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Nightingale, Florence
London : Churchill livingstone , 1980
610.73 NIG n
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Skeet, Muriel
London : Churchill Livingstone , 1980
610.73 SKE n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Burgess, Lyall
[Place of publication not identified]: Cumberland College of Health Sciences, 1988
610.73 BUR m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nelson, Robyn M.
Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1998
610.73 NEL n
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jones, Janice
Jakarta: Erlangga, 2009
R 616.028 JON p
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lambert, A. Vickie
New Jersey: Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffts , 1985
610.73 LAM p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peni Cahyati
"Dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia di rumah sakit, terdapat proses untuk mengevaluasi prestasi kerja karyawan yang dikenal dengan istilah penilaian kinerja. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan sistem penilaian kinerja diantaranya adalah faktor peran karyawan sebagai penilai maupun yang diniiai. Untuk mengevaluasi sejauh mana sistem tersebut diterima oleh karyawan, salah satu teknik evaluasinya adalah dengan survey pendapat karyawan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang kepuasan perawat terhadap sistem penilaian kinerja. Desain yang digunakan deskriptif korelasi bersifat cross sectional, dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui instrumen pengukuran pemahaman dan kepuasan terhadap sistem penilaian kinerja, konsep yang digunakan merupakan modifikasi dari konsep-konsep penilaian kinerja dari Anderson (1993), Handoko (1995), Bernadine & Russet (1993), Steers (1985), Saydam (1996) dan Nawawi (2000) . Sampel penelitian adalah 117 orang perawat pelaksana yang bekerja di Rumah Sakit Metropolitan Medical Centre Jakarta dan pernah mendapatkan penilaian kinerja. Data kualitatif diperoleh melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD) terhadap sembilan orang perawat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perawat di Rumah Sakit Metropolitan Medical Centre Jakarta menyatakan puas dengan sistem penilaian kinerja dan pemahaman tentang sistem penilaian kinerja baik. Dari analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa umur, masa kerja dan tingkat pemahaman berhubungan dengan kepuasan terhadap sistem penilaian kinerja. Analisis multivariat memperoleh hasil masa kerja dan tingkat pemahaman berhubungan dengan kepuasan terhadap sistem penilaian kinerja, adapun yang paling dominan hubungannya dengan kepuasan terhadap sistem penilaian kinerja adalah. tingkat pemahaman 0=0,0005).
Analisis isi tentang kepuasan terhadap sistem penilaian kinerja, perawat menyatakan sistem penilaian kinerja dikaitkan dengan imbalan, syarat mengikuti pendidikan, syarat mendapatkan fasilitas lain, diumpanbalikkan dan dapat membedakan kinerja yang baik atau tidak baik. Sedangkan yang kurang memuaskan dan perlu ditingkatkan adalah penilai yang kurang obyektif dalam memberikan penilaian, umpan balik terlambat dan kurang arahan-arahan dari penilai.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini maka pihak manajemen Rumah Sakit Metropolitan Medical Centre disarankan perlu mempertahankan tingkat kepuasan dan evaluasi terhadap kepuasan hendaknya dilakukan secara berkala, karena kepuasan bukan hal yang menetap tetapi akan berubah setiap waktu sesuai dengan perubahan situasi.

Analysis on Factors Related With Nurses Satisfaction Toward The System of Work Evaluation at Metropolitan Medical Centre Hospital JakartaDiscussing human resources at a hospital, there is a process to evaluate the work achievement of employee that is well known as work evaluation. Some factors effecting work evaluation success are employee's role either as appraiser or as the object of the evaluation. One of techniques to evaluate how far the system is well accepted by employee is survey of employee's opinion.
This research is to obtain description on nurses' satisfaction on work evaluation system. The used design was descriptive correlation with cross sectional, and utilized methods were qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative data was attained through instrument of understanding measurement and satisfaction on the work evaluation system, the functioned concept constituted modification of several work evaluations of Anderson (1993), Handoko (1995), Bernadine & Russel (1993), Steers (1985), Saydam (1996) and Nawawi (2000. The sample research was 117 executing nurses who work at Metropolitan Medical Centre Hospital Jakarta. They once experienced work evaluation. The qualitative data was obtained through Focus discussion group on nine hospital attendants.
The results indicated that the nurses of Metropolitan Medical Centre Hospital Jakarta were satisfied with the work evaluation system and the understanding of the work evaluation was good. The bivariat analysis implied that age, year of work, and understanding level were related with satisfaction on work evaluation system. The multivariat analysis got the results that the year of work and understanding level were connected with satisfaction on the work evaluation system, and the most dominant factor related with the satisfaction toward the system of work evaluation was the understanding level (p 0.0005).
The content analysis of satisfaction work evaluation system and the nurses stated that the evaluation system connected with reward, requirement to join a training, and eligibility to get other facilities, were fed back and could differentiate which work is good or bad. Meanwhile something less satisfying and need to be enhanced was less objective grading, late feed back, and less direction of grader.
Based on the research it is recommended that the Metropolitan Medical Centre Hospital Jakarta should keep the satisfaction level and the evaluation on the satisfaction should be carried out periodically since the satisfaction is not something constant but changeable anytime as the situation drag to change.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amir Farouk
"Salah satu faktor yang menentukan mutu dari pendidikan keperawatan adalah faktor tenaga pengajar/dosen yang mengelola mata ajaran atau proses pendidikan secara keseluruhan. Jika dosen dapat melaksanakan tugas sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada, maka diyakini kualitas pendidikan ditempat tersebut dapat meningkat. Kurang/tidak berjalannya fungsi dosen dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor pula, diantaranya ketidakpuasan terhadap pekerjaannya atau terhadap lingkungan dari pekerjaan itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu masalah kepuasan kerja perlu mendapat perhatian dari pengelola/pemilik institusi pendidikan keperawatan.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat kepuasan kerja dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepuasan kerja staf pengajar tetap akper swasta dan pemda di Propinsi Jambi. Desain yang digunakan adalah desain Cross Sectional dengan metoda survey dan analisa kuantitatif. Beberapa variabel yang diduga berhubungan dengan kepuasan kerja dibatasi pada faktor karakteristik demografi yaitu umur, jenis kelamin, dan status perkawinan, serta faktor pekerjaan yang terdiri dari status kepegawaian, masa kerja, sumber penghasilan dan beban kerja. Pengumpulan data mempergunakan alat ukur berupa kuesioner dengan pertanyaan tertutup baik terhadap variabel independen maupun variabel dependen, dengan terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua dosen tetap pada ketiga akademi keperawatan, karena jumlah populasi hanya 55 orang maka sampel yang diambil adalah semua dosen tersebut (total populasi).
Analisa bivariat mempergunakan analisa statistik berupa uji regresi linear sederhana dan uji-t independen, sedangkan analisa multivariat dengan uji regresi linear ganda. Dan analisa univariat ditemukan responden yang paling muda berusia 23 tahun dan paling tua 52 tahun, 41,8 % laki-laki dan perempuan 58,2% serta yang sudah kawin 61,8%. Sedangkan yang berstatus PNS 52,7% dan bersumber penghasilan banyak 54,5% serta beban kerja berat 63,6% Dari analisa bivariat terdapat hubungan antara umur, masa kerja, sumber penghasilan dan beban kerja dengan kepuasan kerja. Tetapi secara analisa multivariat hanya umur dan masa kerja yang berhubungan dengan kepuasan kerja. Dari kedua variabel tersebut yang paling besar pengaruhnya terhadap kepuasan kerja staf akper swasta dan pemda Propinsi Jambi adalah variabel masa kerja, karena memiliki nilai koefisen regresi (b) atau nilai beta yang lebih tinggi.
Disarankan kepada pengelola/pemilik akper swasta dan pemda di Propinsi Jambi agar menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan pemikiran dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan staf, sehingga tercipta tingkat kepuasan kerja yang tinggi dari staf yang bersangkutan.

One of the factors that determines the quality of nursing education is teaching staffllecturers who organize the courses in particular or educational process in general. If lecturers can do their tasks in compliance with the existing stipulation, it is believed that the quality of education in the concerned place will be improved. The fact that the function of lecturers does not work is also due to a number of factors, one of which is the dissatisfaction of the lecturers to their job and work environment. The concern of this work satisfaction, therefore, need to be paid strong attention by the organizerslowners of the nursing educational institutions.
The objective of this research is to figure out the level of work satisfaction and to identify factors related to work satisfaction of permanent teaching staff of private and regional government-owned nursing academies in Jambi province. The design applied is cross sectional design through survey and quantitative analysis. Some variables that were hypothesized to have correlation with work satisfaction were limited to those of demographic characteristics, that is: age, sex, and marital status as well as work factors consisting of employment status, working years, source of income and work burden. Data were collected through questionaire with closed questions both to independent variables and dependent variables. Prior to this, validity and realibility test was carried out. The population of this research is all permanent lecturers at the three nursing test was carried out. The population of this research is all permanent lecturers at the three nursing academies. Because the population number is only 55 lecturers, so all of them were taken as samples. Statistical analysis applied in bivariat analysis are simple linear regression test and independent T-test while multivariat analysis applies double linear regresion test.
From univariat analysis, it is identified that the youngest respondent is 23 years old and the oldest is 52 years old. 41,8% of respondent are male and 58,2% are female and 61,8% are married, 52,7% are government employees, 54,5% have many sources of income and 63,6% of respondent have heavy work burden. Bivariat analysis shows that there is significant correlation between age, working years, source of income and work burden and work satisfaction, while multivariate analysis shows that only age and working years have correlation with work satisfaction. And from the two variables, working years has the bigger influence on work satisfaction of teaching staff of private and regional government-owned nursing academies in Iambi province, because it has higher regresion co-efficient as and Beta values.
It is suggested that organizer/owner of private and government - owned academy make use of the result of this research as means of consideration and thought in the framework of fulfilling staff needs so as to realize the establishment of high level of work satisfaction of the concerned staff."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ago Harlim
"Sejak Indonesia ikut dilanda krisis ekonomi, kompetisi antara rumah sakit sebagai pemberi jasa pelayanan kesehatan makin ketat, dimana rumah sakit saling bertahan untuk tetap hidup sementara daya beli masyarakat yang makin rendah dan biaya hidup yang makin meningkat. Oleh karena itu rumah sakit dituntut untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanannya, dan salah satu ukuran mutu rumah sakit adalah survey kepuasan pasien atas layanan keperawatan.
Walaupun kepuasan pasien atas layanan keperawatan bukan satu-satunya pertimbangan, namun merupakan hal yang penting mengingat kedudukan perawat yang sangat erat dalam berhubungan dengan pasien, yang oleh penulis disebut sebagai "The Major Caring Profession" (Krowinski W. & Steiber S., 1996)
Hasil beberapa penelitian juga menyatakan lebih dari 40 % kepuasan pasien terhadap rawat inap rumah sakit ditentukan oleh keperawatan.
Pada penelitian ini ingin diketahui tingkat kepuasan umum pasien atas layanan keperawatan rawat inap yang meliputi faktor-faktor yang diuji yaitu :
1. Ketrampilan perawat
2. Komunikasi perawat
3. Kepedulian perawat
4. Ketanggapan perawat terhadap masalah pasien
5. Respon perawat terhadap panggilan pasien
Analisa bivariat 1 Student `t' test dan multivariat 1 regresi logistik yang digunakan untuk uji rata-rata skor kepuasan pada faktor layanan keperawatan dan analisa Chi-square digunakan untuk bentuk katagorik. Hasil penelitian ini ternyata persepsi pasien atas layanan umum keperawatan rawat inap mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan semua faktor layanan keperawatan yang diuji dan hanya jenis kelamin dari karakteristik pasien yang berhubungan dengan tingkat kepuasan umum atas layanan keperawatan. Kelas perawatan dimana pasien dirawat tidak berhubungan dengan tingkat kepuasan umum pasien atas layanan keperawatan.
Diantara faktor layanan keperawatan rawat inap ternyata respon terhadap panggilan merupakan faktor yang paling berperan dalam menentukan tingkat kepuasan umum pasien atas layanan keperawatan (Wald = 8,9705).
Sesuai dengan hipotesa peneliti, bahwa faktor respon terhadap panggilan merupakan faktor yang paling berperan karena di Indonesia masih kurang tenaga perawat yang profesional dalam arti pekerjaan mendatangi panggilan dapat dikerjakan oleh siapa saja, perawat dengan latar belakang pendidikan apa saja, sebab tindakan ini dapat dilakukan tanpa pemikiran mendalam.
Kepada RSUD Bekasi disarankan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan dan kepedulian perawatnya sehingga perawat RSUD Bekasi akan menjadi lebih profesional dan memenuhi kaidah pelayanan keperawatan yang bertendensi : bio-psiko-social-kultural-spiritual.
Daftar bacaan : 40 (1959 - 1997)

Perception of Inpatient Satisfaction on Nursing Care at Bekasi Public Hospital 2000
Since Indonesia has been crashed in economic crisis, competition among hospitals as provider of health services become more tied. Every hospital struggle to be survive, while ability to pay from the people are decreasing and the cost of living is increasing.
Therefore, demand to increase the quality of services challenges every hospital. One of the measurements of hospital's quality is survey about patient satisfaction on nursing services.
Although patient satisfaction on nursing services is not the only one judgment but it is an important matter. It is due to the position of nurses which has a close relation mention by the writer as "the major caring profession".
Some research findings state more than 40 % of patient satisfaction to the hospital services contributes by nursing care (Krowinski W. & Steiber S., 1996).
The purpose of this study is to obtain level of inpatient's satisfaction on nursing care which includes the following factors to be tested statistically, as follows :
1. Skills of nursing staff assigned
2. Communication skills with patient
3. Care and concern shown by nurses
4. Nurse's responses to patients need
5. Nurse response to on-call request
The analysis of bivariate I student `t' test and multivariate 1 logistic regression will be used to examine the difference between means score of satisfaction on factor of nursing services and the analysis of Chi-square are used for categoric scates. The result is patient's perception on nursing care has significant correlation with all the factors of the nursing care. On the other hand, only sex variable of the characteristic of patient. has significant correlation. Patient's class has no correlation with inpatients satisfaction of the nursing care (Wald = 8.9705).
Among factors of nursing care, response to patient's call as the most significant factors to the level of inpatient's satisfaction on nursing care. According to hypothesis of this study, it is due to the Iack of professional nurse in Indonesia; in the other word, the activity to come to the patient's call is simple, this activity can be addressed by all nurses regardless back ground of study.
To Bekasi Public Hospital, it is recommended to increase the skill and carry of the nurses so that this hospital may become more professional and fulfill the philosophy of the nursing care to serve holistically : bio-psycho-social-cultural and spiritual.
Bibliography : 40 (1959 - 1997)"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ira Kusumawaty
"Pendokumentasian proses keperawatan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang sangat krusial, karena dapat menjadi bukti bahwa segala tindakan perawat telah dilaksanakan secara profesional dan legal sehingga dapat melindungi klien selaku penerima jasa pelayanan dan perawat selaku pemberi jasa pelayanan keperawatan. Kualitas pendokumentasian ini sangat tergantung pada kompetensi perawat pelaksana sebagai tenaga inti dan dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, yaitu dari perawat bersangkutan maupun supervisi kepala ruangan sebagai salah satu bentuk kegiatan manajerial.
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka penelitian berupaya mengidentifikasi hubungan antara pemahaman perawat pelaksana tentang proses keperawatan dan persepsinya terhadap fungsi supervisi kepala ruangan, dengan tetap mempertimbangkan variabel karakteristik perawat pelaksana yang dapat mempengaruhi pemahaman dan persepsi yang terjadi.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di RS. Karya Bhakti Bogor dan merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan rancangan deskriptif korelasi dan bersifat cross sectional. Pada penelitian kuantitatif dilaksanakan dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 91 responden perawat pelaksana yang bekerja di ruang rawat inap serta tidak memberikan perawatan intensif. Sedangkan penelitian kualitatif dilaksanakan melalui pelaksanaan diskusi kelompok terarah, dengan mengajukan empat pertanyaan terbuka kepada 10 responder. Hasil penelitian kuantitatif dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Berdasarkan analisis univariat diketahui bahwa secara rata-rata pemahaman perawat pelaksana terhadap proses keperawatan dan kompetensi mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan sudah cukup baik. Pemahaman ini tidak dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang pendidikan, jumlah pelatihan yang telah diikuti dan masa kerja. Terungkap pula bahwa perawat rata-rata mempersepsikan kepala ruangan masih belum cukup optimal dalam melaksanakan supervisi terhadap pendokumentasian proses keperawatan. Selanjutnya analisis bivariat memperlihatkan pertama, adanya hubungan bermakna yang sedang dan berpola positif antara pemahaman terhadap pendokumentasian proses keperawatan dengan kompetensi mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan. Kedua, adanya hubungan bermakna yang sedang dan berpola positif antara persepsi terhadap pengarahan sebagai salah satu fungsi supervisi dengan kompetensi mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan. Kemudian berdasarkan analisis multivariat diketahui bahwa variabel babas yang berhubungan paling erat dengan variabel terikat adalah variabel pemahaman terhadap proses keperawatan dan bimbingan sebagai salah satu bentuk fungsi supervisi. Namun diantara kedua variabel tersebut, variabel bimbingan memiliki kemampuan lebih besar dalam memprediksi kompetensi perawat dalam mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan, jika variabel lain dalam keadaan konstan.
Sedangkan hasil penelitian kualitatif yang diperoleh melalui diskusi kelompok terarah menyimpulkan bahwa perawat pelaksana merasakan kompetensinya masih belum optimal, memerlukan tambahan pengetahuan baik melalui pendidikan formal maupun non formal. Selain itu supervisi kepala ruangan sangat diperlukan guna meningkatkan kompetensi perawat pelaksana dalam mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan.
Adapun saran yang peneliti ajukan kepada kepala ruangan adalah mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan bimbingan kepada perawat pelaksana dan perawat pelaksana diharapkan meningkatkan pemahamannya terhadap proses keperawatan. Sub bidang keperawatan disarankan melakukan upaya-upaya yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman proses keperawatan dan fungsi supervisi. Direktur rumah sakit dianjurkan untuk menyusun kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan sistem penghargaan terhadap kegiatan pendokumentasian dan supervisi serta pengaruhnya terhadap jenjang karir perawat. Selanjutnya kepada pihak pendidikan diharapkan agar lebih banyak memberikan latihan kasus. Peneliti lain seyogyanya memperdalam penelitian kualitatif jika ingin meneliti bidang yang sama.

Relationship between Understanding on Nursing Process and Function of Supervision with Competency to Document Nursing Process at Karya Bhakti Hospital BogorNursing process documenting is a crucial activity because it could be a proof that all nurses' actions have been done professionally and legally so it could protect client as service receiver and nurses as nursing service grantor. The quality of this documentation depends on executing nurses' competency as core personnel and could be influenced by same factors, namely the nurses themselves, or unit manager's supervisory as a managerial activity.
Pertaining to the case above, the conductor of this research tried to identify relation between executing nurse's understanding on the nursing process and their perception to unit manager's supervisory function, yet the conductor still consider executing nurses' characteristic variable that could effect an understanding and perception that occurred.
This research was carried out at Karya Bhakti Hospital Bogor and constitutes qualitative and quantitative research with descriptive correlation design and had cross sectional nature, The quantitative research was run by distributing questioner to 91 respondents of executing nurses who work at inpatient unit and they do not serve intensive nursing. Meanwhile the qualitative one was carried out through focused group discussion by presenting four open questions to 10 respondents.
The quantitative research was analyzed in univariat, bivariat and multivariat way. Based on the univariat analysis, it was known that in average, executing nurses' understanding on nursing process and competency to document nursing process was good enough. This understanding was not influenced with educational background, number attaining that has been attended and tenure. And it was also disclosed that they percept unit manager less- enough-optimal in handling supervisory toward nursing process documentation. Further, bivariat analysis indicated first, there was a moderate and positive significant relation between understanding on nursing process documentation and competency to document nursing process. Second, there was a moderate and positive significant relation between perception on direction as one of supervisory function and competency to document nursing process. And then, based on multivariate analysis, it was comprehended that the independent variable most related with dependent variable understood of nursing process and guiding, as one of supervisory functions. Yet among the two variables, guiding variables had bigger ability in forecasting nurses' competency in documenting nursing process provided that the other variables were in constant situation.
In the same time. the qualitative research that gained through focused group discussion concluded that executing nurses felt that the competency had not been optimal. It still needed extended knowledge either through formal education or non-formal one. Besides, the unit manager's supervisory was badly needed to improve executing nurses' competency in documenting nursing process.
The researcher recommended that unit manager should optimize guiding implementation to the executing nurses, the executing nurses is expected to enhance their understanding on the nursing process. Sub nursing division should carry out some efforts to increase : understanding on nursing process and supervisory function. The director of the hospital is suggested to compose some policies in line with rewarding system to documentation and supervisory activities as well as their influence to nurses' career stage. And finally the education and training division in learning process should grant more cases training. And the further researcher should utilize and deepen qualitative research when they wish to conduct the same research."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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