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Ditemukan 2876 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Huxley, Anthony
New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1984
580 HUX g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Santini, Claudio
Victoria: Images Publishing Group, 2009
R 635.965 SAN e
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Emboden, William A.
New York: Macmillan, 1972
616.863 EMB n
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The diversity of wild banana species (genus Musa, listed in Flora of Java) has been revised. The present taxonomic study is based on morphological characteristics observed in the herbarium specimens deposited at the Herbarium Bogoriense (BO), living collections in the Bogor Botanical Garden, the Cibodas Botanical Garden, and during the explorations done at Mt. Salak, West Java. Eight species of Musa (Musa acuminata, M. balbisiana, M. coccinea, M. ornata, M. salaccensis, M. sanguinea, M. textilis and M. velutina) and seven infraspecific taxa of M. acuminata are recognized in Java, of which two infraspecific taxa are endemic. West Java is the center of distribution for the wild banana species in Java. Taxonomic descriptions including an identification key are presented."
[Research Center for Biology, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Research Center for Biology], 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Widiastuti A, Sobir, Suhartanto MR. 2010. Diversity analysis of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) irradiated by gammaray
based on morphological and anatomical characteristics. Nusantara Bioscience 2: 23-33. The aim of this research was to increase
genetic variability of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) irradiated by gamma rays dosage of 0 Gy, 20 Gy, 25 Gy, 30 Gy,35 Gy and
40 Gy. Plant materials used were seeds collected from Cegal Sub-village, Karacak Village, Leuwiliang Sub-district, Bogor District,
West Java. Data was generated from morphological and anatomical characteristics. The result indicated that increasing of gamma ray
dosage had inhibited ability of seed to growth, which needed longer time and decreased seed viability. Morphologically, it also
decreased plant heigh, stem diameter, leaf seizure, and amount of leaf. Anatomically, stomatal density had positive correlation with plant height by correlation was 90% and 74%. Gamma rays irradiation successfully increase morphological variability until 30%. Seed
creavage after irradiation increased variability and survival rate of mangosteen. "
570 NBS 2:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogiara Susan Soka
Tanaman obat dipercaya oleh masyarakat Indonesia memiliki berbagai khasiat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit. Senyawa aktif yang
ada pada tanaman dapat berasal dari metabolit sekunder atau
dari bakteri endofit dan filosfer yang hidup berasosiasi
dengan tanaman obat. Sebanyak 18 isolat bakteri endofit dan 32 isolat bakteri filosfer telah dimurnikan dari tanaman Citrus sp.,
Pluchea indica, Curcuma longa, Nothopanax scuttelarium,
Piper crocatum, dan Andrographis paniculata.
Sebanyak 72% isolat bakteri endofit memiliki aktivitas
proteolitik dan sebanyak 11% memiliki aktivitas lipolitik.
Bakteri filosfer yang memiliki aktivitas proteolitik sebanyak 59% dan sebanyak 19% memiliki aktivitas lipolitik. Analisis keragaman bakteri tersebut dilakukan dengan teknik amplified ribosomal DNA
restriction analysis (ARDRA) dan digesti gen penyandi 16S rRNA dengan menggunakan enzim restriksi endonuklease MspI, RsaI, dan
Sau961. Keragaman bakteri endofit dan filosfer pada beberapa sampel tanaman obat cukup tinggi. Bakteri yang diisolasi dari
tanaman obat yang sama tidak selalu memiliki kekerabatan
genetik yang dekat. Sementara itu, bakteri asal tanaman P.indica
memiliki kekerabatan yang cukup dekat satu sama lain.

Herbal plants have been believed by Indonesians to be an alternative medicine to treat illnesses. The bioactive
compounds in the plant can be derived from secondary metabolites or from endophytic and phyllosphere bacteria which coexist within medicinal plants. A total of 18 endophytic bacteria and 32 phyllosphere bacteria were isolated from the herbal plants of
Citrus sp., Pluchea indica, Curcuma longa, Nothopanax scuttelarium, Piper rocatum, and Andrographis paniculata. About 72% of endophytic bacteria isolates have proteolytic activity and about 11% have
lipolytic activity. On the other hand, about 59% of phyllosphere bacteria isolates have proteolytic activity and about 19% have lipolytic activity. Phylogenetic diversity analysis was conducted by using the amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) method and the sequence of 16S rDNA was digested with endonuclease restriction
enzymes: MspI, RsaI, and Sau961. The diversity of endophytic and phyllosphere bacterium from the samples of herbal plants was high. Bacteria isolated from the same herbal plant does not always have a close genetic relationship except for the bacteria isolated from the P. indica plant which showed a close genetic relationship with each other."
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI;Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya. Fakultas Bioteknologi;Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya. Fakultas Bioteknologi, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya. Fakultas Bioteknologi], 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titi Kalima
"Rattan is a spiny climbing palm that grows into the canopy of the tropical rain forest using a climbing whip in the form of cirrus or flagella. The natural distribution of rattan is from Africa, India, Sri Lanka, China, Malay Peninsula, Indonesian Archipelago, Papua New Guinea until Australia and Fiji. There are 9 genera and about 300 species of rattans in the Indonesian Archipelago.
In the forest of Indonesia, rattan grows from the lowland until the mountain area, that is from 0 to 2,900 meters about sea level (m asl). Its habitat is mostly on most area with annual rainfall above 2,000 to 4,000 mm per year.
Almost all part of rattan canes are used by people surrounding forest area for many of their everyday life. For Indonesia, rattan is a non timber forest product that gives the greatest income to the economy of the country. The country supplies 90 % of the world demands on rattan cane as the raw material for furniture.
For a management of a forest, it is believed that much basic knowledge about the nature of the forest is needed. One of them is to develop the forest as a resource of cane industry in a sustainable way. For this purpose the composition, distribution and density of rattan species in Gunung Halimun National Park (TNGH) were studied as a model. To facilitate a familiarity to the identity of rattan in TNGH, a study on the rattan flora of Java have been conducted. Hence the purpose of the study is to provide a manuscript of a field guide book of the rattan flora of Java and a study of the species composition, density and distribution of rattan in TNGH.
Data were collected from December 1994 until May 1995. For the rattan Flora of Java, all specimens herbarium at Herbarium Bogoriense and Forest Research and Development Center and Nature Conservation were observed. Quantitative characters were noted and measured to create the identification key and description of the species. For species composition on rattan in TNGH, three areas were observed namely in Gunung (G.) Kencana, G. Pameungpeuk, and G. Pangkulahan using a continues square transect method, from elevation 800 - 1,400 m asl.
The result of the study shows that, there are five genera consisting of 24 species of rattan in Java: Korthalsia (two species), Ceratolobus (two species), Plectocomia (two species), Calamus (14 species) and Daemonorops (four species). It is found that, Ceratolobus glaucescens, C. pseudoconcolor and Plectocomia longistigma are not included in the previous study done by Backer and Bakhuizen van den Brink, Jr.(1968), however this study supports their opinion that Calamus spectabilis and Daemonorops palembanicus are not found in Java.
From three areas in TNGH, it was found that there are 13 species of rattans in the region. In terms of species richness and densities, G. Pameungpeuk comes first, follows by G. Pangkulahan and G. Kencana. Calamus heteroideus, C. javensis, Daemonorops melanochaetes, and Plectocomia elongata are dominant both in seedling and nature forms. The rattans are relatively abundant in the areas less than 1000 m asl. and decrease in number of species as well as the minimal population in the higher altitude. Calanms ornatus occures in 800 - 1,400 m asl., Daemonorops ruber in 800 - 1,500 m asl., D. oblongus in 800 - 1,400 m asl . According to previous studies by DransfieId (1974) and Mahyar (1983), they were found only from 0 - 800 m asl."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Nurlillah Krishnayanti
"Salah satu cara untuk merangsang pembungaan adalah dengan memberikan zat pengatur tumbuh. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan salah satu zat pengatur tumbuh yaitu Hydrasil yang diberikan dengan menyemprotkan larutan ke seluruh bagian tanaman setiap 10 hari dengan 4 kali pemberian.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Hydrasil terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif dan pembungaan anggrek Laeliocattleya. Konsentrasi yang digunakan mulai dari 0,75 ppm hingga 2,50 ppm dengan selang 0,25 ppm.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian Hydrasil berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan lebar daun dan jumlah tunas anakan baru. Pemberian Hydrasil tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan panjang daun, luas daun tinggi tanaman, berat basah tanaman, dan belum mampu merangsang pembungaan.
Hasil uji nonparametrik Friedman pada taraf nyata α = 0,05 menunjukkan bahwa pemberian Hydrasil 0,75 PPm memberi pengaruh paling baik terhadap pertambahan lebar daun. Pemberian Hydrasil 0,75 ppm berpengaruh paling baik terhadap pertambahan jumlah tunas anakan."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Esti Widiarti
Canangium odoratum Baill. dikenal dengan nama kenanga, banyak ditanam sebagai tanaman hias. Bunganya yang berbau harum dapat diekstraksi untuk diambil minyak atsiri. Kultur kalus telah banyak dicoba untuk mendapatkan berbagai jenis metabolit sekunder yang disintesa oleir tanaman.
Pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh 2,4-D dan kinetin 0,5 1,5 ppm pada media murashige & Skoog 1962 yang dinerkaya dengan air kelapa 15% dan ekstrak khamir 0,2 ppm, merangsang pertumbuhan eksplan petal kenanga hingga terbentuk kalus. Pengamatan kualitatif dilakukan selama 55 hari dengan selang waktu 5 hari. Pengamatan kuantitatif yaitu menimbang berat kalus hari ke-55.
Jenis kalus yang terbentuk friabel kompak dengan warna bervariasi antara lain: putih dan hiiau. Biomassa kalus terbesar diperoleh pada perlakuan dengan pemberian 2,4-D 1,5-pom/kinetin 1,O pmm, yaitu 1,3129 gram berat basah dengan berat kering 0,0525 gram. Berdasarkan hasil uji perbandingan berganda, biomassa kalus dengan pemberian 2,4-D 1, 5ppm / kinetin 1,0 ppm berbeda nyata dengan biomassa kalus pada pemberian 2,4-D O,5 ppm/kinetin 0,5 PPm. Kenaikan konsentrasi 2,4-D dan kinetin mempercepat pembentukan kalus, tetapi tidak selalu disertai dengan kenaikan biomassa kalus.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dila Muliasari
"Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap kayu Syzygium aqueum Syzygium cumini dan Syzygium jambos di FMIPA UI kampus Depok Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas serat kayu Syzigium tersebut sebagai kayu substitusi bahan baku kertas Kualitas serat kayu diketahui dengan cara mengukur dimensi serat dan menghitung nilai turunan dimensi serat Preparat maserasi kayu dibuat untuk pengukuran dimensi serat Kemudian nilai turunan dimensi serat dihitung berdasarkan data pengukuran dimensi serat Hasil pengukuran dimensi serat dan penghitungan nilai turunan dimensi serat dibandingkan dengan tabel standar kriteria Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah ketiga serat kayu Syzygium tersebut masuk ke dalam kelas III Karakteristik serat kelas III yaitu serat pendek dan dinding serat relatif tebal

Research about wood fiber of Syzygium aqueum Syzygium cumini and Syzygium jambos in FMIPA UI Depok had been conducted This research is aimed for knowing the wood fiber quality of those three Syzygium wood as substitute wood for paper pulp making raw material Wood fiber quality can be analyzed by measuring fiber dimensions and calculate the fiber dimensions derived values Wood maseration slide preparations were made for measuring fiber dimensions Fiber dimension derivate value were calculated based on the measuring data of fiber dimensions The resulting data of fiber dimensions and their derived values were compared with the table of criteria standard The result shows that those three Syzygium wood are grouped in class III the fibers are short and have thick fiber wall "
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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