pengunyahan parafin, 2 buah dan 4 buah permen karet yang mengandung xylitol) selama 5 menit. Pemeriksaan menggunakan gelas ukur salivary test kit GC.
Hasil penelitian: Uji statistik ANOVA 1 arah menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p < 0,05) antara semua kelompok.
Kesimpulan: Terjadi peningkatan laju aliran saliva dengan pengunyahan permen karet yang mengandung xylitol dan peningkatan terjadi seiring dengan penambahan jumlah permen karet yang mengandung xylitol.

Background: Dental caries is a common oral disease to the Indonesians, which is caused by demineralization of tooth?s hard tissues. Saliva is a natural protective agent against caries that can be stimulated by chewing xylitol chewing gum.
Objective: To identify the effect of chewing xylitol chewing gum on salivary flow rate.
Method: Cross-over method. Thirty children having decayed and filled tooth ≥ 3 teeth are given 3 kinds of treatment (chewing paraffin, chewing 2 pieces, and chewing 4 pieces of xylitol chewing gum) on a 5-minute basis. Salivary flow rates are evaluated using GC salivary test kit metric cups.
Result: Statistical evalution of one-way ANOVA shows significant differences (p<0,05) between all groups.
Conclusion: There is an increase of salivary flow rate after chewing xylitol chewing gum, and the increase is proportional to the amount of the chewing gum."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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