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"konang district has a problem on fresh water supply particularly in dry season. Two villages in the district, namely Pakes and Konang, are densely populated areas having agriculture activities, so available of sufficent fresh water in necessary. A fresh water source that can be developed in this area is deep groundwater source from potential aquifers. A geological study has been conducted to identify potential aquifer based on lithological aspect and geological structure. According to the regional stratigraphy, the study area consists of Tawun Formation and Ngrayong Formation. They compose of carbonaceous claystone (the oldest rock unit), carbonaceous claystone with sandy limestone intercalations, sandy limestone interbeded with carbonaceous claystone, tuffaceous sandstone with claystone intercalations, and reef limestone (the youngest) respectively. Strike and dip positions of the rocks layers are N110oE/22o - N150oE/26o, located on the south anticline axis with wavy plan to gentle slope of hilly morphology. Among the rock unit, only sandy limestone has fine sand with subangular in shape and open pack. Qualitatively, this rock has good porosity and parmeability and is enables to save and to flow subsurface water. Thrus, the sandy limestone is considered as a potensial zone for fresh water resources. Whereas, carbonaceous claystone with clay grainsize has low porosity and permeability, so it is potential as a cap rock"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rana Fathinah Arifah
"Cekungan Air Tanah Jakarta merupakan CAT lintas provinsi yang meliputi Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, dan Banten. Seiring dengan peningkatan populasi dan pembangunan, cekungan air tanah akan semakin rawan terhadap suatu isu permasalahan apabila tidak dilakukan konservasi. Tangerang merupakan daerah yang sebagian wilayahnya termasuk ke dalam CAT Jakarta yang memiliki jumlah kepadatan penduduk dan industri yang tinggi, sehingga berdampak kepada peningkatan pengambilan air tanah dan kualitas air tanah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui fasies geokimia dan kualitas air tanah pada akuifer dangkal di Tangerang dan sekitarnya menggunakan metode indeks pencemaran dengan mengacu kepada Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 492/MENKES/PER.IV/2010 tentang persyaratan kualitas air minum. Analisis dilakukan terhadap 30 titik sumur bor hingga kedalaman 40 meter. Berdasarkan analisis data bor didapatkan litologi penyusun daerah penelitian terdiri atas batulempung, batulanau, batupasir, dan tuf. Analisis geokimia air tanah menunjukan terdapat fasies CaMgHCO3 30%, CaMgSO4 13%, NaCl 30%, dan NaHCO3 27%. Evaluasi kualitas air tanah menghasilkan nilai sekitar 2.5 – 6.3. Dari data tersebut dapat disimpulkan fasies air tanah yang dominan merupakan fasies kalsium magnesium hidroksida dan natrium klorida serta air tanah pada akuifer dangkal memiliki tingkat pencemaran ringan – sedang. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pengelolaan dan konservasi air tanah untuk mengurangi tingkat pencemaran air.

Jakarta Groundwater Basin is a cross-provincial groundwater basin covering DKI Jakarta, West Java, and Banten Provinces. Along with the increase in population and development, groundwater basins will be more vulnerable to a problem if conservation is not carried out. This research was conducted in Tangerang, which part of its territory is included in Jakarta Groundwater Basin. Tangerang has a high population density and industry, which has an impact on increasing groundwater abstraction and groundwater quality. This research aims to determine the geochemical facies and groundwater quality in shallow aquifers in Tangerang and its surroundings. The method used in this research is using the pollution index method for drinking water quality based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 492. The analysis was carried out on 30 drilled well points to a depth of 40 meters. Based on the analysis of drill data, it was found that the lithology that composes the research area consists of claystone, siltstone, sandstone, and tuff. Geochemical analysis of groundwater shows that there are 30% CaMgHCO3; 13% CaMgSO4; 30% NaCl; 27% NaHCO3 hydrogeochemical facies. Evaluation of groundwater quality yields a value of about 2.5 – 6.3. From these data, it can be concluded that the dominant groundwater facies is the calcium magnesium hydroxide and sodium chloride facies, groundwater quality in shallow aquifers has mild to moderate pollution levels. Therefore, it is necessary to manage and conserve groundwater to reduce the level of water pollution."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erica Prasetyo
"Air merupakan komoditas penting yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Salah satu daerah yang menggunakan air yang bersumber dari sumur gali untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakatnya adalah Kecamatan Cipanas, Kabupaten Lebak, Provinsi Banten. Namun, resiko penggunaan sumur gali adalah kualitas air tanah yang kurang layak untuk digunakan. Penelitian yang dilakukan di sekitar daerah Kecamatan Cipanas memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui persebaran fasies air tanah pada daerah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan merupakan metode hidrogeokimia. Dalam menentukan fasies air tanah menggunakan diagram Gibbs diagram Durov, diagram Stiff, dan diagram Piper. Tiga fasies air tanah yang tersebar, yaitu calcium magnesium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate, dan calcium magnesium bicarbonate. Proses kimia air tanah daerah penelitian didominasi oleh disolusi dan pertukaran ion sehingga mineral karbonatan cukup mendominasi. Kualitas air tanah daerah penelitian apabila mengacu Permenkes No. 37 Tahun 2017 untuk penggunaan higiene sanitasi tidak memenuhi syarat untuk digunakan.

Water is an important commodity that is used by the community to fulfil the needs of daily life. One area that uses water sourced from dug wells to improve the quality of life of its people is Cipanas District, Lebak Regency, Banten Province. However, the risk of using dug wells is that the groundwater quality is not suitable for use The research conducted around the Cipanas District area has the aim of knowing the distribution of groundwater facies in the studied area. The method used is a hydrogeochemical method. In determining groundwater facies using Gibbs diagrams, Durov diagrams, Stiff diagrams, and Piper diagrams. Three groundwater facies are found, they are calcium magnesium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate, and calcium magnesium bicarbonate. The chemical process of groundwater in the study area is dominated by dissolution and ion exchange so that carbonate minerals dominate. The groundwater quality of the research area referring to the Minister of Health Regulation No. 37 of 2017 for the use of sanitation hygiene does not pass the requirements for use."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maurivi Putri Islamey
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi geologi bawah permukaan pada lokasi penelitian serta memanfaatkan informasi geologi tersebut untuk mendukung rencana pembangunan Tol Trans Sumatera, seperti melihat adanya stuktur patahan, lapisan batuan lunak dan keras, dan air tanah pada lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode resistivitas. Data yang digunakan adalah data resistivitas. Data ini merupakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT). Pengukuran dilakukan di 2 segmen yang masing-masing segmen terdapat 4 lintasan. Menggunakan Konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger. Hasil pengolahan data resistivitas dikorelasikan dengan peta geologi regional, klasifikasi nilai resistivitas batuan (Telford, 1990), dan data bor. Pengolahan dilakukan dengan metode inversi dua dimensi dan pemodelan tiga dimensi. Dari hasil pengolahan dan analisis terdapat beberapa jenis litologi dengan distibusi resistivitas yaitu litologi batu pasir dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 80-200 Ωm dan nilai SPT 30. Litologi kedua yaitu lapisan lempung dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 0-80 Ωm dan nilai SPT 20. Litologi ketiga yaitu lapisan Andesit dengan nilai resistivitas lebih dari 200 Ωm dan nilai SPT 50. Ditemukan juga adanya struktur patahan pada lintasan 5, serta potensi air tanah yang menyebar pada litologi batuan pasir yang ada pada setiap lintasan.

This research was conducted to identify subsurface geological at the research location and utilize this geological information to support the Sumatra Highway development plan, such as looking at fault structures, soft and hard rock layers, and groundwater at the research location. This study uses the resistivity method. The data used is resistivity data. This data is secondary data obtained from the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT). Measurements were carried out in 2 segments where each segment has 4 tracks. Using the Wenner-Schlumberger Configuration. The results of resistivity data processing are correlated with regional geological maps, rock resistivity value classification (Telford, 1990), and drill data. Processing is done by two dimensional inversion method and three-dimensional modeling. From the processing and analysis results, there are several types of lithology with resistivity distribution, namely sandstone lithology with a resistivity value of 80-200 Ωm and an SPT value of 30. The second lithology is a layer of clay with a resistivity value of 0-80 Ωm and an SPT value of 20. The third lithology is andesite layer with a resistivity value of more than 200 Ωm and an SPT value of 50. There was also a fault structure on track 5, as well as the potential for groundwater spreading in the sandstone lithology on each track."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Martajasah is one of the villages in Bangkalan Region, Madura, which have difficuly of fresh water. This area has a lot of potential thar can be developed, particularly the potential of regious tourism. To increase the utilization potential of the region and support the public healthy, in 2007 PPGN-BATAN cooperated with the Government of bangkalan has made one (I) exploration/production groundwater-wells with the expectation it can meet a demand of fresh water in the Martajasah Village area. To determine the capacity of the wells, the maximum discharge pumping and the optimum discharge pumping from the wells pumping test it is necessary should be conducted, which includes step draw down pumping test, constant rate pumping test and recovery test. The purpose of this activity is to determine amount of well loss, loss of aquifer, well hydraulics equations and the value of the efficiency of wells to determine the optimum and maximum discharge wells and calculate the value of transmissivity/transmissivity (T) from the aquifer. The scope of these activities include the preparation of working equipment, testing of all equipment, measurement of static groundwater table, pumping test, and analysis of pumping test. Based on the result from step draw down test, well hydraulics equations obtained Sw= 0.0079 Q + 0.000003 Q2, so that according to the well hydraulics equations are then obtained a maximum pumping discharge (Qmax)= 3.9 liters/second (336.7 m3/days) with the well efficiency (E)= 89%, so the optimum pumping discharge (Qopt)= 3.455 liters/second= 298.52 m3/day. based on the result from constant rate pumping test and recovery test showed adequate transmissivity of wells, ie T= 136.5 m2/day=5.6875 m2/hour= 0.094 m2/minute."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The aim this resistivity logging measurement is to decide the stratification of rock and distribution of aquifer based on the resistivity value. The objective of the well logging is to determine the depth and thickness of aquifer for well construction, in order to decide the position of screen in the aquifers..."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Demak is one of regency are placed in Central Java which has a problem of fresh water availability. The insufficient of water have been recognized in some parts of the region, such as Banyumeneng in Mranggen district. The problem of fresh water in this area is caused by sea water trapped in sedimentary material during sedimentation process, so the trapped groundwater character is brine or brackish. One of the alternatives to overcome water problem is delineated of the prospect area for exploiting of groundwater. The ground investigation activity is to get information about the geology, hydrogeology and subsurface geophysical characteristics which are needed to identification of groundwater aquifer. To obtain those targets are topographic measurement in 1:5000 scale maps, geology and hydrogeology mapping, measurement of soil radioactivity and geoelectrical resistivity are conducted. Based on observation, analysis, evaluation and discussion were identified the exixtence of potential confined aquifer that happened at the layer sand that is trapped in the impermeable layer of clay, with distribution direction East-West. Potency of aquifer with thw best condition, there are placed on BYM-16 and BYM-05 with the physics characterized in Sand-1 in the resistivity 16-22 ohm m to depth 125-150 m and Sand-2 in the resistivity 11-16 ohmm depth 25-30 m. "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Saputra
"Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan. bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola sebaran wilayah potensial resapan air tanah, serta mengetahui faktor-faktor yang dominan terhadap wilayah potensial resapan air tanah di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan. Metodelogi penelitian ini dengan Grid System, diperoleh dari overlay yang akan menghasilkan Potensi Resapan Air Tanah. Sebaran keruangan Resapan Air Tanah di Jakarta Selatan di kategorikan menjadi tiga yaitu: a) sebaran wilayah potensi resapan rendah di Jakarta Selatan dominan terdapat di bagian utara atau mendekati pusat kota. kelurahan yang paling besar memiliki luasan tersebut adalah Kelurahan Tebet Barat dalam Kecamatan Tebet dengan luas 110,42 ha atau 0,75 %. b) Sebaran wilayah potensi resapan sedang di Jakarta Selatan dominan terdapat di bagian utara atau mendekati pusat kota. kelurahan yang paling besar memiliki luasan tersebut adalah Kelurahan Pondok Pinang dalam Kecamatan Kebayoran Lama dengan luas 660,22 ha atau 4,53 %. Sedangkan, c) sebaran wilayah potensi resapan tinggi di Jakarta Selatan dominan terdapat di bagian utara atau mendekati pusat kota. kelurahan yang paling besar memiliki luasan tersebut adalah Kelurahan Ragunan dalam Kecamatan Pasar Minggu dengan luas 50,63 ha atau 0,34 %.

The research was conducted at the South Jakarta Administration. aims to determine the distribution patterns of potential groundwater recharge areas, and determine the dominant factors of the potential groundwater recharge areas in South Jakarta Administration. This research methodology with Grid System, derived from the overlay that will generate Potential Groundwater Infiltration. Spatial Distribution of Soil Water Infiltration in South Jakarta categorized into three, namely: a) the distribution of low recharge potential areas in South Jakarta are dominant in the northern part of or close to the city center. The biggest urban area is the Village has the Western District of Tevet Tevet with area 110.42 ha or 0.75%. b) The distribution of the potential catchment area in South Jakarta was predominantly located in the northern part of or close to the city center. The biggest urban area is the Village has Pondok Pinang in Kebayoran Lama district with an area of 660.22 hectares or 4.53%. Meanwhile, c) distribution of high recharge potential areas in South Jakarta predominantly located in the northern part of or close to the city center. The biggest urban area is the Village has Ragunan the Sunday Market District with an area of 50.63 ha, or 0.34%.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The rapid development of many sectors at the Bandung - Soreang Groundwater basin has increased the demand for clean water. It si estimated that approximately 70 per cent of the clean water demand is still fulfilled by ground water .... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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