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Chandra Kharisma Setiawan
"Tesis ini membahas tentang kesesuaian standar/manual audit kinerja BPK dengan standar/manual audit kinerja lembaga pemeriksa (SAI) negara lain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dan bersifat deskriptif. Hasil penelitian secara umum tidak ada perbedaan yang mendasar dalam hal perbandingan standar/manual audit kinerja yang dimiliki oleh BPK dengan SAI negara lain. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa BPK perlu menyusun rencana strategis audit kinerja, membuat sebuah tim khusus untuk melakukan manajemen audit kinerja, dan melakukan evaluasi atas dampak dan nilai tambah yang diberikan oleh audit kinerja yang dilakukan.

This thesis is a literature and descriptive study that discuses about the appropriateness between performance audits standard/manual used by BPK and other SAI?s. In general, there is no significant difference between performance audits standard/manual used by BPK and other SAI?s. This study recommends BPK to arrange a performance audits strategic plan, make a team to manage performance audits, and evaluate the impact and value added brought by performance audits that have been done."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayudya Dheny Arfianto
"Tesis ini membahas tentang kesesuaian standar/manual audit kinerja BPK dengan standar/manual audit kinerja lembaga pemeriksa (SAI) negara lain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dan bersifat deskriptif. Hasil penelitian secara umum tidak ada perbedaan yang mendasar dalam hal perbandingan standar/manual audit kinerja yang dimiliki oleh BPK dengan SAI negara lain. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa BPK perlu menyusun rencana strategis audit kinerja, membuat sebuah tim khusus untuk melakukan manajemen audit kinerja, dan melakukan evaluasi atas dampak dan nilai tambah yang diberikan oleh audit kinerja yang dilakukan.

This thesis is a literature and descriptive study that discuses about the appropriateness between performance audits standard/manual used by BPK and other SAI`s. In general, there is no significant difference between performance audits standard/manual used by BPK and other SAI`s. This study recommends BPK to arrange a performance audits strategic plan, make a team to manage performance audits, and evaluate the impact and value added brought by performance audits that have been done."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nico Adrianto
"Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK), or The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia, has introduced performance audits intensively since public sector audit reforms were initiated in 2001. However, the implementation of performance audits still faces several obstacles. This study examines the development of the performance audit methodology in BPK, which can be divided into three stages: before the revitalization of BPK in 2006, the initial development of performance audits during 2006-2010, and the maturity of the implementation of performance audits since 2011. This study concludes that several key factors have affected the implementation of performance audits at BPK, including the development of audit guidelines, the dynamics of medium-term government planning, the focus of the BPK’s Management, and assistance provided by other supreme audit institutions (SAI). To address new realities and challenges in the future, more sophisticated performance audit methods need to be adopted by BPK, such as big data analytics, the adoption of governance audits, and employing public policy analysis. Without adopting such methods, the institutionalization of ​​effective performance audits might not be achieved in the future."
Jakarta: Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengembangan, 2021
332 JTKAKN 7:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henky Hidayat
"Tesis ini membahas sistem penilaian kinerja di PT. Epson Indonesia yang masih dijalankan pada saat tesis ini dibuat dan selesai dikerjakan. PT Epson Indonesia adalah kantor penjualan dan pemasaran seluruh produk merk EPSON di seluruh area Indonesia dan berfungsi sebagai representasi kantor pusat Seiko-Epson Corporation di Jepang.saat ini PT Epson Indonesia menggunakan PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Action) dan WRD (Working-Related Dimensions) sebagai alat ukur kinerja karyawan. Untuk selanjutnya, akan digunakan KPI (Key Performance Index) dari Hay Consultant sebagai alat evaluasi kinerja karyawan.
Fokus penelitian adalah menganalisa mengenai standar penilaian kinerja yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan/kompetensi karyawan dan efektifitas pemberian umpan balik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif dan menggunakan kerangka teori melalui pendekatan peningkatan kompetensi bagi karyawan dan pentingnya penilaian secara adil bagi karyawan. Diakui bahwa penelitian ini masih harus dilanjutkan terutama mengenai sistem penilaian kinerja berdasarkan sistem yang mengadopsi dari Hay Consultant.
Berdasarkan penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa masih terdapat kerancuan mengenai standar penilaian yang diberikan sehingga porsi terjadinya subyektifitas dalam penilaian atasan terhadap bawahannya masih besar. Selain itu belum semua atasan memberikan umpan balik kepada bawahannya secara efektif bahkan ada yang sama sekali tidak memberikan umpan-balik yang bisa dijadikan patokan bagi bawahan untuk melakukan peningkatan kinerjanya. Dari hasil penelitian, disarankan perlu adanya standar penilaian kompetensi terutama dalam penilaian untuk kompetensi yang bersifat Kompetensi Inti (Core Competencies); melakukan pemberian umpan-balik yang efektif yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi karyawan.

This thesis discusses the system performance in PT. Epson Indonesia that is still running at the time of this thesis is made and finished. PT Indonesia Epson is a sales and marketing offices throughout EPSON brand products in all areas and functions as a representation office Seiko-Epson Corporation in Japan. PT. Epson Indonesia is using PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Action) and the WRD (Working -Related Dimensions) as a means of measuring the performance of employees. For more, will be used KPI (Key Performance Index) from the Hay Consultant as employee performance evaluation tool.
The focus of research is to analyze the performance assessment standards relating to the ability / competence and effectiveness of employee feedback. This research is a qualitative research design with descriptive and theoretical framework through increased competency for employees and the importance of fair assessment for the employees. Recognized that this research still must be followed, especially on the performance assessment system based on the Hay system of Consultant.
Based on the research results found that there is still confusion about the standards of assessments so that the subjective portion of a given superior in the assessment of the subordinates are still large. In addition, not all supervisors to provide feedback to subordinates effectively even have a whole does not provide feedback that can be used as benchmarks for the subordinate to perform the increased performance. From the results of the research, suggested the need to assess the competency standards, especially in the assessment of competence for Core Competency (Core Competencies); make the feedback effective that aims to increase employee competence."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
T 25829
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firman Darusman
"Audit kinerja pada sektor publik telah menjadi salah satu jenis pemeriksaan yang dilakukan oleh BPK dalam memberikan kontribusi tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik. Kapasitas audit kinerja mengacu kepada ketersediaan dan berfungsinya kemampuan pemeriksa (able people) serta ketangkasan proses (agile process) yang membentuk kapabilitas dinamis BPK sehingga dapat memformulasikan suatu kebijakan audit kinerja yang adaptif sesuai konsep dynamic governance. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kapabilitas dinamis BPK saat ini dan strategi ideal yang dapat dibangun dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas audit kinerja yang dilihat dari aspek able people dan agile process. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma postpositivist dengan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan mix method melalui penyebaran kuesioner dan wawancara mendalam. Responden kuesioner penelitian ini terdiri dari Pemeriksa BPK dan Pejabat Struktural di bidang Pemeriksaan. Sebanyak 480 kuesioner telah disebarkan, namun hanya 250 kuesioner yang dapat digunakan untuk analisis dengan tingkat pengembalian 52,08%. Lebih lanjut, narasumber dalam wawancara mendalam merupakan praktisi dan pakar yang telah berkecimpung secara mendalam pada bidang audit kinerja di BPK yang terdiri dari 11 narasumber Pejabat BPK. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan covergent mix method design di mana analisis kuantitatif dilakukan bersamaan dengan analisis kualitatif. Analisis statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk mengolah data kuantitatif, sementara studi deskriptif kualitatif dilakukan untuk mengolah data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa belum terpenuhinya able people BPK yang memadai dalam penugasan audit kinerja. Selain itu, pada aspek agile process, ditemukan terdapat kebijakan operasional yang masih kaku sehingga membutuhkan untuk segera melegalisasi dan mengimplementasikan secara penuh kebijakan yang terbaru. Strategi ideal dalam membangun kapabilitas audit kinerja difokuskan kepada kedua aspek pendorong kapabilitas dinamis, yaitu able people dan agile process yang secara langsung mendorong terciptanya peningkatan audit kinerja baik dari sisi kuantitas maupun kualitasnya.

Performance audits in the public sector have become one of the types of audits conducted by BPK in contributing to good governance. Performance audits capacities refers to the availability and well-functioning of able people and agile processes that shape BPK's dynamic capabilities so that it can formulate an adaptive performance audit policy based on the concept of dynamic governance. This study aims to analyze the current BPK's dynamic capabilities and the ideal strategies that can be built in order to improve the quality and quantity of performance audits as seen from the aspects of able people and agile processes. This research uses postpositivism paradigm with mix method of data collection methods through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The respondents of the research questionnaire consisted of BPK auditors and structural officials in the audit field. 480 questionnaires have been distributed, but only 250 questionnaires could be used for analyzing, the rate of return is 52.08%. Furthermore, the resource persons in the interview are practitioners and experts who have been deeply involved in the field of performance audits at BPK, which consists of 11 BPK officials. The data analysis was performed using convergent mixed methods design where quantitative analysis performes in conjunction with qualitative analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis is used to process quantitative data, while qualitative descriptive studies are carried out to process qualitative data. The results of the study found that able people in BPK had not been fulfilled in the performance audit assignment. In addition, in the agile process aspect, it was found that there are operational policies that are still rigid so they need to immediately legalize and fully implement the latest policies. The ideal strategy in building performance audits capabilities is focused on the two aspects of driving dynamic capabilities, namely able people and agile processes that directly encourage the creation of improved performance audits in terms of both quantity and quality."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lukito Rini
"Peningkatan Indeks Kualitas Produk Pada Tahap Pengembangan Produk di PT. XYZ Dengan Metode Six Sigma. Tesis ini membahas penggunaan metode six sigma (DMAIC) untuk memperbaiki indeks kualitas pertama pada tahap pengembangan produk Final Engineering Piloting (FEP). Pada fase define diketahui bahwa rata-rata indeks kualitas pertama pada tahap FEP sebesar -336, 27. Pada fase measure ditemukan bahwa rendahnya indeks kualitas diakibatkan oleh permasalahan pada torso dimana gaya untuk melepas dan memasang tangan dari dan ke lower arm berada di luar spesifikasi.
Analisis menggunakan FMEA merekomendasikan agar material lower arm diganti dari PVC 85 menjadi PVC 65. Pergantian ini bisa membawa perubahan lebih baik, dan setelah perbaikan pada fase improvement didapatkan peningkatan indeks kualitas menjadi 5,46.

This paper discuss about the use of six sigma method (DMAIC) to improve first quality index during development product phase called Final Engineering Piloting. During define phase, found that average first QI FEP is -336,27. Measure phase shows that those index mostly contributed by torso problem, in which poundage to attach and detach hands to and from lower arm are out of product specification.
Analysis phase using FMEA, recommends to change material for lower arm from PVC 85 to PVC 65. This changes can improve product and after all the improvement implemented, average first quality index improve to 5,46.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renny Anggraeni
"Semakin ketatnya persaingan antara suatu perusahaan menjadikan kualitas sebagai alat strategi bisnis untuk bersaing terhadapkompetitornya dalam menguasai pasar. Six sigmasebagai salah satu metode untuk melakukan perbaikan kualitas pada masalah peningkatan jumlah defect . PT Phillip Morris Indonesia mengalami penurunan kualitas produk yang dapat dilihat dari Visual Quality Index (VQI) yang semakin meningkat. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya peningkatan jumlah defect pada proses cigarette making dimana Tobbaco Particel Under Tipping merupakan defect yang paling banyak terjadi. Perbaikan yang dilakukan adalah dengan membuat SOP dan sebuah alat bantu agar mesin bisa berjalan optimal.Pada saat sebelum perbaikan nilai sigma yang didapat adalah 3,6 dengan yield sebesar 98,20%. Setelah dilakukan perbaikan didapatkan nilai sigma sebesar 3,76 dengan yield sebesar 98,82%.

The increasing competition between a company makes quality as a strategic business to compete against competitors as a market leader. Six sigma as a method that can be use for quality improvment to solve a increasing defect product. Now, PT. Philip Morris Indonesia has been decrease on visual quality product. We can see on Visual Quality Index (VQI) that remainly increase. This increase is due to cigarette defect in cigarette making process where the defect Tobacco Particles under Tipping is the most contributors in VQI. The improvements that have been done are making a SOP and also make a new design for vacuum machine. At the time before improvement value is 3.6 sigma obtained at a yield of 98.23% and after improvement the value is 3.76 sigma and a yield is 98.82%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gobel, Rahmat Ihsan
Penelitian ini mengaplikasikan metode Quality Function Deployment dan Analytical Hierarchy Process pada produk air conditioner tipe YC-CS9NKJ yang diproduksi oleh Panasonic Indonesia. Tujuan utama dari penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan prioritas konsumen terhadap produk air conditioner secara umum untuk dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam menentukan prioritas pengembangan dari setiap atribut teknis produk tersebut, sehingga dapat menghasilkan produk yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan dan prioritas konsumen air conditioner secara tepat.
Penelitian secara garis besar menjelaskan penerapan metode Quality Function Deployment dalam mengidentifikasi atribut kebutuhan yang ada untuk kemudian prioritasnya akan ditentukan melalui metode Analytical Hierarchy Process. Hasil yang diperoleh, lebih lanjut akan diolah dengan matriks House of Quality untuk dihubungkan dengan setiap atribut teknis yang ingin dikembangkan dari produk.
Dari berbagai data yang diperoleh sebagai input dalam pengolahan data penelitian, didapatkan hasil penelitian bahwa pengembangan pada atribut kinerja dan fitur penekan konsumsi daya listrik dari penggunaan produk menjadi pengembangan yang memiliki prioritas paling tinggi untuk dilakukan agar dapat memenuhi prioritas kebutuhan konsumen. Penelitian ini juga berhasil mengidentifikasi berbagai atribut kebutuhan konsumen lainnya beserta prioritasnya terhadap produk air conditioner secara umum yang juga dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar pertimbangan dalam pengembangan produk. Lebih jauh, penelitian ini juga memberikan implikasi manajerial serta saran bagi perusahaan dan penelitian selanjutnya.

;This study is implementing the methods of Quality Function Deployment and Analytical Hierarchy Process on air conditioner product type CS-YC9NK which is produced by Panasonic Indonesia. The main objective of the research in this study is to identify the customer requirements and priorities on air conditioner product in general which is going to become the foundation of determining the development priority on every technical attribute of the product, therefore it will able to deliver a product which satisfies customer requirement and priorities on air conditioning precisely.
Generaly the research is describing the implementation of Quality Function Deployment method in identifying the available requirement attribute, which the priorities is going to b determined by the Analytical Hierachy Process method. After ward, the result will be calculated inside the House of Quality matrix to be connected to each technical attributes which is subjected to product development.
From various data which are obtained as input during research and data calculation, can be concluded that development on performance and features to reduce electrical power consumption during product utilization become the highest priority to be performed in order to satisfy the customer requirement priorities. This research also successfully intended various of other customer requirement attributes, together with priorities on air conditioner product in general which may also be utilized for product development considerations. Furthermore, this research has provided managerial implications and recommendations for company and for further research.
, This study is implementing the methods of Quality Function Deployment and Analytical Hierarchy Process on air conditioner product type CS-YC9NK which is produced by Panasonic Indonesia. The main objective of the research in this study is to identify the customer requirements and priorities on air conditioner product in general which is going to become the foundation of determining the development priority on every technical attribute of the product, therefore it will able to deliver a product which satisfies customer requirement and priorities on air conditioning precisely.
Generaly the research is describing the implementation of Quality Function Deployment method in identifying the available requirement attribute, which the priorities is going to b determined by the Analytical Hierachy Process method. After ward, the result will be calculated inside the House of Quality matrix to be connected to each technical attributes which is subjected to product development.
From various data which are obtained as input during research and data calculation, can be concluded that development on performance and features to reduce electrical power consumption during product utilization become the highest priority to be performed in order to satisfy the customer requirement priorities. This research also successfully intended various of other customer requirement attributes, together with priorities on air conditioner product in general which may also be utilized for product development considerations. Furthermore, this research has provided managerial implications and recommendations for company and for further research.
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yanu Ahmad Hariyoso
"Penelitian ini membahas aplikasi dari Quality Function Deployment (QFD) untuk mengidentifikasi pengembangan pelayanan jasa dari perpustakaan. Pertama mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pelanggan atau pembaca, tingkat kepentingan dan tingkat kepuasan diketahui dengan cara mengambil data kuisioner di lingkungan sekitar perpustakaan. Kedua, mengetahui teknis pengembangan jasa untuk memuaskan pelanggan dengan mewawancarai pakar atau pihak manajemen. Dengan menggunakan matriks level pertama dari QFD yaitu House of Quality (Rumah Kualitas) dapat diketahui hubungan kebutuhan pelanggan dan pemenuhan teknis dari pihak perpustakaan, penelitian ini menentukan lima teratas masing-masing dari kebutuhan pelanggan dan teknis pengembangan jasa, dan beberapa saran untuk membangkitkan perpustakaan, khususnya perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia.

This study discusses the application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to identify the development of library services. First, reader needs and their importance, and satisfaction degrees were examined via questionnaires around library. Second, the service improvement techniques for satisfying the reader needs were developed by interviewing experts. Following, a relation matrix was constructed from first level matrix of the QFD. House of Quality (HoQ) is known relationship customer requirements and technical compliance of the library. Empirical study specifies top 5 reader needs and service improvement techniques respectively, and some practical suggestions are raised for academic libraries."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faradhiba Banat
"Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pendekatan terpadu dalam pengembangan produk delivery bed dengan mengintegrasikan teknik Quality Function Deployment (QFD) dan Model Kano. QFD digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan esensial pelanggan sehubungan dengan penggunaan delivery bed, sedangkan Model Kano digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan atribut produk ke dalam kategori kepuasan pelanggan. Metodologi penelitian melibatkan langkah-langkah sistematis, termasuk identifikasi kebutuhan pelanggan, klasifikasi atribut produk, hubungan kebutuhan pelanggan dengan spesifikasi teknis, serta prioritisasi fitur dan spesifikasinya untuk membantu perusahaan atau lembaga kesehatan dalam merancang produk yang tidak hanya memenuhi harapan pelanggan tetapi juga efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan nilai produk delivery bed. Pendekatan melalui kedua metode ini menunjukkan bahwa atribut kenyamanan, keamanan, aksesibilitas, dan higienitas delivery bed berada pada klasifikasi Must be (M) yang berarti produk yang dirancang harus memenuhi semua atributnya sebagai syarat kepuasan pelanggan, sedangkan hasil pendekatan matriks House Of Quality (HOQ) dapat dijadikan acuan menentukan prioritas spesifikasi teknis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis 20 spesifikasi teknis, terdapat 5 hal yang paling penting dan berpengaruh untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan yaitu backrest, leg support, mekanisme Hi-Lo, pushing bar, dan kekuatan rangka.

This research explores an integrated approach to developing a delivery bed product by integrating Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Kano Model techniques. QFD is used to identify essential customer needs regarding the use of delivery beds, while the Kano Model is used to classify product attributes into customer satisfaction categories. The research methodology involves systematic steps, including customer needs identification, product attribute classification, the relationship between customer needs and technical specifications, as well as feature prioritization and their specifications to assist healthcare companies or institutions in designing products that not only meet customer expectations but also effectively improve the quality and value of delivery bed products. The approach through both methods shows that the attributes of comfort, safety, accessibility, and hygiene of delivery beds are in the Must be (M) classification, which means that the designed product must meet all its attributes as a condition of customer satisfaction, while the results of the House Of Quality (HOQ) matrix approach can be used as a reference to determine the priority of technical specifications. Based on the results of analyzing 20 technical specifications, there are 5 things that are the most important and influential in increasing customer satisfaction, namely backrest, leg support, Hi-Lo mechanism, pushing bar, and frame strength."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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