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Ditemukan 112878 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mosse, Julia Cleves
Yogyakarta: Rifka Annisa , 2003
305.4 MOS ht (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bradley, Harriet
Cambridge, UK: Polity press, 2007
305.4 BRA g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erna Surjadi
Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 2011
305.3 ERN g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irwan Abdulah
Yogyakarta Tarawang Press 2001,
305.3 Abd s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widjajanti M. Santoso
Menteng, Jakarta: LIPI, 2016
305.42 WID p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The development policies in Indonesia are based on the principle
of quality and harmonious partnership between men and women. This
principle is deeply ingrained in the State Ideology, Pancasila, and
Constitution of l94.5. Consequently, this principle of equality is also
embodied in all regulations and legislative acts of the Republic of
indonesia. including the GBHN adopted everv five years by the People?
Consultative Assembly. The GBHN provides direction for the formulation
of the Five Year Development Plan. indonesia, in l98-if also ratified the
convention on the Elimination of All Farms of Discrimination Against
Women, as stipulated in Act No. 7/1984. Neglecting the endeavor of women
in economic development in particular and national development in general
is an unwise decision. Indonesia? large population is the basic asset for
development. The more so if every citizen regardless of their sex, would
fully and effectively participate therein. However, data show that the status
of women generally in the society and particularly in the bureaucracy
system is lower than what men can achieve, Therefore, the efforts to attain
the women?s role and status have to be explored in the implementation
phase. Besides the level of education, social value of most Indonesian
people which perceives female as housekeeper rather than the head of
household brings a difficulty for female to reach high position t`n
government office. For example there is a conflicting interest between
husband and it-Ui: when a wife gets a promotion to other place. In many
cases husband does not agree to accompany his wife. Consequently, women
refuse the promotion. On the contrary, when husband gets a promotion to
other place. in many cases his wifi: has to accompany him even though it
will sacrifice her current jolt position.
Journal of Population Vol. 3 No. 3 1997 : 237-268, 1997
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novea Eka Candra Nuridha
"Pembangunan merupayakan sebuah upaya kolektif yang dilakukan oleh Negara Bangsa dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan manusia-manusia yang menjadi warga negaranya, dengan prinsip keadilan, kesetaraan dan keberlanjutan dalam pengelolaan berbagai modalitas yang ada, khususnya sumber daya alam. Namun demikian, pembangunan yang hanya bertumpu pada paradigma pertumbuhan ekonomi semata pada faktanya tidak sepenuhnya mampu memenuhi tujuan kehidupan yang berkualitas bagi manusia, karena terabaikannya prinsip-prinsip keadilan dan perlindungan terhadap kelestarian lingkungan hidup dan sumber-sumber daya secara berkelanjutan. Paradigma Pembangunan Berkelanjutan akhirnya muncul dan menguat sejak penyelenggaraan World Conference in Sustainable Development (Earth Summit) tahun 1992 di Rio de Janeiro. Paradigma yang dikembangkan menjadi sebuah Agenda Pembangunan Global 2030 yang diberi nama Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), dengan 17 Tujuan Pembangunan, diantaranya adalah SDGs 2 (zero hunger). Penelitian difokuskan untuk mengkritisi tantangan dalam upaya pencapaian target SDGs 2 (zero hunger) sebagai studi kasus, secara spesifik sub-target 2.1 dari lima sub-target utama dan tiga sub-target pendukung yang ada. Sub-target 2.1 bertujuan untuk mengurangi angka kelaparan dengan menjaminkan akses pangan aman, bernutrisi, dan cukup untuk golongan rentan. Target tersebut diukur dua indikator Prevalensi Kurang Pangan (PKP) dan Prevalensi Rawan Pangan (PRP) yang menitikberatkan akses pangan secara ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan fisik sebagai keberhasilannya. Melalui perspektif jender dan pembangunan sebagai kerangka analisis, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kesenjangan berdasarkan jender dalam akses pangan yang disebabkan oleh subordinasi perempuan karena adanya budaya patriarki. Dari dua aspek subordinasi perempuan yaitu kondisi ekonomi dan status sosial, ditemukan bahwa terdapat sepuluh tantangan perempuan dalam melakukan akses pangan. Tantangan tersebut menekankan signifikansi budaya patriarki yang menyebabkan subordinasi perempuan sebagai tantangan sistemik yang harus diselesaikan. Peneliti merekomendasikan pemberdayaan perempuan dalam bentuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya perempuan melalui pelatihan tenaga kerja dan penyerapan unit usaha ramah perempuan sebagai salah satu upaya dalam menyelesaikan tantangan sistemik tersebut dalam pembangunan.

Development is a collective effort carried out by the Nation State with the aim of improving the quality of life of the human beings who become its citizens, with the principles of justice, equality and sustainability in the management of various existing modalities, especially natural resources. However, development as a paradigm, only focused on economic growth alone, and it is in fact not fully capable of fulfilling the goal of a quality life for humans, due to the neglect of the principles of justice and protection of the environment and natural resources in a sustainable manner. The Sustainable Development Paradigm has finally emerged and strengthened since the 1992 World Conference on Sustainable Development (Earth Summit) in Rio de Janeiro. The paradigm that was developed became a 2030 Global Development Agenda called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with 17 Development Goals, including SDGs 2 (zero hunger). The research focused on criticizing the challenges in achieving SDGs 2 (zero hunger) as a case study, specifically in sub-target 2.1, as one of the five main sub-targets and three supporting sub-targets. Sub-target 2.1 aims to reduce hunger by ensuring access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food for vulnerable groups. This target is measured by two indicators of Prevalence of Undernourishment (PoU) and Prevalence of Food Insecurity Experience Scale (PFIES) which emphasizes access to food economically, socially and culturally as well as physically as its success indicators. Through the perspective of gender and development as analytical framework, the results of the study show that there are gaps existing based on gender in access to food caused by the subordination of women due to patriarchal culture. From the two aspects of women's subordination, namely economic conditions and social status, it was found that there were ten challenges for women in accessing food. This challenge emphasizes the significance of patriarchal culture as the cause of women subordination as a systemic challenge that must be resolved. Researchers recommend empowering women in the form of improving the quality of women's resources through workforce training and the absorption of women-friendly business units as one of the efforts to resolve these systemic challenges in development.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grace Meyanti Putri
Pembangunan berprespektif gender merupakan upaya mengintegrasikan masalah gender dalam pembangunan melalui pemenuhan hak-hak dasar seperti pendidikan, kesehatan, kredit, pekerjaan, dan peningkatan peran serta perempuan dalam kehidupan pada sektor publik. Salah satu tolok ukur keberhasilan pembangunan dinilai dari kinerja Gender Development Index GDI atau Indeks Pembangunan Gender IPG ; Provinsi NTT adalah salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki trend angka IPG yang terus meningkat, namun disisi lain capaian IPM nya masih rendah. Pada tahun 2014 dan 2015, angka IPG provinsi NTT berturut-turut sebesar 92,76 dan 92,91 dimana secara nasional berada diatas capaian IPG Indonesia. Akan tetapi angka IPM nya masih sangat rendah peringkat ke-4 dari belakang dibandingkan IPM rata-rata provinsi di Indonesia.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keberhasilan pembangunan berprespektif gender pada kabupaten/kota di provinsi NTT serta mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan tersebut baik dari indikator ekonomi dan non ekonomi; Metode analisis secara deskriptif dan regresi linear berganda menggunakan data panel dengan program pengolahan EVIEWS.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kesetaraan gender pada kabupaten/kota di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dipengaruhi oleh variabel-variabel porsi pengeluaran pemerintah kabupaten/kota di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur di bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan dalam APBD, besarnya pengeluaran pemerintah perkapita di bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan dalam APBD, proporsi belanja rumah tangga untuk pendidikan dan kesehatan, serta porsi angkatan kerja perempuan dalam angkatan kerja total. Dampak peningkatan seluruh variabel bebas tersebut terhadap kesetaraan gender sangat kecil terlihat dari nilai kooefisien regresinya yang sangat kecil. Variabel bebas yang menunjukan arah pengaruh yang positif, yaitu belanja pemerintah perkapita untuk pendidikan dan kesehatan serta proporsi angkatan kerja perempuan dalam angkatan kerja total.
Developing gender perspective is an effort to integrate gender issues into development through the fulfillment of basic rights such as education, health, credit, employment, and increasing the participation of women in public sector living. One of the indicators of development success is judged by the performance of the Gender Development Index GDI NTT Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia which has a trend of increasing GDI numbers, but one the other hand the achievement of HDI is still low. In 2014 and 2015, the GDI of the province of NTT is 92.76 and 92.91, respectively, which is nationally above the achievement of GDI Indonesia. However, the HDI is still very low ranked 4th from behind than the average HDI of the province in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the success of developing gender perspective in districts of NTT province and to know the factors that influence the success both from economic and non economic indicators. Descriptive analysis method and multiple linear regression using panel data with EVIEWS processing program. The research results show that gender equality in districts of East Nusa Tenggara province is influenced by the variables of government expenditure portion in education and health on APBD, the amount of government expenditure per capita in education and health on APBD, the proportion of household expenditure on education and health, and the share of the female labor force in the total labor force. The impact of the increase of all independent variables on gender equality is very small from the very small regression coefficient. The independent variables indicate the direction of positive influence, ie per capita government expenditure on education and health and the proportion of female labor force in total labor force "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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