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Ditemukan 4278 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Williams, Sue Rodwell
St. Louis: Mosby, 1985
615.854 WIL n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Williams, Sue Rodwell
St. Louis: Mosby, 1999
613.2 WIL e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders , 2000
615.854 KRA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moore, Mary Courtney
Jakarta: Hipokrates, 1997
615.854 MOO pt
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bodinski, Louis H.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982
615.854 BOD n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bodinski, Louis H.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987
615.854 BOD n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wendy Anne Miriam
Umumnya fistula enterokutan terjadi pasca tindakan pembedahan open abdomen, yang disertai dengan status nutrisi buruk saat preoperatif. Malnutrisi merupakan salah satu komplikasi fistula enterokutan, selain gangguan keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit hingga sepsis. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya fistula enterokutan akan memperburuk status nutrisi hingga menyebabkan kematian. Terapi nutrisi berperan penting dalam tatalaksana umum fistula enterokutan, karena pada kasus ini terjadi kondisi emergensi nutrisi. Semakin lama penundaan terapi nutrisi akan menambah risiko perburukan. Terapi nutrisi bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi, mendukung penutupan spontan dari fistula, mempersiapkan komposisi dan fisiologis tubuh dalam menghadapi tindakan pembedahan selanjutnya serta meningkatkan imunitas mukosa saluran pencernaan. Pemberian terapi nutrisi berupa perhitungan kebutuhan energi, makronutrien dan mikronutrien. Pasien pada serial kasus ini berjumlah empat orang dengan rentang usia 22-39 tahun. Berdasarkan skrining dengan malnutrition screening tools MST keempat pasien mendapatkan skor ge;3. Kebutuhan energi total dihitung menggunakan persamaan Harris-Benedict yang dikalikan dengan faktor stres sebesar 1,5-2. Target kebutuhan protein 1,5-2 g/kgBB untuk mencegah katabolisme. Kebutuhan cairan harus terpenuhi dengan mempertimbangkan output fistula, demikian juga dengan kadar elektrolit. Nutrisi diberikan melalui oral atau enteral dengan kombinasi parenteral. Dari keempat pasien dalam serial kasus ini, satu pasien meninggal dunia akibat sepsis sedangkan 3 pasien lainnya pulang ke rumah dengan sebelumnya dilakukan repair fistula. Terapi nutrisi pada pasien fistula enterokutan bila dilakukan secara cepat dan tepat akan mengembalikan fungsi gastrointestinal, memperbaiki status nutrisi dan membantu penyembuhan luka.
ABSTRACT Enterocutaneous fistula occurs in general after open abdominal surgery, commonly associated with poor nutritional status prior to operation. Malnutrition is one of the complications of enterocutaneous fistula, besides fluid or electrolyte losses and sepsis. The existence of enterocutaneous fistula will exacerbate the nutritional status leading to death. Nutritional therapy plays an important role in the general management of enterocutaneous fistula, because this case will cause a nutritional emergency condition. The longer delays in nutritional therapy will increase the risk of worsening. Nutritional therapy aims to meet energy needs, supports spontaneous closure of the fistula, to prepare the composition and physiological body in the face of further surgical procedures and to improve the gastrointestinal mucosal immunity. Provision of nutritional therapy is in the form of the calculation of energy needs, macronutrients and micronutrients. Patients in this case series amounted to four people with the age range 22 39 years. Based on the screening with malnutrition screening tools MST the four patients scored ge 3. Total energy requirements were calculated using the Harris Benedict equation multiplied by a stress factor of 1.5 2. Protein requirement target is 1.5 2g kgBW to prevent catabolism. The fluid requirement must be met by considering the fistula output, as well as the electrolyte losses. Nutrition is given by oral or enteral with a parenteral combination. Of the four patients in this case series, one patient died of sepsis while the other 3 returned home undergoing fistula repair previously. Nutritional therapy patients with fistula enterocutaneous if it is done quickly and accurately will reestablishment of gastrointestinal continuity, improve nutritional status and wound healing process."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutia Winanda
Latar belakang: Prevalensi obesitas di seluruh dunia telah diketahui mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dalam tiga dekade terakhir. Tingginya prevalensi obesitas tersebut dapat memengaruhi peningkatan prevalensi pasien luka bakar dengan obesitas yang dirawat di unit luka bakar. Pasien luka bakar dengan obesitas mengalami fenomena 'second hit', yaitu peningkatan respon hipermetabolisme pasca luka bakar akibat inflamasi kronik yang sebelumnya sudah dialami. Masalah tersebut memiliki kaitan erat dengan nutrisi sehingga membutuhkan terapi medik gizi yang optimal untuk memodulasi respon hipermetabolisme yang meningkat pada pasien luka bakar dengan obesitas. Metode: Pada serial kasus ini terdapat empat pasien luka bakar berat karena api. Keempat pasien tersbeut memiliki status nutrisi obes berdasarkan kriteria indeks massa tubuh IMT menurut WHO untuk Asia Pasifik. Target kebutuhan energi dihitung menggunakan formula estimasi Xie dengan berat badan kering. Terapi medik gizi diberikan sesuai panduan terapi medik gizi pasien sakit kritis berupa nutrisi enteral dini dengan target energi awal 20-25 kcal/kg BB dengan target protein 1,5-2 gram/kg BB. Terapi medik gizi selanjutnya diberikan sesuai dengan klinis dan toleransi pasien. Mikronutrien yang diberikan berupa vitamin C, vitamin B, asam folat, dan seng.Hasil: Tiga pasien meninggal selama perawatan karena syok sepsis yang tidak teratasi, sedangkan satu pasien mengalami perbaikan luas luka bakar dari 47 menjadi 36 luas permukaan tubuh LPT serta peningkatan kapasitas fungsional. Kesimpulan: Status nutrisi obesitas pada pasien dalam serial kasus ini dapat menjadi faktor yang memperberat penyulit yang dialami. Terapi medik gizi yang adekuat dapat menunjang proses penyembuhan luka serta meningkatkan kapasitas fungsional.

Background The prevalence of obese patients presenting to burn unit facilities is expected to increase over the next three decades due to global epidemic of obesity. Given that the metabolic derrangements seen in burn mirror those found in association in obesity, it is plausible that excess adipose tissue contributes to a 'second hit' phenomenon in patients affected by burn injury. Optimal and adequate medical nutrition therapy is required in order to modulate the inflammatory and metabolic response, therefore enhance burn wound healing.Methods The current case series consist of four severly flame burned patient. The nutritional status of these patients was moderately obese according to WHO criteria for Asia Pacific. Enery requirement was calculated using the Xie formula based on patient rsquo s dry weight. Medical nutrition therapy was initiated with eraly enteral nutrition started at 20-25 kcal kg day with protein target at 1,5-2 gram kg day. Micronutrient supplementation was also given to these patients. Results Three patients died during hospitalization due to septic shock. The last patient had satisfactory wound healing and improved functional capacity at discharge. Kesimpulan: Obesity in this case series may be one of the risk factor for mortality. Adequate medical nutrition therapy inline with patient's clinical condition leads to enhancement healing process and improved functional capacity."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"DIET CURE FOR COMMON AILMENTS covers the whole gamut of ailments which can be cured by proper food habits and regulation of one’s life, without recourse to medicinal treatment. The book is based on the theories and fundamentals of nature cure that go to preserve health and vitality and regain these when lost. It will undoubtedly be a boon not only to laymen but also to nature cure practitioners as a reference guide because of its practical utility.
Nature cure has carved a niche in the realm of curative sciences in our country and abroad, though the protagonists of the drugless healing system have included many other unorthodox treatments in their curative disciplines. Nature cure, through its correct application brings about amazing changes that baffle the practitioners of modern medicine, devoid as it is of the crippling side-effects of drug treatment. The all-pervading truth is that nature alone possesses the power of healing. There are not many institutions which cater to this system. Hence, many patients cannot take advantage of it. Dr. Bakhru’s book in this revised edition with complete treatment charts and illustrations will serve as a useful guide to those who wish to treat themselves through this system at home."
Delhi: Pashupati Printers, 2017
613.2 BAK d
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"DIET CURE FOR COMMON AILMENTS covers the whole gamut of ailments which can be cured by proper food habits and regulation of one’s life, without recourse to medicinal treatment. The book is based on the theories and fundamentals of nature cure that go to preserve health and vitality and regain these when lost. It will undoubtedly be a boon not only to laymen but also to nature cure practitioners as a reference guide because of its practical utility.
Nature cure has carved a niche in the realm of curative sciences in our country and abroad, though the protagonists of the drugless healing system have included many other unorthodox treatments in their curative disciplines. Nature cure, through its correct application brings about amazing changes that baffle the practitioners of modern medicine, devoid as it is of the crippling side-effects of drug treatment. The all-pervading truth is that nature alone possesses the power of healing. There are not many institutions which cater to this system. Hence, many patients cannot take advantage of it. Dr. Bakhru’s book in this revised edition with complete treatment charts and illustrations will serve as a useful guide to those who wish to treat themselves through this system at home."
Delhi: Pashupati Printers, 2017
613.2 BAK d
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
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