"Hospitalisasi merupakan suatu kondisi seseorang karena sakit dan masuk rumah sakit. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui
pengaruh metode bimbingan imajinasi rekaman audio terhadap stres hospitalisasi pada anak usia sekolah di Rumah
Sakit di Kota Palu. Desain penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan pre and post test design with control group. Sampel
yaitu anak usia 7–12 tahun sebanyak 26 responden kelompok intervensi dan 26 responden kelompok kontrol. Intervensi
yaitu metode bimbingan imajinasi rekaman audio, diberikan 3 kali selama 2 hari (6 sesi @ 15 menit)). Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan rerata skor stres hospitalisasi setelah intervensi (pv = 0,004). Tidak ada
kontribusi variabel confounding. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, bimbingan imajinasi rekaman audio dapat diterapkan
pada asuhan keperawatan anak sakit di rumah sakit.
Audio Recorded Guided Imagery Method to Reduce Stress Hospitalisazation in School Age Children in Palu
Hospital. Hospitalization is a condition of a person because of illness and hospital admission. Research objectives
determine the influence of audio recorded guided imagery method to stress of hospitalization in school-age children in
hospital in Palu. Quasi-experimental research design with pre and post test design with control group. The sample of
children aged 7-12 years were 26 respondents intervention group and 26 control group respondents. Intervention is the
method of audio recorded guided imagery, three times a day for two days (one session equal to15 minutes). The results
showed the significant difference mean stress score of hospitalization after the intervention (Pv = 0.004). No
contribution of confounding variables. Based on these results, audio recorded guided imagery intervention can be
applied to care the sick pediatric in hospital."
Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Palu ; Universitas Indonesia. Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan ; Universitas Indonesia. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2013