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Boston: Little, Brown, 1961
612.115 BLO
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"PLATELETS is the definitive current source of state-of-the-art knowledge about platelets and covers the entire field of platelet biology, pathophysiology, and clinical medicine. Recently there has been a rapid expansion of knowledge in both basic biology and the clinical approach to platelet-related diseases including thrombosis and hemorrhage. Novel platelet function tests, drugs, blood bank storage methods, and gene therapies have been incorporated into patient care or are in development. This book draws all this information into a single, comprehensive and authoritative resource. Comprehensive and definitive source of knowledge about platelets for clinicians, pathologists and scientists Integrates the entire field of platelet biology, pathophysiology, and clinical medicine Full color reference comprising 64 chapters, 1400 pages, and 16,000 references Contributions from 126 world leaders in their fields New chapters on topics such as the regulation of platelet life span, platelet microRNAs, GPVI and CLEC-2, monitoring of antiplatelet therapy, novel antiplatelet therapy, and making platelets ex vivo."
Amsterdam : elsevier, 2013
612.117 PLA
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"PLATELETS is the definitive current source of state-of-the-art knowledge about platelets and covers the entire field of platelet biology, pathophysiology, and clinical medicine. Recently there has been a rapid expansion of knowledge in both basic biology and the clinical approach to platelet-related diseases including thrombosis and hemorrhage. Novel platelet function tests, drugs, blood bank storage methods, and gene therapies have been incorporated into patient care or are in development. This book draws all this information into a single, comprehensive and authoritative resource. Comprehensive and definitive source of knowledge about platelets for clinicians, pathologists and scientists Integrates the entire field of platelet biology, pathophysiology, and clinical medicine Full color reference comprising 64 chapters, 1400 pages, and 16,000 references Contributions from 126 world leaders in their fields New chapters on topics such as the regulation of platelet life span, platelet microRNAs, GPVI and CLEC-2, monitoring of antiplatelet therapy, novel antiplatelet therapy, and making platelets ex vivo."
Amsterdam : elsevier, 2013
612.117 PLA
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dafsah Arifa Juzar
"Latar Belakang. Cedera Reperfusi Iskemia merupakan eksaserbasi paradoks mengakibatkan disfungsi dan kematian sel setelah aliran darah direstorasi ke jaringan yang sebelumnya iskemia. Pada iskemia tungkai akut, reperfusi menimbulkan reaksi kompleks melibatkan inflamasi lokal maupun sistemik dengan dampak lokal sindroma kompartemen dan dampak sistemik berupa disfungsi hingga kegagalan multi organ. Platelets activating factors (PAF) sebagai mediator inflamasi pospholipid mempunyai efek fisiologis yang poten dan beragam, sehingga meningkatkan respon inflamasi pada cedera reperfusi iskemik.
Berbagai upaya untuk mencegah dan memperingan cedera reperfusi iskemik, antara lain penggunaan prosedur ischemic preconditioning, antioksidan dan terapi anti-sitokin telah diteliti namun hasil dan manfaat klinisnya belum memuaskan. PTX, phosphodiesterase nonspesifik derivat xanthine, memperlihatkan efek penekanan inflamasi dan menghambat interaksi lekositendotel yang menjanjikan dalam mencegah cedera reperfusi. Namun hasil penelitian mengenai peran pentoxifylinne dalam menekan reaksi inflamasi melalui penekanan PAF pada iskemia tungkai akut tidak konsisten. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai peran PTX dalam mengurangi cedera reperfusi melalui penekanan mediator inflamasi PAF pada hewan coba kelinci dengan Reperfusi Iskemia tungkai akut.
Metodologi. Dilakukan tindakan iskemik tungkai kiri selama 3 jam yang diikuti 2 jam periode reperfusi pada 10 ekor kelinci New Zealand White jantan yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok (kelompok pentoksifin dan kelompok kontrol) secara acak. Pada kelompok perlakuan diberikan PTX 30 menit sebelum reperfusi dengan dosis initial bolus 40 mg/kgBB diikuti dengan dosis rumatan 1 mg/kg BB/jam hingga 3 jam periode reperfusi. Pada kelompok kontrol diberikan cairan garam fisiologis dengan kecepatan dan volume yang sebanding. Tindakan Iskemik dilakukan dengan oklusi arteri iliaka komunis sinistra mengunakan klem selama 3 jam kemudian dilanjutkan dengan restorasi aliran darah. Pengambialn sampel untuk pemeriksaan kadar PAF dilakukan pada 2,5 jam iskemik dan pada 2 jam reperfusi.
Hasil. Pada periode Iskemik dua jam tiga puluh menit tidak mengakibatkan perbedaan bermakna (p=0,754), kadar rerata PAF pada kelompok PTX 13,09 ± 0,41 pg/mL dan kelompok kontrol I3,38 ± 0,28 pg/mL. Pada jam ke dua tindakan reperfusi ditemukan perbedaan bermakna (p=0,009) kadar rerata PAF dari kelompok PTX menurun menjadi 11,36±0,78 pg/mL dan kelompok kontrol meningkat menjadi 25,5±0,78 pg/dL.
Kesimpulan. PTX menurunkan kadar PAF plasma kelinci dengan cedera reperfusi iskemikia tungkai akut.

Background. Ischemic reperfusion injury is a paradoxical exacerbation of cell dysfunction and death following the restoration of blood flow to previously ischemic tissue. Restoration of blood flow is essential to salvage ischemic tissue, however reperfusion itself paradoxically causes further damage to the ischemic tissue, threatening function and viability both organ local and distal through the inflammation response.
In Acute limb ischemia, there are essentially two components: a local component that can result in increasing the regional damage from ischemia inflammatory responses which may result in local syndrome, compartment syndrome, and systemic syndrome, multi organ dysfunction and failure.
Several method and attempt had been studied and performed to prevent and attenuate reperfusion injury such as, ischemic preconditioning, antioxidant, and anti-cytokine therapy, but their clinical benefit were not satisfactory. Pentoxifylline has emerged as an agent that may attenuate inflammation response through several mechanisms. However, studies on PTX and its function to prevent and attenuate inflammation response through attenuating PAF in acute limb ischemic were not consistent. In this study the role of PTX and its function to prevent and attenuate inflammation response through attenuating PAF in acute limb ischemic was investigated.
Methods. Acute limb ischemia in the left lower limbs of 10 New Zealand White male rabbit were performed for 3 hour followed by 2 hours period of ischemia. The rabbits were randomly separated into 2 groups of five (group pentoxifylinne and group control). The Pentoxifylline group was given PTX 40 mg/kg bolus half an hour prior to reperfusion followed by maintenance dose 1 mg/kg/hour until 2 hour post reperfusion, while the control group was given normal saline solution with comparable volume and rate administration. Acute limb Ischemic procedure was performed by direct occlusion of the left femoral artery using non traumatic clamp and followed by releasing the clamp after 3 hours of occlusion. Level of PAF were measured after 2.5 hour of ischemic period and after 2 hours of reperfusion period.
Results. After 2.5 hours of ischemic period, the mean PAF levels did not show any significant difference (p=0.754). The mean PAF level of pentoxifylline group 13.09f0.41 pg/mL, while the mean PAF level of control group 13.38±0.28 pg/mL, After 2 hours period of reperfusion, there were significant differences of mean PAF level between the two groups (p=0.009). The mean PAF level in the control group increase by 12.1 110.79 to became 25.5±0.78 pg/dL, while the mean PAF level of the PTX group decrease by 1.73f1.1 pg/mL and became 11.36±0.78 pg/m L.
Conclusion. PTX decreased the PAF level in rabbits with acute limb ischemic reperfusion injury.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Astuti
Latar belakang. Transfusi trombosit dibutuhkan pada pasien trombositopenia terkait kegagalan produksi ataupun akibat perdarahan. Konsentrat trombosit merupakan tempat yang baik untuk pertumbuhan bakteri karena kantong komponen trombosit disimpan pada suhu 20-24OC dan terdapat zat tambahan dekstrosa yang dapat digunakan sebagai sumber energi bagi bakteri. Selain itu kantong trombosit yang digunakan berpori sehingga memungkinkan pertukaran udara dengan lingkungan luar. Angka kejadian kontaminasi bakteri cukup tinggi, di Amerika berkisar 1:1000 dengan angka kematian 150 pasien setiap tahunnya, oleh karena itu diperlukan metode skrining bakteri yang cepat, akurat dan ekonomis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan hasil pewarnaan Gram dengan metode biakan dalam mendeteksi kontaminasi bakteri pada komponen konsentrat trombosit.
Metodologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang pada 46 konsentrat trombosit. Dilakukan uji biakan menggunakan botol media BacT/ALERT serta pewarnaan Gram pada sampel penelitian di hari pertama dan kelima masa simpan komponen konsentrat trombosit.
Hasil. Ditemukan 1 subjek penelitian yang terkontaminasi Staphylococcus epidermidis baik pada masa simpan hari pertama dan kelima subjek tersebut. Subjek positif terdeteksi oleh metode biakan dan tidak terdeteksi dengan metode pewarnaan Gram.
Simpulan. Kontaminasi bakteri pada konsentrat trombosit dapat terdeteksi dengan metode kultur, tetapi tidak dengan metode pewarnaan Gram. Proporsi kontaminasi bakteri pada konsentrat trombosit pada penelitian adalah 2,1%.

Background. Platelet transfusions is required in patients with thrombocytopenia associated production failure or due to bleeding. Platelet concentrate is a good place for the growth of bacteria because it is stored at a temperature of 20-24OC, the dextrose, part of additives, can be used as an energy source for bacteria. Furthermore, the bags are porous, allowing air exchange with the outside environment. The incidence of bacterial contamination is quite high, ranging from 1:1000 in America with a mortality rate of 150 patients per year, therefore it is necessary to have bacterial screening methods which is fast, accurate and feasible. This study aimed to compare the results of the Gram stain with culture methods in detecting bacterial contamination in platelet concentrates components.
Methodology. This study used cross-sectional designs in 46 platelet concentrates. Samples were cultured and Gram staining was tested on the first and fifth day of the shelf life of platelet concentrate.
Results. 1 subject was found contaminated by Staphylococcus epidermidis both on the first and fifth day of the subject shelf life. Positive subject was detected by culture method but not with the Gram stain method.
Conclusion. Bacterial contamination in platelet concentrates can be detected by culture methods, but not with the Gram stain method. The proportion of bacterial contamination in platelet concentrate in this study is 2.1%."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Raven Press, 1978
573.159 PLA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rozaimah Zain Hamid
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian: Kemampuan asam asetilsalisilat (ASA) dalam menghambat agregasi trombosit, sering dikaitkan dengan pencegahan infark jantung. Dewasa ini, dalam upaya menurunkan resiko terjadinya infark jantung, ada kecenderungan menggunakan ASA dengan dosis makin kecil. Sehubungan dengan itu, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa lama, dan apakah ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara intensitas antitrombotik beberapa tingkat dosis ASA (50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, dan 300 mg). Kemampuan agregasi trombosit diukur dengan metode baru yang berdasarkan intensitas transmisi cahaya. Hasil pemeriksaan tercermin sebagai suatu kurva agregasi trombosit. Disain yang dipakai adalah rancangan pola silang, dengan 11 orang sukarelawan sehat yang setelah diacak, masing-masing mendapat 4 tingkat dosis ASA dengan selang waktu 2 minggu. Bahan pemeriksaan terdiri dari 'platelet rich plasma', 'platelet poor plasma' dan adenosin difosfat yang berkadar akhir 10 uM, sebagai agregator. Parameter hambatan agregasi trombosit adalah berkurangnya nilai agregasi maksimal dan atau meningkatnya reversibilitas kurva agregasi trombosit, disbanding nilai sebelum mendapat ASA. Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA dua arah dan 'Planned comparison'. Untuk data dengan distribusi tidak normal, dipakai tes non parametrik (tes Friedman).
Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Bila berdasarkan adanya salah satu parameter hambatan agregasi trombosit, maka ASA 50 mg, 100 mg, dan 200 mg per oral dapat menghambat agregasi trombosit selama 4 hari, sedangkan ASA 300 mg selama 5 hari (p > 0,01). Namun bila berdasarkan adanya kedua parameter hambatan agregasi trombosit, maka ASA 50 mg dapat menghambat agregasi trombosit pada 3 jam sesudah pemberian obat, sedangkan ASA 100 mg dan 200 mg, sampai 4 hari sesudah pemberian ASA. Intensitas antitrombotik ke empat dosis ASA, pada hari yang sama setelah makan obat, tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna (p}0,07). Untuk menyatakan hambatan agregasi trombosit, kriteria peningkatan reversibilitas kurva agregasi lebih peka di-banding kriteria pengurangan nilai agregasi maksimal.

Scope and Method of Study: The ability of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) to inhibit the platelet aggregation is related with its use to the prevention myocardial infarction. Currently there is a trend to use small doses of ASA for this purpose. In this context, the present trial was conducted to find out how long the antithrombotic effect persist after small oral doses of ASA, and also to observe whether in the same days different small doses of ASA exert significant difference in their anti-thrombotic intensity. The antithrombotic effect of ASA was measured according to the method described by Born which was based on light transmission. The results were recorded as platelet aggregation curve. Eleven healthy volunteers participated in this trial after giving their' informed consents. Each subject received single doses (i.e. 50, 100, 200 and 300 mg) of ASA in a randomized and cross-over design. Wash out period between doses was 2 weeks. Materials being tested included platelet rich plasma, platelet poor plasma and adenosine diphosphate (aggregating agent) with final concentration of 10 uM. Inhibition of platelet aggregation by ASA was evaluated using two parameters, i.e. decrease of maximal aggregation and/or increase of aggregation curve's reversibility (compared to their pre-ASA values). Data was analysed with two way ANOVA and planned comparison test. Friedman test was used for non-Gaussian data.
Results and conclusions: If criterion of platelet aggregation inhibition is based on one of the two criteria mention above, ASA 50, 100, and 200 mg inhibited platelet aggregation for four days; meanwhile the 300 mg dose did it for five days (p < 0,01). If criterion of platelet aggregation inhibition is based on both of the above mentioned criteria, however, ASA 50 mg inhibited plate-let aggregation at 3 hours after dosing; meanwhile the 100 and 200 mg doses did it for four days. There is no significant difference in antithrombotic intensity between the four doses in the same days after drug administrations (p > 0,01). In addition, reversibility of platelet aggregation curve is a more sensitive parameter than maximal aggregation for measuring platelet aggregation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Mayke Eka Normasari
The scarcity of blood that is still happening today is the result of a combination of high blood needs and the difficulty of recruiting and maintaining donors. There is no research discover the substitute that can replace the role of blood, therefore the only source is from donations or blood donors. Approximately 80% of total blood donations collected by American Red Cross are come from blood drive events. Because blood has 6-hour spoilage time, donated blood at various donation locations must be collected and sent to a blood center for processing in less than 6 hours. This research study the Maximum Blood Collection Routing Problem (MBCRP). This problem is the extension of Vehicle Routing Problem with Time-Window (VRPTW) by considering the spoilage time limitation in blood. A mathematical model with objective to maximize total blood collection is built to cope with this problem. The mathematical model will be tested for verification and validation. The model is written in a computer programming language using AMPL software and is solved using the CPLEX solver. Furthermore, the results of verification and validation tests will be evaluated to see the applicability of the model."
Yogyakarta: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (P3M) STTA, 2020
620 JIA XII:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elly Yanah Arwanih
"Transfusi trombosit merupakan tindakan yang dapat menurunkan insiden komplikasi hemoragik pada pasien anemia aplastik. Pasien anemia aplastik memiliki risiko terhadap PTR. PTR dapat terjadi akibat adanya inkompatibilitas transfusi trombosit oleh HPA 1-6 dan 15. Frekuensi alel a dan b pada HPA-3 dan HPA-15 memiliki jumlah yang hampir sama besar, sehingga kedua alel tersebut kemungkinan besar berperan dalam kasus aloimunisasi. Pelayanan transfusi trombosit di Indonesia belum memperhatikan kompatibilitas HPA antara donor dan resipien. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis genotipe HPA-1 hingga HPA-6 dan HPA-15 serta antibodi anti-HPA-3 dan HPA-15 pasien anemia aplastik yang mendapat multitransfusi trombosit. Deteksi alloantibodi HPA dilakukan dengan metode whole platelet ELISA. Hasil positif, dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan antibodi anti-trombosit spesifik (anti-β2-mikroglobulin, anti GPIIb/IIIa, dan anti-CD109) dengan metode MAIPA. Genotyping HPA-1 hingga HPA-6 dan HPA-15 dilakukan dengan metode PCR-SSP. HPA-3 dan HPA-15 memiliki frekuensi dengan nilai hampir sama besar pada alel a dan b. Terdapat 17 sampel (58,6%) dari total 29 sampel memiliki antibodi anti trombosit. Dari 17 sampel tersebut, 7 sampel positif terhadap antibodi monoklonal β-2 mikroglobulin (HLA kelas I), 2 sampel positif terhadap antibodi monoklonal GP IIb/IIIa (HPA-3) dan 1 sampel positif terhadap antibodi monoklonal CD109 (HPA-15). Alloimunisasi telah terjadi pada sebagian besar pasien anemia aplastik. Oleh karena itu, pemeriksaan kecocokan antigen HLA kelas I, HPA-3 dan HPA-15 pada pasien anemia aplastik dengan transfusi trombosit berulang perlu dilakukan untuk mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya aloimunisasi.

Platelet transfusion is an act that can reduce the incidence of hemorrhagic complications in patients with aplastic anemia. Aplastic anemia patients have a risk to PTR. PTR can occur due to incompatibility of HPA1-6 and 15. The frequency of allele a and b on the HPA-3 and HPA-15 has a number that is almost as large, so that these two alleles are likely to play a role in the case alloimunization. Platelet transfusion service in Indonesia have not notice compatibility HPA alleles between donor and recipient. This study was conducted to analyze genotype HPA-1 to 6 and HPA-15 also HPA-3 and HPA-15 antibody in platelet transfusions in patients with aplastic anemia who received recurrent platelet transfusion. HPA alloantibody detection was conducted using whole patelet ELISA method. The positive results, followed by specific detection of anti platelet antibodies (anti-β2-microglobulin, anti GPIIb/IIIa, and anti-CD109) with MAIPA method. HPA-3 and HPA-15 have almost the same frequency with great value on the allele a and b. There are 17 samples (58,6%) from a total of 29 samples have anti-platelet antibodies. From the 17 samples, 7 samples positive for monoclonal antibody β-2 microglobulin (HLA Class I), 2 samples positive for monoclonal antibody GP IIb/IIIa (HPA-3) and 1 sample positive for monoclonal antibody CD109 (HPA-15). Alloimunization has occurred in the majority of patients with aplastic anemia. Therefore, compatibility checks of HLA class I, HPA-3 and HPA-15 in patiens with aplastic anemia with recurrent platelet transfusion needs to be done to reduce the occurrence of possible alloimunization."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteraan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang: Pelepasan gelembung gas inert akibat supersaturasi jaringan dengan perubahan tekanan dipercaya sebagai penyebab decompression sickness. Gelembung gas dapat dideteksi melalui USG Doppler tetapi sensitivitas dan spesifisitas terhadap decompression sickness dipertanyakan. Perubahan fisiologis tubuh berupa peningkatan agregasi trombosit diduga berperan dalam terjadinya decompression sickness. Peningkatan agregasi trombosit terbukti pada penyelaman 60 msw.
Tujuan: untuk membuktikan penyelaman tunggal dekompresi 280 kPa dapat mengakibatkan peningkatan agregasi trombosit.
Metode: Penelitian eksperimental desain cross over dengan melibatkan delapan belas penyelam laki-laki dislambair. Semua penyelam akan melakukan penyelaman kering dengan udara pada tekanan 280 kPa selama 80 menit dengan kontrol masuk ke dalam RUBT tanpa ditekan pada periode pertama. Pada periode kedua kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol ditukar. Prosedur dekompresi disesuaikan dengan prosedur tabel dekompresi US Navy Revisi 6. Pengambilan darah dilakukan sebelum perlakuan, setelah periode pertama, dan setelah periode kedua. Pemeriksaan agregasi trombosit menggunakan induktor ADP, kolagen dan epinefrin.
Hasil: Setelah penyelaman tunggal dekompresi 280 kPa selama 80 menit secara signifikan meningkatkan persentase agregasi maksimal trombosit dengan induktor ADP dari 86.94 ± 4.11 menjadi 90.46 ± 3.41, dengan induktor kolagen dari 91.94 ± 2.62 menjadi 94.69 ± 2.25, dan induktor epinefrin dari 86.65 (22.10-93.8) menjadi 90.25 (31-95.9) pada kelompok sebelum perlakuan dan setelah perlakuan. Tidak ditemukan peningkatan signifikan persentase agregasi maksimal trombosit pada kelompok sebelum perlakuan dengan kontrol.
Kesimpulan: Penyelaman tunggal dekompresi 280 kPa selama 80 menit meningkatkan persentase agregasi maksimal trombosit dengan induktor ADP, kolagen, dan epinefrin.

Background: The release of inert gas bubbles due to changes in tissue?s supersaturating with pressure change is believed to be the cause of decompression sickness. Gas bubbles can be detected by Doppler ultrasonography but sensitivity and specificity is poorly defined. Increased of platelet aggregation is estimated have a role in DCS. Increasing platelet aggregation has been proved in dive with depth 60 MSW.
Aim: To prove that a single decompression dives 280 kPa can lead to increased platelet aggregation.
Methods: Experimental studies with a cross-over design involving eighteen male dislambair divers. All divers will dive in air compression chamber at a pressure of 280 kPa for 80 minutes with control entry into air compression chamber without pressure in the first period. In the second period, treatment and control group exchanged. Decompression procedures adapted to the US Navy decompression tables procedures 6th Revision. Taking blood performed before the intervention, after first period, and after second period. Examination of platelet aggregation using inductors ADP, collagen and epinephrine.
Result: A single decompression dive 280 kPa for 80 minutes significantly increased the percentage of maximal platelet aggregation with ADP inductor from 86.94±4.11 to 90.46±3.41, with a collagen inductor from 91.94±2.62 to 94.69±2.25, and epinephrine inductor from 86.65 (22.10-93.8) to 90.25 (31-95.9) in before and after treatment group. Increasing percentage of maximal platelet aggregation was not significant in the before treatment group and control group.
Conclusion: A single decompression dive 280 kPa for 80 minutes can lead to increase the percentage of maximal platelet aggregation with ADP, collagen, and epinephrine inductors.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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