"Pornography is criminal act, which be able to make the other criminal act. So that is important to find efforts fight it. But many problems appear when we do it., they are :
1. How far is the regulation of pornography in Indonesia
2. How far is it done?
3. What kind efforts can we do to build it
The aims of this writing are:
1. To know the regulation of pornography in Indonesia,
2. To know its execution
3. To know the efforts, which can be done for building it
The analysis technique, which used in this research in percentage system, is descriptive analysis. The sample is taken by stratified random sampling, from the population is in Bangkalan district. After finishing the research? the findings, which are found, are:
1. Pornography has been regulated on articles 281 to 283 and 532 to 535 of KUHP.
2. In fact, it has still found the pornography.
3. The efforts which be able to done are:
a. Law-court can make jurisprudence about the limitation of something considered porno or not.
b. To improve ability of judicial person to overcome pornography.
c. To improve the facility needed to overcome the problem.
d. To improve the consciousness of society to participate in overcoming pornography."